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понедельник, 15 июня 2015 г.

The day of our misery

   Eduard Limonov: Today is a day of shame, the day neschastyaNi one country in the world celebrates the sunset of his greatness.UK does not celebrate the collapse of the British Empire.The collapse of the German Empire, the Ottoman - is a sad sad day for the people of these countries.Russia - an exception.We have already more than two decades, imposed during the holidays so-called "Independence Day", when the Russian Federation under the Russian bourgeoisie happy geeks "freed" from the best areas mined for centuries Russian blood, from the warm lands of Ukraine, a fabulously rich minerals from Kazakhstanfrom hot areas of Central Asia, and at the same time he left the borders of the Russian Federation 27 million Russian.
Today is our shame, the day of our misery.Damn him!Eduard LimonovSource: limonov-eduard.livejournal.com

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Actual Archive - 1995In anticipation of repentance ...
... On the eve of the third millennium, humanity is shocked (especially elementary science fair social science and journalism) have surprisingly found - a huge state collapsed, but ... career save. And the ones that are all natural in that and was to state that, even at the cost of his own life, no matter what, protect!
What's the matter? And in that same party committee - that before 1991, that after - holding state in their dreams ... vozhdelёnnyh. As a result, "party committee" and "party organizers" formally parted with each other, "like ships at sea." But since "no party organizer of the Party Committee" (just remark Viktor Chernomyrdin), by itself, always feels "nothing", he instinctively and creates IT, (to do and neither has made any!), Always and everywhere . As a result, in life, we are with you and we have:- The party committee ... without party organizer;- Party organizers ... and instead of "against" Party Committee;- "Party ideology" without the party secretariat;- No party press ... "partkomovskogo" leadership;- "Party pool" ... without the personnel department, urged him to educate, shape and "distribute" ...All these things - and no one anywhere, "registered."However, all this cemented ineradicable national "instinct expectations" that was about, "the ever-party" bosses, stops, finally, it is dangerous and it is not clear to the people ... "kink."
Interestingly, "cadres" -That they fully agree with the people - and yourself too tired, all these eccentricities (!) - But "the party committee restored" always have "wonderful" and turns, namely the country ... without Belarus; the people ... without population growth; the "civil society" ... without children; the children - no children; that democracy ... no State; the "official" history of the Communist Party ... without the Communist Party; the "printing press" ... without supervision; the "mistakes reforms" ... without correction; and even personal biography ... without repentance.
In the interest of us with you if we find a party elite journalists that catered to this "party thresher" before 1991, so serve it now. Even the "surviving" (not "in theory", both in the state they were supposed to, but in reality), an unprecedented state catastrophe, they understood nothing and learned nothing. Namely, with the aplomb of an ancient "Myustagoga" before the face of the people zamorochennnogo provide his face, the "deserted party committee", the "non-party party organizer", the "recruits the Communist Party", always eager to stay afloat.
One of them, the site "POLITUCHЁBA" had already told (see. "It's better in the good, clap your hands", ECHO DAY, 25 January 2002, and "appropriate to the irony here?" ECHO DAY, March 15, 2002 Author - S.Ryabov, the correspondent of "Pravda" in the second half of the 80s). Today - not late, the story of his colleague from the "Truth" of the Komsomol. And everything - from the same places and the same times ... for both of them - "cult figure" of the whole of the Middle Urals journalism. Both informal and semi-official. As a party, and not the party. As the "youth" and a well-deserved!
The newspaper
"Ekaterinburg week."
Dear Editors!
Curiously watching your newspaper. People here just come across! And, most importantly, "all the familiar faces ..."
Here read the article V.SANATINA "Happy start of the presidential race." With Vladimir Sanatin my old readers' relationship. And you know what? How to read his "problem" article, so I will sit Sydney and sit, sit ... Everything I think, I think: what, is it written? And that this that is written mean? And how to live it now I, the reader, that is ... In fact, Sanatin something, anyhow not a journalist, and a local celebrity!
Sometimes the irritation comes right up, sin on him starting, because the assumption arise: can he himself really does not know what is to us, the readers, trusting and simple-hearted, has been written?
And another time again on Sanatin natknёshsya in the local newspaper, and he is there about bream, ide, ruff and stuff like that. Yes, as it is written! I myself in my childhood passion for fishing - from early morning to late in the evening sit on the beach. So poetry float me quite understandable and familiar. It was then when Sanatin read, then immediately see: Well, you know the man is writing about! The thing is love. The subject holds. Love and understanding their share unselfishly ready. Shedra-shedra can share ...
And here again, I will depart from the heart. Again to Sanatin Volodya mileyu kindness of men. Ready to forgive him all the former "journalistic" opus of his "philosophical" teachings and "political science" predictions.
That's, that's, and live with him. Annoyance - to the reader's love, and vice versa.
And now, here, I want to speculate. Directly in front of you: whether I'll carry the gag, or author your to blame. Look - prompt.
So in this new article on the topic of the upcoming elections ... And that in the end! - Let me again, your poster, ask. How is it written? And it is written in a tone very, very competent person. This - no doubt. That "takes" Sanatin Zhirinovsky "by the throat" and, ultimately, creates a constituency for it, the following lesson: "East - a delicate matter!" Remember de, Petro ...
What did not? So, of course ... and the aplomb with which the author proclaims this truth to us, makes inevitable to assume "something", namely, who are familiar with the truth about th e r, that, of course, knows the truth and to a T and a G in in th. That is why our trusting Ural voter has the right to ask our author: "What Russia unless it is - not a delicate matter?" You can, of course, and not to ask Sanatin, bearing in mind that the issue is superfluous, because he certainly knows that if East is a delicate matter, then certainly something Russia, no less subtle, fragile and transparent. All this, of course, needless to say, for a mutually trusting people.
Well, I would be pedantic and "boring" in order to have V.Sanatina ask because with the East, then everything is clear, and with Russia, how?
... In search of the answer again and again I look into the text of its articles and ... alas! Not detected on this account absolutely no-thing. But, at the end of it, I find the author's warning "masters candidates." And it has done it in a tone that once again there is confidence: know our journalist reliably know what to do right. He knows what to Russia sees sharp corners and potholes on its historical path. And the point of his golden pen watchful eye on all sorts of different "candidates" to get up to mischief, like children, and all strive to disobey "senior", and that the experience is richer and stronger mind and "position abruptly" ... Well, never mind. Let Treat, yet. Cones if nabyut yourself, everything will be good. Volodya Sanatin they then say, "Well, what do you, loafers? He said because you need to go where. And you, again, did not listen. Nothing cones stuffed - wiser. And all before the wedding healed. Here, only the fire in the house done. Namely: "try to avoid the final, in which frank fun voter may change the tragic gaiety and even creepy!"
In short, once again the old picture of our relationship with Volodya: meaningful hints it to its exclusive, in the affairs of the homeland, the competence in my heart give birth to a sweet hope; I hope that urgent hurry "otovarit" he same. But, in exchange for "hope", has promised, he immediately, seasoned with a grimace, "elder", gives another hint at future clarity and understanding of the meaning of things, people, ideas and events ...
Well, just like in the reform, according to Chubais: in exchange for Soviet citizenship - a voucher; in exchange for a voucher - money; in exchange for money - shares; in exchange for shares - the "new shares" and so any longer, up to a bottle of vodka or a kilogram of sausage.
... I see the reaction of your editors when one of you is holding the letter in his hands and in Volodin, shrugs, moving chin and hands making commercials. They say, well, what can I say, you see, as it is written? Clearly, the "who" wrote ... And the others at this time, so in unison, their heads nodding. Like, okay, okay! What's rassusolivat? Rounds soon. It is necessary to Strahov Rossel "consecrate" and not stray nonsense readers to engage in ...
And maybe, one a, well, just "zamuhryshka" editorial, which is less likely to respect and listen to the accepted will take yes and blurt out: "That's right, we expect great things, great people ... And to answer some of our readers, on the merits, right. "
All zavolnuyutsya, zavolnuyutsya and most authoritative of you exclaim in exasperation and rhetorically: What he needs something from our Volodya ?! Tea and does not know what he wants!
In this case the task easier for you. Let's try to speculate.
... So, Volodya today Sanatin good and solid "disapproves" (see. His article). Well, and rightly so. I do not approve of "today", too. Here, only one vospominanitse not give me rest. I remember that Sanatin was sob.korrom. "Komsomolskaya Pravda". In yet quite different recent times. Then this "elder" of the whole of the Middle Urals was all that "necessary"; and car and apartment and office fees and solid, and the impact on fellow journalists of local rather excellent. And most importantly, he could "zalomat" of any of the local bosses that does not "the good" and live "not so."
As recent former Komsomol journalist Svetlana Shipunovo (see. Publicity for blood. Sov.Rossiya, 30.03.95), all-powerful party-cracy was broken friendly journalistic fraternity. Broken reed. With all the consequences today. In the language of science (and this - the Greek language!), The party-fold changed to Doxa-fold.
Doxa - is, in Greek, "opinion" meant. And the views - a "random thoughts." Remember, Oleg Gazmanov: "My thoughts - my horses?" And so jumping thoughts newspapers, dragging bloodied bodies of human life today.
What happened? And in place of disciplined, but stupid party "uncle" from the Department of Press and Propaganda came uninhibited young man with a degree in journalism at the Ural State University, but without the "King in the head." However, as they say, grandfathers villagers, "Bitch do not skhochit - dog did not jump!" ...
Volodya Sanatin-what then? Volodya, rather than to change the party's declined by Sophio-fold (in Greek, Sophia - wisdom), fat safely at the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", all his behavior, he blessed life and to win a furious "doxa", which is time, and spawned entirely so unloved them Zhirinovsky.
Again, I see in your eyes round edition. I hear: "What nonsense, and how this can be of n p o s t o d a journalist's claim, but how could he? What nonsense! "
Excuse me, my friends! Do you want my opinion to think and reason, so let on your own stove will dance. So, take the magazine «Ural» № 4, 1994. Find it book your colleagues. This - the Spanish journalist Pilar Bonet. And what did it, she's talking about?
Oh, that destroyed the Soviet Union of the Sverdlovsk Regional Party ?!
That their party brains at the same time served the mastermind "Bialowieza collusion" Gennady Burbulis ?!
What he pet philosophical faculty of USU. And a favorite of the local intelligentsia and local party organs that ideological 'refueled' from the same faculty ?!
What Gene breasts became (along with youth as professor at the Ural State University and the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party) in the defense of "internationalism" against the terrible monster - "Russian chauvinism" and honorably defended his native Sverdlovsk ?!
Now, Call-ka of (hypothetical) "editorial jerk" that you, instead of me, my question asks, in his presence, looking Volodya Sanatin eyes, read the following: "So what, Volodya, do not like you and me zhituha something today? So Gene Burbulis on "The board of national shame" will be, as the architect of the "zhituha" exhibit? No? How can there! Once young days you do not like, and then Gena too. And if Gene Burbulis you like, then it is time spirited - it is for you to be. How else? Otherwise, some logical, it is impossible! "
Actually, the question is, do you, Volodya. Back then in 1989 it was necessary to ask. He now also to your conscience.
You, here, all the "elder" of the ideological and political self build. Sage, that is. And Gene took your journalists in year 1987-89 and led them under the banner of "wisdom" (PhD, in fact!), Oleg Gazmanov willed: for ruts, potholes so on to the wind in your ears "waxwing", but smartly my heart was. Today, he does not hide it, and proudly says the same to me, to the crime, no! Rights gene. He's just an eccentric, does not understand that if Volodya would Sanatin if all its institutional power, "leaned" on the public consciousness of the Middle Urals, then, perhaps, not a pseudo-philosopher Gene of pseudo-philosophical faculty of empty brains led to the party, but a real philosopher, any.
What's that? Where are these sages would then seek want? And it is - simple. Look at the very party-university bosses who Gena something for all personnel rules of the Party Committee, cherished ... So, who are the same at this time, pressured, harassed, oklevetyvali - those, therefore, replacing "Genin" It was. The subject of their "party-genetic" falsification, therefore ... the method "by contradiction" to argue!
I somehow do not remember "master Sanatin" sought these people (the line of duty, by the way!) And have stood up for them.
What's that? Who, after all, they are! Unclear? Uh-huh ... Well, it can, in extreme cases, such as Svetlana Shchekin posprashat. It can not be something that does not know about. In the "inferno" staffing it was.
But Volodya Sanatin something, all this deception of the people, and blessed, namely, quietly missed when Gene ... for the "people's guide" persistently betrayed. So Volodya Sanatin - godfather genes Burbulis is ... And now for the B LIABILITY u And I is A N and X!
But Zhirinovsky ... It's to cover their own "brothel" in journalism from the eyes of a gullible public. He is, after all, "technological waste" their joint cooperation and collaboration. The secondary product. The product of the actual institutional cooperation that have V.Sanatina with G.Burbulisom in 1987 - 1989 GG It began and, as can be seen, in fact, is still ongoing.
With sincere respect for journalistic work,
Alexey Kazakov,
Members of the Working Philosophy Club
them. Joseph Dietzgen.
July 15, 1995
THE POST. Scriptum. Today redox cratic time (ie the time the public pluralism and individual irresponsibility) everything is possible, everything. It is quite possible that Vladimir Sanatin take position as in the magazine "Crocodile": I - I did not, and Tshombe and bombs are not mine!
Well, then all the fish in the waters of the Middle Urals open their mouths ... and cry out. But the souls of carp that swallowed V. Sanatin in cream like Erin rush him, so that more journalists to punish him for ... tiny, tiny conscience!

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