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вторник, 25 марта 2014 г.

anti-Soviet bolsheviziruyutsya

We are hungry, we are beggars , with Lenin
in the head and with a revolver in his hand.
All of us, of course, remember how the largest and most influential media , both domestic and foreign , to convince gullible citizens had not yet a collapsed USSR: " Here there will be rich - they will take out the country !" Just do not disturb them rich.
And there were rich and millionaires and billionaires even . Describes the current situation in Ukraine Ukrainian Service BBC BBC . The one that convinced the Russians that we should get rid of the " parasites " in the face of the fraternal republics , and residents of the states - that , once they overthrow the hated yoke Muscovites as they flourish :
" I will Otsinki stream right into ukraїnskiy ekonomitsikolivayutsya have diapazoni mizh " katastrofichnim pitched " ta" kontrolovanoyu situatsiєyu . "
In Russia, the "United Russia" , when lunging to power, demanded " not to interfere with " her "work." And now , in the words of Saltykov-Shchedrin , "Even embezzlers of public property - and those unhappy that soon will have nothing to plunder ." Ukraine is "soon" has arrived . According to Arseniy Yatsenyuk , broke into the office, "Sovereign rozkradeno treasury , brought to kraїnu bankrutstva ." "About katastrofichnist situatsiї in ukraїnskiy ekonomitsi saying i head that parliament vikonuvach obov'yazkiv President Oleksandr Turchynov ."
Note for the curious , what is the situation in the Russian empire was not the first time. Catherine II at the enthronement found that " ... the army has not received osmium month salary. On shtats - office was seventeen million debt. Not a single person in the state is not something to know how much the treasury income was lower incomes did not know the different titles . Everywhere people brought a complaint against extortion , bribery, oppression and injustice various governments , especially those who are servants of the clerks .

Almost all branches of commerce were given at the mercy of private individuals . The fleet was in omission , army detuning fortress collapsed . Attorneys ... as the government had no one , but every one has been accustomed to think that an institution could not go as harmful to the common good . " Only then can " expect coming Tatars in the Ukraine to the carnival ", and now expect the NATO intervention .
Naturally, receiving offers plug holes in the treasury funds with zagranschetov Yanukovych - " Costa s rahunkiv Viktora Yanukovych for the cordon ." In particular, such a proposal was made by Radoslav Sikorsky , mistr Foreign Affairs Polschi " Mi perekonuєmo vprodovzh bagatoh tizhniv , dwellers schos zrobiti Ig tsimi groshima ( Yanukovych that Yogo otochennye ) , scho , MI vsi znaєmo , zberigayutsya on zahidnih rahunkah "
As you can see , smart people have taken out not only Russia but also Ukraine! In Swiss banks .
It is noted that . i in samjy Ukraїni stole " dostatno precios , Abi cobs vidnovlyuvati ukraїnsku ekonomku ."
Immediately BBC BBC brings a picture of one of the castles built new vorem .
. Interesting to note that one of those who propose to withdraw the stolen and directed to the benefit of the whole country , is the mother of anti-Soviet Zbigniew Brzezinski: " Zbignev Bzhezinsky have statti proponuє to Financial Times , abi on finansovy Poryatunok Ukraine" chipped " by milyardu dolariv 10 naybagatshih of Ukrainian oligarhiv , yakih amerikansky politolog nazivaє " bunt benefitsiariyami vrazhayuchogo rozgulu koruptsiї ."
Being a man -mannered , Big Zbig calls brazen thieves by scientist - " main beneficiaries ", ie beneficiaries . But anti-Soviet and pre-revolutionary experience can not help but call what some still refer to as " liberal revolution " and " time of hope ", " frightening rampant corruption."
It is not superfluous to note that the Big Zbig heavily Americanized parted with their Russian allies in the views on the legality of the inheritance. If Russian lackeys long cheered squealed in the sense that, say , Dad , of course, rare thief , but it should not interfere with use of the stolen son , then Zbig encourages milk and heirs. Starting with the son of Yanukovych - "incredibly rich dentist ." Vin takozh zaklikaє priєdnatisya to them i " neymovirno Bhagat dentist - sina President Yanukovych " yaky Mauger takozh zrobiti sviy contribution into . " In fact, somehow uncomfortable son - dentist sit on bags of money at the time, as the country puts teeth shelf.
Of course , it's hard to imagine Zbigniew Brzezinski in a leather jacket and with a revolver in his hand. Especially with Lenin in the head . Nevertheless , Zbig blesses Ukrainians Leninist path - rob the loot. However, he Zbig as a man brought up , prefers to talk about the possibility of each billionaire "to make its contribution ." While the case did not come to revolvers , as is the case with the "expropriation of the masses " and " the concentration of the means of production in the hands of individuals ."
Although many before Lenin pointed out that the population is not good loot quite so insolently . East thinker Al- Samarkandi once remarked : " The king who fills their coffers property of citizens , like the one who misses the roof of his house with clay taken from his basement ." Lenin said : " peace to the nations , land to the peasants , the confiscation of scandalous profits and curbing corruption scandal production by the capitalists ."Pursuant to instructions of Lenin in Switzerland began to plunder loot and confiscate scandalous profits to start freezing accounts Yanukovych and his accomplices nineteen .

Eugene Pyrkov

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