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четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.

Money for the people and never will be

 Alexei Kudrin, gave a lecture to students of the Higher School of Economics and again all proved that the Treasury has no scientific understanding of money and acting against the interests of the people. According to Kudrin, it turns out that money from Russia, one harm. But, it's a whole believes Kudrin, and in particular the Finance Minister is always happy when he fall to an extra dollar. If we take the philosophical understanding of money, such as expressed by Marx, that the money - it alienated a generic human essence, the basis of interpretation Kudrin, we can conclude - the essence of man is opposed to the man himself, and this means that a person does not control the situation, does not belong to myself themselves and dead matter manages a living soul. In real life, we see the domination of commodity tycoons and financial oligarchy, acting against the Russian people. He started his lecture with a statement of facts, on principle: I can see it and sing (now the oil price is such and such and such will be something, and it can not be precisely predicted, the proportion of EC in exports rose from 51,2% to 63 3%, and so on), Kudrin said again, trying anything sensible to say about money given to the students that "not yet time to waste - you need to save more and more control over money supply" (apparently, Alexei Kudrin, somewhere over receives the information, and therefore knows when the time comes to spend) and two mutually exclusive approach of monetary policy, which naturally leads to clinch in their implementation, if we assume that both the designated areas will be implemented. "The government should make an adequate amount of money commodity circulation in the country, that is to sterilize the money supply, removing some of the money out of circulation", - told the students, Alexei Kudrin, and immediately said that the strengthening of the ruble, "reduces our competitiveness and does not increase productivity" ; it is "good only for people whose salary increases in dollar terms, but detrimental to businesses, because it helps to reduce their own costs of production." As you can see, the finance minister, on the one hand, advocates the sterilization of monetary income from the sale of raw materials, reducing the money supply and simultaneously seeking to act against the ruble. And what, one asks, leads sterilization of money? It is, I think it is perfectly understood and Kudrin, leads to a strengthening of the ruble. The less money opposes mass of commodities, the more expensive currency. So what do you want? Have a weak ruble, high inflation, and the pursuit of dollars, or sterilization, and accordingly the strengthening of the ruble. Between these two tasks, as if torn soul Kudrin. In fact, Kudrin clear policy for raw material monopolies and financial oligarchies. For raw material monopolies is very advantageous to have a weak ruble, and therefore, Kudrin said that the strong ruble reduces the competitiveness of enterprises, considering that in Russia only commodity monopolies exist, and the financial oligarchy wants to get as much Russian money, so the minister and the scratching of sterilization: "Allowing for inflation and more spending now, we undermine our future, our chance to build a modern innovative economy!" There ought to clarify - our economy, it's someone? In his lecture, Kudrin assured the audience that needed to replenish the Stabilization Fund is much more active than now and again repeated, reassuring for the people bike, that the stabilization fund for Russia - the airbag in the event that oil prices will fall much, plus it will protect our economy of unplanned and unwanted inflation strengthening the national currency. Although, about the fact that these funds are used to curb the growth of the ruble, Kudrin, and told the truth. What is the essence of such a policy is clearly shown on the site's forum "Politucheba" The fact that stores the Stabilization Fund, and where its funds invested, Kudrin chose not to speak, stating only that "the money, as it were withdrawn from circulation in the economy, and not wasted." On the other hand criticized the Central Bank and the government, saying that because of high oil prices, and inconsistent policies of the Central Bank "money into the economy comes more than required", and the government all the preceding years "does not cope with sterilization of money" in full. "The result of that was? - Questions Kudrin and he himself answered: - Excessive appreciation of the ruble and higher inflation than we planned. " "With the forecast of inflation the Government always wrong." In simple terms, the Finance Ministry, the following tasks: providing raw monopoly of cheap labor, and received, as a result of this profit, send in the hand of certain persons, and Kudrin openly talking about it. Therefore, all the talk about fighting inflation and remain talking. Therefore, the government all the time and went beyond their planned as inflation. In reality, the Ministry of Finance performs a single task: to provide today's profits to owners of the country, and Kudrin is trying to do my best, constantly repeating: "The amount of money in the economy we are in control is bad, the money supply should be sterilized more tightly." And even willing to blame the saboteurs who are ready to spend more money on the needs of the people, to raise salaries and pensions, on the development of the productive sector of the economy. You can not raise salaries - screams Kudrin, since he seems to have a salary does not live. All politicians and ministers of the saboteurs, who proposes to increase social spending! Of course, we agree, saboteurs. Here are just Kudrin, offering even more to fight the Russian citizens who did not take in the sense that if current policies and ministers will, for the people, living conditions are unbearable at all, then this authority, including himself Kudrin, will cease to be in power. And not all politicians, and, possibly, the ministers are kept by the financial oligarchy and raw material monopolies. Vitaly Glukhov 07.03.2007, the Materials on the subject: Where firewood? http://rpr.ur.ru/article/ODSF.zip; Whose interests are protected, Alexei Kudrin? http://rpr.ur.ru/article/CHIZAK.zip; Invincible and uncontrolled inflation. http://rpr.ur.ru/article/NiNI.zip; The suffering of the Stabilization Fund. http://rpr.ur.ru/article/SoSF.zip. August 2006. http://rpr.ur.ru/article/AUGUST.doc.

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