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вторник, 5 апреля 2011 г.

Cybernetic project "Man - Machine"

One of the fundamental errors Fromm was an idea that erotic counterculture drug is an antidote to the cybernetic, technotronic nekrofilnomu and society of the West. In fact, the Frankfurt School itself was directly related to the cybernetic draft Russell, Wiener, Wells. Cybernetic groups 60 years. Funded by the J. Machi was the roof, under which security forces had conducted studies of psychedelics and psychotropic drugs. This experiment does not just go out on the streets of cities: San Francisco, Greenwich Village, Berkeley and other campuses in the counterculture. Itself cybernetic group, together with the project "Machine Man" appeared in May 1942 in New York at a conference on the brain, sponsored by the Medical Director of the said fund F. Fremont-Smith. Participants in the meeting were William Makkuloh, A. Rosenbluth, G. Bateson, M. Meade, L. Frank. Rosenbluth spoke on behalf of Wiener and von Neumann proposed the creation of a group of biologists, physicians, engineers, anthropologists, psychologists to conduct experiments in the field of social control. All this proceeded from the assumption that the human brain is a simple machine for processing information from the input and output, and hence human behavior can be programmed at the individual and societal levels. The Second World War delayed the start of this project, but in March 1946 in New York hosted the second conference, entitled "Inverse Circular causal mechanisms and systems in biology and social sciences." Twenty participants took over the mission of creating a fully-managed society based on the confluence of human and machine. A year after the conference Winer used the term "cybernetics" to indicate the direction of efforts. As a result, there was a collective "Dr. Jekyll", whose composition is very odiozen. His task was to communicate the scheme of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:
Excuse me, my friend, that I'm violating your peace.
I am looking for the brain - your fine. Changing the logic there! Of particular interest is the personalities M. Mead, classic kulturantropologicheskoy thought of the West. Its pseudoscientific anthropology permeated with hatred for an industrial society. During the early part of the project was an assistant curator of ethnology of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It emphasized the natural benefit of cybernetics and helped found the modern feminist movement through patronized her Betty Friedan, a student and protege K. Levin. Last, the founder of the Research Center of Group Dynamics at MIT, is known since the work of the founder of the Frankfurt School K. Corsham in the field of linguistics, which was the basis for the theory of Artificial Intelligence. Lab Levin became the National Education Laboratory and helped restructure the American education system in the direction rasselovskogo nightmare when psychologists are taught to children in schools that snow is black. In the list of leaders of the conference were: W. Makuloh, W. Pitts, Gregory Bateson, P. Lazersfeld, J. von Neumann, Norbert Wiener. During seven years on the cyber group were many guests, among them M. Horkheimer, G. Abramson, F. Fremont-Smith. On the basis of this group had published a book of British sotsioinzhenera B. Sargan "Battle for the Mind" (1957), which is a tutorial on "brainwashing". The author spent 20 years in the U.S., where he worked in a number of secret programs and projects. For Neumann and Wiener objective of the project was the creation of computer-computer and a combination of high-speed computers with artificial intelligence in order to reprogram the human race. It was assumed that the machine of the human brain replace the computer. As a result lyutseferovsky recreate the image of man. So, D. Vaysner, president of MIT, proposed that if the conductivity of the nerve signal is 300 meters per second, and the conductivity of the electrical signal is 300,000 miles per second, it should be replaced with nerve components as unreliable on the more durable and fast. Machines can replace people, but because all the "crazy (crazy) arguments" like that "computers do not have a soul" should be unhesitatingly rejected. This line continued all the work conducted at MIT in 70-90. All work in the field of artificial intelligence carried out in a spirit of "scientific paganism" by T. Leary. In 1974, the chief propagandist narkorevolyutsii and PC S. Brand published an article titled "Eleven computer boundaries." One described his conversation with Mr. Bateson, the architect of the psychedelic revolution in the United States and a member of experiments in the veterans hospital in Palo Alto, in the second, he predicts the emergence of small machines can be deployed on the screen at night "space war." Problem he sees in the games that people have left the business, watched the clock in the cathode tube, translucent brain with terrible force, destroyed the vision, fixed fingers into the buttons, left friends and spend valuable computing time employers! That was the prototype of violent and sexual video games today. These were the initial objectives of the project man-machine ". Obviously, the initial secret military projects have led to a shift in the cultural paradigm of the West, which in turn ensured the emergence of time as the postmodern era of the new "Dark Ages" 1. The most important project was the creation of cybernetic World Federation of Mental Health, the first president of which Brigadier General D. Roulinz Rice was director of the Tavistock Institute. Since 1948, Rice, Mead, Frank Fremont-Smith, together created the National Committee of Mental Hygiene and the London-based International Committee of Mental Hygiene. Both committees coordinate the work of 4,000,000 men "psychiatric shock troops" (the terminology of rice), located in the heart of the global vehicle of social engineering. That's where experience and took pictures of our economists shokoterapevty! Wrong so they called the "voodoo economists": its shocking effect they justified scientifically and very solid, that does not cancel the misanthropic nature of their projects. The two pillars of cybernetic group (Mead, and Frank), then became president of the World Federation of Mental Health, created a "Manifesto of the First International." International challenge was the transition from a healthy individual to the organization of a healthy society. The concept of mental health, thus, has been expanded to the level of world order and global outlook. Meanwhile, Frank has proposed a new religion, mental health! However, religion is a mental health becomes its opposite - in mentitsid. Feature of mentitsida is the use of psychotropic drugs that turn people into zombies. These tools are now Ritalin and Zoloft. All the massacres of recent years in the U.S. were carried out under the influence and adoption of new trankvillizatorov type of Ritalin and Prozac. In the U.S., 2 million children regularly take Ritalin, Prozac. Lyuvoks, Paxil and other antidepressants and psihonarkotiki manufactured by Pfizer. Many of these children are walking "time bomb". Independent research published in London "Explorer", show that Prozac causes violent behavior in mentally healthy people and is an amplifier of violent behavior for which many people are serving sentences in prison. According to the journal of the American Medical Association - Report on Trends in the appointment pishotropnyh medicines preschoolers "- the poor children of black families get dangerous for them Ritalin (metifenidat) on a massive scale and in early age groups, prescription drugs increased during the 5 years to 300%. The use of Prozac (flyuoktsetin hydrochloride) as stunning - a year more than 3000 prescriptions written for children aged under one year of life! In 57% of the psychiatrists diagnosed in children younger than 4 years: ADHD (literally: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Meanwhile, on each pack of Ritalin printed warning: "Ritalin can be used to treat children younger than 6 years, since safety and efficacy of this age have not been established." A second warning reads: "long-term effects of Ritalin to children have not been established." It is obvious that the children are playing in a sort of "Russian roulette health", so the use of psychotropic drugs in children should be legally prohibited. However, alarmed by the therapists are doing all the other signals - psychotropic drugs have a positive effect on children's anxiety and, therefore, should develop more sophisticated and approved methods of psychotropic drugs to children. Teletubbies - teleistorii of the lives of four "technological creatures" were the result of research by American psychologist Anne Wood and Andy Davenport. Project telepuziya "is a psychological project development management toddlers and a half to four years. The project entered into the general scheme of formation of post-modernity, requiring in some kind of supra-national and universal essence of living in a world of novelty (remember the book of the former Soviet researcher and now an American professor M. N. Epstein, "The Paradoxes of novelty"). This creature is said to slang newspeak and working with computers under the influence of continuous flow of information. Our telepuzy and live in the abstract, universal peace. They live in a clearing under the terrible "sunshine" in midfield big mushroom - their home, their mom and dad is a big vacuum cleaner. Talking characters telematics and robotehnichesky, phrases primitive vocabulary is limited and hinders the development of the spectators. The names of the Teletubbies are strange and detached from life. It's something like nicknames: la-la, DIPS, and Poe. Names without a middle, and last, no life as a frozen smile on their faces. Persons mask. Mime Marcel Marceau at the time showed the number when a person rooted human mask and a tragedy. Do not Teletubbies persons and no smiles, but only a frozen mask of patients with schizophrenia. Whether delivering role Puzanov arstisty gradually go crazy and degraded. Colors Puzikov homogeneous and bright clean. There exist in nature! But the images and colors in the joint application of carry some information, the origin and meaning of which is unknown to us. Thus, global company offers a global telepuziyu under common control, without any national-cultural features. Such psihoprogrammirovanie already provoked a violent. But the reaction of peoples protest against globalization. For example, in Europe there is activation of the new right-wing parties. These parties are flatly reject any liberal projects that in 80 years, shared the figures of "national front". Such parties should be called "the Crusaders closed society" - in democratic societies, they insist on government support of labor and indigenous population. We are talking about Austria, France, Norway, Spain and other countries. The Europeans are terrified of the future, imposed by the U.S. oligarchy and proposed as a common future of peace. In this world, man loses sex, name, emotions, family, instead he finds the ability to live among electronic machines and should receive a dose of fun to communicate with more clever than he is, machines. Leading British anthropologist of the twentieth century. Sir EE Evans-Pritchard all his field expeditions spent establishing the rule of the British Empire in the world. He was born in 1902 in the family of the Church of England vicar. He studied at Oxford University in A. Radcliffe-Brown, who introduced the methods of structural anthropology in England. After graduation, he worked at the Colonial Office in Britain, where he created the myth of "niloticheskih natives," which was used by British intelligence to destabilize Sudan. The first object of study was the Dinka tribe in southern Sudan (the entire twentieth century. The leaders of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army out of the Dinka tribe - at the end of the century such a leader was D. Garang, supported by the Ugandan "little Hitler" Musaveni). In the 30 years. Sir Edward wrote his major work "Nuer. Explains how to livelihood and political institutions of a nilotskih peoples, "which became a bible for all the destabilizing processes in the world. In the paper as features of the studied tribes called permanent war of each against all, and especially between the Nuer and Dinka. During the Second World War, Evans-Pritchard served in the British military intelligence and was involved in a number of operations that organize the Abyssinian tribes against the Italians in Ethiopia, and also directed the withdrawal of French troops from Syria, organized by the English peasant revolt. Critical operations, where anthropological knowledge was used in its entirety was a blow to the Bedouin troops generama Rommel across the Western Desert. In the desert were brought Sufi mysticism to the side of Britain, their leader, Idris was immediately after the war put the King of Libya. Instead Games General Staff on the boxes with sand, anthropologists have moved to the manipulation of peoples and religions, like puppets in the collective public consciousness. Son of the anthropologist Ambrose Evan-Pritchard the postwar period his father practiced the skills on modern SSHA.2 In the 90 years. Ambrose called for a "cultural revolution" in the U.S., because America can not long be in a consistent state - they exist only through force. Therefore, cultural processes are able to blow up the United States. So, after an explosion in 1995 in Oklahoma City, Ambrose went to study the anthropological perspective in subversive militia USA. As a result, it became known that the police had drawn up plans to counter a widespread federal forces of America in all states. It turned out that the American militia dominated by anti-British sentiment and no one sees the hand of the royal family in terrorist acts. Obviously, the work of the school of cultural anthropology was napravlnea in the U.S. for the introduction of anti-government and anti-war structure in order to rebuild their ideology and practice. As a result, for 90 years. Evans-Pritchard has become a cult hero of many anti-government groups. At least on the Internet addressed to Sir Ambrose is mentioned so often among American patriots, but they forget that a British agent is embedded in anti-state structure of the United States. In recent years, the name of the structural anthropologist concerned with "Klintongeytom (launched into circulation by media stories of women seduced Clinton - from P. Jones to M. Lewinsky). "Klintongeyt is viewed as the result of successful anthropological expedition in the U.S.. Expedition itself is based on hatred for the federal government and America as a constitutional republic. The essence of the expedition was the creation of myths - a concept weapon that can change the world.
Nekrasov, SN

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