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понедельник, 31 июля 2017 г.

Organized loss

Siluanov spoke about the loss of public funds in the troubled Russian banks in 2016
The Finance Ministry estimates the losses of public funds in Russian banks 100 billion rubles over the last year. In this regard, the Ministry supports the action of the Central Bank, directed on increase of reliability of banks, in particular the proposal to create a tiered banking system, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.
"On the one hand, will reduce the administrative burden on banks and will enhance the availability of banking services, and with another - will become the basis for the stability of the banking sector and a healthier banking system", - Siluanov quoted speech at the Congress of the Association of Russian banks (ARB) on Tuesday Reuters.

Where lies the main challenge for the student?

Where lies the main challenge for the student?
Sverdlovsk students will tell what kind of God is correct and what is the Church the Russian
16.03.2017 published in the news section of the review

The missionary Institute of the diocese of Yekaterinburg launched at Ural state economic University course "foundations of spiritual security," according to Znak.com citing Department of information policy of the Governor of Sverdlovsk region.

From the summary to the course should be designed for six to eight hours of lecture. Among the topics that affect lecturers "Religious and political extremism," "Spiritually-moral ideal of the traditional religions of Russia", "Sects and sectarianism". He told the OTV channel one of the developers of the training program, member of the Institute of the diocese of Konstantin Korepanov, the course is intended "to meet the challenges faced by students, and points to the set of preventive measures not to get where to get not necessary".

Unconstitutional law creates the crime

Contributions for the repair often spent inefficiently
April 14. FINMARKET.RU - the Russians are forced to pay for the repair, but not all the money is spent as intended. Part is subject to a financial reserve - a "safety cushion". As reported by "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", the Ministry of construction in 2016 on the accounts of the regional operator were collected 123 billion rubles., the cost of work on the acts - 107 billion rubles Obtained, the remaining 16 billion rubles, or 13% of the amount - this is the "safety cushion".
A new line in the receipt for the rent not only causes great dissatisfaction of the population, but also exacerbates existing in the national economy problems.
Citizens are forced to pay monthly contributions for capital repair, thus further reducing in a crisis your consumer demand. After all, the rent is the main expenditure item in families. However, not all contributions of citizens spent on major repairs. Every year a certain portion of the funds raised goes to the special "safety cushion" of the regional operator.

воскресенье, 30 июля 2017 г.

Right guys

Your Godin and the area of timina
The Holy Scriptures
Yasin Gaidar - from the point of view of Mr. Yassin - it turns out, did everything right. But they headed the wrong. And after them too. The results are as follows: the gross Domestic product fell by more than tenfold, from 2.5 trillion dollars in the USSR up to 170 billion dollars a year in Russia by the year 2000. For comparison: the budget of Russia for 1999 - $ 20 billion, and Finland (population about 25 times less, about Saint-Petersburg) - about 18 billion dollars. According to various estimates, during peak periods of the hungry and impoverished Russia monthly "ran" up to 2 billion. dollars., and these channels are still working.

Industrial production in Russia in 2011 in comparison with the RSFSR in 1990:
Fabric wool — 3,0%;
The excavators of 6.5%;
Tractors — 5,7%;
Harvesters — 9,4%;
Machine tools — 3,4%;
Vacuum cleaners — 4,8%;
In 1988. it was exported abroad the 500,000 color television sets, 200,000 of washing machines. Exported refrigerators, air conditioners, cameras, hydrofoils. And how much is exported sophisticated appliances today?

The fathers of Russian democracy

Who, in your opinion, is this powerful man? Don't tell
you can't know that. This giant of thought,
the father of Russian democracy and a person
close to the Emperor.
Ilf and Petrov. "12 chairs".
One such obosnovali use great Rastaschilovki was the father of those who dwell in booths and cooperately Yevgeny Yasin, former Minister of economy during the period of the spoil, and hands, people with the appearance of the Genie of the Arabian tale, who "as don Quixote protects Gaydar" because he took it to the government, and "Echo of Moscow", as don Quixote defends Yasin. "I want to understand: in our country, 20 years ago there was a revolution, which seriously changed the trajectory of our development. She has been saved from disaster, but gives no guarantees. However, if you work and achieve freedom, democracy, competition, to protect their rights, to demand anti-corruption and respect the rights of others, the public mood will change and we will see that the real economy allows to meet the challenges facing Russia" - the Yeltsin Minister.

Time scoundrels and its defenders


Slaves with degrees
"A pitiful nation, a nation of slaves,
from top to bottom - all slaves"
N. G.Chernyshevsky

"There were times worse — meaner gone!"
Hope Wosinska 1874

In 1992, at the meeting of the Gaidar-grandson reported that Zelenograd has 36 deaths from hunger. The Savior of the Fatherland from the excess of respondents answered that reforms were in place, money is not enough. More precisely, to ensure the sustenance of the people at least by the standards of German prisoners of war the money was. But they vigorously plundered more adapted, surviving Natural Selection Robbery 90s, senseless and merciless. Yes, and the great Chubais suggested that, if the rest is still thirty million not being able to adapt to the market, it is nothing deadly. Because "the whole history of capital is the history of violence and plunder, blood and dirt." (Lenin). Rob the country, according to Yu. Latynina, "insignificant little people, ruined the country's economy; dirty insignificant little people is ridiculous." But this Julia is not about their employers: it is not about Yeltsin, not about Chubais, Gaidar is not about and not about Yassin.

Die Russen gesammelter fertig war

Die Russen endgültig verarmt: drastisch fielen die Verkäufe von Haushaltsgeräten
Einkaufsliste bewegte sich in Richtung der Wesensmerkmale
Die Russen wurden weniger kaufen Unterhaltungselektronik und Haushaltsgeräte. Laut den beiden Einzelhandelsketten der Technik, mit dem Beginn des Jahres 2017 Verkauf unerwartet ins minus gehen. Doch warum unerwartet?..
 Es scheint, der Rubel erstarkt, "feindliche" Währung fällt. Aber die Russen irgendwie nicht reicher geworden, und die Fernseher Chargen aufzukaufen nicht in Eile. Verkauf von Computern, Tablets, Handys, Kühlschränke, Herde und andere Geräte seit acht Wochen dieses Jahres waren ausschließlich in den roten zahlen. In Ende Januar der Fall erreicht 11%, und erst Ende Februar leicht nachgelassen.

Über die "Löcher" in den Banken und in den Köpfen der Führungskräfte

Die Zentralbank geschätzt «Loch» Татфондбанка, angehörigte in den Top-50 größten Kreditinstitute der Russischen Föderation

Das «Loch» im Eigenkapital Татфондбанка schätzungsweise 97 Milliarden Rubel. Darüber, wie die Zeitung «Interfax», sagte der erste stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Zentralbank, Dmitri tulin.
«Seit Mai letzten Jahres haben wir verstanden, dass die Bank befindet sich in einer schweren finanziellen Situation, wir wussten, dass sein Kapital verloren, dass der Verlust der Liquidität kann jederzeit auftreten, wenn Trigger wird ein Ereignis, dass die Bank unrentabel ist und dass der Jahresabschluss im wesentlichen unrichtig ist. Seit Mai unser Revisionsinstanz das Team der Hauptverwaltung befand sich in ständigen Gesprächen mit der Führung der Bank und seiner Aktionäre», — sagte er.

L'état dans le rôle de рэкетира

Le pillage des russes, des retraités: l'etat a publié dans le rôle de рэкетира

Les citoyens âgés de ne pas attendre le dégivrage des retraites
Planifier la vieillesse de la jeunesse — l'affaire correct et bon. Qui, si ce n'est nous-mêmes, prenons soin de sa безбедном l'avenir? Cependant, en Russie, une telle approche, malheureusement, ne fonctionne pas. Des années de tergiverser, accumuler, et au moment de ces moyens de perdre. Et пострадаешь pas de mains d'escrocs et de leur propre etat.
Comme nous nous souvenons tous, en 2014, le gouvernement a annoncé un moratoire sur les fonds de pension. Autrement dit, une partie de la population a enlevé une partie de leur argent durement gagné, remis sur la vieillesse. Plus tard, cette surgélation j'ai encore plus d'une fois. Mais, comme l'affirmaient les fonctionnaires, tôt ou tard, les gens ont l'argent retourné. Cependant, comme l'a déclaré la veille au Conseil de la Fédération de russie le chef de la banque centrale Elvira Nabioullina, dans l'avenir de remboursement n'est pas prévu.

Le retour du poing de la deuxième Partie

Tu m'as appris, gad!

«La propriété est un vol».

Basile le Grand, père de l'église

Dahl a dit un jour: «le Peuple considère юродивых le peuple de Dieu, trouvant souvent dans l'inconscient des actes de leur sens profond, même pressentiment ou de prévoyance; l'église du même reconnaît et юродивых à cause de Christ, favorables à humble masque юродства». Combien grand la prophétie des personnes de renommée mondiale. Même inconscient. Mstislav Rostropovitch, venu sauver Eltsine de la population, a lch, voyant sortis dans la rue la foule:

- Les gens se battent pour leurs maisons!

Pourquoi il l'a lch – n'est pas tout à fait clair. Peut, сверзился avec le mur de Berlin lors de sa destruction. Peut, a aussi un vent de changement. Mais comme l'eau était. Bien que les prophéties de l'ancien temps il fallait une pierre au cou et à l'eau. Pour regardé hors DE l'eau.

- Vous avez un espace privatisé?! – avec une telle colère se demande ordinaire Моисеич, sur un autre вещалке, comme lui-même a favorisés de la population de celle-ci. Car Моисеич, Mstislav Rostropovitch avec ЕБН avons donné à la population de l'espace de vie.

Les raisons de la faiblesse du rouble

Grande banque russe prédit l'effondrement du rouble
L'alpha-banque a révisé l'an prévision de la valeur du dollar. À la fin de l'année, le dollar va coûter 75 roubles au lieu déclarées précédemment 58 roubles. Les prix du pétrole restent à un niveau de 40 dollars le baril, tandis que la banque centrale ne s'opposeront pas à l'affaiblissement du rouble.
La précédente prévision de l'Alpha-banque était sur la base du prix du pétrole à 60 dollars le baril, mais aujourd'hui, cette prévision trop optimiste, selon RBC.
Dans la revue de «la Révision de la макропрогнозов en raison de la volatilité du marché» de l'économiste en chef de la banque Natalia Orlova a noté qu'à chaque baisse du prix du pétrole de 10 dollars la valeur fondamentale de taux de change pour 5 roubles. Cependant, selon elle, après que la banque centrale a cessé de contrôler le rouble, la baisse des prix du pétrole de 10 dollars, conduisant à la croissance de taux de change pour 10 roubles.

Le retour du poing de la

Première partie
Les poings commencent à раскулачивать
"Chaque riche il ya
le voleur ou l'héritier d'un voleur"
Cezary fond Гейстербах
«Et la peur et la crainte de votre sera sur tous les зверех de la terre [et sur tous les скотех de la terre,] à tous les oiseaux du ciel, et sur tous les mobiles de la terre, et sur tous les poissons marins: dans les mains de vos вдах [i]. Et tout en mouvement, le hérisson il est vivant, vous serez dans la mangeaille». Ainsi, Dieu a commandé мироедам tous les pays de manger son prochain. Par conséquent, les plus grandes sangsues dans tous les domaines communautés sont à la fois les plus dévots.
«Ramenez-le poing!!!» - crissent, toutefois, mûrs окололитературные femmes, en situation de mobilité dans les meilleures publications et réunions «переумничавшую duru» Зинаиду Guippius (opinion de S. S. Rozanov), обещавшую le 29 octobre 1917 излюбленному peuple:
Et bientôt dans le vieux berceau tu seras acculé par le bâton,
Le peuple, ne vénérant les reliques!

суббота, 29 июля 2017 г.




在一次会议上与安理会成员在科学和教育头的库尔恰托夫研究所米哈伊尔*科瓦利丘克被引述的一首诗帕斯捷尔纳克的"高疾病"。 在该段的列宁帕斯捷尔纳克中写道:"他的统治该流思想,只是因为—的国家。" 科瓦利丘克提供的总统",以找到这样的组织,需要控制"认为"在一个特定的方向"。

"控制的想法是正确的,它只是必要的,这种思想导致正确的结果,但不像列宁。 最后这个想法导致了苏联的崩溃,那是什么。 有很多这样的想法:自主权等。 奠定了原子弹爆炸的建筑下,这就是所谓的俄罗斯,然后她赶上。 和世界革命,我们并不需要,"—普京。


Plünderung unter dem Deckmantel der Gesundung

Bloomberg: N abiullina, entschuldigte sich bei der Regierung für eine direkte Appell an Putin
Der Präsident unterstützt die vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen zur Sanierung des Finanzsystems
Der Chef der notenbank, Elvira Nabiullina, entschuldigte sich bei der Regierung dafür, dass unter Umgehung er wandte sich an den Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation Wladimir Putin mit der bitte, Sie zu unterstützen seine Kampagne zur Sanierung des Bankensektors, behauptet Bloomberg. Wir werden erinnern, dass in den letzten drei Jahren Schloss die Zentralbank 308 Kreditinstitute.

The explosion according to plan

(Especially the planning of sabotage in terms of market forces).
In order to steal successfully, you need to have
only the agility and greed. Greed in particular
necessary because of the small theft can get justice.
In many publications of the Soviet period was at one time honored the section "what the papers say 100 (50, 30, 10) years ago." In some he remained still.
Here, for example, what he wrote in Penza in 2004. The then head of the regional energy Commission Dmitry Semyonov didn't want citizens indignant about another price increase for services of life-support.
Here is an excerpt from the interrogation of the Chairman of REK for the Penza region Dmitry Semenov.
- Dmitry Vasilyevich, who raises the price of electricity? Is one to blame Chubais?
- It seems that another increase in the cost of electricity occurs at the whim of themselves engineers. But in fact it is not. In Russia there are three levels of regulation of tariffs.

Poor citizens of a rich Russia

Russia overtook the level of the minimum wage, the poorest countries of the European Union
In Bulgaria and Romania get more
 Russians outraged the minimum wage in the EU, or rather how many times they differ from ours. Social media users actively commented on the latest data of European statistical Agency Eurostat. In Luxembourg, the "minimal" amounts to almost 2 thousand euros, and the most humble minimum - Bulgaria:235 euros. Meanwhile, in Russia the minimum wage is 7.5 thousand rubles, or 120 euros in terms of: this is almost two times less than the poorest in Bulgaria and in 16 times less than prosperous in Luxembourg.
photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Het beleid is gericht op de verarming van het volk

Een derde van de Russen kan het niet kopen van een worst: poll geschokt
En één op de vijf bespaart op groenten
De Bank van Rusland zei over de verbetering van het consumentenvertrouwen van de burgers. Volgens de in januari te beoordelen, de Centrale Bank op basis van de resultaten van de poll Fonds "oud", een kwart van de Russen geloven dat volgend jaar hun financiële situatie zal verbeteren. Terwijl velen blijven om te besparen op voedsel, volgt uit de evaluatie. Een dergelijke paradox nauwelijks aanleiding geeft tot optimisme.
 Zoals gerapporteerd in de Centrale Bank, in januari opgenomen de maximale waarde van positieve verwachtingen van burgers over hun rijkdom. Zelfs in het derde kwartaal van 2016, de verslechtering van het welzijn opgemerkt door 40% van de Russen, nu tot ongeveer 30%. Volgens de Centrale Bank, de index of consumer sentiment steeg voor de tweede maand op een rij.

De nouveaux progrès procureurs dans la lutte avec les jeunes

L'oisiveté mère de tous les vices.
Il est connu depuis longtemps: les infractions les jeunes commencent avec le fait que nulle part où aller et rien à faire. Déjà un quart de siècle, les nouveaux maîtres de la Russie réduisent tous les mauvais lieux de culture, de jardins d'enfants à des cercles, passant pour un sou dans les mains du privé. Dans la glorieuse ville de Penza, de trois cents adolescents des clubs de l'époque bolchevisme est resté un panneau sur la maison avec l'inscription «Ici a été fondée la première d'un club pour adolescents «Семицветик». De retour, lire, encore au début du XXE siècle, quand un peu d'amusement de la jeunesse était un crachement de cosses de graines sur нижесидящих dans le théâtre, de pousser les uns les autres sur la rue principale de la ville et de photos n'est pas tout à fait des femmes habillées dans la fenêtre de photos.

пятница, 28 июля 2017 г.

Robbery plan

Central Bank threatens to raise the dollar to 70 roubles
Russia began a planned devaluation of the national currency
Since February, the Bank of Russia with the filing of the Ministry of Finance begins massive buying currency on the domestic market. The purpose of these interventions, as follows from minfinovskih leaks is to drop the ruble by 10%, to mend holes in the Federal budget. While the panic on the stock exchanges and the exchange there. But the fact remains that the planned devaluation is announced. It is therefore possible that exchange boom — the nearest time, because of the actions of the Central Bank could throw a dollar from the current 60 to 70 rubles.

Если прокурор не вор, то почему существует задолженность по выплате зарплаты?

Задолженность по зарплате в России за месяц выросла на 35%
Совокупная задолженность по зарплате в России в марте выросла до 4,471 млрд руб. Это более чем на треть больше, чем месяцем ранее
​По данным на 1 апреля 2016 года, совокупная задолженность по зарплате в России (без учета малых предпринимателей) составила 4,471 млрд руб., что на 35,4% больше, чем месяцем ранее, следует из материалов Росстата. Несмотря на значительный прирост, общий объем задолженности составил менее 1% месячного фонда заработной платы работников наблюдаемых Росстатом видов экономической деятельности.

Manifestations of the domination of the financial oligarchy

The profit of Russian banks jumped seven times
The profit of Russian banks in January-August 2016 has increased seven times compared to the same period last year — up to 532 billion rubles. This was reported in the review of the Bank of Russia. In the first eight months of last year, domestic credit institutions received an income of 76 billion rubles.
In August, the deposits in banks in annual terms decreased by 0.5 per cent to 23.4 billion. Corporate lending in August fell 0.9 percent, the volume of credits to individuals grew 0.7 percent.

Oligarchic state

 The world Bank said the main reason for the stagnation in Russia the concentration of power
Experts from the world Bank (WB) report on "Governance and law", excerpts of which publishes the newspaper "Kommersant", said the main reason for the stagnation in Russia the concentration of power. All power is in the hands of officials and a narrow group of elites, who live off resource rents leads to corruption, inequality and underdevelopment, the document says.
The level of non-compliance of the state apparatus, the development of the Russian Federation is on a par with Rwanda and Turkey, and occupies the lowest place among all countries reviewed.
As in these two countries, in Russia by 2015 remained groups with real influence on policy, but policymakers, and the only reforms that are implemented are meritocratic - that is made in favor of existing elites.

Under the guise of concern for the country

The capitalists need the army of unemployed and cheap labor

Retirement age will fall into a demographic pit
Demographic problems of Russia can soon cause significant damage to the country. The so-called "demographic hole", which is a consequence of the low birth rate in 1990-ies, may cause raising the retirement age. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has repeatedly said that the "bar" need to be lifted to 63 years (men and women). The same idea was expressed by the head of Rosstat. It is sure that you need to follow the example of Kazakhstan, which has already gone to such measures.

Le cours sur le vol du peuple

Les revenus réels des Russes bloqués au niveau de 2007
Un record depuis les années 1990 la baisse du niveau de vie en Russie à l'arrêt.
Selon Rosstat, le revenu disponible réel (qui est, le montant qui reste sur les mains après toutes les dépenses obligatoires, corrigés de l'inflation) ont cessé de diminuer pour la première fois en 30 mois (si l'on exclut les aux retraités en Janvier paiements uniques off).
En Juin, le revenu national moyen de 32229 roubles. En termes nominaux, le montant a augmenté - à 1357 roubles par an et 1736 roubles par rapport au premier trimestre. Cependant, toutes les recettes supplémentaires ont été « mangée » par l'inflation.

La politique sociale de l'UE et de la Russie

Dans l'UE ont réfléchi sur le versement d'un revenu de base inconditionnel à tous les européens
L'Eurodéputé Mady Delvaux-Ster (Mady Delvaux-Stehres) a présenté le projet de rapport, qui parle de la nécessité de «réfléchir sérieusement» à propos de la notion de revenu de base inconditionnel. La nécessité de cette, à son avis, est conditionnée par la prochaine vague de chômage de masse, causée par généralisée роботизацией de production, écrit The Independent.

Dans l'étau de l'état oligarchique

MOSCOU, 13 janvier — RIA novosti, Anton Размахнин. Les collaborateurs scientifiques de l'académie Russe de l'économie nationale et d'etat auprès du Président de la fédération de RUSSIE (РАНХиГС) a mené une étude qui a montré: les russes pour les quatre dernières années, la plus pauvre de 10%. Dans le contexte de crise n'est pas seulement l'ensemble du pays en général, mais les ménages individuels apprennent la mode d'économie. Dans les prochaines années, les experts ne promettent pas les russes sont tout sauf "de la sueur, du sang et des larmes". Ils recommandent également utiliser plus activement développé le système de soutien de l'état. Plus de détails – dans le matériau de RIA novosti.

El estado de multimillonarios rusos mostraron un récord de crecimiento

 Su capital aumentaron en $29 mil millones después de la elección de donald trump, presidente de los estados unidos
El estado de multimillonarios rusos mostraron un récord de crecimiento

Moscú. El 10 de enero. INTERFAX.RU - Acumulado estado de rusos multimillonarios de la lista de журналаForbes aumentó en $29 mil millones desde el momento de la elección de donald trump, presidente de los estados unidos.
Más capaces de sumar el capital de gennady timchenko y leonid Михельсона. Timchenko fue uno de los principales objetos de las sanciones estadounidenses en 2014. A ello ha ayudado a que las acciones de crecimiento de la compañía de gas НОВАТЭК (aumentaron en un 16% después de las elecciones en los estados unidos). Ahora el estado de timchenko se estima en $15,1 millones (un aumento de $1,8 mil millones).

Орешкин se preocupa por los ingresos de la oligarquía

Орешкину no necesita el dinero: el jefe de la secretaría de desarrollo económico de nuevo tratando de derribar el rublo

El ministro de economía advirtió que en el fuerte "de madera" no vale la pena contar

 El ministro de desarrollo económico, maxime Орешкин encontrado otro argumento para explicar el posible futuro de un derrumbe del curso rusos signos de dinero. Según él, si la tasa de crecimiento de la importación a rusia en un 20-25%, que se produjo a principios de año, se mantengan en el verano, en una нацвалюту no vale la pena contar. El ministerio de desarrollo económico estima que en los próximos meses por dólar ya se exigir 63-64 del rublo. Sin embargo, los expertos creen que esto no es una excusa para la caída рублевого del curso. Por el contrario, muchos de ellos seguro que nuestra moneda es de las fuerzas de empujar al dólar en torno a 54-55 rublos.

Los resultados de las actividades del gobierno de rusia

Los rusos han tenido que ceder el queso y el aceite
El año pasado los productos lácteos en contra de la inflación se han encarecido hasta el 17%, en este año, su precio aumentará en otro
 El paso de 2016 fue pesado para el de la industria lechera – en lugar de la previsión de crecimiento de la economía rusa continuó la caída de los ingresos reales y la reducción en el poder adquisitivo de la población. Según la encuesta de Nielsen, el 20% de los compradores compran menos productos lácteos y el 36% guardado en la categoría de productos lácteos. Además, prometido de la industria, el apoyo estatal no sólo se ha dirigido no a tiempo, pero a finales de año se ha reducido.

A diretoria da "Gazprom" bilhões, e o povo de um aumento de preços

A diretoria da "Gazprom" já pagou a si mesmo 2,129 bilhões de rublos em meio a uma queda de mineração e de lucro
A remuneração dos membros do conselho de administração "Gazprom", por 9 meses de 2016 foi 2,129 bilhões, informa-FEIRA, com referência ao relatório financeiro da empresa de RAS. No mesmo período do ano passado, executivos da holding ganhou 1,74 bilhões. Portanto, os seus rendimentos aumentaram 22%.
Quando o fizer, o salário da diretoria da holding foi reduzido em 9% - até 960 milhões. No entanto, o prêmio foi decidido aumentar em 72% - até 1,124 bilhão de rublos.
Todas as outras chave de desempenho "Gazprom" pioraram.

четверг, 27 июля 2017 г.

O curso sobre estável pobreza do povo

O salário médio na Rússia já no 2 vezes menor internacionais
Em janeiro nesta quinta-feira registrou um 32.1 тыс. esfregar = $413, que é um pouco abaixo do Egito, visivelmente abaixo da Turquia (r$720) e China (us$820). 400 dólares – é o nível de pobre Albânia, 15% abaixo da Bulgária, 20% abaixo em ruínas e разбомбленной Sérvia, sobre a Macedónia e Bósnia e não dizer nada, eles até que em outro escalão.
Entre os países da Europa de Leste, o salário médio é distribuída na faixa de 450 a 1200, sendo que, a maior salário da Polónia ou da República checa e Croácia. E a menor na Albânia, Sérvia e Bulgária.

The Russians are stuck in crisis

Rustem Falyakhov 26.12.2016,
The crisis in Russia has ceased to be an abstract macroeconomic value, not related to personal wallet. More than 40% of Russians called the crisis and rising prices the most memorable events of 2016.
The symbol of the year for our compatriots was the crisis, said the research holding ROMIR interviewed 1 thousand respondents aged from 18 to 60 years of age and older, living in cities with population over 100 thousand people. The difficult economic situation in the country overshadowed for Russians, all other events, both within Russia and abroad.

Кто пропишет лекарство для ЦБ РФ?

ЦБ пропишет рублю лекарство от санкций 

Банк России на заседании в пятницу не решится продолжить смягчение денежно-кредитной политики на фоне ускорения инфляции и угрозы санкций США.
 Ключевая ставка ЦБ, определяющая стоимость кредитов в экономике и доходность вложений в рубли, останется на уровне 9% годовых, считают 7 из 10 экспертов, опрошенных ТАСС, и 21 из 35 в опросе Bloomberg.
Инфляция в июне ускорилась с 4,1% до 4,4%, а скачок цен на овощи стал рекордным за два года - 27,6%, в этих условиях Центробанк решит "подстраховаться", говорит аналитик "Открытие Брокер" Тимур Нигматуллин.
Причем, быстрее всего дорожают продукты и растут тарифы ЖКХ - то, на что тратится каждый потребитель и что наиболее чувствительно для беднейших слоев населения; как результат мы имеем "закономерное ухудшение инфляционных ожиданий населения", добавляет Нигматуллин.

Sur la protection des intérêts de l'oligarchie et ploutocratie

Le ministre des finances et le ministère du Travail, opposés à l'échelle progressive de l'IMPÔT sur le revenu
Aujourd'hui le regretté riches
Le nouveau système fiscal doit encourager les contribuables de bonne foi, a déclaré au congrès de la RSPP ministre des Finances Anton Jeudi. Selon lui, il y a un travail sur le changement du système de primes et d'avantages fiscaux. Le ministre des finances a soutenu l'introduction de taxes d'accise sur les «produits dangereux», mais s'est opposé à échelle progressive de l'impôt sur le revenu.
photo: Natalia Мущинкина

Sur les différents projets de "Rosnano" perdu des milliards

Étiquette noire Tchoubaïs: «le développement des nanotechnologies» apporte de l'hyper-pertes
Sur les différents projets de "Rosnano" perdu des milliards

Dans qui investit nos l'argent du peuple «Rosnano»?

En quelque chose de abstruse et académique.

Est considéré comme, sans éducation spéciale ne pas comprendre.

«MK» toutefois essayer de comprendre et veillé à ce que rien de solution ingénieuse dans le cadre des projets «Rosnano». L'argent est souvent investi dans des quotidiennes pièces — étiquetage, chargeurs, système de purification de l'air et de la construction de l'isolation. Mais ce sont les simples projets «Rosnano» impossible à mettre en œuvre.

Technique décalage — неизбывная le problème de notre pays. Les dirigeants russes depuis Pierre ier, décident, en achetant de l'ouest de la technologie et d'attirer des spécialistes étrangers. SOCIT anonyme de type ouvert «Rosnano» créé pour arrêter ce n'est pas nous faisant l'honneur de la tradition.

Le nombre de pauvres en Russie a augmenté jusqu'à 23 millions de personnes

L'effectif de la population ayant des revenus inférieurs au minimum vital en Russie au premier trimestre 2016, a augmenté à 22,7 millions de personnes par rapport à 14,4 millions dans le quatrième trimestre de l'année 2015. Ce vendredi, le 17 juin, rapporte le Rosstat. Les données sont présentées sans tenir compte des informations sur la Crimée et Sébastopol.
Le nombre total de citoyens avec un revenu inférieur à un salaire minimum s'élève à 15,7 pour cent de la population, selon les matériaux de l'office.

Who are the foreign agents?

In the state Duma refused to ban officials with overseas property
The Communists came up with for civil servants the new ban. Their families wanted to deprive real estate. Here you again! The public officials are prohibited from opening accounts and deposits abroad. But the author of the proposal, the Deputy from the Communist party faction Valery Rashkin sure that this restriction is not in full force. The fact that the owners of the house, for example, in Europe, you still have to open an account abroad to pay the taxes and the communal.

Money from Russia — like dirt, but people have to Rob

The financiers support the state as a rope - a noose.
(Charles Louis Montesquieu)
Hard life of the Russian workers and especially the Russian people on mother Russia in the conditions of oligarchic domination and rampant plutocracy. Much he has to endure. Before he could get rid of some parasites and drones, as immediately on his neck and the other perched, swinging his legs, squealing and fun, Yes let's drive to humiliate him. And it is not just robbed and humiliated, and with the invention, with the creative enthusiasm and panache. He is going to spend extortionate monetization, actually reducing consumption significantly. Drop the ruble 50-70% and drive up prices 100%. Then invent levies in the form of obschedomovyh needs, which will include all the wishes of the thieves managing companies. It will introduce charges for overhaul in the form of a financial pyramid.

Les banquiers ont demandé de ne pas voler l'argent des déposants

Chapitre DIA a encouragé les banques à ne pas tricher face à la faillite

Le chef de l'Agence d'assurance-dépôts (DIA) Yuri Isaev dans son discours au congrès de l'Association des banques russes (ARB) a fait appel à des banquiers, n'est pas capable de résister contre le vol d'argent du client, avec la demande d'au moins de ne pas supprimer des données par des investisseurs face à la faillite des banques, transmet IA "Finmarket".
"Selon les statistiques, nous sommes confrontés avec seulement 3% des cas explicites de fraudes sur l'ensemble du système bancaire, mais néanmoins, lorsque vous êtes déjà dans une situation où vous sentez, ce qui sera une sorte de réaction de la part de la Banque de Russie... ne les jetez pas dans la base de données. Parce que, ce faisant, vous créez une situation qui aggrave la difficulté pour nous", a déclaré le Protoplasma.

"Bouillon" dont sont issues les escrocs, les arrivistes et взяточники

Urgent! Le FSB a arrêté l'ex-ministre du gouvernement Arcadia Белявского Ancien ministre de la santé de la région de Sverdlovsk Arcady Beliavsky arrêté. Des informations à ce sujet «URA.RU» des sources en application de la loi. Selon leurs données, Beliavsky a été arrêté à Saint-Pétersbourg, à l'aéroport de Pulkovo.

Maintenant, un ancien haut fonctionnaire du gouvernement se trouve à la PRISON de Lefortovo, où il a été этапирован après la détention. Selon les informations préliminaires, le développement rapide et de la détention, effectuaient le personnel du service Fédéral de sécurité.
Des renseignements sur la détention Белявского, l'agence a également confirmé une source dans les milieux médicaux de l'entourage de l'ex-ministre.

The plunder of budgetary funds

The speech of the Chairman of the accounts chamber Tatyana Golikova plenary session of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the question about the main directions of unified state monetary policy for 2017-2019
Dear Vyacheslav Viktorovich, esteemed deputies, good afternoon.
Consideration of the draft document, I would like traditionally to start with macroeconomic indicators. It should be noted the validity of the estimates by the Bank of Russia dynamics of main macroeconomic indicators in 2016.
Largely by the efforts of the Bank of Russia in the current year were achieved reducing inflation. As at 28 November 2016 compared to 2015 year, the inflation rate was 5 %. Let me remind you that in November of 2015 compared to December 2014, the inflation was 12.1 %. In December of this year, consumer price growth may accelerate somewhat seasonal, however, according to our estimates, annual inflation will not exceed 5.5 to 5.8 percent.

Todos ellos bien... ¿y el suyo?

Vtsiom: el principal problema del país de los rusos creen que los bajos salarios
Los principales problemas de la nación, por las sensaciones de los rusos, en el último año están relacionados con las esferas de la economía y el gobierno. También están preocupados acerca de las situaciones en las esferas de la educación y la salud muestran los resultados de la encuesta vtsiom, realizado el 10 y 11 de diciembre en 130 localidades de 46 áreas, los bordes y las repúblicas y las ocho de la fo de rusia sobre una muestra de 1.600 personas.
Más alarman a los encuestados, los bajos salarios (18% de los encuestados), la situación general de la economía (18%), así como en el ámbito de la salud (17%). Además, los entrevistados preocupación de educación (11%) y la política social (9%), los bajos de la pensión (8%), la corrupción y la burocracia (8%). Al este de la importancia de la política exterior en los últimos años han disminuido: si a finales de 2014 y 2015 llamaban problema importante con el 12%, en diciembre de 2016-del - sólo el 4% de los ciudadanos.

Sprut Contae luachanna

Ceann Rómhánach státaire a bhí ar an nós nach bhfuil sé maith go seasta a chríochnú leis na focail: "Agus fós Carthage mór a bheith scriosta!" Cibé thosaigh sé ag labhairt ar an nua-aimseartha Chontae chathrach taoisigh, beidh siad dosheachanta ag deireadh suas le lamentations mar gheall ar easpa maoinithe. Agus, i ndáiríre, nach bhfuil airgead go leor. Beidh Horde na paraisítí.
"Ach an ceart a d' oirfeadh!" - dreaming an ceann stáit ag an radharc de go leor mar sin brazen oifigigh. Agus thosaigh siad. An chéad, an chumhacht an bheannaigh cathrach de Penza curtha ar an muineál na an daonra i Gcoitinne, OOO cuideachta bainistíochta. A ábhar a chaith 10% ar an gcíos. Níos lú institiúid atá i gceannas ar gach rud agus, dar le gach príosúnach agus nach conarthaí sínithe, ní bheadh freagra a thabhairt, a ghlacadh sé ach ní féidir. Ansin d ' éirigh sé amach go bhfuil sé dodhéanta gan aontaithe imréitigh lár. Chaith eile 4% agus a cruthaíodh!

Housing in Babi

Housing a woman Or
About frisky boys and Mature men
Rejoice, o young man, in thy youth, and Yes eats
your heart of joy in the days of thy youth, and walk
in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes;
but know that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.
The Bible, The Old Testament, "Ecclesiastes"
Sometimes just amazed how many in the current government frisky boys in leadership positions who don't care what you blurt out, if only the last word for them remained. Well, not directly state that people with higher education and advanced degrees, and women Bazaar.
Why do you think the costs within your living space three times higher than the cost of a block of flats? So some thieves live! Stealing-C. using magnetic linings which even the shaft drives the electricity is forced to spin in the opposite direction. (The opening, however). Frisky boys goczalkowice even the ads found on the sale thereof.


Sobre a Massa, Internet, баранах e дегенератах...
Postado 04.03.2017 autor Esculentus Maxim na seção a Sociedade e sua cultura
Sobre a Massa, Internet, баранах e дегенератах...
Vestidos de notas

Tudo porque o são desgastadas com o cinema Navalny sobre Dimona e de seus bens. Ah, dizem eles. "цать-milhões-de-visitas"! Com todo o respeito ao funcionamento de Navalny, eu vou dizer: e o que??? Você não sabia que a decisão da guilda, e considerando o poder como instrumento de enriquecimento pessoal? Sim, é, e quando Yeltsin foi. Não há nada de novo? O importante é diferente: todos estes milhões de visualizações já se assemelham sadomasoquismo-pornô. Milhões de lemmings, parece, olhando para os resultados de investigações Maioria provavelmente com inveja principal "heróis". Supostamente, teríamos дорваться até lemes-alimentadores! Como poderíamos imaginar a doce vida arranjado! (Leme em antigas são o leme, comedouro – é comedouro). Outros lembram covardes импотентов, que só pode indignados escrever comentários. E este já está no masoquismo de palmadas.

Os russos finalmente обеднели

Os russos finalmente обеднели: caíram as vendas de eletrodomésticos

A lista de compras mudou-se para os itens de primeira necessidade
Os russos começaram a menos para comprar eletrônicos e eletrodomésticos. De acordo com duas redes de varejo, venda de aparelhos, desde o início de 2017 venda de repente despencaram. Aliás, por que de repente?..
 Aparentemente, o rublo se desenvolve "inimiga", a moeda cai. Mas os russos por que o mais rico não é de aço, e televisores, comprar os pacotes não estão com pressa. Venda de computadores, tablets, celulares, refrigeradores, fogões e outros equipamentos ao longo de oito semanas deste ano foram exclusivamente no vermelho. No final de janeiro, a queda chegou a 11%, e apenas no final de fevereiro, ligeiramente mais lento.

You whose Wake, Lord center-bankers?

Glazyev assessed the damage from the "reckless actions of the Central Bank" in the 10 trillion rubles
Russia has lost more than 10 trillion rubles due to the policy of the Central Bank to curb inflation. On Tuesday, 29 November, writes in his article, the Russian presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev. Material published on the website of the newspaper "Kommersant".
"The damage from the policy of the Bank of Russia since the transition to inflation targeting has exceeded 10 trillion rubles in terms of unreleased products and three trillion rubles of investments to be done, not to mention the lost jobs and declining all this time, incomes of the population," — said Glazyev.

Bankers - rippers

How much money is paid to depositors of failed banks

The General Director of Agency on insurance of contributions (ASV), Yury Isaev, speaking at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF), for the first time disclosed data on payments to depositors of the liquidated banks, according to RBC. During the entire period of its existence the Corporation had paid depositors of 1 trillion rubles.
Payments received 2.5 million people. Since the beginning of the year, the Agency has paid compensation to depositors of closed banks by 250 billion roubles. This year the debt of the DIA to the Bank of Russia could double, said the head of the Agency.

Billions to support the oligarchy and plutocracy

Medvedev spoke about the state support of the enterprises of the Russian light industry

GORKI, January 17 — RIA Novosti. More than 500 million rubles will be allocated in 2017 for the provision of the enterprises of light industry of the Russian Federation of subsidies for compensation of expenses on service of loans, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

State support of key industries will be 107.5 billion rubles
"I signed a decree which allows us to provide in subsidies this year light industry on compensation of part of expenses on service of credits. For these purposes, the planned substantial funds — up to half a billion rubles," — said Medvedev at a meeting on the list of measures aimed at ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in 2017.

Un Secreto A Voces

Emmanuel Гриншпан | Le Temps

El primer ministro, dmitry medvedev, se le acusa de secreto de enriquecimiento de

"Opositor alexei Navalny ha realizado una investigación útil de la luz en el sistema de los privilegios y secretos de las transacciones con los oligarcas. Este es el caso puede deteriorar la imagen fiel путинского primer ministro, un año antes de las elecciones presidenciales rusas", escribe el periodista de periódico suizo Le Temps Emmanuel Гриншпан.

"El candidato en las elecciones presidenciales de alexei Navalny el jueves dio un golpe al primer ministro y ex presidente ruso dmitry medvedev, alegando que ese "uno de los hombres más ricos en el país y uno de los más graves de los corruptores". En скрупулезном la investigación, que ha pasado su "Fondo de lucha contra la corrupción" (fbk), principal антикремлевский opositor Navalny levanta el velo sobre el lujo резиденциями, yates y los viñedos que posee en rusia y en el extranjero, el jefe de gobierno, que construyó su carrera en la administración pública", - se dice en el artículo.

Cheap money in Russia and never will be

Cheap money in Russia, and it is unlikely they will, as a developing financial system is not able to do. This opinion was expressed by the senior analyst "Alpari" Anna Bodrov.
She notes that on Friday afternoon the Russian ruble is "significantly weakened in a basket of currencies". "The price of oil at the end of the week remains without fundamental changes. A barrel of North sea Brent raw materials were traded in the morning with a slight increase, now worth about $55,53 (minus 0.3%). All the important news from raw platforms to date have received: the IEA and OPEC in their releases confirmed the execution of the agreement on the reduction and freezing of production of "black gold".
In theory, the urgent pumping of oil is now close to the levels of April-may last year, that is, in fact, the market only removed the excess supply", the review says the expert.

Pensions will be cut, fares will increase

Tariffs for housing and communal services in 2017 will grow on average by 4%
23 Nov. FINMARKET.RU - next year the total payment to the Russians for light, water, gas and heat will increase on average by 4%. This is a fundamental limitation cannot save our country for the second consecutive year, said the Ministry of construction. The increase in the cost of utilities will keep pace with the estimated inflation for 2017. This amount of increase in the payment of all the Russians from July 1 (rates in Russia rise once a year) are not the same, writes "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". A government order published on an official portal of legal information, set the maximum value of the index for each region. The lowest rate of growth in installed in North Ossetia - 2.5%, in the Altai region (3.2 per cent), Dagestan (3.3%) and Kabardino-Balkar Republic (3.3 per cent). The highest threshold in Moscow - 7%, followed by Saint Petersburg, Yakutia and Kamchatka Krai (6 percent).



ロシアを作り続ける長者に対する貧しさに圧倒的なセグメントの人口データからの報告をグローバル-ウェルスでは、クレディ-スイス作成します。 期間中の年平均のロシアの貧困世帯14.4%-は、平均資産額は大人のすることはできます10340復のは10年前になります。
なので、28百万円ロ当額を超えないもの$248ます。 のような人はロシアではインドネシア、エチオピアの一部である小グループの国(ウクライナ、ナイジェリア、インド、シェア最貧国の人口は地球の増加(1%から2008年-2016年度)

Para quien trata de maxim Орешкин?

El ministro de economía, maxime Орешкин ordenó rublo caer

"Caja de madera" indicaron en su lugar habitual

 El de la moneda rusa períodos ordinarios de problemas. Como declaró el jefe de la secretaría de desarrollo económico maxim Орешкин, el fortalecimiento de un curso de nacionales de efectivo de las marcas que hemos visto en el último tiempo es corto naturaleza, y de pronto la fuerza de que se agote. — Debido a que el acaparamiento Минфином moneda nacional del mercado libre. Ya es ahora visible el resultado de estas acciones es el último día, el dólar subió casi dos rublos. Esto no es el límite. El estado beneficiará a más de la debilidad de la moneda nacional, por lo que los funcionarios continuarán derribar su curso. Teniendo en cuenta que los pies de la "caja de madera" puede también подкосить y la disminución de los precios del petróleo, el valor del dólar amenaza con crecer hasta 70-75 rublos.

Dizzy with success or the success of the dizziness?

First, the heads of the universities of the country, feeling a burst of liberalism, lifted salaries to himself and his confidants the most shameless way, like a whore imperialism hem dress. Then from The Top was instructed to increase the salaries of professors to be pretty good, but the money is not received. Therefore, it is necessary to mild measures to reduce the population to increase the salaries of the remaining. Just wonder what sneaky tricks used to this, people with advanced degrees, learned the Main Liberal Rule – "you die today and I tomorrow". In Moscow in some universities gain special protection or security to watch over the morals of the teachers and to consider, who how many were late for work. These parasites can, for example, ask the student to bribe the teacher, etc., etc. In the end, reprimands receive one hundred teachers immediately!

среда, 26 июля 2017 г.

The impoverished people and the bankers getting fat

Banks do not believe in the economy
10:20 26.01.
According to the Bank of Russia, in 2016 the profit of credit organizations has grown by almost five times compared to the previous year and amounted to 930 billion rubles But more than half of this amount earned savings, and key performance indicators of banks, as noted by the regulator, declined. Banks have reduced lending as the economy as a whole and non-financial institutions in particular. Consumer credit increased by a nominal amount.
"Important positive result of 2016 began almost five-fold increase compared to 2015 year net profit of credit organizations (respectively 930 billion and 192 billion rubles)", — stated in the review "On the dynamics of development of Bank sector of the Russian Federation in December and 2016", which the Central Bank issued 25 Jan.

It is necessary to raise the retirement age of officials at the messengers is not enough money

Half-billion roubles on messengers

State agencies continue to buy foreign designs for communications

Before the completion of the selection of messengers to the Russian authorities it is organised by the Institute of development Internet (IRI) — found out the market size of communications programs for government agencies. It turned out that the Russian authorities annually spend on instant messengers about 500 million rubles. The most popular designs of foreign companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe etc.
In 2016, the officials spent on means of communication of the order of 394 million rubles, which is almost 40% less than in 2015, when these programs have spent 646 million, This decrease is difficult to explain the crisis: in 2015 there was a 35 percent market growth.



 在清理的银行部门将需要几年的时间。 正如主席的俄罗斯纳比乌林娜银行的,"超过一半的方式"改善该系统是通过。 然而,不景气的国内经济和资产质量恶化的信贷机构放慢的过程。 然而,停止中央银行不打算。 根据Nabiullina,调节打算"到来的情况下,当数量的提款将测量单位的每一年。"

根据专家的评论的许可证的银行已经增加带来的后头部中央银行纳比乌林娜在六月至2013年。 从这一点通过2016年,包容性、市场左308信贷机构。
没有例外似乎是目前的一年。 自一月份以来,有机会进行银行活动已经失去了5机构。 通常,基础是相同的—违反法律,涉及洗钱,提供了虚假的陈述。

More than 40% of Russians said about the lack of money for clothes and food

The percentage of families who do not have enough money for basic expenses has increased to record levels. This is stated in the study of social well-being of the population published by Higher school of Economics.
According to experts, 22% of families in September, assessed their financial situation as bad or very bad. 46% of respondents said that over the last twelve months it has worsened. The share of Russians who said that they do not have enough money for clothes and food, increased from 39% to 41%. 73% questioned said that refused those or other costs due to lack of money.

Die Ursachen der Epilepsie Krankheit Rubel

Moskau, 11. November 2016, 08.41 - Regnum Das Paar USD / RUB noch in der Lage ist, die Marke 65.00 und sogar heruntergefahren darüber passieren, die meisten seit Mitte September zu aktualisieren. Eine solche Dynamik fiel mit weit verbreiteten Flucht aus riskanten Vermögenswerten und einem moderaten Tropfen Öl. Brent zur Zeit rollte auf eine Marke von $ 44.40. / Bbl. Aber auch dies nicht zu einem starken Rückgang in dem Rubel auf das Niveau von 65,33, nach Senioren Analyst bei GK Forex Club Alena Afanasyeva rechtfertigen.

tatsächliche Archiv
„Der Rubel fällt wegen Öl? Gut, gut“

Legitimate in the Law

'Listen, you're stupid, like all women.
You act, as you tell the feeling.
You do not know how to apply to circumstances ...
Guy de Maupassant. 'Dear friend'
Another podlyanochku presented our rogue state to the population - began to cut spending on education, reducing the number of students and teachers. The big bosses lower orders to the little bosses about the reduction, and those are shuffling to the best of their mental abilities. In one of the educational institutions of Penza, the teacher was dismissed 'for repeatedly failing to fulfill her duties without valid reasons.' To save on, the needs of the authorities, her severance pay, relying on the employee to reduce. When you leave the article, a person naturally does not rely on anything.
Let us note in passing that in Moscow these receivers have long been in full swing: in some universities, they are gaining special protection to monitor the morality of teachers and to take into account who was late for work.

Black Holes of the Russian Budget

The budget of Russia was redrawn due to a 'shortage' of 3 trillion rubles
'Due to what we will finance the deficit in a year and a half?'
The State Duma adopted in the first reading the amendments to the budget of 2016. Deputies clarified the parameters of the main financial document in the crisis: the budget deficit will grow by 670 billion rubles and amount to 3 trillion rubles, which is 3.7% of GDP. Revenues will decrease by 370 billion rubles and amount to 13.3 trillion rubles and expenses will increase by 300 billion rubles (up to 16.4 trillion rubles). Cover the deficit, as usual, planned from the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund, in which, according to experts, money is enough for another 2 years. The Ministry of Finance is focused on inflation and does not lose hope of curbing it. According to the head of this department Anton Siluanov, by the end of the year, inflation will be 5.8%. Previously, the Ministry of Finance forecast inflation of 6.4%.

How to equate 10 bars of Twix to 1.88 billion rubles?

 Three years in prison and 500 thousand rubles in fine for 1.88 billion rubles abducted!
In St. Petersburg bankrupt banker Gitelson, convicted of embezzling 1.88 billion rubles
The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region began to consider the bankruptcy case of banker Alexander Gittelson, convicted of fraud, his lawyer Yevgeny Kotov told Rosbalt.
The claim was filed on December 28, 2015 by Gittelson himself. The founder of the East-European Financial Corporation is currently serving a sentence for fraud in the colony of the village of Metallostroy. As explained by the lawyer Kotov, the presence of Gitelson himself at meetings on bankruptcy is not required.

Roubo por meio da inflação

Escorregar para a pobreza não dá as batatas Russos

De acordo com o Ministério do Trabalho e do Estado Estatísticas Serviço Federal, os russos salarial aumentou 1,3% em 2016 vivos, e que com inflação de 5,4%. A 2% ... Aqueles que falam sobre o crescimento dos preços literalmente tudo, não vivem no nível mínimo de subsistência, e melhor, disseram autoridades no quarto trimestre de 2016, a linha de pobreza até diminuiu em comparação com o terceiro trimestre.
O mínimo de subsistência, de acordo com a lei federal, - uma avaliação do valor do rublo da cesta de consumo mais taxas e custos obrigatórios. A cesta de consumo na Rússia chamado o conjunto mínimo de bens e serviços 'necessários para manter a saúde humana e garantir suas atividades.' mínimo de subsistência (PM) - Linha de Pobreza: Se os seus rendimentos não atingem este nível, você tem reconhecido oficialmente mendigo. PM indicador Federal aprova decreto do governo trimestral, que é baseada em cálculos do Ministério do Trabalho e da Federal de Estatísticas do Estado Service, feita por uma técnica especial.

conexão direta

Os professores da região de Ivanovo sobreviver com um salário de 7000. Rublos

Professor da região de Ivanovo Vera Maranova em uma reunião com a Federação Speaker Conselho Valentina Matviyenko disse ontem que os salários do pessoal escolar foram cortados no ano novo.
Segundo a trabalhar em pequenas escolas Komsomolsk distrito Maranov, seus lucros em 1 de Janeiro foi reduzido para 20 mil. Para 14.000. Esfregue. Em outros professores da escola e obter a 7 mil., Disse o professor. Ela acrescentou que os alunos da instituição de ensino e ao mesmo tempo obter a vitória no nível federal e internacional.
'No papel, tudo é suave, quase todos os governadores relataram - todos os salários correspondem aos decretos de Maio (-.. Ed Vladimir Putin para elevar os salários para professores).

Taxes on bureaucratic rent

In Tambov, a wild scandal broke out over draconian apartment taxes

'Opened yesterday an envelope and anigee - 21 000 rubles' All the week long, my small homeland provincial Tambov feverishly laughed and sobbed. And he did it all over the country at the same time.

The motive was two. Laughed at the eerie monument, set in the very center of the city in commemoration of the birthday of Lermontov.

Thank God, not Ivan the Terrible, but just a bag of indefinite age with a fairly battered and open chest to all the winds - the Tambov treasurer. Which, as you know, a drunken husband lost to a sober lancer.

A sobbed because in the role given for the debts of the treasurer's wife will soon be almost all residents of Tambov. And in the long term - by 2020 - and the rest of Russia.

Tambovchanam for the first time brought an experimental tax on their apartments.

The main health of oligarchs and plutocrats

Health protection of mother and child in the budget reduced by 3 times
Due to this in the next three years, the government intends to save 11 billion rubles
In the next three years, the government intends to cut the budget of the program 'Maternal and Child Health Protection', RBC reports with reference to an explanatory note to the law on the budget of the Russian Federation.
Already in 2017, there should be a twofold reduction in spending for the corresponding purposes: instead of 4.7 billion rubles, they will spend 2.1 billion rubles.
In total, over the next three years, the program will be able to save more than 11 billion rubles: its funding will decrease from 17.5 to 6.1 billion.

Life has become worse

Defense from the economy
More than half of Russians negatively assess the changes in the economy over the past year, 30% expect changes for the worse. Nevertheless, the number of pessimists markedly decreased, the Institute for Statistical Studies of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) found out. In September, Russians showed optimism and their purchases: the average check for the first time in a few months has grown. The reasons for the paradox in the adaptation, experts say.

The results of the survey show that pessimism as a whole persists, although it has slightly decreased compared to the second quarter of 2016. In the third quarter, 8% of respondents noted improvement of personal financial situation, deterioration - 40% (against 7 and 41% quarter earlier). Expect improvement of 9%, worsening - 22% of respondents. The number of those who negatively assess changes in the economy for the year has declined noticeably: from 63 to 52% of respondents.



このように、中央銀行のクレジットラインは、現在の6000億ルーブルから750億ルーブルに増加し、RBCが報じています。 10月7日に銀行のデータが選択されている6000億4440億クレジットの限度を承認しました。
当初は、中央銀行のクレジットラインのサイズ110億ルーブルに達し、彼は後に最初に2500億に成長し、その後 - 。夏2015年の終わりから4200億は、DIAは、その情報の閉鎖の理由を説明せずに、預金保険基金の額を公表しなくなりました。中央銀行は、しかし、その後、DIAは、預金者への支払いを行うために、ロシア連邦中央銀行からの融資に限定されないことが保証されます。

Die Reiniger Banken verschwunden Einlagen von 100 Milliarden Rubel

Das Problem des Diebstahls öffentlicher Gelder in die Banken mit Hilfe der doppelten Buchführung hat solche Ausmaße erreicht, dass „weiterhin unsere Köpfe in den Sand stecken Sie kann nicht“, sagte am Montag der Sprecher des Föderationsrates Valentina Matviyenko bei einem Treffen des interregionalen Bankenrats.
Nach ihr, im vergangenen Jahr mit Einlagen der Bürger Banker hatte 57 Milliarden Rubel gestohlen - Geld in bar gemacht, aber nicht in der Bilanz ausgewiesen, durchgesickert, in der Regel in einer unbekannten Richtung.

Schieben Sie in den Abgrund

Von Juli bis September 2016 die finanzielle Situation von 40% der Einwohner von Russland verschlechtert. Dies wurde in einer öffentlichen Überwachung „Russlands Bevölkerung im Jahr 2016: Einnahmen, Ausgaben und soziales Wohlbefinden.“ Von Experten der HSE geschrieben

Die Autoren der Studie festgestellt, dass eine Verbesserung ihrer Situation sagte nur 8% der Befragten. In diesem Fall erwartet 22% eine Verschlechterung ihrer finanziellen Situation im nächsten Jahr (27% im zweiten Quartal) und 9% - für seine Verschlechterung warten.

Laut Umfragen 35% der Russen hat die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Situation im Land „eher ungünstig“ für teure Einkäufe genannt. Zur gleichen Zeit 30% der Befragten gaben an, sie haben ihre „Profis“ und „Wider“. Für 6% der Befragten ist die Situation „günstiger als ungünstig“, und nur 0,3% - sehr günstig.

Enrichment of the oligarchy through the robbery of the people

Poverty takes Russians by the throat

Economic disadvantage of the country as a whole, as well as of its citizens, is the leitmotif of the results of the next poll of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion. At the head of the rating VTsIOM - 'Low salaries' (this negative factor is considered significant by 15% of respondents), in second place - 'General economic difficulties' (14%).
It is noteworthy that if the number of respondents who pointed to low salaries increased consistently in the I-III quarters, reaching August's annual maximum, the share of other factors, on the contrary, became smaller by the beginning of September.

The financial policy of Russia on the verge of insanity

The US announced its intention to discourage Russia from receiving loans in 2017
The United States in the International Monetary Fund and other financial institutions in 2017 will vote against loans to Russia, said a representative of the US administration.
He gave an explanation in connection with the publication of the memorandum, signed September 27 by President Barack Obama. This document provides for the introduction of measures against countries that, according to Washington, do not make sufficient efforts to combat human trafficking. This is done on the basis of the relevant law passed by the US Congress in 2000.

Everything went into the pockets of the oligarchy

Topilin: there is no money to pay a lump-sum benefit from matkapital in 2017

The head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin said that in 2017 there is no budget for a lump sum payment from the parent capital. This is reported by RIA Novosti. 'There is an instruction of the prime minister on this matter to think further. That is, there is no solution, there is no money in the budget for 2017, but the instruction is given so that the Finance Ministry and I continue to look at these options. Let's see, while there is no money for this purpose in 2017, Anton Germanovich (head of the Ministry of Finance Siluanov - RT) said that we have hope for the best, 'Topilin said.
In December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law that stops the indexation of maternity capital until 2020.

Ministry of Internal Affairs: top managers of a bank deprived of a license in 2016 stole 1 billion rubles

The Interior Ministry announced the theft of funds by top managers of one of the banks, which in March 2016 was revoked a license. The theft occurred through the issuance of loans to front men, the press service of the department.
The official representative of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Irina Volk, refused to give the name of the bank, whose top managers are involved in embezzlement, saying only that it is a bank that was deprived of a license in March 2016.
Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated a criminal investigation into the theft of 1 billion rubles committed in a Russian commercial bank, the press service said. The former deputy chairman of the bank's board, as well as the head of the financial analysis and business planning department, have already been detained and taken into custody, and the former chairman of the bank's board of directors has been put on international wanted list.

In the interests of the profits of plutocracy

Mass-media: Russian vital drugs will increase in price
New pricing rules must come into force before January 1, 2017
The government decided to abandon the regulation of prices for Russian vital and essential medicines (VED) and allow the farm companies to independently set their prices. As RBC writes, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich informed in a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin about this.
The letter refers to the draft resolution, which is being worked out by the government. It will allow pharmaceutical companies not to coordinate with the FAS and the Ministry of Health the price of inexpensive drugs on the vital list.

Et où est l'argent des déposants?

ACB a demandé un nouveau prêt avec la Banque centrale sur les paiements aux déposants des banques en faillite

Conseil des directeurs de l'Agence d'assurance de dépôt (DIA) a approuvé un appel à la Banque de Russie avec une demande d'augmentation de 220 milliards de roubles, le montant du prêt afin d'assurer la stabilité financière du système d'assurance-dépôts.
Ainsi, la ligne de crédit de la Banque centrale augmentera à 820 milliards de roubles de 600 milliards de roubles actuels, les rapports de RBC. les données de la Banque le 7 Octobre approuvé limite de 600 milliards 444000000000 crédits est sélectionné.
Dans un premier temps, la taille de la ligne de crédit de la Banque centrale a atteint 110 milliards de roubles, il a grandi plus tard à 250 milliards d'abord, puis - 420 milliards de la fin de l'été 2015, la DIA a cessé de publier le montant du fonds d'assurance-dépôts, sans expliquer la raison de la fermeture de ces informations.. Banque centrale, cependant, est alors assuré que la DIA ne se limitera pas aux prêts de la Banque centrale de la Fédération de Russie à effectuer des paiements aux déposants.

La politique sociale dans l'UE et la Russie

Dans l'UE, nous pensons au versement d'un revenu de base inconditionnel à tous les Européens

MEP Mady Delvaux-Stehr (Mady Delvaux-Stehres) a présenté le projet de rapport, qui indique la nécessité de « réfléchir sérieusement » à propos de l'introduction du concept d'un revenu de base inconditionnel. La nécessité pour cela, à son avis, en raison de la vague à venir du chômage de masse provoqué robotisation généralisée de la production, écrit The Independent.

Auteur du projet et a souligné qu'il est nécessaire de développer un système d'information sur l'impact des robots sur les résultats financiers des entreprises. Sur sa base dans l'avenir, il sera possible de prendre une décision de modifier les contributions fiscales et de sécurité sociale des citoyens.
Le document a été approuvé au préalable et sera soumis à l'examen de tous les membres du Parlement européen en Février. The Independent, mais n'a pas précisé quel montant peut être payé comme un revenu de base inconditionnel.

Black Holes of the Russian Economy

The conclusion of the Chamber of Accounts for Skolkovo.
Appeals to the Prosecutor General's Office are sent if the auditors see violations of the law in the course of inspections, explained the interlocutor in the House. The prosecutor's office sent a presentation to the president of the Skolkovo Foundation on the facts of unjustified expenditure of grants by individual project participants, the press service of the Accounting Chamber said in response to RBC's request, but did not raise any other claims.

The audit of the Chamber of Accounts covered the period from 2013 to 2015. During this time, the federal budget spent 58.6 billion rubles on the project, and budget subsidies accounted for the lion's share of the Skolkovo fund's income - almost 78%, although by law the fund should live largely on its own funds, the auditors say. Another 5.7 billion rubles. (Almost 7% of income), Skolkovo received from the placement of budget money in bank accounts. Own operating activities brought the fund only 4.5% of revenue.

Gosdeneg more than necessary

Who prevents a strong ruble?

German Gref does not need a strong ruble
Sberbank President German Gref believes that high oil prices and a sharp appreciation of the ruble will have a negative impact on the Russian economy. Such an opinion Gref expressed in the air of the TV channel 'Russia 24'.
'If we imagine that oil will again cost $ 120 per barrel and the dollar at 35 rubles, then we understand that this is a return to the same economic disease, which is called' Dutch disease 'in the economy,' Gref said.
By 'Dutch disease' is meant a negative effect, which strengthens the national currency as a result of sharp growth in certain sectors (usually extractive) for the economic development of the country as a whole. Expensive currency reduces the competitiveness of products of manufacturing industries in the market. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in output and exports of products and, as a result, higher unemployment and a drop in GDP.

Rosstat as the main industrial producer!

Analysts Sberbank CIB (investment division of 'Sberbank') pointed to the discrepancy of the latest Rosstat data on industrial production rules of arithmetic, reports Republic.

On December 15, Rosstat published a report, from which it followed that in November the Russian industry grew by 2.7% in annual terms - as quickly as possible over the past two years, and in the first 11 months of 2016 - by 0.8% Indicator 2.7 % More than four times higher than the consensus forecast of analysts previously interviewed by Interfax, and 27 times the forecast of experts interviewed by Reuters.

The data published by Rosstat does not correlate with its figures for the previous months, according to which the growth in industrial production was observed in August (by 0.7%), in June (by 1.7%), in May (by 0.7%), in April (By 0.5%). The fall was registered in October (by 0.2%), in September (by 0.8%), in July (by 0.3%), in March (by 0.5%), in January (by 2.7%) %).

In whose interests is the budget deficit formed?

The Ministry of Finance published the draft budget for 2017-2019

The budget deficit will amount to 2.74 trillion rubles or 3.16% of GDP

Moscow, October 12 - AIF-Moscow.

The Ministry of Finance has published a draft federal budget for 2017 and a planned document is posted on the portal of draft legal acts.
The budget for the next year provides revenues at the level of the current year - 13.44 trillion rubles, expenses will amount to 16.18 trillion rubles. Thus, the budget deficit will amount to 2.74 trillion rubles or 3.16% of GDP.

In 2017, the Ministry of Finance proposes to change the structure of financing the deficit, using more borrowed funds. The amount of loans will be 1.05 trillion rubles in each of the three years. The restriction on external loans is set at $ 7 billion.

Sobre as ameaças e os resultados das atividades do governo

A população é pobre e diminuiu.
As principais ameaças para a economia russa
Especialistas pediram os desafios que ameaçam a economia russa.
Todas as ameaças que pesam sobre a economia russa, não causam desastre imediato. Eles são lenta mas inexoravelmente. Ignorando os desafios estratégicos pode posteriormente levar a uma prolongados problemas econômicos. Que tipo de riscos ameaçam a economia nacional e como lidar com eles, AiF.ru aprendeu com os especialistas.
déficit orçamentário

Rubrica pobreza estável das pessoas

Golodets disse que é impossível existir na Rússia no custo de vida
Vice-Primeiro-Ministro Olga Golodets disse que na Rússia é praticamente impossível de existir no nível de subsistência estabelecido pelo governo. É também o vice-chefe do Gabinete reconheceu que o nível real da pobreza no país acima estatísticas.
Este Golodets disse na sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro no governo em um seminário de encontro nacional com o vice-governador responsável pelo desenvolvimento social. De acordo com o vice-premier, o nível real de pobreza na Rússia é muito maior do que os relatórios estatísticos 'Interfax'. Golodets ligada essa diferença com um monte de salários 'cinza'.

Enriqueça a oligarquia e salvar acúmulo de tarefas incompatíveis das pessoas

Golodets: cidadãos perdido em fundos de pensão estatais 80 bilhões de rublos
Os russos perderam nos fundos de pensões não-estatais (NPF) para o último ano e o início dos atuais 79,4 bilhões de rublos. Isso indica indisponibilidade do sistema para trabalhar com as poupanças dos cidadãos. Nesta, como a 'Interfax', disse o vice-primeiro-ministro Olga Golodets na 'hora do governo' no Conselho da Federação na quarta-feira.
Em tais circunstâncias, a reforma previdenciária proposta pelo final da semana passada o Ministério da Fazenda e do Banco Central e as supostas contribuições para a parte financiada, não é viável, o vice-premier de um governo de bloco social.

Bereichern Sie die Oligarchie und Volk Anhäufung von inkompatiblen Aufgaben speichern

Golodets: Bürger in staatlichen Rentenfonds 80 Milliarden Rubel verloren
Die Russen verloren in den nicht-staatlichen Pensionsfonds (NPF) für das letzte Jahr und Anfang der aktuellen 79,4 Milliarden Rubel. Dies zeigt, Nichtverfügbarkeit des Systems mit den Ersparnisse der Bürger zu arbeiten. Auf diese, wie das „Interfax“, sagte die stellvertretenden Premierminister Olga Jurjewna Golodez auf der „Regierungsstunde“ im Föderationsrat am Mittwoch.
In einem solchen Fall bis zum Ende der vergangenen Woche die Rentenreform das Finanzministerium und die Zentralbank und die angeblichen Beiträge zur geförderten Teil vorgeschlagen, ist nicht sinnvoll, die Vize-Premier für soziale Block Regierung.

вторник, 25 июля 2017 г.

The number of poor in Russia has grown to 23 million people

 The number of people with cash incomes below the subsistence level in Russia in the first quarter of 2016 increased to 22.7 million compared to 14.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2015. This is on Friday, June 17, reports Rosstat. The data are given without taking into account the information on the Crimea and Sevastopol.
The total number of citizens with incomes below the subsistence minimum was 15.7 percent of the total population, the ministry said.
In the first quarter of 2015, this figure was 22.9 million people, or 15.9 percent.
May 27 it became known that the Ministry of Agriculture is looking for options for extrabudgetary funding of the food aid program for the needy, since there is not enough public funds for its development.

En los intereses de la oligarquía y la plutocracia

El Gobierno propone aumentar las tarifas de vivienda y servicios comunales de la electricidad y el gas en el nivel de la inflación general - en un 4,9%, 4,4% y 4,1% en el período 2017-2019, informa el 'Times' con referencia a la previsión de socio desarrollo económico de Rusia.
El aumento de los precios del gas para los hogares en 2017 serán casi una vez y media veces más rápido que antes se pensaba. MED espera que el crecimiento en las tarifas de gas para la población en 3% en los tres años 2017-2019. En comparación, en 2016 para todas las categorías de precios de consumo del gas aumentó en un 2%.

robo a gran escala en el sector bancario

El Banco Central estima la magnitud de la manipulación de la contribución del 'Ugra'

Escala operaciones de manipulación con los fondos del banco 'Yugra' de los depositantes se estima en casi 2 mil millones de rublos, dijo el vicepresidente del Banco Central de la Federación de Rusia Vasily Pozdyshev.

Según él, después de las restricciones a la recaudación de fondos de los depositantes gestión 'Yugra' ha tomado un desvío, a partir de convertir los contribuyentes individuales a los accionistas mediante la emisión de una acción.

Pozdyshev también dijo que el Banco de Rusia decidió introducir en el 'Ugra' administración provisional es debido a información errónea. NewsInfo informado anteriormente que la administración provisional del banco externo transfiere la Agencia de Garantía de Depósitos (DIA) por un período de seis meses. Durante las próximas dos semanas a los depositantes 'Ugra' será emitido compensación de seguros, según se establece en relación con tres meses de suspensión del banco sobre los pagos a los acreedores de un evento de seguros.


俄罗斯财政部已正式确认在$ 1.25十亿在卫生部的新闻服务报道欧洲债券的增发。


此前,财政部部长安顿·谢鲁阿诺夫表示,商务部保留对$ 1.25十亿欧元债券今年的发行的增发计划。

俄罗斯在五月下旬于2013年第一次回到了外债市场,发布了$ 1.75十亿十年期欧洲债券,年利率4.75%,而在$ 7十亿需求。据有关预算的财政部可能会在2016年的不超过在国外市场十亿$ 3规律。因此,该部仍然是$ 1.25十亿今年欧洲债券的增发的可能性。

Großflächige Diebstahl im Bankensektor

Die Zentralbank schätzte das Ausmaß der Manipulation des Beitrags des „Ugra“

Maßstab manipulative Transaktionen mit Einleger Fonds der Bank ‚Yugra‘ auf fast 2 Milliarden Rubel geschätzt werden, sagte die stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Zentralbank der Russischen Föderation Vasily Pozdyshev.

Ihm zufolge nach Beschränkungen für die Beschaffung von Mitteln der Einleger „Yugra“ Management einen Umweg genommen hat, einzelne Mitarbeiter durch die Ausgabe einer Aktie an die Aktionäre zu drehen beginnen.

Pozdyshev sagte auch, dass die Bank von Russland beschlossen, in der „Ugra“ Übergangsverwaltung einzuführen, ist aufgrund von Fehlmeldungen. NewsInfo zuvor berichtet, dass das Interim-Management der externen Bank die Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) für einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten übertragen. Im Laufe der nächsten zwei Wochen an die Einleger „Ugra“ ausgegeben Versicherung Entschädigung, wie sie in Bezug auf die Bank des etablierten Moratorium von drei Monaten auf Zahlungen an Gläubiger eines Versicherungsfalls.

Growing tariffs of housing ... growing!

Throughout Russia, housing and communal services tariffs are rising

In the future, experts predict, the growth of tariffs for housing and communal services will continue

Since July 1, 2016, utility tariffs have increased by an average of 4%. This affected almost all types of housing and communal services. The most significant increase in the price of electricity - by 11-15%, for heat, Russians pay 8.1% more than before, for cold water - by 7%, and the fee for hot water rose by 7.8%. The minimum increase in tariffs affected gas supply - it went up by 2%.
Photo: Vladimir Smirnov / TASS
In this case, the regions themselves have the right to set tariffs, but within certain limits. For example, Moscow (7.5%) and St. Petersburg (6.5%) experienced the greatest increase, while the Caucasus and the Altai Territory pay only 3-4% more.

For whom is the crisis a source of enrichment?

Russia breeds billionaires amid impoverishment of the population

Russia continues to produce dollar billionaires amid the impoverishment of the overwhelming majority of the population, according to a report on the World Welfare prepared by Credit Suisse. Over the year, on average, Russian households impoverished by 14.4% - the average asset size per adult fell to $ 10,340, returning to the 10-year mark.
At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the population has a much lower level of welfare: the average figure takes into account data on the richest citizens, which distort the average indicator.
So, in 28 million Russians the size of assets does not exceed $ 248. According to the number of such people, the Russian Federation is located between Indonesia and Ethiopia and is included in a small group of countries (Ukraine, Nigeria, India), whose share in the poorest population of the earth is growing (by 1 percentage point from 2008 to 2016).

Whom to say THANK YOU?

Tariffs for housing and public utilities in 2017 will grow by an average of 4%

23 November. FINMARKET.RU - Next year, the aggregate payment of Russians for light, water, gas and heat will grow by an average of 4%. This significant limitation has been preserved in our country for the second year in a row, the Ministry of Construction said. The increase in the cost of utilities will be on par with the estimated inflation for 2017.
At the same time, the amounts in payments will grow among all Russians from July 1 (tariffs in Russia are raised once a year) unequally, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The government regulation, published on the official portal of legal information, sets the maximum indexation values ​​for each region. The lowest threshold of growth was set in North Ossetia - 2.5%, in the Altai Territory (3.2%), Dagestan (3.3%) and Kabardino-Balkaria (3.3%). The highest threshold in Moscow is 7%, followed by St. Petersburg, Yakutia and the Kamchatka Territory (6% each). In most regions, the maximum increase in tariffs should not exceed 3.4%. These are the Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Murmansk, Sakhalin, Tver and other regions. Fewer than this threshold regions can set tariffs, more - only in very rare cases.

Plans for the robbery of the country

Despite the decline in living standards, the government is offered to raise utility tariffs higher than planned
The Government of the Russian Federation intends to increase the prices for utilities, electricity and gas in the period from 2017 to 2019 in accordance with the level of forecast inflation - by 4.9%, 4.4% and 4.1%. For most positions, this is significantly higher than previously laid down. At the same time for industry, tariff growth will be less rapid.

This follows from an analysis of the country's economic development scenario published by the Vedomosti newspaper for the remainder of the current year and the next three-year period presented by the Ministry of Economic Development to the government and the president.

How from Russia 10 billion dollars were withdrawn

New Yorker journalist Ed Cizar spoke in detail about the activities of the Russian branch of Deutsche Bank and the scheme by which 10 billion dollars were withdrawn from Russia. However, the journalist could not unequivocally answer the question, whose states were hiding in this way.
Journalist Ed Cizar conducted an investigation into the activities of the Russian branch of Deutsche Bank, the results of which are published in the August issue of New Yorker. Currently, Deutsche Bank is being investigated by the US Department of Justice, the New York State Department of Financial Services, and the financial regulators of the UK and Germany.

воскресенье, 23 июля 2017 г.

Dominance of financial oligarchy

The population is poorer, the banks are getting fat: the credit organizations recorded a record profit
Russians themselves carry their money in them
Revenues of Russian banks reached a historic high by the end of the first half of 2017. The profit of the banking sector exceeded 750 billion rubles - this amount was not even in pre-crisis times. This was reported in the information and analytical material of the Bank of Russia 'Financial Review'.

As follows from the review of the Central Bank, the profit was achieved by reducing the cost of reserves, from which the financial losses of banks are compensated, which was previously much hindered by the increase in bank profits. These costs were reduced to 300 billion rubles, which is almost a quarter less than a year earlier and half as much as in the crisis years 2014 and 2015. The report notes that another reason for the 'successful harvest' in the banks was the restoration of domestic demand among consumers and the growth of real wages, which allowed borrowers to pay more regularly for credit obligations.

When the state is the property of the people. Not the oligarchy

Leaders of Iranian state banks want to judge for too high salaries

In Iran, 397 heads of state-controlled banks are being sued because of their excessively high salaries, RIA Novosti reports.

During the investigation it was found out that some heads of state banks earn about 622 million Iranian rials ($ 20,000) a month, while the average salary of a civil servant in the Islamic Republic is $ 400.

In this regard, the speaker of the Iranian parliament Ali Larijani said that it is necessary to carry out fundamental reforms to prevent individuals from enriching themselves at the expense of the public sector.
He also said that about 50 billion riyals had already been returned to the Iranian treasury, which were spent on inordinately large salaries of officials.

From the fall of the ruble, only the state of the oligarchs

Oreshkin: Maintaining a strong ruble could slow the growth of the Russian economy

MOSCOW, April 13 (Itar-Tass) - The Prime-Tass. Maintaining a strong ruble exchange rate may lead to a slowdown in the growth rate of the Russian economy this year, says Maxim Oreshkin, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development.
'One of the risks for economic growth this year is the serious monetary tightening in recent months, in the form of a combination of interest rate growth in real terms and a serious strengthening of the ruble.' Preserving current conditions, according to our estimates, may lead to a slowdown in rates Economic growth in the middle of the year, 'Oreshkin said, presenting at the meeting of the Russian government scenario scenarios for the socio-economic development of the country in the period 2018-2020.
The rate of inflation in this development may amount to less than 3% by the end of the year. 'Already at the moment, inflation has dropped to a level of 4.2%, which is better than any forecasts that were at the beginning of the year,' he said.

In whose pockets are depositors' money deposited?

The Bank of Russia withdrew the license to conduct banking operations from the Petersburg commercial bank 'Financial Capital'. About this on Tuesday, October 25, the press service of the Central Bank.
The financial organization carried out a highly risky credit policy related to the placement of cash in low-quality assets. At the same time, management and owners did not take effective measures to normalize the bank's activity, the report says.

Bank of the Russian Orthodox Church perishes because of panic among depositors, the press service and the Crimean Tatars
The Central Bank appointed in the 'Financial Capital' an interim administration, the powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization were suspended.
Payments to depositors will be made no later than November 8, 2016, the Deposit Insurance Agency reported. Banks-agents will be selected on a competitive basis no later than October 31.
As of October 1, the bank 'Financial Capital' held 512th place in the banking system of Russia in terms of assets.

The dream of the capitalists is a steady rise in prices

The rise in food prices in Russia in 2016
Economic difficulties have become a landmark phenomenon for Russian residents in 2016. Everyone felt them, starting with representatives of big and small businesses and ending with ordinary inhabitants. The most 'painful' phenomenon for Russians is the rise in prices for consumer goods, medicines and food products. A jump in the dollar provoked inflation, the cost of gasoline jumped to a sky-high altitude, therefore, the services of carriers increased.
The level of GDP fell below the 1998 level - now it is much more expensive to live, and some segments of the population suddenly found themselves behind the middle line. Especially it concerns our compatriots from rural regions.

How to save on pensioners for rogues

Russian pensioners will not receive 55 billion rubles
 Pensioners who have worked in agriculture for more than 30 years can remain without a surcharge. The Ministry of Labor decided to postpone the implementation of the law on the outstripping growth of pensions of the inhabitants of the remote area for three years, RBC reports. A few days ago, the Ministry of Labor proposed to the Government Commission on Legislative Activity to freeze the law on an additional increase in the fixed part of agricultural workers, providing for an annual increase of 25%. It is planned that former farmers may not be able to increase pensions until 2020. According to the law on insurance payments, the norm was to enter into force on January 1 of this year, but its execution was suspended because of the difficult economic situation.

Organized losses

Siluanov spoke about the losses of state funds in troubled Russian banks in 2016

The RF Ministry of Finance estimates the loss of state funds in Russian banks of 100 billion rubles over the past year. In this regard, the Ministry supports the measures of the Central Bank aimed at improving the reliability of banks, in particular - the proposal to create a multi-level banking system, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.
'This, on the one hand, will reduce the administrative burden on banks and will help increase the availability of banking services, and on the other - will become the basis for the stability of the banking sector and improve the banking system,' Siluanov said at the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) Agency Reuters.

The misappropriation of the budget under a plausible pretext

In the Sverdlovsk region, the Foundation for the Development of Industry

Until the end of 2016 in the Sverdlovsk region will create a regional fund for industrial development (RFRP). The organization will be engaged in financial support of industrial enterprises at the expense of the regional treasury, and will also provide information and consulting services to industrialists on all types of state support existing in the region, Nakanee.RU was told in the press service of the regional government. As the Deputy Minister of Industry and Science of the region Igor Zelenkin said, the work on creating the RFPF in the subject is conducted with the support of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev. 'We will have another effective tool that will contribute to the development of the industrial sector,' he said.

Fearless speculators and elusive bandits are tormenting the country!

Audit Chamber: the bandits withdrew from Russia a trillion rubles

So the auditor estimated the losses of the domestic economy in three years

The Auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Sergei Shtorgin, at a meeting of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) cited the statistics, according to which trillions of rubles were illegally illegally exported from Russia over the past three years.

Shtorgin, as RNS writes, explained that 'imaginary foreign economic transactions' were used for this and called on the FCS to close this 'loophole'.

The auditor added that in the case of the trillion it was actually a question of 'bandit' money and noted that the Security Council and the Central Bank should also deal with this situation, in addition to the FCS.

Sur la protection de l'oligarchie et ploutocratie

Le ministère des Finances est opposé à l'échelle de l'impôt sur le revenu progressif
Le ministère russe des Finances ne juge pas nécessaire d'introduire un barème progressif de l'impôt sur l'impôt des particuliers (PIT), qui est maintenant de 13 pour cent, quel que soit le niveau de revenu. Sur ce point, tel que rapporté le vendredi 30 Septembre Rambler Nouvelles Service, a déclaré le chef du département, Anton Siluanov lors d'une conférence au Forum international d'investissement à Sotchi.
Le ministre a expliqué que le salaire en Russie dans la moyenne dans le segment 15-20 mille roubles. Ainsi, l'introduction d'une déduction fiscale progressive en même temps pour les pauvres annule l'effet fiscal ensemble de cette mesure. Les déductions compensent toutes les recettes supplémentaires.
« Nous avons fait des calculs. Il est nécessaire d'améliorer sérieusement la progression, puis faire des petites déductions qui seront plus irritation de la cause et l'effet économique ne se produira pas », - at-il dit.

Pour les retraités de l'argent et ne le sera jamais

Moscou, le 13 Septembre. Colonel GUEBiPK Dmitry famille Zakharchenko spécialement acquis un appartement de quatre pièces de 143 mètres carrés à Moscou, pour le transformer en un magasin pour l'argent.
Il déclare qu'il est un appartement dans un complexe résidentiel de luxe « Dominion » à l'avenue Lomonossov à l'ouest de la capitale. Le coût des appartements est élevé à 85 millions de roubles. En tant que responsables de l'application de la loi disent, l'appartement a été rénové, mais presque complètement vide, et l'une des chambres transformée en un coffre-fort avec un code sur la porte.

Les voisins disent que la famille Zakhartchenko a acheté un appartement et il y a un demi, mais n'a pas été vivre. Le colonel magouilleur que des parents parfois visité et presque immédiatement en laissant Life.ru. transmet

Lorsque les organes sont, et l'État n'a pas

 Médias en ont parlé du nouveau système de blanchiment d'argent, protégé par la loi

La Banque centrale ne peut pas résoudre le problème encore

En Russie, il y avait un système de blanchiment d'argent, à travers lequel plus de 16 milliards de roubles ont été retirés en 2016. Un maillon clé dans la chaîne était frauduleux service fédéral des huissiers, qui a fait le nouveau régime est pratiquement invulnérable.
L'apparition du nouvel algorithme journal de retrait « Kommersant » a déclaré aux membres du marché bancaire. En fait, il est une modification du déjà connu schéma de vol « Moldave » qui a été utilisé en 2010-2013.

Les manifestations de la domination de l'oligarchie financière

Le bénéfice des banques russes a bondi sevenfold
Le bénéfice des banques russes en Janvier-Août 2016 a augmenté sept fois au cours de la même période l'an dernier - jusqu'à 532 milliards de roubles. Il est indiqué dans l'examen de la Banque de Russie. Au cours des huit mois de l'année dernière, les établissements de crédit nationaux ont reçu un revenu d'un montant de 76 milliards de roubles.
En Août, les dépôts de la population dans les banques ont diminué d'année en année de 0,5 pour cent à 23,4 milliards de roubles. prêts aux entreprises a diminué de 0,9 pour cent en Août, le volume des prêts aux particuliers - a augmenté de 0,7 pour cent.

Les plans pour le vol qualifié du pays

En dépit de la baisse du niveau de vie, le gouvernement propose d'augmenter les tarifs pour le logement et les services communaux est plus élevé que prévu
Le gouvernement russe a l'intention de la période 2017-2019 pour augmenter les prix pour le logement et les services communaux, l'électricité et du gaz au niveau de l'inflation générale - de 4,9%, 4,4% et 4,1%. Pour la plupart des éléments est sensiblement plus élevé que précédemment mis en gage. Aux mêmes tarifs pour la croissance de l'industrie sera moins rapide.

Cela résulte du journal publié l'analyse de scénarios « Vedomosti » du développement économique du pays pour le reste de cette année et les trois prochaines années, le ministère du Développement économique soumis au gouvernement et le président.

Appauvrissement du peuple grandit

Russes se sont effondrés frais ci-dessous 2012 niveaux

les coûts Russes en Août 2016 est tombé en dessous du niveau Janvier 2012. la croissance de l'activité traditionnelle des consommateurs après un creux en Juin et Juillet n'a pas eu lieu. Cela a été rapporté dans la tenue étude « Romir ».
coûts août Russes étaient inférieurs à 2012 les valeurs de l'année. Pendant sept mois consécutifs, la facture moyenne conserve des valeurs minimales: 498 roubles pour un voyage à la boutique. Une telle conclusion a été faite par les analystes de la société de recherche « Romir », après avoir étudié les dépenses des villes russes avec une population de 100.000 habitants.

Partenariat public-privé pour le vol de pays

5 septembre Comité d'enquête russe a déclaré que une affaire pénale contre les dirigeants anciens et actuels de « Integrated Energy Systems » (IES) (successeur légal réorganisé est la société « T-Plus », une partie du GC « Renova ») soupçonné de corruption en particulier grandes tailles.
Selon les enquêteurs, en 2007-2014 ans Olkhovik Vainzikher et transmis aux hauts fonctionnaires de la République de Komi montant en espèces de plus de 800 millions de roubles comme un pot de vin pour l'établissement d'IES tarifs favorables pour le chauffage et l'électricité et de créer des « conditions favorables de faire des affaires. »