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четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.

Revolution or evolution?

 Newton's first law - the law of inertia, which states that if the body is in motion, it can not stop, or change the direction of speed, until it will not affect the external force acting not only in physics but also in the political life of society. And today our reality clearly demonstrates this. Russian society since the collapse of the Soviet Union has undergone significant changes. People far advanced in its political development. The lessons were not lost. And the powers that be, from the liberal bureaucrats in the government, and ending with the mayors of cities, as well as deputies of different levels and continue by inertia pose as fathers of the fatherland, taking care of people is subject, which can only listen and do it. They continue to tell us how they are struggling with higher living standards continue to portray caring bosses who think about the roads, factories, stations, schools, hospitals, people are just not getting any better way, the plants stop electricity prices only rising, pension, both were $ 50, so these remain, the main income of the population does not grow, and various bureaucratic exactions only increase the population of the country continues to die out. The inertia of their thinking is great, and they continue despite the changes that occurred in 1991, to represent themselves as members of the hierarchy of civil servants, supposedly classless single state, the crucial issues of common development. But, unlike the modern bureaucracy, Soviet officials took care of the universal growth of capital, the state monopoly, due to the fact that it was the source of their total wealth and power. Today the same Russian officials, exhibit their concern production as one way to preserve their privileged status, enabling them to extract dividends for himself. Both the government decided to reduce the taxes oil companies, it is clearly demonstrated. Oil prices on the world market, grow and oil every day to increase their income, but that it is not enough. They are important not only to get a profit from selling oil on world markets, but within the country not to lose a penny, and passing once more to make the government bend over backwards in their direction. For this purpose, oil tycoons and made petrol war, which ended their successful victory and yet another tax cut for oil companies. And while the government continues to pretend to be a technocratic body, decisive, ostensibly, the problem of overall development. They say that an increase in GDP, while silent about that 90% of growth will fall into the pockets of officials and oligarchs, and citizens and will receive a salary of not more than $ 200, they constantly repeat that they are worried about inflation, and themselves to it, and unwind , increasing tariffs and increasing the money supply, they talk about the capitalization and promote the export of capital, they are pumped out of the country's economy all means, and argue that the natural resource rent, they claim that will provide in 2007, the convertibility of the ruble and do nothing for him strengthening and development of commodity production, they draw graphs and charts, trying to give his view of science, but in fact serve the central bureaucracy and oligarchy. And continue it hard to do, no one is listening, despite criticism that sounds even a series of presidential advisers. As stated recently adviser to the president of the Russian Federation on economic issues Andrei Illarionov: "The destructive power industry reform, the establishment of excessive tariffs on products of infrastructure monopolies, are taken from the pockets of fellow billions of dollars in protection against the Russian automotive industry - with the policy of the MEDT, high rates of economic growth in Russia is really impossible. " But these threatening statements Illarionov did not frighten members of government who continue their predatory policies. How not to scare them and loud statements Zhirinovsky, or right-wing Democrats who most often and are empty statements, rend the air. Members of government is one his firm: the ruble is harmful to our economy, although it is bad for commodity barons and the government itself, additional investments are harmful to our economy, "money from the state at the same time too much and too little", aerobatics lies and obfuscation everyman and at the same time, it seems that they are absolutely sure of their statements. After all, say captains of capitalist economy, "experts" of his case. Here are just a lead they ship will not go where most people seek. And capital are fleeing from this ship, not to mention the intolerable working conditions of sailors. "Net capital outflow from Russia in the first half of 2005 amounted to 5.5 billion dollars" - as stated by the head of the MEDT German Gref, explaining capital flight failure of the Russian economy "to digest the increased inflow of petrodollars." This statement Gref said that the captains of our capitalist economy does not know the laws of navigation, the laws of motion of capital, and continue to call the bulging of the Russian economy the money through the sale of oil and petrodollars. Yes, moreover, do not perform their work in compliance with the course of stable economic growth. Or just lying, concealing their true interests. Capital can always find a use, if there is sufficient profit, and there's various bureaucratic restrictions. Capital move in the pursuit of high profit margins, and these profits in Russia can be obtained, but only have to share with officials, as all the major areas for investment capital is already divided. And the owners of these areas of excess capital to nothing, as add-on application of capital will lead to a drop in the average profit rate. And our captain, instead help to eliminate these bureaucratic barriers to capital move freely both in the country and from one area of activity to another, decided to create special economic zones. If before we had a special affluent areas, a model area was the Kremlin, for those in power now will be the special economic zone for the capital. But the special economic zone (SEZ), it is important as it is another 100 jobs with salaries of bureaucrats and cabinet, just in the center, and the ability to manage significant budgets. And they do not seem to matter that the establishment of such zones, violates the constitutional rights of citizens to equal rights and opportunities. They create these zones for the development of "whole" of the country. And the Constitution we have always been just a set of declarations, rather than actually working the law. Getting the same economic effect from introduction of the SEZ is very doubtful. Act on SEZ is more of a declarative nature, to enhance, in the eyes of the public, the status of the government. As the general director of ZAO Novouralsk "Automobiles and Motors of the Urals Paul Tchernavin, evaluating the law on SEZ:" The benefits referred to in the framework of the law on special economic zones, are more declarative. Real benefits to enterprises in these zones are not given. " Instead of reducing the tax burden for all citizens, instead of rising real wages of employees and pensions, instead of the normalization of economic relations and the liberation of business from bureaucratic arbitrariness, the government decided to create a special zone to demonstrate their achievements, it is advantageous to invest state money, but to increase the number of portfolios . If we carefully look into the activities of our captains of capitalist economy, we can clearly identify that they are not technicians, the leading ship in the interest of all, as biased by the representatives of big capital. They argue that investment to the country's ruinous and invest in securities of foreign states, and yet statistics show that 53% of Russian citizens are in need of buying an apartment or house. With half needing housing believe that will never be able to collect the amount needed to buy them. And this is not the only problem that could solve the capital, freed from the tutelage of liberal bureaucrats and pressure of monopolistic giants. Supporting the growth of tariffs for goods and services are monopolies, they help the growth of oligarchic capital, as it is easier and more interesting. And to conceal his obvious interest to the Government all the time and have to dodge a lie. Therefore, GDP is growing at the expense of a new system of calculation, and vegetable season reduces inflation. And here's how it reduces: Suppose petrol went up by 10%, fish - by 5%, bread - at 5%, meat - 12%, utilities at - 8%, which is a general rise in prices for the above products and services amounted to 8%, and grapes fell by 20%, melons - by 30%, potatoes - 10%, tomatoes - 20%, respectively, falling prices for vegetable products accounted for 20% and the overall picture of price changes on the submitted products , was minus 12%. How sweet it sounds - minus 12%. Only the gasoline you buy, for a month, 100 liters of bread - 120., Fish - 10 kg., For utilities to pay 1000 rubles, and watermelons buy 10 kg., 3 kg of grapes., 5 kg of tomatoes., Ie the first category of goods whose price rose by 8%, you will spend 5000 rubles, and overpay for 400 rubles more, while the second category, having spent 500 rubles and save - $ 100, that is, in general, your costs have increased by 300 rubles, and headline inflation minus 12%. These are the tricks of inflation calculations, use our rulers, shouting at each corner, that the seasonal decline in prices for fruits and vegetables to rectify the situation with inflation. For the purpose of preserving and increasing profits of the central bureaucracy and the oligarchs is maintained and bustle around the law "On the consumer basket, which power is so necessary to restrain the growth of wages and pensions, explaining everything" scientifically "reasonable level of consumption. That's just get these "scientifically" reasonable means possible. But our rulers at all uneasy, and the pursuit of profit, they could "scientifically" justify and consumption of hay in the diet of the workers, but only to work then who will. In nation-building and political life today, we see how, from a desire to preserve and conserve the existing relations, the powers of one-party regime of restoring systems, but in the new environment. One gets the feeling that the Communist Party is the restoration: the faces are the same, and the same attitude towards their own people, and the same pokazushnaya care about the people, the same unanimity "odobryams. We can say that circle. The political system responsible monopoly capital, led by the Communist Party is gone. And now, after the division of state property in general, newly formed owners' political need arose to take shape. Create for itself a political roof. So they took shape in the form of United Russia, becoming the followers of the Communist Party. Only the Communist Party at least doing something for the development of the state monopoly, covering his tyranny and dictatorship, and "United Russia", simply and cynically robbing people, arranging his men in public office and giving yourself a tasty morsel, in business. Their latest bureaucratic innovations, as the law on political parties, the appointment of governors and the amendments to the electoral law, the officials completely removed the people from power and deprived of his right of legislative initiative. By talking about democracy, protecting the interests of the people, the fight against terrorism, the bureaucracy had taken all the levers of power in their hands. And to reassure the people planted the Law on Local Self-Government ", which is no real rights of the people does not. Authorities made it clear: swarming in his municipality, divide Three crusts of bread, and put your nose in public affairs. Authoritarian power of big capital, formed after the division of state property, which serves only to himself, has strengthened its position and pulled down the drain the public lift, emerged in the wake of restructuring. And now making up various projects like the Public Chamber that can captivate naive citizens and give meaning to the power itself. This is the evolution of the existing state system of which our modest academics call a "clean". This evolution is leading the country towards extinction and degradation in the enrichment of a handful of oligarchs close to power, and the impoverishment of the majority. This evolution is satisfied with only a small part of society and can not suit the people of Russia. Need to recognize that Russia, as before the collapse of the Soviet Union, ruled by the party-economic elite, but not as a monolithic body, and in several warring clans. One "bit off" his oil and gas, others - power station and still others - ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, fifth - just profited on the looting of factories pumped out every last penny and drove thousands of workers on the street, the sixth - medical institutions and universities . And now they are fighting for power. To further continue to assign someone else's property, so as to avoid punishment for crimes already committed. This is a struggle between the ruling business communities, sometimes takes wide scope and breaks out. Then, more powerful grouping, presents himself a defender of the interests of all people, Russian patriot and fighter against corruption and the losers are beginning to pose as the opposition, excite and encourage the people to overthrow the winners, accusing them of all sins, not forgetting its long-standing cooperation. How long will it rot is difficult to say, but today we can say that the illusion of universality overcome. That the Government servants of oligarchs do not have faith. And how can one hope for a government that does not depend on the opinions and wishes of the people. In which people appear as devils of the woodwork. When a country is ruled by people whom nobody elected. Appoint them there to protect the interests of the bureaucracy and the oligarchs, and they faithfully perform its task. Therefore, all of their reforms turn out for the people, cost of living and additional humiliation. This system is an authoritarian state run its course and became a stumbling block to the development of the country. Its evolutionary movement is only a scaling back of democracy, to restrict people's rights and freedoms of cuts. How can one hope for the positive transformation of the government when the government daily exerts its anti-national character. While monopoly calculate their profits in the billions of dollars when the budget surplus of hundreds of billions of rubles, when the contents of officials is growing, where the cost of the presidential administration are comparable with the annual budget of three million, they are deprived of school age 4-grade supplements to food 2 rubles 60 kopecks, and strongly oppose an increase in child allowances. "Great," economists from the government found to produce than the savings. What else, they ask, need proof and evidence of the reactionary government. Naturally, this situation can not suit the working masses. And today we see how in different areas of the country there are protests by employees to protect their living standards. And then the whole country, as teachers and doctors. The country is waking up. The country is moving inevitably to revolution. But it is visible and other things that people do not see the relationship of their plight with the existing system of government. Therefore, does not protest against the reactionary amendments to the electoral law, against such a reaction conversion, the system of government as the appointment of governors. Yes! The system of gubernatorial elections were not perfect. Yes! Many governors, being in uncontrolled vacuum to become actively involved in the division of property and plunder the budget, following the example of the center. But, perhaps perfect electoral system the president and the parliament? And if you found out the facts on the ground of abuse of power, why did nothing prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies? Why not be held responsible for stealing the officials? Yes, all because of the central bureaucracy, which relies on local, and it is important not to rule of law and order, and unquestioning obedience. Therefore, the proposed reforms to the restrictions and so stripped-down democracy. Truncated, two-chamber parliament, as the senators, if you can call the senators appointed by the people, are very far from the real interests of the people, and vast presidential powers. And for anybody not a secret that the parliament has the right, the smaller the chances of the ordinary citizen to get there, the less democracy, the less people have the opportunity to defend their rights. This bill bureaucracy once again expressed confidence in citizens and questioned their ability to correctly identify the direction by the development. Once again, she tries to prove that knows best interests and demands of the people are actually pursuing their own vested interests. But when it comes to specific cases, raising the living standards of citizens, building roads, improving productivity, housing and so on, the bureaucracy is impotent, and begins to invent a variety of excuses. So do not have illusions that increased bureaucracy, will improve the lives of ordinary citizens. Russia has always had a strong state apparatus, and absolutely no security of the citizen. The results of the ongoing violence by the state over society, we mopped up so far and still no end in sight. Many of our fellow citizens, horrified oligarchic dictatorship, calling for a return to the past, the state with comprehensive state-owned, totally not realizing that this control system is proizrosla from the past, and the return is nothing but a reaction. Do not realize that only a movement towards the development of the most participatory democracy, and the removal of various structures that impede the realization of people's rights and freedoms, could ensure a stable and gradual development of the country. And these rights to the people no one will until the people they did not take. That large property owners and representatives of the bureaucracy will never abandon their profits voluntarily. That only concerted pressure on the systems of government, can change the course and direction of its destructive course. And this is only possible as a result of the revolution, capable of lifting the masses to the politically active participation in the transformation of Russia and its transformation from an authoritarian, decaying into a democratic republic. Vitaly Glukhov.

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