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вторник, 10 июля 2012 г.

Manufacturers chimeras survive and thrive in the soil as they destroyed ACADEMY

 07/03/2012D. Dubrovsky: "Human Nature" and the global futureDavid Dubrovsky, Ph.D., professor, chief researcher at the Institute of Philosophy RAS, Co-Chair of the Scientific Council of RAS on the methodology of artificial intelligence, the Speaker of Congress, "The Global Future 2045"The article was published in the newspaper, "Look," July 3, 2012.The steady growth of the ecological crisis and other global problems of our civilization - the path to an anthropological catastrophe. This is constantly being written and spoken. But nothing changes. We are already accustomed to the daily news of the egregious destruction of the environment, natural disasters, all sorts of threats, everything is easily displaced from the consciousness immersed in churn from everyday life. The recently published a very accurate facts humanity consumes in the first nine months of the resources of our planet, it produces over 12 months.

This is not only biological and energy resources, but also water, air, etc. Every year, the gap grows ever faster. What will happen in 10-20 years?Such are the inevitable consequences of paranoid circle: more to produce, to consume more in order to produce even more to ... more This is not just a circle, and fatal funnel, which is delayed deeper humanity. Why, knowing this, it can not stop something drastically change? Here's a question that need to get a clear answer. Here, in fact, three questions: 1) what to change in ourselves, 2) by what means, and 3) who are able to do it.To change the disastrous trajectory of our civilization, we must change the consciousness of the mass man. This is equivalent to a change of what is called human nature. It is a set of stable properties of the social individual, who played in all epochs and all peoples, indicating that the conditioning of their biological organization man. They are formed on the basis of genetic factors and vary under the influence of external conditions - physical and social. These properties reflect the needs, interests, inclinations, tendencies, abilities, behaviors, and human activities. In moral terms, they can be viewed at an angle opposite qualities - self-interest and altruism, to a certain balance. One can agree with the most common phrase that biosocial nature of man, realizing, however, is clear about its basic biological entity.For the foreseeable future, the history of human nature has not changed. So can think of extensive materials about the people of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, ancient Greek and Roman sources, which clearly outlines the people of that time with their interests, deeds, passions, and actions. Read the "Characters" of Theophrastus: 2300 years have passed, but we are seeing the same types of men and the same behavior.History has shown that projects to improve social order has always rested on the problem of changing human nature. The most ambitious attempt of its kind in the history of mankind was the communist project in the USSR. It crashed due to the fact that contrary to human nature, clearly found "a lack of" a mass of human altruism, the failure of security measures and the "communist education" to create a "new man".The main question - how to change the negative properties of human nature: insatiable consumerism, aggression to their fellows, excessively selfish. Because they are rooted in the genetic structure, formed in the course of biological evolution and anthropogenesis.This requires an invasion of the human genome and its transformations. Convergent development of NBIKS (nano-, bio-, information, cognitive and social technologies) seem open to this prospect. Recently, Craig Venter and his colleagues created the first synthetic organism. Synthetic genomics is developing rapidly. There is a big success of genetic engineering. This is combined with research in deciphering brain codes of psychic phenomena, where significant results were obtained (work Nishimoto, Gelenta, etc.). However, the current level of genome is not sufficient to correct the negative mental properties. Here, the researcher extraordinary complexity and risk. Going this route, we can not make it.Our civilization - in time trouble. Experts predict that by the middle of the century it will enter into a state of singularity, for which either the degradation and destruction, or transfer to a new level of development. It makes us look for other ways to consider options for transhumanist transformations of man and society. And they - it must be emphasized - is largely consistent with the prospects of development of convergent NBIKS. A number of prominent scientists (Ray Kurzweil, Alexander Bolonkin and others) have put forward the idea of ​​saving the life of the mind, and by transferring to another - non-biological - the media.As an intermediate step provides a symbiosis of biological and electronic components. Already set up simple systems in which the electronic substrate grown and merged with her live neurons, resulting in a system capable of performing information processes. Successfully implanted in the brain of electronic chips, through which restore some lost functions. For example, a paralyzed person can use them to control the computer cursor mentally, and even a wheelchair. Intel has announced that by 2019 it will create a so-called telepathic interface through which you can mentally handle a wide class of technical devices. Put forward the idea of ​​creating an artificial body and transplant it into the brain, initiated research and technical development in this direction. But the most important task of transhumanist project - a cybernetic immortality, the transference of consciousness and personality in non-biological system, the substrate is not exposed to the destructive influences of high temperatures, radiation, etc.Despite the seemingly fantastic nature of this project, it is theoretically acceptable for a number of generally accepted principles of modern science. Among them is central to the principle of izofunktsionalizma systems (the ability to implement the same function or set of functions on different physical properties of substrates). Of course, there are many complex issues. But this trend has been encouraging beginnings, and, more importantly, opens up entirely new prospects for breakthrough technological advances. It is not something separate. Cybernetic design is closely connected not only with the results of science, but also the successes of genomics and synthetic biology in general. The key point here is the problem of self-determination of non-biological ways of creating self-organizing systems that can have properties of life and consciousness.We need a powerful social entity that has the determination and will, capable of concentrating the intellectual, financial, organizational, media resources and to move from words to deeds. From waiting for "assembly" of such a subject? From the political leaders of the leading countries? Their thinking is limited to the range of the election before the election, current events, dependence on the mass consciousness of the electorate. They did not before. Perhaps the most enduring of our president, Vladimir V. Putin, who suddenly thoughtful about their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, their historical role, will look into the distance? It is unlikely, because he is too busy, too, current events and calculations. Although he has a range of political life is much broader than, for example, Obama and Merkel.Most likely, this entity will be created on the basis of a social movement. Time is now rapidly growing number of thoughtful and well-off people who are worried about the fate of human civilization, ready to act. A vivid expression of this is a newly emerged social movement "Russia 2045". The organizers, headed by Dmitry Itskov held an international congress "The Global Future 2045", which was attended by about 1,500 people, among them many scientists and cultural figures from different countries. He spoke Russian, and philosophers, among them Academician VS Stepin.This movement is growing rapidly, it has put forward a substantial program, has begun to implement specific projects that can confuse and annoy the "average" timid and dull scientific consciousness. These projects - a source of debate. But they cause excitement, forgotten feeling of a great purpose, can effectively stimulate creative thinking. The movement "Russia 2045" deserves strong support. And I call this all scientists and artists who are seriously concerned about the momentous issues of our time and is ready to make a contribution to their development.Especially for newspapers GLANCESource: http://vz.ru/opinions/2012/7/3/586516.html-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------ANATOMY OF AN IDEAL.RETRO - PHILOSOPHY I (2)Philosophy for "ROUND TABLE"
The beginning of a comprehensive restructuring of the social activities associated with the restructuring of consciousness itself, a rejection of the stereotypes of thinking. Introducing the ideal problem for discussion, the participants of the All-Union in its composition "round table" was elected the form of controversy, with some well-established, very popular and essentially incorrect positions. It is no coincidence. After all, the "atmosphere of creativity, which the party claims in all areas of life, is particularly fruitful for the social sciences. We hope that it will be actively used ... for a bold, proactive formulation of new problems for the theoretical development of their creativity, "- said in the Report of the XXVII Party Congress.And, in fact, it is - always new and always relevant - this old problem is an ideal ...Participants in the "round table" on the problem perfectly: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.N.Shimina (Voronezh), candidate of philosophical sciences S.Z.Goncharov (Associate Professor of Engineering and the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute), AA Sorokin (senior fellow at the Institute Philosophy of the USSR, Moscow), I.M.Manuylov (Associate Professor of Penza factory technical college), A.A.Hamidov (Senior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata), V.I.Polischuk (Associate Professor of Tobolsk teacher's college), L.K.Samoylova (Senior Lecturer Kuibyshev Medical Institute)."Round Table" is the scientific secretary of the Ural Branch of the Philosophical Society of the USSR, the USSR VA Molchanov.VA Molchanov. - There is a saying: "All the smart people think alike." It is said that the Indian king Akbar doubted its truth. "How so? The heads are different, and thought they the same? "- He was surprised. And the vizier sultan Birbal decided to prove it. He ordered the gardeners to pull water from a large pool in the garden and told to cover the pond emptied a large white sheet. Then he sent messengers all over Delhi, kotoorye announced an order to every citizen to bring in the garden of the Shah's jug of milk and pour it into the pool.By evening, the townspeople were pulled from the pitchers in the palace garden. Lift the sheets, they emptied pitchers. Each of them - young and old, rich and poor, male and female, Muslim and Hindu - were canny, arguing: "In the pool poured so much milk that does not matter if I pour a pitcher of water, good night not to be seen ".The next morning the king and Birbal came to the pool. Birbal ordered the gardener to remove the sheet. And what happened? The pool was full of water, it was not a drop of milk.- Patron of the poor! - Asked Birbal to the dumbfounded master. - All the smart people think alike. Now you have seen how true this proverb. Is not it? Its essence is this: any case of people think differently, who are in that much. But if zatronesh their greed - it all will judge the same way ...And what are the conclusions on the subject of our conversation? First, there are some general scheme for all the people of their spiritual work. For example, such as "good and evil," "intelligence and stupidity," "beautiful and ugly," which is subject to this historical period, each individual human head. Second, these schemes in the consciousness of a separate head does not occur, and the manifest. Thirdly, there are formed, and they are primarily in the elemental human needs and interests and real deeds and actions.AA Sorokin. - So what is perfect? This is - a form of things, but exists outside of this very thing. But where, then? In human activity. In a domestic - "subjective" - ​​the base, the way the subject of a public man. And "a form of things" should be understood not merely external, sensuously perceived shape of things (although this too is meant), and the shape of the inner, ie the essence of the thing, the law of its existence, the emergence and development. Space, within which there is an ideal and is realized, is primarily a space of material and production activities of people. In view of the social division of labor is becoming a perfect special, and relatively independent form of human activity unfolds in a world of specialized forms, such as science, art, religion, morality or law.S.Z.Goncharov. - The perfect is the form of things, but exists outside of things in human affairs. Therefore, this form does not have a material quality. The real water can freeze or boil, and the idea of ​​water can neither one nor the other. Your thoughts outlined the remarkable Soviet philosopher Ilyenkov reported in the understanding of the ideal Soviet philosophy and a powerful impulse rallied young philosophers, educators and psychologists in a kind of "Ilyenkov School" in Moscow, Almaty, Rostov-on-Don. These works - the pearl of philosophical works, an example of how the philosopher is not a party member vociferously, without any claim to innovation in trifles, a clear position of the working class and armed with the Marxist-Leninist dialectics worked for over 25 years on the central problem of philosophy, to help the working class, parties understand the true burning issues of our day from the standpoint of revolutionary thinking.I.M.Manuylov. - Imagine my surprise when I picked up a book D.I.Dubrovskogo "The problem of the ideal," published by "Thought" in 1983, and found that "the original definition of the ideal" in the Marxist system of knowledge - it is ideal as a treatment subjective reality. Otherwise, the category loses perfect sense "- the author writes (p. 18 - italics added).A.A.Hamidov. - Position D.I.Dubrovskogo not only in the decision, but also in the choice of the ideal conditions of the problem is beneath criticism emanating from the principles of dialectical materialism. After all, here in the theoretical point of reference is accepted that in the classical philosophical tradition has been called "a bad personality." In this regard, under the guise of disclosure of the nature described by the ideal is actually ephemeral physiological state of the empirical individual. And it does not matter: who is this individual? That is a great thinker, or a great tradesman.I.M.Manuylov. - D.I.Dubrovskogo book caught my attention for the following reasons. First, it develops a perfect view of the nature inherent in the common sense of many people. To paraphrase Voltaire, it is possible to say if, in our days there were no professors of philosophy, the belief that the ideal - it is the human individual mind, it should have been invented. But there is actually a respected opponent, it does not have to invent it. In fact, in his book, the author is actually trying to revise the view of Karl Marx on the "categories of bourgeois economy," which, according to the author of "Capital", are "socially important, therefore, objective thought forms of production relations of the historically determined mode of social production - commodity production. " However, the controversy with Marx on the existence of "objective thought forms" is not directly but indirectly, as a dispute with E.V.Ilenkovym. Why D.I.Dubrovsky being disagree on this issue with Karl Marx, is at war with E.V.Ilenkovym?However, moralizing on this issue will leave to psychologists and moralists. Following Spinoza will remember that the case of the philosopher - not to mourn and not to ridicule, but to understand them.S.Z.Goncharov. - In this book, is subjected to a noisy criticism Ilyenkov thought that the ideal does not exist in the mind, and with the head in three-dimensional space of real human activity. But the ideal at all, and thinking in particular, is expressed not only in the word (as in the Flood), but, better still, in the case. "Is language the word, - exclaims Marx - is the only language of thought?" Does not the steam engine mechanic is their way of thinking less clearly than in the word? Is the idea of ​​Leninism, mastered the masses, not translated into deeds and actions of millions? Materialism is not dialectical, vulgar, "stupid" (Lenin) believed that the only possible way, and therefore reduces to the ideal neurophysiological, process the information flowing to the brain tissue, and in no way associated with the economics and politics.V.A.Molchanov. - In other words, the train of thought here is that if there is perfect as a function of the brain using a single human head, the brain of a single head and is the cause of the ideal. It is the same as if saying, just have to cut the Christmas tree with an ax, the ax, and there is reason to cut down Christmas trees. And on this "base" would refuse to pay a fine forester. For greater effect referred to, of course, not the law, and in science ... well, let's say, "toporovedenie" or "toporologiyu" ...I.M.Manuylov. - Of course. For the judgment of the faithful: "human individual psyche - is ideal," according to the rules of logic do not display "perfect - this is mind, mind is a separate human individual," and we need only the following conclusion: "a kind of ideal - this is the mentality human individual. "How profoundly noticed in such cases, Kozma Prutkov:Antonov is a fire,But there is no law that,
To fire alwaysBelonged to Anton.This fact draws attention to his opponent EV Ilyenkov in the articles "The problem of the ideal," published in the journal "Problems of Philosophy» № 6, № 7, 1979 after the death of the philosopher. Evald Vasilevich from the outset as clearly poses a problem as the problem itself an ideal philosophy. Unlike D.I.Dubrovskogo, he believes that the range of ideal phenomena is not confined entirely under the cranium-minded individual, and includes, first of all, the scope of the spiritual culture of humanity in all its diversity. This region is not an individual, and collective social consciousness.L.K.Samoylova. - Since not everyone is an ideal mental, then not all mental ideal. But if you say that any phenomenon of the human psyche perfectly, you will need to recognize that this category is applicable to describe the psyche of animals, which has similarities with the human psyche. This conclusion is the logic of the argument D.I.Dubrovskogo. This approach leads into a dead end solution to the problems of social consciousness in the theoretical and practical plans.A.N.Shimina. - Solving the fundamental problems for pedagogy is closely linked with the category of the ideal. The concept of "ideal - a subjective reality" closes the ideal boundaries of individual consciousness, in fact psihologiziruet it. Pedagogically wise inclusion of the individual in the world of ideal forms of objective culture that emerged on the basis of joint work involves, above all, do not account for the peculiarities of individual consciousness and organization of collectivist forms of social life and social relations, since in general is the perfect cast and a special form of relations.S.Z.Goncharov. - The individualistic nature of his conception D.I.Dubrovsky substantiates the fact that encourages the reader to turn to the achievements of "animal psychology", psychophysiology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, neurolinguistics, Neurocybernetics "and other" neuro. " His thoughts about the ideal D.I.Dubrovsky summarizes thus: "And let this abuse of our subjectivity, which in its naked, arrogance and hypocrisy with him in his small ambition, but at the same time in search of its identity ... gives rise to chimeras, castles in the air , a comforting illusion, false belief and manic ideas, even if only occasionally glimpse into this agreement with the willfully subjective objectivity and the true value - it still shows the problem-creative essence of the human spirit ... ". This chaotic bombastic phraseology let the reader appreciate myself.Book D.I.Dubrovskogo disorienting and ideological workers, because it is an ideal (ideology, philosophy, science, art, morals, etc.), and hence the ideological processes are reduced to roughly psychophysiological processes occurring in the head of Robinson's single.V.A.Molchanov. - But in our philosophical literature recently surprised the philosophical community has determined one's position in relation to the problem that interests us ...S.Z.Goncharov. - The position is now Ilyenkov criticized not only the "right" (Dubrovsky), but the "left" M.A.Lifshitsom. In short, if Dubrovsky confuses the ideal with the material in terms of simplistic materialism, Lifshitz, we think - in terms of aesthetics.V.I.Polischuk. - M.A.Lifshits made a big deal, cleverly drawing attention again to the problem of the ideal, as well as the philosopher Ilyenkov. Ilyenkov not go to extremes, actions behaved in understanding the nature of an ideal, or, as we would say, understood as a measure of the ideal of nature and society, therefore, as an ideal.AA Sorokin. - The essence of the differences of these three approaches can be summarized as follows: on the one hand, we have to deal with the socio-historical interpretation of the activity at the ideal E.V.Ilenkova, on the other - with the extreme "objectivism" M.A.Lifshitsa and no less extreme " subjectivism "D.I.Dubrovskogo.A.A.Hamidov. - The position E.V.Ilenkova I think a lot closer to the truth than the position M.A.Lifshitsa. EV Ilyenkov actively appealed to the "Capital" to prove the ideal of objectivity.However, it is an abstraction in this case from the fact that the price of, for example, is not only an ideal phenomenon, but also the phenomenon of the alienated, the thing. From the fact that it has changed form with its inherent irrationality of the moment. And you can not do that.V.A.Molchanov. - Essentially, this is the main claim to M.A.Lifshitsa E.V.Ilenkovu. And it formulates Lifshitz: "As we are of the cerebral slavery did not become a slave to the sociological?"Collective solipsism is not much different from the individual eddies.... The reader familiar with the book E.V.Ilenkova "dialectical logic", remembers that in his essays on Spinoza and Hegel opposed wrong ideal from the ideal of genuine, perfect, and brought them to the substantial differences between philosophical idealism and philosophical materialism.S.Z.Goncharov. - Words do not dispute with M.A.Lifshitsa E.V.Ilenkovym very informative, it shows the prospects for such an ideal study, such as directions, as the ideal and its specific forms, the perfect and ideal, ideal, ideology, and ideological relations, the role of an ideal in public life process. For a discussion of these issues Ural Branch of the USSR Philosophy Society would hold a conference in Sverdlovsk. Discussion of these issues also will be informative and sharp, if it is not based on data from "animal psychology, with its impressive successes," but on the real issues of our day - on the materials of XXVII Congress of the CPSU, the publications in the national press before and after the congress, on the philosophical legacy of Marx , Engels and Lenin. True, some philosophers believe the problem of the ideal of such a "perfect", a "heavenly" that attempts to ground the problem regard as a "profanation" of philosophy, forgetting Marx's idea - "a philosophy finds in the proletariat its material weapons, so the proletariat finds in philosophy its spiritual weapons "(v. 1, p. 423).
V.A.Molchanov. - Well, the wish is quite possible to implement. In November of this year Urals Philosophical Society in conjunction with the general philosophy of the public asset Sverdlovsk will hold a conference on the issue of the ideal.
All interested and willing.

(INTERVIEWER: In the newspaper publication, "Round Table" went far from the whole volume of speeches of its members ...)
"Science of Ural» № 24 (268), Wednesday, June 18, 1986WEEKLY ORDER OF OCTOBER REVOLUTIONUrals Scientific Center, Academy of Sciences of the USSR

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