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среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

How is the adjustment?

That was in December 1985 at the entrance to the house of political education Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee is comfortable tour bus. Gleaming ornate sides of the brittle-rays of winter sun, as it were breathing pure frosty air, releasing it in a tight pair of clubs.The capital of the Urals ... hosts - university social scientists from many cities in the country. There is a conference entitled "The social role of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy and communist construction." On the second day of her work - December 6, 1985 - waiting for guests and workers Sverdlovsk Seversky Tube Works. The purpose of the meeting - a philosophical analysis of the social initiatives of the workers. The advanced workers and social scientists were asked to rate the social meaning and content of the initiative Severtsev "Labor and social discipline - the collective guarantee" to analyze how the initiative is working to restructure.By bus, people come ... Some of them take place fun and determined, others - with swings, feelings of embarrassment, hesitation and curiosity. But the third, circled around the tour, handsome, and have not taken the free space, only stamped his door.Eighteen months later - May 4, 1987 will be released the well-known decree of the CPSU Central Committee, endorsing this promising business initiative. On that cold day to know that no one else could. However, much can be and anticipate. Behind was the April 1985 Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee. Ahead - 27 congress.

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Now the rebuilding of our more than two years. Much has changed in that time, a lot fell into place. However, the rose is not always as felt or the like. But we did not come from the fact that "wants" and the fact that there is.Today the university social scientists, because of the restructuring, divided into three very unequal, groups. First, replacing the old official scholasticism to science, avidly studying the facts of real life, the facts of socialism, but the vast minority. Another, the most numerous, in good faith hit the "methodical work," replacing the old scholasticism scholasticism in the new one. And the third - is afraid of its social science. Being a very respectable in number for the preceding period of life have entrenched positions, she seeks out the "errors" in the first, dealing with denunciations of the authorities and the attachment of political labels. "There is a category of people - said Politburo member Yakovlev - who, being a somewhat disagree, avoid open discussion, not defend the truth in a scientific dispute. But only firmly convinced in his own right, wrote letters to various organizations, demanding that attract "those responsible for mistakes" to justice, hanging labels, insulting accusations. It is necessary to draw public attention to such people. " / Communist, 1987, № 8, p.21 /. There are people in our country in the Middle Urals. They are usually from those whose almost two years ago at the entrance to fluctuations in tour bus, found, finally, his politically visible features. And for the restructuring of social science, public attention should be drawn to them.
The facts are as follows.
"Do gray wolf IDEAL? What people think and argue philosophers "- so called article locksmith Ural Turbine Plant of Victor Burtnika. It was published in the regional youth newspaper "to replace!" Last year, on December 23. Commenting on the philosophy of the conference, a month before the venerable scientists organized by the University of the Urals, a young worker, said: "His Majesty the bureaucracy rules the ball these days. He drowned in the restructuring and zabaltyval levels, sublevels and empty schemes. Do not take the trouble to explain to our public life, not to mention helping to change it. And why is the bureaucrat, the more philosophizes. And thus not only justifying their existence, but also the existence of their kind in other areas of our lives. " In short, a work praised this new conference Sverdlovsk social scientists as an example of bureaucratic confusion in science.A month later, January 27, 1987 at the Plenum of the CC CPSU. Gorbachev said: "Theoretical aspects of socialism largely remained at the 30-40s. . . Such an attitude towards the theory could not have a negative effect - and really affected - in the social sciences and their role in society. After all this, comrades, is the fact that you sometimes even encouraged all sorts of scholastic theorizing, not affecting anyone else's interests and problems of life. "What is the reaction? It was quite remarkable. Well, just like in the spirit of the 30-40s. For example, associate dean of the philosophical faculty of the Ural University, Associate Professor VI Lipatinikova in large-circulation newspaper "Ural University," from April 27 , Accused the youth worker correspondents and editors V.Burtnika no less than c. . . "Contempt for the theory of Marxism-Leninism," in "dislike for certain groups of the Soviet intelligentsia," and much more. Along the way, note that all these allegations were first formulated by it ... in a letter to the RC.But perhaps it was corrected authoritative colleagues, fellow communists? Not at all! At the party meeting of the Faculty of Philosophy, the protocol is published in the same factory newspaper of May 18 this year , Secretary of the party bureau A.Pertsev saw in the position of the party youth newspaper called for workers to "create your own" philosophy of practice, "" denial of the value of theoretical research, "etc. etc. They echo and venerable authority departments, such as professor of the sociology of scientific communism and L.N.Kogan. At the same party meeting the faculty, he speaks of "the artificial opposition between the working class intellectuals," as well as on. . . "Resurrection of the traditional" Proletkult ". Horror!It can really criticize the graduate social scientist working on the machine can not? . . . I opened a volume of Lenin. I read: "workers' state, in my opinion, should require professors of philosophy, so they know the presentation of the Marxist philosophy of Plekhanov and were able to transfer this knowledge to students" - wrote Lenin. Yes, but the worker himself, the youth newspaper reporter, as it turned out, a statement of philosophy of Plekhanov very well known. . . Just a thought and critical Plekhanov began his article "Does the ideal of the gray wolf?" It is this knowledge, he demanded of others.So maybe Associate Professor, party secretary and a professor does not read Lenin? Materials January Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee? Or both, taken together?And how all this is possible? I remember during my youth, a student at the same university, the connection between theory and Marxist-minded workers are not as yet was called "Proletkult" and Leninism. . .Today. . . What exactly is it today? Recently, one of today's graduate students in all seriousness asserted: "The Marxist philosophy has been to the class of 1917, as at present - it is not a class, as we state the whole people." This is self-explanatory ...Fortunately, today the university has not yet died out teachers who present a student can not learn questionable "innovations", but just the basics of Marxism. But "fortunately" - just for students.Thus, a worthy response to the speech of working in the youth newspaper had an article V.Bakshutova assistant professor, explained the philosophy of detachment from life materialistically clear separation of the current staff of social scientists from the real interests of workers and peasants, in particular, shortcomings in the personnel policy of the Faculty of Philosophy USU. / See The wheel, once wryly hurled. In place! on February 13, 1987, Do seniority philosopher? Socialist Industry, on September 17, 1987 / Literate, compelling the author's position is actually saved the honor of the Ural philosophy. It is no coincidence, it has not met public opposition on the merits, although the newspaper, and appealed to them. But, refraining from criticism of the public, his opponents have given a free rein in criticism backstage, "the corner". At the party meeting USU Department of Philosophy, June 3, 1987 Assistant EG Trubina said: "I am referring to the biased response in the history of printing the Faculty of Philosophy /" Wheel once hurled random "/ and questionable judgments about the social-class nature of philosophy and the status of philosopher-scientist. . . That the aggregate can be described in words. . . "Provocative activities." Against the backdrop of difficult relations with the Soviet social science of social practice, and the growing negative attitude to the philosophy of technical and natural sciences among a number of such reckless publications against our interests. "That's it! You never know what is not contrary to life. But contrary to "our interests"! And because the party organization department has so equalized and certainly incomparable with each other, namely the "provocation" and. . . Marxism! A little earlier V.K.Bakshutova to retire. Contrary to the basic traditions of decency, contrary to his wishes and interests of the university. Contrary to common sense, and finally. Indeed, by this time, he was brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic entirely relevant - "The Dialectics of becoming social feelings."It is on such cases and said Lenin: formally correct, but a mockery to the point.I must say that such a peculiar way of controversy in the Urals University is not an accident. Here's another example of it.Back in 1983 associate professor of historical materialism, the philosophical faculty of USU JP Andreev received an anonymous letter:

Sverdlovsk, Lenin Avenue 51University Party CommitteeAndreevSo, so. So, fight! Not be able to!Mind is not enough! Assume a heavy and wide.Ours will not give.Our help, solid! With wit, authority,All is not passing. Changed his mind.Signatures.

The recipient was then deputy secretary of Party Committee of the University of ideology. How's the situation was the case with the "ideology" - the reader is able to get an idea: the identification of a class approach to the provocation, the division into "our" and "your" lack of transparency, democracy and as a result from this, protectionism in the personnel issue. Here are just that-a negative tendencies and tried to fight the professor Andreev as Deputy Party Secretary. And the reaction to the active position of the Communist was not just anonymous.From the Department of Science of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the Communist Party was followed by frequent and completely unmotivated supply-demand to move to another university. At the request of the legal scholar to motivate such a strange proposal, rather than clear the party followed the arguments and ambiguous hints. . . frank "scientist" blackmail. Here's the latest news.December 1984. - The first discussion of Andreev doctoral dissertation on the topic "Public relations: the nature, content and structure." The conclusion of Professor Dean Faculty of Philosophy K.N.Lyubutina: "You have to write a chapter on socialist social relations. Neither Council will not accept a thesis without a head. " Chapter is written. In May of 1985 - the second discussion. Extract from the minutes of the chair: "Resolved: 1. Approve the work, consider it completed the study, contributed significantly to the development of one of the major problems of historical materialism. . . Two. Work can be made to protect the pre-Congress after the publication of materials, their use in the dissertation "/ Protocol № 15 dated May 29, 1985 / In November 1985, after the pre-Congress materials, JP Andreev refers to the head of the department Prof. GP Orlov, a request for final discussion. It should answer: "You see, the pre-Congress material is not material of the Congress, so Congress should wait." Finally, after the material 27 Congress of the CPSU was discovered almost hollow ideas of the Congress and the timing of the provisions of his doctoral thesis, which have been proposed for protection on the issue of improving the socialist social relations.So what now? - Asks the impatient reader.And that's what. In the office of the rector of the University made a decision: a thesis Assoc. Andreev in the specialized council to adopt, but do not let up on defense as long as the party will not be altered response to it. There she is.November 19th, 1985 at a party meeting of the philosophical faculty of the University, on behalf of the department of science and education of the CPSU CC, the Secretary of the Party Bureau Assoc. VV Skorobogatsky announced .... "Political failure" communist Andreev. However, colleagues who know the latest on training, educational, scientific, and social work unanimously rejected the "opinion". In turn, Assistant Professor Andreev appealed to the Regional Party Committee, the following questions: what is meant by a "political failure"? Is it possible with this assessment consist in the ranks of the Communist Party? Can the "politically bankrupt" person teaching Marxist-Leninist philosophy? Why, at which the statement is not delivered until now the question of personal reality?As a result, at the next party meeting VV Skorobogatsky publicly apologized for such an assessment, which sounded like he said because of some "noise" during connection Party Committee. However, later appeared in the characterization of Yu.P.Andreeva entry: "The behavior of Yu.P.Andreeva there is a discrepancy of business and moral qualities. This was reflected in the low clear understanding of human problems of the party, of refusing to implement the recommendations vyshestoyashih party organs. " That's what kind of change in the characteristics of the party in question. She was, logically, is simply to leave the university.What next?And then July 10 Associate Professor of Andreev re-turned to the party organs, with a clear statement: I beg to raise and resolve the issue of my translation work to another university in the order of the official party orders. In this connection the whole time of his summer vacation will be in the range of Sverdlovsk. It is clear ... that is his appeal is natural for any Communist, right understands that such party discipline, and not inclined to confuse the group and party interest, the answer he did not wait. This is understandable. In this mode, the relations among the ideological frame, when in order to cope with the "view" must deal with its carriers, direct answers to direct questions are not included. Therefore, a sharp pressure from an organized group activity subject to the university not only Andreev or Bakshutov. Strongly suggest to leave the University associate professors V.I.Kopalovu, A.G.Kutluninu, V.V.Bayluku. After all, they have also grown up in the doctor of philosophical sciences, and showed no excuse for these parts, "rebelliousness."With restructuring now satisfied by no means all - it's an obvious fact. Those who are not happy with it, deliberately confusing the restructuring of the scandal. It's so easy to organize persecution objectionable, who showed disobedience "leadership" routine. And so this unruly principle, growing out of the most sweeping restructuring of the atmosphere, suffocating, where it occurs. And it occurs in other ideological institutions of Sverdlovsk.Nina Smolnikova works in the Sverdlovsk Higher Party School. She - in charge of the methodical cabinet faculty training, PhD. In December 1985 at a party meeting faculty and staff of HPS appeared to expose the plagiarism committed by the candidate of historical sciences, AD Kirillov, a teacher of party building. As a result of testing the fact of plagiarism is fully confirmed. But the truth does not triumph. Instead of gratitude for the party of principle was hung with an honest Communist political labels from head to toe. Already, in violation of all norms of party democracy, has been prepared and the procedure for expelling her from work. And again, as we see triumphant militant incompetence and group interest.So why, but eventually, they triumphed every time? Where and what is / or whom? / Are they a reliable support in the fight with a professional and scientific competence of the Communist Party members, with the elementary decency at last?Every year ... in party committees Sverdlovsk schools recruiting teachers is political departments of social sciences. Say at once: there is no legal basis, this procedure has not. As conceived by the Department of Science of the Sverdlovsk City Committee of the CPSU, the value of it - a purely political and ideological. And it is a matter of pride Voronin NA - The head of this department. Let's see, deserved it?There is a ... recruiting the Sverdlovsk Engineering Pedagogical Institute. Before the Communists accountable Associate Professor of Philosophy and Scientific Communism Goncharov, SZ For three years he worked as a deputy. Party Secretary of ideology. Two years of the party bureau deputy secretary of the faculty. Conducted extensive scientific and public work, on his initiative at the Institute plant new advanced form of student government. Associate Professor Goncharov was recently invited to the working Turbomotor plant, where they talked about the social, economic opportunity Brigadier contract, in particular, "Kaluga option." A report on the meeting - in the factory newspaper factory party committee of March 27 Number of newspapers - in the institute's party committee on the table.And here it is - in the hands of NA Voronin, who sets the overall tone of the party discussion.- Saying Goncharov in the newspaper that "the trade unions - a reservoir of state power" - distorts the position of Lenin on trade unions - he says emphatically. - Are these words of the Workers' Opposition "or" Polish "Solidarity"? - Head of the Department of Party Committee appeals to others.- Yes, yes! Goncharov moved beyond Marxism! - Willing to support him in this department, Professor, Ph.D., GE Zborowski.To its credit, the team must be said that he did not go along this path. Department colleagues strongly opposed to the method useless political defamation and manned lecturer Goncharova. However, some of them, in this case, the dead deserve threat of Comrade. Voronin.What kind of ideological "sedition" saw a party worker and a professor? I opened a volume of Lenin with a friend at school, the article "Once again, the trade union." I read: "The trade unions - a reservoir of state power, a school of communism rule of the school." So what's the deal? Why is defending himself at a party acquisition, Comrade. Goncharov has to defend against Voronin. . . Lenin himself? He is - what is meant? Judge for yourself and then: a retreat from Marxism he called / quote from the factory newspaper / these are the words, "the ABC of Marxism should not be forgotten, we are developing socialism and the working class has been and remains the leading political force." But every politically literate person knows that a new version of the CPSU Program, this idea - the most important idea! How, on the basis of it, manage to hang a political and ideological shortcut? But not for nothing that the saying: If you can not, but really want, then you can. And by the way ... After the ill-fated acquisition, professor Zborowski became head of the well, re-organized, the Department of Scientific Communism. Objections to his candidacy, the city party committee was not. . .This syndrome is a militant incompetent commanding officer known to the reader for a long time. Today he is a heavy stone lay in the way of reconstruction of all areas of our lives. At the same ideology and party work, it invariably turns into a defamation frames and hanging political labels. Had a chance encounter with him and the author of this article.And it was so. October 21, 1986, I was unexpectedly invited to the Top - Iset party district committee for the seminar promoters, to give a lecture on "The Education of a new way of thinking - the imperative of our time." The lecture went well. However, immediately thereafter, in the office of the Secretary of the ideology of the District Party Committee, AE Merkurjev, I was absolutely and categorically accused of "anti-Sovietism." On what grounds, and why not at the lecture, and in the office? - The reader will ask? Yes, here they are.Reason 1. Lecturer much on a beret. In other words, first, explain to the audience the key advocates for the value adjustment formula. Second, it makes my /! / Own /? / Words.Reason 2. Lecturer - an absolute anti-Soviet, as the liberty to assert that now goes around the restructuring of ideological struggle. In other words, let me quote it to the All-Union Conference Gorbachev sociologists October 1, 1986: "It is clear that during the restructuring of our lives, it is an urgent update is not always open, but an uncompromising struggle of ideas."Reason 3. How dare the lecturer to discuss the Seversky initiative without asking? When I explained that to do so prescribed by social scientists of his science, professional duty, the regional committee of the Party Central Committee and, finally, that I personally have done this in the pages of both the regional and national press / cm Soviet Russia from 1986 26sentyabrya /, then by the Secretary of the District Committee for Ideology and the fourth was followed by "argument": "Not everything that is written in the newspapers we can talk!"It would seem that farfetched these claims is obvious and the question settled. An, no! A few days later, at the urging of AE. Merkurjev and under the guidance of the ideology of the Party Committee zam.sekretarya Medical Institute Associate Professor. S.A.Bugaeva, Party group meeting was convened by the Department. Reported to the "question" our colleague Assoc. E.N.Petrova. It is the same - the head of the ill-fated seminar where a few days earlier I had to act. Associate Professor Petrov has not denied the fact of accusing me of anti-Sovietism. Moreover, he tried in his own way, "justify": say, the ideological mistakes, no doubt, have been ... because "there could be no" methodological error, because so Molchanov, like any teacher, not a saint.But the question of his colleagues as possible: methodological errors, and the prosecution policy? - Any arguments, it is simply not found ...At that time, the Department of Party group took the right decision. A few months later, at its meeting on May 20, 1987, it firmly decided: to restore Leninist norms of party work with the departments in the SHMI. But, to normalize the situation in the Institute of forces it was clearly not enough. - Was followed by a strong pressure of the party committee and administration, was set in motion, and the so-called "individual approach" to the obstinate. That is why for the resolution of the substantive issue I had to go to Sverdlovsk CC of the CPSU.I have to say: it was the call of a few. More precisely, three. Everything - the name of the first secretary of the city committee that Kadochnikova VD But none of them to the secretary and not horrible. However, the answers were. And while they were "given" in the institute were in full swing "action" to discredit me as a teacher, social scientist: the removal from the political-educational work with students, the denial of the scientific mission to promote the Ural initiative, a ban on the lectures within the community, "Knowledge , "of which I am already 11 years old, spread ridiculous rumors and much, much more.After another appeal to the City Committee, the issue was entrusted to us is familiar with you, Voronin NA - "How is it you are not a member of the party, the party can understand the policy adjustment is better than the district Party secretary for ideology? We are still in it we shall understand "- he promised me at the first meeting. And and and. . . figured out!Commission has been convened it's already obvious fact that Molchanov lecture on October 21, 1986, or an anti-Soviet ideology was not harmful. Very good! But what then? And there were, he saw the reader, the specific facts of political defamation because of unproven anti-Sovietism. Both of these conclusions have been made by Comrade. Voronin with extreme irritation and reluctant. However, in my repeated insistence, these conclusions were formally brought to the attention of the instructor of the city committee of my departmental colleagues, during a faculty meeting and in the presence of a deputy. Party Secretary - S.A.Bugaeva.And what happened? To date, Assoc. Petrova persists in harping on the fact that the lecture was "ideologically indistinct nature of the" organizational conclusions justifying the party committee and administration of medical school against me. And the whole apparatus of the Party Committee SHMI, referring to the committee, states directly that they ... "no one at all and did not criticize." . .This is all the more strange that in a decision that is prepared by Voronin, a lot of talk about self-criticism and humility.Speaking of modesty and morality. Already on the city committee of the Communist Merkur'eva Commission stated that it is anti-Sovietism, it turns out, I do not blamed. That is, lied! Meanwhile, the fact that such allegations at a meeting of Party group of the Department October 25, 1986 witnessed its Minded Assoc. Petrov. How is this a lie-communist leader Comrade responded. Voronin? He gave a political assessment? Or at least morally condemned? Oh no! He was advised to be modest. . . Comrade. Molchanov.This "innovation" in the ethics of the party of the party committee and administration gosmedinstituta understood correctly. For example, in September Party at the acquisition of Philosophy and Scientific Communism, where I work, I was not equipped with ... "for the indiscretion." At the same time, for example, zav.etoy Department Assoc. A. Batalov received the party endorsement of their activities, even in spite of the fact that, as recognized by the Party Committee of the CPSU CC and the "restructuring of the department still has not started." After all claims "in humility" to it is not there!However, the truth's sake, I must say that such a glaring contradiction yet reached the consciousness of the Party Committee SHMI. In the end - all party committee semivowel I still staffed, providing its decision politically vague formula for such a time, then I should. . . poskromnet. The reader, of course, already knew. This recommendation, if taken seriously, can only mean one thing: to plead anti-Soviet, and in no case to argue, if the authorities want you will be named as such. But, you see, because the carp do not care how it will fry "in the sour cream," "mayonnaise" or "red wine" ... That is, because if unproven anti-Sovietism, or by reason of unproven "indiscretion," I will be defamed.However, carp can be anything exactly, but here's a man. . . I confess to the reader: when faced with the necessity of such a hard choice - being branded anti-Soviet, but a modest man, or man to be immodest, but the Soviets, I definitely chose the latter. And that is why, until now, with a comrade. Voronin NA We did not find a common language. . .As you can see, the whole knot of problems was contracted by the individual Voronin NA How can this be explained? An accident? Psychological features of his character? Or by the position of the head. department of the Sverdlovsk CC of the CPSU? What exactly he cultivates for teachers of social sciences university Sverdlovsk: irrepressible passion for truth, to the knowledge of life, facts of socialism. Or questionable "ethics" blind worship of the cult of the views of his superiors? Judge for yourself.On the acquisition of social sciences faculty of the Ural University this spring, N.A.Voronin said that the university bears full responsibility for the upbringing, such as S.Z.Goncharov and V.A.Molchanov. But why? It appears, therefore, that these teachers "have caused such harm to the Ural Turbine Plant, the consequences will have to clear up the mess for many years."So, what is so terrible and irreparable have they done?Fortunately, the "cause" of their well-documented body of the Party Committee of Turbine Plant - a large-circulation newspaper "Banner". For the first time - the performance of my colleagues on topical issues S.Goncharova brigade contract, as the reader has already learned. Second - my presentation at the round table devoted to discussion of implementation experience Seversk initiative at the plant, in connection with the decision of the CPSU Central Committee on May 4 this year / June 5, 1987 / In one of the plenums of the Sverdlovsk obkom first secretary of the regional committee of Comrade. Yu.V.Petrov appealed to the Party committee works with the directive: "reared up and annoy the staff." The body of the Party Committee refers to the social scientists. Guided by a professional duty to the party and they go to the labor collective.Here is a tov.Voronin sabotage and calls.The question is, why? Yes, because the head. science department of the city committee is much easier to "manage" by social scientists that no further ado, "modestly" currently sitting at his office desk and write "Manuals" than to find common language with those of them who at the call of the obkom not hesitate to go to work team. That is why, according to the laws "lonely", paper party work, party work with people, he substitutes a political defamation training, doing this yourself, or encouraging of this grass-roots Party committees at universities.So how do we go perestroika?The status of ideology is a reliable indicator of the general state of affairs. A picture of it the reader has already received. You can certainly argue accents or specific details. But one thing is clear: restructuring - it is not possible without a fight. After a process of active "inhibition" has gone too far.One only good intentions and exhortations did not stop.
Valery Molchanov, PhD.
Mr. 10.XII.87
About the author: Valery Molchanov, not a member of the Communist Party.House. Address: 620059, SverdlovskStreet. 22 Party Congress, 3 ap.6Tel.rab. 28-66-37

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