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воскресенье, 19 января 2014 г.

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 Zyuganov : the path of struggle , justice and creativity
These days marks the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Lenin Komsomol - the world's first mass youth organization.Komsomol was born in the most difficult years of the Civil War . Alarming fall 1918 All-Russian Congress passed the young workers and peasants . He announced the creation of Komsomol . Initiators Komsomol education not only believed in a better future for the young Soviet republic . They were willing to personally create a new fair life for his motherland.First generation Komsomol soaked experience Bolshevik Old Guard , provided its worthy successors . Komsomol became a reliable reserve of the Communist Party , its main ally in all accomplishments.In the construction of the first five members of the Komsomol with the Communists showed the world the superiority of the socialist system , made ​​our country an industry leader . Not only industry giants created Komsomol work , but new city , a new system of creation and achievements.

Millions Komsomol passed hardening in the Great Patriotic War. Feat and courage of tens and hundreds of thousands of Komsomol became the solid foundation of victory over fascism . The names of many members of the Komsomol and gold forever inscribed in the annals of our history - the history of the country's Victory.In the years of the great post-war buildings set an example of the Komsomol communist attitude toward labor . He raised the young generation in the spirit of social justice, Soviet patriotism and internationalism. And he gave the romance achievements, became the school partnership and friendship.Labor and combat exploits Lenin Komsomol received high and deserved praise. Six times a glorious organization was awarded the Order of the Soviet Union.Capitalist reaction in our country not only destroyed a coherent system of youth policy of the Soviet state . It has deprived youth confidence in the future , guarantee quality education and decent work . Thousands of guys thrown into the arms of gangs and burned in a slaughterhouse in the Caucasus. The younger generation of mown drugs and vodka, corrupted morally converted into a mindless machine consumption.But do not lose the battle between good and evil , freedom from oppression, with the reaction progress . Thousands of young men and women , faithful to the ideals of the struggle for justice and creating, entered and continue to join the ranks of the Lenin Komsomol and then the Communist Party.I warmly welcome the young men and women who have chosen a path of truth, goodness and socialism. In our difficult time you were able to understand and make the right choice. It's worth it . You - young, and your work is of particular value . It is designed to connect you a great experience with the upcoming generations of Soviet victories of socialism. But such victories will be !Bankruptcy of capitalism becomes apparent. He plunged the world into another crisis . So it was more than eight decades ago , when the Great Depression destroyed the "pure" market economy and capitalism had to adapt and learn from the Soviet Union. Of modern capitalist crisis again no exit. Only road to socialism is able to bring the world of the historical impasse and that it chooses youth.Socialist alternative louder knocking at the door of humanity. Comes time Young Communists - heirs Komsomol glorious victories.Komsomol members of all generations ! You - my warmest congratulations and best wishes on the eve of the 95th anniversary of the Komsomol ! Great Leninsky Komsomol remains in our hearts a symbol of goodness, creativity and true friendship !GA ZyuganovSource : gazeta-pravda.ru

Church on Blood , Ekaterinburg . Version of our time: " KOMSOMOL face ... SOFIA "

" APPLY ... reading and writing TO IMPROVEMENT OF HIS ...STATE "
Gloomy , harsh Moscow . Autumn 1920 . City fall cold twilight. From all parts of the Soviet republic struggling to third House of Soviets gathers Komsomol youth. Three cabs in the pouring rain from the station to the Coach series gets Kazan delegation . Pouring rain , crowded cab passengers. Journey lasts five hours. In the end, it is simple: take cabs fare ( there million - a trifle ) pound of salt ! So they work out , though it is not quite fair, but wittily : Moscow romp as they can!The second in October . The Third Congress of the Young Communist League . Most of the delegates have just returned from the front or preparing to go to the front. Age from 17 to 20 years. In the graph of Inquiry "education" prevails shorthand " inferior ." But there are answers " can not read ", " not in school ", " competent ". Congress waiting for Lenin. Received his ounces of bread , tea with saccharin , soup and roast roach from different perspectives discuss the upcoming Leninist report .

Oh, and get all the same imperialists and social- traitors !
Certainly get . But it 's about more than Poland and Wrangel .
Oh, no ! The focal point will be our union ( Komsomol ) differences.
This report something about the international situation ?
And what ? Did not we decide all matters on a global scale ? ..
Lenin's speech at the III Congress of Komsomol Komsomol today known to everyone , to every young person . Her stunning impact on listeners , it vsepokoryayuschuyu logic and mobilizing force , her passionate and revolutionary spirit saved brought us memories of that amazing event participants . "Learning to Communism" - is his central idea .- But communist become only when you enrich yourself with knowledge of all the treasures created by mankind , - said Vladimir Ilyich , warning his listeners to facilitate the understanding of this problem ." That's when we realized why a few minutes before the performance , - says Alexander Zharov - Ilyich , to our surprise , drew. And he drew a house with a roof , with chimney and with a sign "School" .Today's youth are well known lessons Leninist communism. But far more well-known is not necessarily a deeply thoughtful and understood. That is why , not only then, but not least today need serious spiritual work , that these lessons are well understood. "Communism and culture " - that could indicate the most important of them.We call themselves communists . What is a Communist? Communist - a Latin word . Communist - so common . Communist society means - all common land, factories , collective work - that's what communism " - explains Vladimir Ilyich . Previously , in the old society , the individual family labor , the worker , peasant or intelligent specialist combined, socialized and organized landowners and capitalists . Communist labor - is the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, the worker is to unite the efforts of the city , villages and cultural worker , acting on a common plan under the leadership of the proletariat in power , he added .But communism is to combine not only living labor today working hard to present a peasant and intellectual. At today's factories and railways , fields and farms , in today's music and poetry objectified , implemented and updated accumulated labor who created us to generations and generations of people. Therefore, the present , the Communist -organized, creative work must , among other things , to combine living labor worker today - hard worker yesterday , ie hard lessons . ( Marx called him yet " vsemirono historical ").That is why the question of communism posed by its very essence , inevitably rests on the question of the cultural heritage of the past. That is, questions about culture .It seems that it is these considerations of principle , and not merely academic respect " to the old days ", and was due to the famous Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda . "We should make a list of precursors of socialism or its theorists and fighters , as well as those luminaries of philosophical thought , science, art , etc. , which, although not having a direct relationship to socialism , but they are the true heroes of culture" - testifies to this plan Lunacharskii leader . For the union is in power -conscious proletariat with " the true heroes of human culture " - unbeatable !Unfortunately, it was not clear to every young communist .Just at the beginning of October 1920 the congress Proletcult that emerged in September 1917 as an independent business activity of the workers . Proletkul't continued after the October Revolution to defend their "independence" , in opposition to the proletarian state . The greatest development Proletkult organization received in 1919 , speaking to his understanding of culture and cultural work , " only for the proletariat " and " only by the proletariat" - was their central slogan.Echo these mentalities were pre-Congress , for example , verses V. Kirillov , heard at the Komsomol gatherings and parties at the time:We are at the mercy of the rebellious ,Passionate hops ;Let us cry out , "YouExecutioners beauty "In the name of our Tomorrow -Burn Raphael.Destroy the museums , trampleArt flowers -with fervor reciting the then members of the Komsomol .Socio- historical, class roots such mindsets clear. NK Krupskaya recalled how in the 90s of last century, a worker , a student of the Sunday school , outlining in great detail all the evidence sphericity of the earth , to conclude with a mocking smile incredulously added: " Just can not believe it , it's bar was invented ."As would be naive as it may sound , the workers were well aware that the ruling classes have always had a monopoly on culture, used it as a means of exploitation, always tried this "cultural monopoly ' saveHere is a typical historical fact. While in the Persian campaign , Alexander the Great learned that his teacher Aristotle promulgated in books those philosophical conversations that they were together in the shady groves Mieza . Angered by this circumstance , it is straight from the campaign wrote : "Alexander Aristotle wishes prosperity! You did wrong by unveiling exercises intended only for oral teaching . What shall we differ from other people if those same teachings on which we were raised , do the common heritage ? I would like to excel not only in power, how much knowledge about higher things . Be healthy . "As a political and military leader of the class of p and b of a tin g th tsev in Alexander formulates straightforward claim this class on the cultural monopoly ... What is even more a cultural representative of this class , and d e o l o g Aristotle rightly objected although these teachings and made ​​public, but at the same time as it not made ​​public. After philosophizing from the outset designed and available for educated people with leisure . Consequently, these books will understand only one " who should ". So for the monopoly on culture can be slaveholders and not worry .Does , however, is that culture is a culture through slaveholders slaveowners , and culture of the landlords and the bourgeoisie - thoroughly bourgeois culture?No, it does not!To think otherwise - means disservice to communism. And the result will be either left without mass culture or the culture itself will remain the same without the toiling masses. Will it be the result of counter-revolutionary activities of the bourgeoisie or " rr - revolutionary" activities Proletcult ( and , incidentally, enticed them " Party secretary " and " professors of scientific communism ") - does not matter . "We can build communism only when the means of bourgeois science and technology make it more accessible to the masses . Otherwise, you can not build a communist society "- Lenin warned . " We must also learn to appreciate science, rejecting the" communist " swagger amateurs and bureaucrats " to fight against "the conceit of ignorance ," - he addedIt is the lack of basic literacy and culture among the masses creates bureaucracy creates "Soviet officials " who "mind over mind went ," " gullibility ", " Oblomoffdom ", " komvrane " that lower the Soviet regime .Question about the nature of human culture - it should in theory and in practice always placed concrete. And so they put him Vladimir Ilyich .Known for its famous phrase said at the VII Congress of Soviets : "Either the lice will defeat socialism , or socialism will triumph lice ! " Sanitary condition of the Land of Soviets at that time was extremely difficult. White , retreating from Siberia and the Ukraine , left a terrible epidemic among the population extends to the Red Army. This threatened to undermine the defense power of the Soviet state on all fronts. Under the leadership of Lenin were taken urgently . " He knew that without culture and initiative of the people to fight against epidemics is very hard (he did not approve of my time slogan " Health care workers - the business of the workers " ) ," - says the People's Commissar of Health Semashko.But not only personal hygiene ... and there can be no culture without basic universal literacy.- Comrade Lenin , should not be so bitterly complain about illiteracy - turned into a conversation Clara Zetkin to Vladimir Ilyich . - In some respects it is you facilitated the revolution . She protected the brains of workers and peasants in order to be stuffed with bourgeois notions and conceptions and languish .- Yes, it is true, - said Lenin . - However, only within certain limits , or, rather , for a certain period of our struggle. Illiteracy coexisted with the struggle for power, with the need to destroy the old state apparatus . But unless we destroy only for the sake of destruction? We destroy in order to recreate something better . Illiteracy gets bad , absolutely not sit well with the task of rebuilding . Last because , according to Marx , must be the work of the workers themselves ...However, there is no culture of not only health and literacy. No its not ... and bread.Old writer AK Voronsky recalls: " Gorky brought a stack of books published by them ... in Berlin , with the assistance of the Soviet government , Lenin skimmed brought books, endorsed a book on steam locomotives , then picked up a collection of ancient Hindu tales. He leafed through the book , Gorky said :

In my opinion - he said - is premature. Gorky said :
This is a very good tale. - Vladimir Ilyich said:
This money is spent. - Bitter Vladimir Ilyich said :
It's very cheap.
Yes , but for this we pay a gold currency. This year we will have famine . - It seemed to me then that the two faced the truth . "
So what is K U L L T U R ?It is true that it is P ro I I l e t i in the ability to be full in personal hygiene , the ability to read and write. Without all this, it simply is not!But it is true and the other , " one literacy - wrote Lenin , - does not go far ." We need a huge improvement of the culture . It is necessary that people actually enjoyed the ability to read and write.In other words, where the culture - there are bound to have literacy. But where there is literacy - the culture has not necessarily. And not always ...And today we can meet the person faithfully execute the proper cultural "function" or "role" . Say, thinker , teacher or artist , but it is not capable ... neither think nor educate or to "represent" . One in th e with tons of other " arts " ... without imagination , "singing" ... without melody ; "logic" ... without logo - it is the price. !After culture - it's not just any "special" skill . So to say, "one of many." No! Culture - is the ability to ... be able to . In this sense , it coincides with the work . A cultural progress coincides with what distinguishes man from animal , namely the development of the essential powers of man , with the development of the human personality , its initiative and freedom.That is why , unlike literacy explaining the culture , Lenin concluded: "We must ensure that the ability to read and write would serve to improve the culture , the peasant had the opportunity to apply this ability to read and write to improve their economy and their own state ." That's why in a row with the term "culture" Vladimir Ilyich put concepts such as "humanity" , "complete freedom ", " full equality " and " internationalism " ( not to be confused with the bourgeois cosmopolitanism ) .Culture by its very nature - it's about a b e f u l DOMAIN all th e d th . Or that person takes possession of it , not because he is , for example, an intellectual worker or peasant , an Englishman , a Negro , Russian or Chinese ... to own it , he can just because he - man .And if in the old society monopoly on it had slaveholders , landlords and capitalists , it meant that " History is a handful of nobles and a handful of bourgeois intellectuals in the carotid and the sleeping masses of workers and peasants ." Be a "slave " - it means (within the generic essence of man ) , is in communion with the other person , but " outside " Culture. Or , on the contrary : to be a slave - means (within culture ) , "communicate" with other people, but ... " outside " is now common to them generic entity.From the point of view of world Paideia , in truth slave - is someone who , on the bench Panhellenic theater world history and culture, sits ... " as a rock - on the stone ." That is to say , according to Lenin , " with n and m ." In the language of Greek philosophy, this world-historical dream is called APAYDEVSIYA . That is not education.That's why the return of culture toiling masses equivalent transform them into independent creators and subjects of history , and that's why its transformation into a l l e o c t and n o f domain equivalent transformation of culture - communism .Conversely, go to the abolition of classes (ie objectively forced spontaneously historical self- distribution of people on the " Seattle cultured" and / or / " cultureless humanity" ) - means " to eliminate the division of labor among people , to educate , education and training , fully developed and fully trained people, people who know how to do everything . By that communism goes, I should go and come " - claimed Lenin .Leninist understanding of communism as a p e r d e x of a true team and to this culture allows us to see clearly and more precisely its real germs . See them exactly where "socialism , lively, creative, is a creation of the masses themselves ." A communist collectivism culture, or cultural collectivism communism takes place when and where and when an ordinary member of a socialist society - the working man - becomes the main reason , the sole source of their own deeds . In short, the actual creator and subject of history : the chief of his superiors , in simple words ...After all , according to Krupskaya " team - not personal responsibility . Properly organized , purposeful collective right - it is something in which man does not dissolve , does not sink . In contrast, in much deeper team developed all his strength , brighter revealed his identity . "... For fifteen years developing, today has become widely known , the movement Seversky pipe manufacturers warranty for collective work and social discipline. In 1966, the open-hearth shop of the plant had a serious talk and serious decisions : work and life of the working man - are indivisible . Therefore, the discipline is indivisible at work and at home . In 1969, this idea has gained a clear formula : " The moral and material responsibility for the state of labor discipline." Just work together, we all together are responsible for the discipline and - decided advanced workers shop.Since 1981, brewed the second stage in the development of initiative . Appeared and chased the formula expressing its essence: "Labour and social discipline - guarantee collective." What is its material, economic mechanism ? Brigade, which has taken on a commitment to live and work without violations of labor discipline and public order in the event of default , hereby waives 10% lump-sum payment on the annual results of the work . And in case this obligation , provided that the collective annual production target , each member increased by 10% lump-sum compensation for the results of the year ...Third of the 13,000 workers Seversky Pipe - Komsomol age . Since last year, decided to find their Komsomol Komsomol forms of participation in a fix . By mid-December the first members of socialist competition under the slogan " Labour and social discipline - Komsomol guarantee" began to make commitments . Object of competition - not a cash prize , and the pre-emptive right to receive travel vouchers for youth routes. Winners are awarded pennants , as well as diplomas Komsomol Committee "Komsomolskaya business model work and social discipline."Every year brings something new work . Proposal was born to commit to the collective guarantee of the same and Engineering . Then it became apparent that technical officers must take the commitments of those teams that are in their direct supervision . So the development of collectivist forms of production organization is in the direction of overcoming social division between mental and physical labor.On the basis of creativity , labor and public amateur youth in the country there was such a remarkable phenomenon , as youth residential complexes, the proposal to build which recently reviewed and approved Politburo .Main purpose of the experiment chairman of the organizing committee of the Sverdlovsk SWC Evgeny Korolev stated: "Man builds a house - the house building rights." Secretary of Komsomol in Kazan added: " Build the human future." A veteran of the SWC from Moscow, Kaliningrad says: " Thinking about the SWC as a house that we build ourselves, we thought of it primarily as a school educating socially active person ."Get in the squad SWC easy. In Sverdlovsk, now compete half thousand - get in the one hundred and fifty people. But these difficulties are not external , mechanical, so to speak. This - the creative difficulties , difficulties of the work. Condition of victory in the competition - high labor and social activity of the applicant. Not accidental discharge of production standards , usually 140 - 150 percent.First SWC was built 10 years ago. Today youth residential complexes are already in nearly 60 cities . They are designed as the core of a conventional neighborhood metabolizing collectivist lifestyle - style initiative , creativity and culture .In Sverdlovsk ... tragically killed soldier Kholmanskii , failing to fulfill its on the site. Survived by his wife with two small children in their arms . Detachment worked laid for him, and the family moved into a new apartment . To the entrance of this home today alley leads Kholmanskaja . Detachment planted it in memory of comrade .Now Sverdlovsk SWC - that's five high-rise buildings , a clinic with a swimming pool , two kindergartens , child station technical creativity, culture house . This three-kilometer " path of health " in Shartashsky forest park , self catering, summer festivals , tree porches , formal registration of births , effective work with young people , lack of divorces , high fertility , social program , mutual . This - a comprehensive solution based on the problems of youth culture and socialist collectivism ...Implementation of Lenin's behest " learn communism " - based on the ability of conscious discipline, organization and initiative " to solve practically a particular problem common labor " - devoted to the thoughts and deeds of the young.Today about 24 million , ie more than half of all Komsomol members employed in the national economy . 135 -Union, about four thousand republican, territorial, regional Komsomol construction sites they are working . The shock front in the village declared livestock . During the time between the XVIII and XIX Congress of the Komsomol over half a million people on public appeal directed to this sector . In the non-chernozem zone of the RSFSR directed more than 150 thousand young volunteers .Almost half ... our scientific and technical intelligentsia - people younger than 30 years . Young owns more than half of all inventions in the country. Every year, the economic effect of developments carried out in the student design bureau and implemented in production at several million rubles. Only among the Komsomol - 121,000 researchers, about two thousand doctors and candidates of sciences.In the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adequately perform the duties of young deputies Around 330 790 thousand young men and women are members of local councils. Now about 75% of candidates received members of the CPSU - Komsomol . All the years of existence of the Komsomol in the game it's almost 16 million scouts. During the years of Soviet power became a school Komsomol ideological hardening for 160 million Soviet people.The second in October 1920 . III Congress of the Komsomol . After the report .Carefully stepping over ... strangers feet , constantly stumbling and apologizing , sneaking Lenin Voronezh delegate. He is fascinated , came close to the edge of the table and stood behind his speech graduate speaker. Vladimir Ilyich felt the thrust of his gaze and looked around , expecting the issue approached . And, indeed, Voronezh spoke deaf choked with emotion :

Vladimir Ilyich ! .. I am ? .. I see a communist society ? - Lenin 's eyes shone .
Yes, yes ! - He said loudly and excitedly . - You ! It is you , dear friend !
Voronezh childishly threw up his hands , immediately turned and lunged forward , forgetting about the people sitting on the stage and frantically treading on their feet .Until he disappeared beyond the stage , Lenin watched him serious and watchful eyes . Then smiled brilliantly and again took up the pencil.
Valery Molchanov, scientific adviser of the newspaper " replaced ! "
" In place ! " October 2, 1985 , circulation 155,000.

Regularity or chance ?Naturally or accidentally Komsomol monument , a symbol of the youth of the Soviet period , was next to the temple, reflecting the spirit of the new age ? Why yesterday's Komsomol leaders , calling serving the people wholeheartedly , today became the initiators and sponsors in the construction of temples ?These and similar questions arise in the minds of every thinking citizen and demand clear answers to properly understand the history of the country , to live in harmony with the true , rather than against it .Unfortunately, in our modern reality , the young man , nor in the department or in the temple could not get a clear and precise answers to his questions tormented . He did not know the history offer , and believe. At the department believe offer memorized clichés and insist that all the Soviet past was wrong and anti-people , that there was no freedom and democracy , and only now have all the freedom and power of the Democratic Party. Therefore, the temple was built . In the church , young people are taught that we need faith and obedience , and power is given by God and therefore it builds temples .In itself true, simple as arithmetic operation . Komsomol , born under the wing of the party , the whole period of its existence lived by the laws of the party and changed with the party. Party history - this history of the Komsomol. Degeneration of the Communist Party into the party of total capitalists entailed degeneration Komsomol. Along with this rebirth of the party , the ideology of the revolutionary working class, turned into a religion called - Marxism-Leninism , and party and Komsomol functionaries became priests of this new religion .Emasculate the revolutionary spirit of Marxist -Leninist doctrine , and thus lost touch with the working people , they have committed themselves to defeat and failure , the loss of its dominant position . But if with the Marxist- Leninist doctrine they parted easily, as were foreign to him , then with the power they did not want to leave , and it was necessary to find a replacement ideology justifying their power. So they replaced Marxism-Leninism , they are treated as a religion, a religion and a jet Bole reliable . So we see again today, erected temples near monuments Komsomol and party , and former party and Komsomol functionaries turned into government offices and owners of large owners , as sponsors and parishioners of new churches .All natural.
Vitaly Gluhov

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