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воскресенье, 19 января 2014 г.

Will Putin Russia cure ?

 Many in Russia notice sad trend: corruption, impunity and other woes , spreading everywhere , soaking our country like a plague . About the symptoms of this "disease" Russia , causes and ways of healing says President Sverdlovsk Branch of All-Russian Association of Police Vladimir ring.
All we see , Russia is sick , the Russian people gradually began to acquire the symptoms of serious illness called theorists potreblyaystvo . Signs of the disease occurred earlier in the USSR , but in society was developed immune system and protect against it, the minimum number of people hurt .Since the early 90s Russia has been the expansion of the economy and management system came under the control of Western specialists . Audit undergone fundamental laws of Russia, some of them so far are flawed for the state and the people of Russia . Impoverished people , endangered million annually . Minimum proportion of the population with perverse mentality to be pillaged and exported raw materials abroad , artistic values ​​, money. Many fatten in Russia , the results of these life -humans , we often see on television news stories in movies. Sold for a pittance weapons and raw material resources of the country , the money used irrationally harm the country's population , usually down the nouveaux riches in waste production or in a foreign economy , often in the economy of our enemies.
As a rule, all these adventures heroes are people who 've never hunted hard work daily bread. They do not know how much sweat out during production of one ton of grain per ton of steel . They are perfectly able to manipulate public opinion , wishful thinking , not really participating in a production economy, in socially useful during the development of society . Often they surround prominent economists , public figures, statesmen. At the same time they show intense activity , describing ephemeral plans , involving mass in their implementation. Outcome as nobody sees , occasionally fail to see any " polurezultat " and the goal is never reached .They involve people in new adventures and raking in the heat themselves , often "foreign" hands. They are accustomed to on the basis of the laws of perverse financial and speculative economy deceive society and acquire unjust capital . Much to the joy of the people learned to recognize these manipulations , define stereotypes such people . But the problem remains . These people are constantly proliferated and the laying on of his successors the right places .And if people learned to recognize these sick people spreading infection potreblyaystva west , our state machine is unable to properly respond to it . The problem is obvious , it is constantly covered by the media . But the system has stalled . Why ?First, there is the problem of personnel . As well as throughout the world, in Russia it is widespread in any territory in any department. Secondly, the detection of any problems in the industry, or in the region , not eliminated the reasons prompted her . Because the system established in the wake of the 90s , formed by self-survival and resuscitation. We all can see that over the years all the serious problems in the state are solved with the participation of President Vladimir Putin. Why the system can not run itself ? Because it was created by Western patterns and virtually unchanged.Since Putin came to power went a certain process of stabilization of Russia as a sovereign state. In 2003, after landing an Mikhail Khodorkovsky now increased contributions from businesses oligarchs in the state budget. In 2004 , when Putin revised onerous terms of the division of products produced in our territory by foreign firms , our budget has increased due to these receipts in the three, four times . After that, we were able to provide basic life issues of our state and declare their sovereignty , protecting the interests of small mill, which was subjected to the expansion machine of Western civilization.But in our country , as in the swamp , sank serious projects . Why ? Because for the " nomenklatura" , primarily cash and any serious project - a washing appropriation of money. How laundered funds for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi , yet nobody knows. But after Putin's intervention , we clearly saw that only one building springboard state loses about 7 billion rubles . How and where the stolen funds - will show a result . But one of the organizers of this vicious scheme left the country and lives in England . In this case, it is not ideal , the offense found suspended embezzlement , but where return stolen ?Such arrangements have become commonplace across the country, and can lead to the Ural region . Everybody remembers the primary restoration of the Central Stadium in Yekaterinburg with state, municipal and stock funds. From the very start the reconstruction process began washing funds that could be seen with the naked eye . With Onsite Materials exported multi-ton vehicles. Naturally, the project implementers - the Serbs - could interfere with this process , because it is protected and managed all local . As a result of this process a year or two builders were forced to remodel project because technology was not apparent conformity. Rostrum with a large gathering of people could just collapse. With difficulty excited thing is in production police OP number 9 , was successfully terminated , and a year later the innocent Serbs were forced to redo the work .The overall result : the stolen property is not returned, the deficiencies gone additional funds robbers are not identified and brought to justice. Today laid an additional significant amount of funds to modify the stadium.

The main reason for this confusion is that in integrally linked thread corruption officials. All have their share , and losses and expenses are on the neck of the people. Nobody is responsible for the criminal and negligent actions and omissions . Nobody to unravel this tangle of snake .
In the Ural region , there are about a dozen agencies - both local and federal - that must control and eliminate all the causes generating corruption and misappropriation of budget. Beginning with the embassy , prosecutors, pumping gosstroyarhnadzorami . And everywhere sit like officials who move both parallel and vertically . This problem and found a new body of people - regional ONF . Two main groups of officials, competing with each other , trying to spend as much of their nominees . As a result , in the best case, it took about 10-30 percent of independent officials from these founders ONF region. But this is also a result.In this case , I would like to quote the words of Vladimir Putin : "We must eradicate the fundamental causes of corruption."Probably , this is the path along which the President . Support of all the people to help him defeat the fused tangle bureaucracy and corruption. Pleased with the next decision Putin , taken after a meeting with Sverdlovsk Region Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashevym , in October 2013, when the governor of the mouth came the words of the President of the primary issues for monitoring the effectiveness of budget spending . As it implements the instruction from the President -Governor ? Time will tell.To understand the situation , I give an example for the implementation of directives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk region . In September of this year in the online edition Znak.com was published an article titled "What secret Sverdlovsk Gup ." Copyright material Oksana Lutkova cites data from 27 companies with state participation. In general, we do not see a very pleasant picture , invested millions of public funds , and in the reports - business losses or small profits.We drew attention to one of the companies on this list , having a high social value for the area. Here we used only the official materials , talking with employees of public and private companies and events pertaining to its activities.f1d046ae3060a32f4935860c950c7418_originalWe learned that in the period from 2006 to 2011 that led Victor Shepty now . Successful this guide can not be named , the company gradually eats previously accumulated capital losses appeared . As a result of poor economic activity only for the years 2010 and 2011 , the company lost 90 million rubles appeared debts to suppliers .Wishing to rectify the situation , the Government of the Sverdlovsk region in early 2012 appointed a new leadership . During the year, became visible positive result, capital outflows decreased to 8 million rubles, was cleaned up in production and economy. Measures have been taken to recover the available debt identified and non-legal schemes withdrawals from the accounts of the enterprise under the guise of payment delivered . For these questions, letters were sent to the Chief of State of the Interior Ministry in the Sverdlovsk region and other regions. According to one of the illegal schemes withdrawal in Omsk was prosecuted under Art. 159 Part 3 of the Criminal Code in respect of Cyan YA and sent to the court .At the same time similar schemes in the Sverdlovsk region did not work , but instead began to " compress " the company and its leader . For example, as directed by acting Head of Department and Webb PC Sergei Chuvakova require accounting records for the last six months, but not during the time when a debt , when the funds were displayed on one-day firms issued on nominees , some of them have already died. New Manager Sergey Lacko expressed legitimate protest , pointing to a violation of the law , according to which set clear procedures for seizure of documents objectivity. Besides was ready to participate in the disclosure of criminal schemes , which brought huge losses field . As a result, there was an order of 19.01.2013 Deputy Chief of Research Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk region of Vladimir Romaniuk of the inspection, study and seizure of objects and documents related to the installation of illegal activity " to make a decision about bringing Latskov SM to criminal liability . " These " inspection and seizure " and were held 22.01.2013 , in the presence of a large number of operational police officers. In people, these activities are called " mask show ." Needless to say, that was blocked and "frozen" work across the enterprise for a long period , brought the material and moral damage to the company in good faith leaders.Clearly, when such acts are committed for the disclosure and evidence of serious crimes , expose and apprehend criminals . Completely unclear why withdrawn documents unrelated to the crimes carried frightening event to create the appearance of a negative background and around the company and its leadership. At the same time, materials having elements of crimes , acts of field tax audits , accounting documents , including documented honest GU MVD employees are not considered , are not investigated , and shall not accept the decisions provided the Code. The official motive of such failures - " civil relations between the two entities ." Omsk why these actions are a crime , and in the Sverdlovsk region , even more serious , are not ? Prosecutor on the complaint of the director , also did not find violations of the Act . Damage set, criminal way , what else is needed if there is an object and subject ?pasler- 1Everything is fine , not guilty , and public money is gone and there is no one to claim . Because the newly appointed chairman of the Sverdlovsk region Denis Pasler appoints new head of the company . All anything , but the new director Evgeny Baklanov is assistant deputy Sheptiya , former his deputy in this enterprise . Full circle , removed unwanted ends hidden in the water. Investigation of the crime , the search of the stolen funds and expose criminals locked.Everything seemed to be obvious , but no. The main reasons for dismissal Latskov lies in the fact that he understood the details of frauds in the construction of the plant by an enterprise in 2008-2009. Experts argue that the cost of construction of such objects is about 220 million rubles, in our case, it was 350 million rubles. Construction was carried out illegally , without an approved project and the state examination and acceptance . Two years subject to explosion hazards worked without a license. The license was issued by the Department Gostehnadzora in November 2011, under the letter of guarantee ( !) Sheptiya satisfying completion of the working draft . Therefore, the plant needed help the Regional Government . Lacko when asked for this help and voiced his position regarding the perpetrators, he was fired.

Who will punish the perpetrators , who will return to the state money if employees GU MVD cover senior deputy Sheptiya , the prosecutor's office does not see their actions in violation of the legislation ? I , as the President concerned with the question : who will bring order in the Sverdlovsk region ? Who will return the stolen money to the people ? Who establish laws based on federal law ?
These facts are of systemic importance . To understand the issue can give another example . For several years there in Yekaterinburg LLC MIC. This military-industrial complex to seek out the area, the cities of Russia and abroad customers for sales of military factories , including Nizhny Tagil . Fraudulent scheme to succeed, and the victims for years could not register , initiate and investigate crimes committed tens of millions of rubles. Appeals to the Chief Directorate of the MOI of Russia Mikhail Borodin and prosecutors at all levels results were not given. Exemption materials in the presence of counterfeit and forged documents used in circuits for several years refused . The prosecutors at the obvious delicti only returned materials for additional verification. Much to the happiness of the victims , to the post of Chief of State was appointed UFD Mardasov Nicholas , who received treatment and social organization has a thorough work with other agencies . And after 6 months, all the perpetrators , including former law enforcement officers , were detained , arrested and presented to the court in a criminal case number 121060909 . Additionally, it was revealed two dozen episodes totaling more than 100 million rubles . This is a positive example of the police, NGOs and citizens .Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich ! In its election program in 2012 , you said that " will create real mechanisms of public control over the activities of the authorities in the areas of the most dangerous in terms of corruption ." Today, the most conscious citizens of Russia, including Yekaterinburg, actively and effectively participate in this fight. But they really lack of state protection , even with the existing laws , deprived of the protection of the President as the guarantor of the Constitution. According to my observations the persecution of such people is persistently maintained and unceremoniously . An example is the criminal case on journalist Aksanov Panova Fund " City Without Drugs" one-way collection and evaluation of materials. As a result of the case submitted to the court compel the judge to take a biased decision. Yes , and whether the judge make an objective decision in a situation where it prevails over the established system ?I got the answer by reading your speech at the Valdai forum 2013. You set out the main issues of our society , the state will be able to identify the basic concepts of development, harmonious understanding of the social, economic, legal and management activities of the people. Result of comprehension of these materials is the conclusion : Russia urgently needs a harmonious , scientifically sound concept of our society .

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