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среда, 24 октября 2012 г.

Other development of the pension system is given

 Interview, the minister - Golodets Olgaon channel Russia-1 in Saturday's lead-week 20.10.12 Sergei Bryleva.Over pensions has two micro view (regarding your purse)and macro (relating deficit FIU).Inertial development of the pension system:2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. / 5 years in 2020FIU budget deficit (in billions of rubles)1066 10.2% 1175 9.446% 1286 13.3% 1457 210/42% 3063Salary (in rubles)26,500 11.7% 29,600 11.82% 33,100 11.1% 36,800 64.4 / 12.88 60 500Retirement pension (in rubles)9706 22.3% 10,647 9.34% 11,643 11.0% 12,808 37.5 / 7.5 17 611
From an expert. Red% growth. Regularities no complete lack of coordination, especially from 2015 to 2020: wage increase to 64% by 12.88% per year, pension increases by 37.5%, or 7.5% per year, with the increase in the deficit somehow FIU , a 210% or 42% a year. If wage growth is almost 2 times higher than the growth of pensions, the FIU should be in surplus, and the diagram shows that the deficit has increased by more than 3 times??Golodets O. Today it is possible to have different attitudes to the existing pension system.
Average pension of 9706 rubles. Not everyone seems small. For Moscow and St. Petersburg, where wages are higher - this pension is low, but for others - socially acceptable.

From an expert. The average retirement pension (TA) is determined by dividing the RPF spent on TA total number of pensions. This is wrong and distorts the figures. For example, in 2011. All TP increased by 8.8% and the average TP by 19%. in 2012. all occupational pensions increased by 2 times (February and April) by 10.6% and the average is shown in 22.3%. Because the increase in August funded part all working pensioners receiving a white wage. But this is all non-discrimination labor pensioners and misleading the public and leadership. The same as the average temperature in the hospital ward number 6.Due to the averaging of the total TP and ignore the living conditions in different regions of the centralized redistribution of funds by region, about 1/3 of each pension ruble went (and is) not in those regions. And in the best position are labor pensioners in the black soil and southern regions are mainly agricultural, where wages are low, and the average TP for them is high.In the worst situation are pensioners living in large industrial areas, usually donor Retirement and in large industrial cities because of the high cost of living in them. Here's where you should increase their use of pension funds.In copyright bill Varnavskaya this into account and funds are being used efficiently.
O. If nothing is done, the situation will only get worse. If you do not start the reforms, to '23 pension will be 14 thousand rubles., If the reforms started, the pension will be 24 thousand rubles. Called - feel the difference.
From an expert. Each of the reforms, recognized failures, took her to five years in solving the problems created by retirees. As a result of failed reforms part TP lowered to 2 times, and the other is too high in 3.5.10 and above. The new reform will take away 10 years, then say, like the best. Proved if TA result in line with the labor contribution of the coefficient KTV, the average TP increase by 2 times and still ~ 3-fold improvement in efficiency of use of resources.
O. Today, due to historical reasons, due to the time when the pension system was formed clot and it is an expression of all those stories that our country has experienced in the post-Soviet period. To date, no one living in the Russian Federation can not find himself retired. Retirement is not transparent and it is not clear what it depends on.
From an expert. The current pension system is the result of violations of the Law "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation» № 340-1 Boris Yeltsin signed on November 20, 1990 (Act-90) on the orders and instructions of the Federal Ministry of Social Welfare Professionals and the FIU. Already replaced seven ministers, but the next reform prepare all those same dishonest and lazy professionals.
O. The system should be simple and clear. During the Soviet period, our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers knew - how much time do they work and what pension they receive at the end. We have to make the pension system, the retirement plan is simple, understandable, depending on the specific tax revenues for the benefit of the employee and the duration of the period, when do these taxes (experience).
From an expert. On tax revenue. Forced savings account to FIU - a crime. The country moved to a market economy, and the pension system is not adapted to inflation, now account for disparate accumulation. And the system, as it is in Russia, alas, no. Claim that to restore a clear and simple system, these specialists can not, and, most importantly, do not want.
O. Wherever discussed pension reform, everyone is interested in experience, which should work out to get a full pension. VV said - to work on a formula in 35 years.
From an expert. Reform -2002 for civilian pensioners legitimized two pension standard. By the first standard (for ordinary pensioners) for 25/20 years of service TP is 55%. For each year added more than 1%, but for a maximum of 20%. The maximum (max) size of TP is 75%. But instead of the salary taken into account TP especially its relation to low for the calculation of the TP "average" salary. This is another violation of the law or outrage!?According to the second standard (for state officials and equivalent) for 15 years of service size TP is 45% and for each year added more than 3%. / Vs. 1% in the first embodiment). During 25 years of service pension is 75% of the salary of 1.8 or 0.8 of remuneration, with no salary or remuneration is not restricted. In this case, earnings, taxable payments to the Pension Fund is limited to the level of 415 thousand rubles. year. It follows that large pension officials provided no deductions. Given that the rich evade taxes, the state apparatus and providing large pensions of state officials, as well as increased military pensions and similar pay only the "poor" in every sense of the taxpayers.But now disfigured improving existing pension "system," there is an alternative - the bill economist, analyst and systems analyst Varnavskaya RA from Yekaterinburg.In order to reduce the cost of long FB pension exclusion of social inequality and gaps in pensions for public pensions bill ratio is limited to the minimum (min) TP (ICC) at 1:6. This will free up to 50% of the costs. Let us return to the pensions of the RPF. Full retirement pension on the same basis for the seniority 25/20 years old (standard) assigned in the amount of 55% min. For underground, hot and dangerous work experience required is reduced to 10 years on the list-1 and 5 years on the list 2. In this case, it is equal to 25/20 years on the same basis. For each working year over necessary to add 55% to 2%, and for special or preferential year to be included in the total length - 1%. It follows to get the TA to max of 75% is necessary to develop experience of 35/30 years. Size experience Pc = 55% (for 25/20) +20% (for 10 years * 2%) = 75%. This fully corresponds, indicating Putin. General experience may be different. In general experience includes studies of up to 5 years post-graduate courses, etc. just 3 years old, caring for a child under 3 years but not more than 9 years, emergency army in a calendar year. The main thing to work out seniority because seniority in the amount of 35/30 years and equal to it, confirmed in the workbook gives every worker the right to be the veteran - labor medal "Veteran of Labour".O. We have a large stock of anonymous sources, 87 million are of working age, and the taxes are paid, unfortunately, 48 million if taxes will pay at least another 15 million, then the problem with providing decent pensions our elders have been resolved.Sergey. So with this, and we had to start, then the pension reform would not be necessary.OY. This is the first point of our strategy and part of our reform. We show how the money will be taken. This is primarily to reach those employers that its employees do not pay taxes. Today, employers cheat their country several times: first - they cheat to workers who have not formed pension rights, the second - they are cheating other employers who have to pay for retirement twice.There are categories that chronically do not pay taxes for themselves. For example, notaries and lawyers. They have a preferential rate of tax. If the average of the employee shall be paid 112 thousand rubles. per year, this category of workers pay 14, 3 thousand rubles. year.Sergey. Although poverty, this category is not associated.OY. Today, our society, our miners .... actually contain the parents of notaries and lawyers who do not pay taxes themselves.Sergey. Another specific question. Under deficit FIU you suggest in particular to reduce the payments to the funded part of from 6% to 2%.Does not that mean that I can help the existing pensioners, but at the expense of this strip, I take my Funded as part of the future pensioner.OY. Mandatory funded pension is not related to a deficit. Deficit can becovered by other sources, by FB, as covered in previous years.The problem is that those people who are currently derived from the distribution system, are deprived of the rights to the distribution system. Suppose a person was born 31.12.66g., Another 1.01.67g. They are blown to retire at 23, the first to get 24 thousand rubles., The second at 3 thousand rubles. not least because the results of the funded system was less than inflation. Today it is a serious problem.Manage money should the person and the company that pays for it.The storage system must not be part of the state. We have no right as a nation to risk money of our taxpayers,About savings - we have to create the market, we need to create a comfortable environment for those people who today wage above average.For example, corporate pension put in unequal conditions, when you get a state pension, you do not pay income tax when you receive a non-state pension, you pay income tax. The systems must be identical.Today 7 million form currently funded pension. When there will be 25 million, we will solve the issue of the middle class, because this class of most questions.Sergey. Question gourmet capital advanced reading newspapers. One of them wrote that although the concept is still not finally approved, but the budget of the Fermi surface, which arrived in the State Duma, has been written as if everything has already been approved.Oy, no. Two forks. There are topics that are being discussed and that will be made much later. For example, the formula will have by October next year.Sergey. It's 20-40, or something different.OY. No, it's just 35, I can say to all our listeners, it will be 35 years old. Other changes when ready. For self-employed rate is introduced, also on fixed pensions prepared changes. Here, too, no need to delay.From an expert. If law-Law 90 in 1992, and experts are not violated correctly numbered of TP, differentiated according to the results of the contribution and the pension system is being adapted for inflation, the 20 last years seniors would receive decent earned TA.Implementation of the project Varnavskaya RA solve pension problems forever and allow for 2-2.5 years to re-establish Russia - credible, transparent, simple and clear to everyone, not only costly, cost-effective, acceptable to retirees, past, present and future years and decades ahead - the single state pension system . Recognize the legitimacy of the author's techniques by experts, then confess his failure and his crime against all Russians, because every Russian at any age is a potential retiree.

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