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среда, 24 октября 2012 г.

Address to the Russian conference

 Nonprofit Organization"The Committee on the Protection of the rights of owners of premisesapartment buildings Yekaterinburg "620014, ul. Radishchev 28, Tel 8904548 23 58 8 92 92161658, u701@e66.ru
Public Organization"Yekaterinburg Development Council territorial self-government"620000, Ekaterinburg,. Pushkin 4, Tel 8904548 23 58, Publicstriv@bk.ru
Council senior home district of Yekaterinburg Himmash620010, Ekaterinburg Iset 16 -82, Publicstriv@bk.ruAddress to the Russian conference"Effective management of the housing stock, to create an enabling and safe living conditions CITIZENS (Ekaterinburg, 19-19 October 2012)
Public organizations in Yekaterinburg, the owners of the privatized housing, prepared this petition to recall, for whom and under what conditions is Housing Reform in Russia. To the introduction of new technologies and capabilities were the most effective, you need to strengthen the basic factor of the owner - manager of finance.Otherwise wonderful intentions of owners of new buildings by the most creative self-serving management as soon as possible will be brought to the level of the slums.No one is interested in improving the quality of life and prosperity of their property, as its owner. Sign of the times - all citizens with very heavy volumes of printed pages appeals to foster various officials.A long-standing chronic civil war for Constitutional rights of the citizen and the state.

This is a war for the right to withdraw funds from the gray schemes and submit them to the state pocket - the budget, and in the end to their prosperity, for the right to use new technologies and opportunities.Any reform of the system involve dialogue between the parties. And the competition and competition. Representing the consumer, user and customer service employees in utilities, we, representatives of public organizations, we can not say that most of our real unmappable placed in conditions of lawlessness in the dialogue.The introduction of new technologies and capabilities comes at a time when the interests of consumers are not always in the interests of intermediaries, and money, in fact in the hands of encrypted founders who run utilities through dummy directors, several bank accounts and intermediaries.
Artificially imposed imperfection legally relevant obligations in the housing sector, which President and Prime Minister and was referred to as a criminal relations, form:Zone differences laws of the Russian Federation with the real actions of responsible persons. These areas of risk management that produces monsters destructive and violent opposition.Blocked rights of the population have financial content, and the success of all the constructive suggestions of the State in the hands of a clever, cheeky minorities for his immediate benefit.Artificially formed interdependent chain to build and support the criminal, uncontrolled financial flows, their removal from the city budget, and specifically in the life of the citizens, especially the material adverse impact on the poor and socially dependent.
Public ownership in the privatization passed on to the individual, gradually lost in the fog of clever schemes, and therefore have not "otlipla" at the hands of officials who converted to the founders of the management company, and ... did not reach this host.In the Sverdlovsk region, as well as most parts of the Russian Federation, the transfer of the housing stock was owner of the newly made without the acts of the technical condition of buildings, the number and quality of the common property of an apartment building, footage adjoining areas. This means that:Statistical data, which is the basis for organizational and planning decisions, including the reform of public utilities, known to be unreliable.Technologically feasible and economically viable to provide services for maintenance of the housing stock and the common property of the owners of premises in apartment buildings is impossible to calculate, execute and deliver. Aggressive and unprofessional management of causing irreparable damage to the owners of the accommodation and the State.1000-1500 instead of the management company, according to the norm RF Government № 75 of 06.02.06, in the city of Yekaterinburg turns twenty CC. This means that the Administration of Yekaterinburg sabotaging the creation of thousands of jobs for highly skilled professionals, who prepare the city universities, do not allow these professionals to work in the housing sector for the professional and competent service, blocks the development of small and medium business and a healthy competitive environment.The only thing that manages the group is to raise funds for maintenance and repairs in one pile, into the bank, where the seasons are hidden from utility providers, but accrete interest. In this case, public utilities in the grievance are not getting their share as a penalty. True, these sanctions have been paid by the consumer to give them as a mark-up in the calculation of the new tariff as technical and production losses.In order not to embarrass the tax office, each Management Company has multiple checking accounts, which differ by one or two digits. For example, in a single payment document Clearing Center (ICC) reports that fundraising is one account of the company, and the contract with the owner, the same company puts down another. This means, the tax office will receive two reports that are not submitted a report on the financial and real economic activity, and fantasy on the subject.It uses only the form of the agreement, approved for public housing tenants, and this is another relationship, and it does not contain the essential conditions - Tse-HN contract of service and conditions of delivery, quality and quantity of the common property owners in the MCD, so the document is not legitimate.Pricing policy - "maintenance of housing" - one for the whole city. Director of Management Company did not hold graduations in quality housing and a square meter detention barracks with "indoor plumbing" is equal to the cost of keeping a square meter building with an elevator and garbage disposal. They easily exceed their authority, confident that the founders of their companies will cover any mess, especially financial.Of the cost of "maintenance of housing" is removed 30-40% of the content of settlement centers, passport offices and other non-specified costs, which is not a service, does not provide services to Russian classification, are not consistent with the owners. The same ICC is divided into two entities, has two payment accounts. ICC itself is hidden under the stamp "trade secret." For that he was given this status, when and who is a big secret.
As homeowners in Yekaterinburg purchase service "housing maintenance" in quality and quantity in accordance with Russian legislation, approved by the top officials of the State? And how to pay for this service so that it ran on four current account four tax records and a host of smaller companies, for this invention, in the pockets of thieves?As homeowners become its real owner, the manager of finance and customer services, and technologies necessary?These questions are not the first persons of the state who signed the relevant laws and regulations, and to the leaders of all levels in the field, who are not in a hurry to execute the laws, and prefer to bring to the country's leadership deliberately distorted statistics to account for the completion of the privatization, which in fact, so did not happen.
Housing built by the Soviet state in the period of 40-50 years 19., A period of general needs, reshuffle of the military complex, heavy engineering, migration and a total lack of light industrial products, as well as the number of time - barracks. It was built hastily, without foundations, only to pull people out of the dugout, under the roof. Including for businesses, and the recipients of such housing, the general turn to its improvement. Thus, the state does not recognize them the status of capital structure, as their specifications did not provide many years of use.Under the terms of the privatization of this housing is not a transfer of ownership of the subject. However, without the acts of BTI as buildings, irresponsible ownership was transferred to all conceivable and inconceivable property.Population was the owners of such buildings and hostages that are dangerous not only for the living, but also for the city as a whole, for its sanitary conditions for its networks. A maintenance and repair under the irresponsible management aggravates and accelerates its destruction.At the same owners as they can ennoble their homes. Inside, make repairs, for example, change the flooring and put new windows.Exceeded his authority, the Head of Ekaterinburg Chernetsky ruled № 30 from 11.01.2002, according to which the decision of the general meeting of the owners and the decision of the interdepartmental commission targeted house was included in the title list for major repairs, which was in force for two years. Participants will then pay the agreed list, it is estimated that the amount of the item "overhaul" on a particular account.Exceeded his authority, violating the law, the administration of the city overlaid dues, forcing the notional amount paid by force.Decree № 59 of 07.02.2006 (as at 23/01/2008), this decision was overturned, but rents remained, despite the complete lack of legal justification, and the population continues to shamelessly collect money for not a major overhaul.The government, recognizing a commitment to the owners of the inadequate quality of privatized housing, introduces a resolution № 185 of the equity participation in major repairs of housing. Specifies the algorithm is the version specifications - decision of the meeting of owners - the interdepartmental commission - an estimate - schedule maintenance - repair - the act of acceptance - Payment - Assessment - Registration in the BTI. But the money under the terms of this resolution is used only to HOAs.It's about housing, not temporary structures, outdated physically and mentally, and major repairs and reconstruction are feasible.Without exception, regardless of the quality of housing for all the square footage of Yekaterinburg money list than the actual face, according to estimates, and once in four settlement accounts are managed by the company, ie the same dues, called the article "overhaul."This sum, tax-free, because it is an investment in your property owner, in whole or in part, lost in time and ownership is transferred to the current, which supports repair sails in gray schemes, has an account - the "boss" in the accounting report .In case of delay of payment to the owner of this article impose penalties, fines, deny subsidies and compensation, although such payments are not utilities, are not stipulated agreement and estimates, are not supported by itemized lists are not legally justified.The obligation to pay the same and imposed on the owners of the barracks, although they do not see the repair never, in fact, they pay for the welfare and well-off scam. Although the "owners barracks," as a rule, the poor, seniors, people with disabilities living on subsidies and allowances.
MC "Nizhneisetskaya" and not only managed to impunity by fraud, secretly created based on barracks 41 phony HOA, make a package of documents to get money from the state, and ... do not even support the repair. Forty-one barrack Himmash absorbed amount of the budget, which would be enough for a new building for these people.
Owners, community members and residents want to see their town, their Russian space clean in every way. Reforming the need not only technical design but also the people in whose hands the wreck-hut, house-new building, and in fact, the fate of the people and the whole country.

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