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четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

Elimination of administrative barriers put in a good word

In the Russian Federation will create a commission to develop entrepreneurshipSpecial Commission on implementation of the national business initiative, which will include representatives of domestic and foreign businesses will be created in Russia, said President Vladimir Putin."An important decision to establish a special commission for the implementation of the National Business Initiative. Its members include representatives of domestic and foreign businesses, heads of ministries and departments", - President said.He recalled the saying famous political figure of the past: "If you want to fill up business - create a commission." "We remember, we have in mind and understand that to create a perfect system of government services to business needs time," - said the president.

Putin said that the key issue of public policy was "to create not only favorable, but in the full sense of the best, competitive investment climate." "By the end of this decade, Russia must enter the twenty countries with the most comfortable business environment", - Putin said, adding that this is a complex, ambitious goal, given the current situation in Russia.He recalled that the formed road maps for the elimination of administrative barriers in areas such as connection to electricity, construction, customs clearance, clearance of foreign transactions, business registration, registration of tax reporting. This work is being done in conjunction with leading business associations in the country, "the National Business Initiative."Source---------------------------------------------
"Administrative Barriers" - myth or reality of crime?At whatever level today is not talking about the future of small business development, and not only small, be sure to point out as one of the negative phenomena hindering the development of the business - the presence of "administrative barriers". This phenomenon say businessmen and officials on the subject conduct surveys and studies, and journalists, in their newspapers and magazines, and give many facts confirming the presence of the notorious "administrative barriers". No mention of the "administrative barriers" is a part of the conference, none of the economic forum, and all calls to combat this scourge. In general, all struggling, and the "administrative barriers", as they were, and continue to exist, bringing great harm business and the organizers of a huge jackpot.So what is this invincible evil? Rest of the world are struggling, and not upper hand! And all, like, realize that the "administrative barriers" evil that must be confronted. But here's what the barriers are and what they say, practice shows that not everyone can, and explain.So let's not take the time to record a series of screaming - "Help! Cut" and start dancing on the stove. And before you fight the "administrative barriers", find out what the "beast" so, where he lives, that it produces and what he fears.If you look at our reality, it is possible to make out of this "beast", similar to the three-headed fire-breathing dragon and the one whose head is spewing fiery flame, as a legal framework for business, the second - the tax laws and fiscal policies in the country, and the third provides a direct administration. And together, they burn the country's economy and our future.Burn! And in another way, all these actions can not appreciate. These results demonstrate and study of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the state statistics: "... 35% of small businesses with less than two years, 27% - from two to 5 years, 38% - more than five years, 16% - more than 8 years, and only 0.5% companies operate more than 10 years. " This statistic speaks for itself. In the current environment of aggressive business can not develop normally. He often dies back in the "infancy" of age.In such a situation, in my opinion, there are two the most appropriate course of action. The first - is to grow, "Ilya Muromtsev" that would defend "infancy" of business, and the second - to reason with the first two heads and cut off the third head, creating "administrative barriers".And that is first necessary to eliminate "unnecessary" administrative barriers, any entrepreneur will tell you, since it is they who are confronted daily with the head of the dragon."According to the authoritative experts - as stated in" The concept of public policy support and development of small enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region in 2002 - 2015 years "- one in ten rubles spent by entrepreneurs to overcome the administrative barriers put up by the authorities at various levels in the management of small businesses and economic activity" .Very clear picture, the administrative barriers, the activists formed "Support of Russia", after the studies, which covered, and the Sverdlovsk region, and the compilation of the Rating Card violations of entrepreneurs. "A small business spends on administrative barriers to an average of 10,000 rubles and up to 70 hours per employee per year. The company of 20 people actually have to have a specialist in "Barriers" (ie, the briber). " "The shadow economy. Administrative barriers. Small Business. " Authors: VA Baidukov, GA Kovaleva, A. Filippenko, VM Pubis, TP Bessonova, etc.Based on these studies can be counted and bureaucratic "catch" from the "barriers". With 360,000 employees in the Sverdlovsk region, we obtain a sum each year going to the bribe of 360 million rubles, and 18 of the 000 "experts" on the barriers. In one word - "Uralmash" for the officials. Disorganized really working "Uralmash", officials have created a shadow "Uralmash", working in their pocket.So, what is after all what is an administrative barrier that is why it occurs, and in whose interests. In my opinion - is primarily vested interest in a particular official, who while on duty, aim, above all, to get his personal benefit, and sometimes collectively. It can be expressed in action and inaction in an official, employee, officer (eg, checking - an action paperwork - failure to act). And all this is done with one purpose - to create visibility of the existing obstacles in solving your problem, creating artificial problems in your business, with a hint of the fact that "all problems can be solved" for a certain amount, either outright extortion. Here, the interest may be manifested in direct form - "give the money - you get good" and in an indirect - "do not realize in time grease" - get a waiver.Our state machine, to extract money from the pockets of citizens who work, in contrast to the economy, clearly and smoothly. There is no chaos, and the size of the "rollback" is determined strictly by rank. Small petty officer is satisfied with an offering (greyhound puppies), but with gratitude and the location of his superiors, if he "drives" in the official network, of higher rank, the larger "fry", referring to the inability to resolve the issue at their level. The officials also occupy important positions and the corresponding receive "kickbacks", which featured large firms, contracts, accounts in foreign banks, villas on the Cote d'Azur, etc. In short the system works properly, and all the participants fed, bred and happy. That's only one thing is not considered that this system is parasitic and destructive effect on the economy of the country, and this inevitably leads to economic and political crisis. And it is not known: whether we come out of this crisis as a strong and solid country, or split into many small states, puppets, and fall into dependence on more powerful states.Therefore, in my opinion, it would be more correct, the term "administrative barriers" to recognize the wrongful misconduct, subject to administrative or criminal law. Because they are committed by men, endowed with the state authorities, such officials are not only violate the rights of a particular employer, undermining faith in the rule of law and justice, but also undermine the economic foundations of the state. Just think how much the budgets of all levels receive less money due to the existence of "administrative barriers". And it's time to stop talking about the "unjustified" or "unreasonable" administrative barriers, as clearly and unequivocally, that any obstruction on the part of officials is a violation of the law and should be prosecuted.Employers are well aware, and clearly sees the legitimacy of their claims. The legal waiver they will never be called "administrative barriers". The entrepreneur perceives "administrative barriers", but as a criminal for his actions or inactions. And if we, today, we will not approach the "administrative barriers" as a wrongful act, as a violation of the law, then we define ourselves in the eternal struggle against "unreasonable," "unreasonable," "administrative barriers". In the struggle, until, when they do not strangle the economy.So today, the representatives of small business today, and there is no other choice but to unite in public organizations, and more actively oppose the administrative arbitrariness. Only together, with the interests of the state radeyuschimi "men of the sovereign," we will be able to cope with various kinds of obstacles, doubling, tripling of the GDP.Igor Zjatev,Vice-President of the Sverdlovsk OblastUnion of Small and Medium BusinessDeputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk branchConceptual Party "Unity".04/08/2006, the

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