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пятница, 16 марта 2012 г.

The country fell apart, and strategists are the same!

Experts "Strategy 2020" want to raise the retirement age to 63 years for both men and womenThe experts 'Strategy 2020' propose a gradual increase in retirement age in Russia for both sexes to 63 years by 2030, reports Prime."Given the relatively low life expectancy in Russia is proposed raising the retirement age to 63 years, and, do it gradually, half a year for women, for men - three months a year until it equalized the retirement age for men and Women "- says the final report" Strategy 2020 ". According to experts, to reach 63-year threshold for retirement will in 2030. The authors point out that age 63 was until recently the standard retirement age in developed countries, but over the past two years, several countries raised the retirement age to 65-68 years.Policymakers believe that raising the retirement age may be the main response to this demographic challenge, as the aging population."Maintaining the stability of the retirement age de facto means a significant reduction in working life", - says the report.

Experts point out that at present about one-third of retirees continue to work after retirement. Now in Russia, men retire at age 60, women - 55.As for the fare premiums, experts suggest not to increase their contributions and leave the FIU at 20-22%."The high and rising tax burden due to increased contributions to the pension system leads to a deterioration in the business environment, strengthening the tendency to" escape the tax, "the expansion of the zone of the informal economy. It is therefore proposed change in rates of contributions to the pension system up to 22%, and possibly Up to 20%. "In 2011, the rates of insurance contributions were increased from 30% to 34%. Numerous protests forced the government to give employers from raising interest rates, and for 2012-2013 the maximum rate of insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds was reduced to 30%.Experts believe that it is necessary to stimulate the market for the formalization of employment. First of all, it is possible to do by raising the minimum requirements for length of service. "Experience, after which the employee is eligible to receive the retirement pension, it is proposed to gradually increase from 5 to 15-20 years", - says the report.In addition, experts suggest introducing a minimum monthly payment is fixed for the self-Russians in the amount of 20-30% of the payment, calculated at the average wage in the country.As for the middle class, the experts 'Strategy 2020' believe that in this part of the Russian society today appears "donate" to the low-paid workers at the stage of solidarity pension fund."The middle class is, in fact, excluded from the mandatory pension system. Upper limit of salaries, from which premiums are paid (135% of the average wage in 2011), set at a level consistent with the lower boundaries of middle-class wages. Recent statements by the introduction of payment with a salary above the maximum does not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it, because the income is decided to extend funding for basic pensions, "- says the report of the expert group.The developers of the "Strategy" confident that the pension system should be comprehensive and take into account the interests of the categories of workers with different incomes. Thus, for the Russians with middle and high income countries should be mechanisms based on the cumulative segment. Experts suggest a differential mechanism for contributions to the joint part of the pension, as well as a savings account. "This proposed expansion of the tax base by raising the threshold for payroll deductions for contributions to the pension system. Ratio of limiting wages to the amount of average salary for the year to which payments shall be paid at the standard rate, increasing from 161 to 230%," - the report says.For salaries, not exceeding 161% of the average, will leave the existing order of deductions when the employer directs 16% joint system, and 6% - the funded part of pensions. For the salaries in the range of 161-230% of average also proposed to retain the current procedure, however, the introduction of an additional payment to the collecting system, which will pay the employee, such as 2%.For the wages of more than 230% of the average worker is charged with the payment to the collecting system of the size of 2-5%, and the employer shall not be charged any fees jointly and severally, or in the funded part. In this case the employee is entitled to refuse payment of insurance premiums. In addition, this group has a program of co-financing of pensions.As a result, Russia will be the appearance of the four types of pensions: social - for the unemployed, people with low experience in the formal sector, as well as for low-income employees in the informal sector; base - for low-income formal sector workers, combined - for middle-income categories, combined-alternative - for high-yield category.In addition, experts believe, in Russia it is necessary to continue to develop a system of voluntary pension funds (eg pensions sofinasirovanie).According to the calculations of developers 'strategy', if all the proposed measures will be implemented as early as 2020 Budget will save nearly 1.2 trillion rubles (1.15% of GDP), and in 2030 - 4.4 trillion rubles. Earlier, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of Russia Yuriy Voronin said in an interview with RIA Novosti that the Russian Pension Fund deficit is projected in 2012 will amount to 1.83% of GDP (1.075 trillion rubles). According to forecasts of Ministry of Health, the 2014 deficit of the Pension Fund of Russia could reach 1.79% of GDP.-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------THESE DEMOCRATS ... WHO ARE THEY?
There's no doubt: it is - of course, those who faithfully honor the ancient traditions of democracy. Well, that's a tradition, for example.
Recently, ... in the local newspaper "Evening Yekaterinburg" I caught the eye of the material under the title "Now we will meet more frequently, assured reporters G.Burbulis" for July 15 The author notes L.Minina, recounting the reader answers the chief center "Strategy", said with this: "He told reporters that now at the forefront to get professionals who are able to achieve concrete results, men of action.
It is hard to disagree with the validity of this claim, but who, it turns out, the company offered up only recently? "- Genuinely outraged and perplexed her.
"Strategy was also asked on the prospects for regional policy ..." - continued the journalist, almost without concealing his irritation against the universally accepted democratic idol.
In fact, "the strategist" - is one of the top ten military commanders who are concerned with the protection of democracy, even in those ancient times. And this "outrageous, nedoumevatelnaya" emotion of which, together with the journalist, "stumbles" and its democratically benevolent reader, made me some actual historical memories of the same order.
According to Cicero ... "when Hannibal, banished from Carthage, came to Ephesus to Antioch and was invited to listen to the peripatetic Formion, this blabbermouth a few hours talking about the responsibilities of commander and general of the military. All participants were enthusiastic and asked to express an opinion on Hannibal philosopher. Hannibal replied that he had seen a lot of survivors from the mind of the elderly, but this mad as Formion never seen before.
And rightly so - says Cicero. - Could be a lot of arrogance and indiscretion, than that Hannibal, who fought for so many years because of the power of the Roman people, the winner of the world, and gave instructions on military affairs a Greek, had never seen the camp, never touched by any the smallest percentage of any public office? "
Of course, Gennady Burbulis - not Greek. As, however, not peripatetic, and not an old man ...
But he - PhD. Although the ability of its scientists have not been evaluated by the Hannibal, but speaking skills can be appreciated by his contemporaries completely.
- Gennady Eduardovich listen - like all the words are clear, he graduated from the talk - remember they said absolutely not. It's like a billiard ball rolling on bemskomu glass. Rolling Ball - heard a convincing deep sound. Stopped - no one person can not afford to repeat it "- indicates the" Journalists »№ 3 of 1994 Leonid Pleshakov.
(Needless to say, good quality! After all, it makes it possible, in front of everyone, to declare today is not the same thing as stated yesterday).
What, however, the question is, this historical reminiscence in our consciousness has emerged?
Well, first, as they say, "nothing new under the moon." Sverdlovchane well remembered as the journalist hero zealously promoted his current interview as a national hero. Which, though he was delegated to the local Party Committee of democracy, but "is" had deceived her. It is a pity, of course, readers of "evening", which, despite a solid recommendation to the authorities, disappointed with her. But, as we see, philosophizing psevdostrategov with delight the audience took in more ancient times.
Second, the mouth in public, "philosophizing" may in fact themselves Glagol God knows that ... Is not it better to journalists today, following the example of Antiochus and Cicero, the assessment said to contact the real experts, not to believe every word the same as those who simply loudly and with aplomb himself about himself and says? (Word for it is only necessary in the Church!)
And, third. If a journalist has finally discovered that the hero - not a real strategist, why it continues to be in the same blessed assurance that ... but really, its hero - a true philosopher?
Basic question: is Unveiled L.Mininoy "psevdostrategiya" just a logical corollary with m and e m in unnoticed it "pseudo-philosophers"? As, however, and vice versa ...
Or, (according to USU journalism and "evening") - not as a human expert Hannibal?
While L.Minina think of an answer, let's assume the following: the journalist is not to blame. It's just - too trusting. But the blame for unwitting self-deception and the public is an old democratic tradition, which is the foundation of European history have laid the classics of democracy - a = n and I n is
Known example is that in 441 BC famous poet Sophocles was chosen strategy only on the occasion of his tragedy "Antigone" is very pleased the public. Something similar happened in the year 426: Athenians besieged the detachment of Spartans on the island Sfakteriya. Cleon, a leather manufacturer, began to criticize the strategists. Then the Athenians sent him to win ...
(Well, just as the Communist Party in the case of Burbulis!)
That is why the Athenian strategists wittily ridiculed the Macedonian King Philip: "Happy the Athenians! They find it possible each year to select the ten strategists, and I found many years, only one strategist - Parmenio. " (By the way, his king, and gave to the military mentors his famous son, Alexander. And the commander-from the last out in the end seems to be good ...).
We know, too, that Alexander of Macedon is very, very respected philosophy. Only this, of course ... To fight it, it does not interfere. And even contrary philosophical knowledge has helped Alexander to build a state, not to destroy ...
(Of course, Burbulis learned not to Aristotle and the Philosophy Faculty of USU, tragedies, like, did not write. However cheering on the city courted discussion platform, where it L.Mininu and colleagues from the "evening" and charmed local journalism. It , however, and his philosophy is successfully used in the policy: this is where, in contrast to Alexander of Macedon, was building someone else's state, and its own (our own, that is!) successfully destroyed).
Perhaps ... a reader would think that the author of these lines for some reason intends to "bump heads" of two highly respected in the society ladies, "democracy" - the "philosophy". And thus one of the two cause irreparable damage.
Yes, no, my God!
Quite simply, the author believes that this philosophy that can withstand the rigorous court life, time, and the lessons of Hannibal, Minin and L.Pleshakova, no preference or "progressive" or "conservative" or "democratic" or "monarchical ". She is friends only with the truth, and therefore ready to shake h e r a n y w arm and "patriot" and "Democrat" and "communist" and "liberal" and "partocrats" and "believer", and " atheist, "and what you like good man ...
Why not?
Yes, because the philosophy recognizes only one single, "monarchy." And is this a monarchy is called a king in our heads!
Alexey Kazakov, a member of the working philosophy
the club to them. Joseph Dietzgen.
Ekaterinburg - 1994.

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