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четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.


  Philosophical concerns. Moscow events on October 3-4 this year (1993) shocked the nation and made the final and complete chaos in the social consciousness of Russian citizens.
Not that before the events of our minds was not chaotic and possess at least some sense. No, the consciousness of society was quite pointless and 3-4 October. Just prior to this dramatic period of chaos in the public mind had some semblance of "order", showed no kind of "prudence" and acknowledged authority on himself at least some "rules".
Now, alas, even this minimum is not in sight!
Judge for yourself. State - this is what a society subject without all the conversations. More precisely, first subject, and then to say the same ... Beginning on September 21 right before our eyes the Russian State is literally divided within itself. And one of his half went to the other half. Simply put, opposed the very same myself!
World history shows confident and clear: when in human society there is, then begins an era of great public folly. People lose the general, no one under discussion, and therefore absolutely reliable rule of his public conduct of all with respect to each and each against all. Collapsed "public mind" and comes neotvratnoe universal grief ...
When at the very top of the State is divided inside itself (against the President of the Supreme Council, and vice versa), it clearly indicates that there has been a long time ripe split between the "top of the state" and state "as such." And this split, in turn, clearly indicates that the dramatic conflict between the state as such "and the Nation, finally reached its climax. In other words, the state to such an extent "izvertelos" that unscrew from the final reasonable and industrious hands of their own people. And thus, finally lost, by itself, any real meaning.
What does this mean?
And does it mean, neither more nor less than that now needs to happen one of two things: either the people themselves, relying on his hardworking nature and sociality, fully demonstrating the public mind, to restore public reason, that is the law. Or else, without even so, he will give the final universal folly, completed the Russian drama of the twentieth century with respect to himself.
Let's assume that we are witnessing (and participating) of the first, not second. This means that all of us have an urgent problem, namely: what happened in Moscow on 3-4 October 1993 should be explained and reasonable to understand? Let's try to make it as far as our modest forces.
The first and most important social meaning of events in Moscow is that if journalists had a craving for truth obkomovsky "carpet", but now for lying to them shooting from grenade launchers and ram head on a heavy truck.
It is important to understand well: that, like the private, the fact that recent events are a fundamental feature of the Russian drama of the twentieth century.
Who is confronted on the streets of Moscow in early October? The answer seems to be obvious: the executive (presidential) and the legislature the supreme power. But it is only at first glance. Upon closer examination we see that directly October 3 and 4 in a desperate car ram each faced two very, very peculiar social forces. Namely: on the one hand and B. Anpilov General A. Makashov. And Boris Yeltsin - from the other.
Define a-ka a question: is there a clash of these parties a reasonable, that is popular, meaning?
All that we have now - come from the recent past. Who are they, in this very recent past - Anpilov, Yeltsin, Makashov?
Short and quite exhaustive answer might be: all three of them - it's bitter political opponents of the political masters of folk life, namely: Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Ryzhkov and other similar other ... hiding under the name of the Politburo. "
Of course, the circumstances of the principal political intransigence in relation to this the Politburo of the persons of interest to us here, can and should be clarified.
- Boris Yeltsin. The old party member. Showed his brilliant ability to control the Russian state with the help of the Party (in the scale of the Middle Urals). In 1987, for positions 1 st Secretary of the CPSU MGK skillfully and resolutely began to implement the decisions of January 1987 (HR) Plenum of the Central Committee of the need to "subordinate unit of the party policy of perestroika." Following the motto proclaimed by Mikhail Gorbachev: "No policy for the device, and apparatus for policy," Boris Yeltsin in Moscow, the scale was to separate the state from the bureaucracy. Skillfully using the party to deprive Moscow (and in her face - the entire central!) Bureaucracy of private property in the Soviet state, Yeltsin met with a natural resistance to the latter. At the October 1987 Plenum of the CPSU and MC last, with Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Ligachev, Shevardnadze, Ryzhkov and others, dealt with the Yeltsin "in the order of party discipline."
What is the consequence of the above, public morality? The moral is: in 1987. (And later, until its withdrawal from the CPSU) Communist Yeltsin underwent a political reprisal for his party post by the intra-party anti-communism, represented by the then leadership of the Communist Party. For what? But for the honest performance of his party (and therefore the public, civic, moral and personal) debt to the people.
- Viktor Anpilov. Young Communist. Fulfill the duty of party ideology in the Soviet radio propaganda to Latin America. On a personal note, apparently sympathized with Ernesto "Che" Guevara. By political literacy was well aware of the meaning of events that sent the anti-communist (and therefore anti-Party and anti-state), the leadership of the Politburo.
In 1989, in parallel with the creation of MDY (Interregional Deputy Group, which included all of today were as free and unwitting destroyers of public reason), there was a serious social movement called "The Communist Initiative". This was the inner-and nonpartisan informal communist movement of citizens who, by virtue of his consciousness (without the permission of the authorities!), Sought to prevent the collapse of the state that began with the collapse of the party. This was the minimum objective.
The task of the maximum was: pointing to the fact departizatsii Russia, ie Russia's lack of its Communist Party and all that is connected with it, according to the strict laws of Party building and to give battle within the Communist Party of its anti-communist leadership, and building upon the party and nonparty mass honest Soviet citizens, to revive as the communist movement in the USSR and the secular national Russia's dignity.
For the unity of patriots and communists against anti-communist leadership Russophobes! - Such was the cry of "Communist initiatives. Viktor Anpilov, of course, the cry that is completely shared.
Of course, Gorbachev and K * is all very well understood. And because of that heavy weights on the Russian communist movement, a rope around his throat hung ... Ivan skid.
Those who do this skid-resisted Gorbachev's noose, forced and arranged EIF fall of 1991, in Sverdlovsk. A "Russian Communist Party (CP = RSFSR), constructed under the laws of the" anti-building, rested, as it must have happened.
- Albert Makashov. Seeing the drama of the Russian state and watching the fight ordinary Communist patriots with the guidance and the power of having anti-communists-Russophobes, Colonel-General A. Makashov as a military man, and consequently, the state could not stay away. To somehow prevent the ultimate destruction of the State, he joined the campaign for presidential elections in Russia. In the struggle for the character of the same destructive process, against which he and performed (ie the presidency), A. Makashov entered into an alliance with the Movement of Communist Initiative ". How? And taking his vice-presidential doctorate in economics Sergeeva. The economic program in the last presidential campaign was this: Yes, our nation has already turned into a pure state monopoly on domestic social wealth. But in order to eliminate the negative consequences of government property, you must not destroy it, and pass the state itself into the hands of all workers, but "not at all to pass on the next paper, but directly at the workplace. Therefore, Russia needs is not "privatization" and "Sovietization" of state property. Property no collapse, simply put ...
The result of this kontrnatiska ordinary Communist patriots now known: Gorbachev skid framed "on behalf" of the Russian communists ... Ryzhkov and the idea of Non-Party, Non-anti-Soviet revival of Russia discredited in the eyes of the people at all!
And what we'll have as a result of all this now?
Here's what: direct and honest representatives of the people who turned out to be a faithful and sold by the powerful anti-communists - Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Ligachev, Shevardnadze and Ryzhkov faced each other on the streets of Moscow head-on.
Shot grenade launcher that ordinary communists - Anpilov and Makashov - directed against all of us who have betrayed the party bosses, strange and irrational manner got into the MPs Boris Yeltsin, who by the same Bonzo, together with the people of Russia, betrayed and was sold!
And vice versa. Faithful and repressed his former party "bosses" Yeltsin sent Russian tanks vents are not against betrayed us all of the Politburo, but against the objective of his party's most reliable friends and political allies - and Anpilova Makashov! Sad, ironic, but true!
How was this strange fact, and why?
When the party anti-communists at the October plenum of the Central Committee and the CIM in 1987, dealt with Boris Yeltsin, they cunningly and treacherously put him to such a condition.
- Listen, Boris Nikolayevich, - in fact, invited him to Gorbachev - let's do so. If you remain disciplined Communist, then we will assume that you are in politics - "corpse." Well, if you still want to remain alive and influential political figure, then we will assume that you will act as a party apostate and anti-communist. Deal?
- An agreement - essentially agreed with him, Boris Yeltsin. And the trap shut! A pity ...
Was a fact and another directly opposite it, an option. Here it is:.
- Gorbachev (Yakovlev - Shevardnadze): Boris Yeltsin, then, so now you are either "live" anti-communist, or a dead communist. Agreed?
- Yeltsin (together with "Kom.initsiativoy" to unite the party and non-partisan communists): Yes, you guys! We then consulted with the people and decided that all of you - "dead anti-communists" who settled in the party leadership and state and grab the legs and the Party and people. So, start-ka to the party and state clean the eyes of the population that (cleaning), you have prevented me to carry to completion in Moscow in 1987!
But, alas. The opposite happened ...
And so, when this "contract" had brought her, stirred, so-called "Soviet intelligentsia". Its some terms of the contract is completely staged. - Well, then, from now on democracy will develop in the anti-shape! - She decided. And got down to business ... "support" of Boris Yeltsin.
Why did the word "support" in quotes? So supported or not democratic intelligentsia Yeltsin? - You ask.
Yes, of course supported, but how? Picking up "the ball with the filing of" Yakovlev - Shevardnadze - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, she offered the following:
- Listen, Boris Yeltsin, then so - she said. - From now on, as the popular favorite, We present to you in the hands of the Russian state. But under special conditions. What? But no: if you want to control the Russian state, then please do so without the Russian Communist Party. But if you and the Communist Party, Bring, then I do not blame me, run out of Russia. Agreed?
... Gorbachev, with the fake outrage, it has approved such an alliance. That is, agreed with the collapse of the USSR and the formal legal abolition of the Communist Party.
And here, in this completely false and totally uncomfortable political position, President Yeltsin, and therefore, he chose his people have, to date, remain. What exactly is a "nuisance" is?
For us, the inconvenience is that Yeltsin as Russian president - a "public body", which rightly belongs to all Russians. He belongs to all, and "dispose of a" bunch of them, besides, is not people but a handful "of the Soviet intelligentsia." In short, for us the inconvenience of the situation lies in the current "private property" for Yeltsin, to put it simply ...
But for most of Yeltsin inconvenience this situation is that "manage the state" he had not, as he has independently and successfully, it did until about 58 years, and on terms that differ from the "ridiculous" (and sado-masochistic!) and not name.
- Nothing, Boris Nikolayevich - even absurd, but so democratic! - Sly and calm him ignorant intellectuals army.
Meanwhile, from a technological point of view, to govern the state "democratic" in the version proposed by the President of his professors dotsentskim environment, it's like taking a hot frying pan ... with his bare hands. Hot! And most importantly, why?
That's about, and it turned out that repressed first of its excessively faithful party comrade Boris Yeltsin, as well as betraying not a fair measure of ordinary party members and Anpilova Makashov, leading anti-Communists Communist Party, instead of the answer before, and others, on the contrary successfully Strav of both together.
The absurdity of the situation - this situation being faced by virtually all. Perseverance of the absurdity - is always fraught with tragedy, which benefits only those who are ridiculous, then this has created. Another would be: to get away from the clarity and the consequent responsibility! What is not fat?
And not it be better for the people, if all do the opposite? For, after all, then disappears completely irrational, but the imperative necessity for the rebirth of Russia all around you to demolish and destroy!
For a start, at least, it will be clear to all Russians, that the tragedy in the Moscow October 3-4, in the terrible loss of human life it is to blame neither Yeltsin nor Khasbulatov or Rutskoi nor Anpilov, no Makashov. A fault in full by those who first from the "party", and then from the "democratic" impulses of both play off each other ...

Alexey Kazakov
member of the working philosophy
Club them. Joseph Dietzgen.

"URAL GAZETTE», № 34, November 1993 Edition 13.000.

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