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понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

The Swedes are in good health up to 71.7 years, while in Russia to this age do not survive

In Europe, the crisis, and in Russia - mor
Most health in Europe
The specialists of the French edition Challenges analyzed the latest statistics of the census of population and health indicators in the various European countries and ranked the countries whose citizens live longer and stay in good health.
Based on demographics, experts ranked the publication Challenges of European countries, whose citizens are living longer and are in good health, even after retirement.

Sweden became the leader of the ranking, in which the residents are in good health to an average of 71.7 years. With this new record for life belongs to a Spaniard, living an average of 85.3 years.
Sweden belongs to the European record in terms of "life expectancy without the disease." In 2010, the figure was 71.7 years old.

Swedish men, so the only people in the European Union, which can boast of good health after 71 years. Females showed a healthy life a little less - 70 years. Despite this, the average Swede live 4-5 years longer than their men.
On the second line of the rating was placed Malta on healthy life expectancy at 70.2 years - men 71.6 years - for women. Maltese women on this indicator bypass even Swedes.
Greece, despite the economic situation, unemployment and health problems, can be proud of stability and the health of its citizens. on the brink of economic collapse, but its people have much to rejoice.

In 2010, life expectancy without the disease in Greece is 66.4 and 67.6 years for men and women respectively.

The fourth place is occupied by residents of Cyprus, a little inferior to their Greek neighbors. At the same time, they are one of the leaders in overall survival. The average life expectancy is 78.7 years Cypriots, kipriotki live about five years longer than their men - 83.7 years.

The absolute record holder on life living in Spain. In this country, the average women reaches 85.3 years for men - 79 years. However, the disease-free Spaniards live to about 64.3 and 63.7 years, respectively, which allowed them to take a fifth place.

The sixth line ranking belongs Ireland, whose people have added significantly to the issue of healthy life for the last few years. It should be noted that the highest rates were found among residents of Dublin. A resident of the Irish capital is living without the disease to an average of 65.9 years, and the capital, women - almost 67 years.

Following the Irish have settled their neighbors from the United Kingdom, the indicators of which, however, differ depending on the region. So, were the healthiest people of the south. In good health, they live an average of 67 years, but their compatriots from the north is much spoiled statistics, which left the UK on the seventh line.

A similar situation exists in Luxembourg. The people of this country were sandwiched between France and Germany, but in the matter of health and Luxembourgers bypassed both. A resident of this country rarely visit doctors to 66 years, and men to 64.5 years, 2.5 years longer than in France and 6.5 years more than in Germany.

Completing the top ten are nearby Belgium and Denmark. Belgian live in good health to an average of 63.7, while the Belgians and 64. In Denmark, the situation is similar, on average, however, in contrast to Belgium, the Danish were healthy men with their figures 64.6 and 62.3 years, respectively.

It is noteworthy that in all these countries, the average life expectancy without disease exceed the threshold of retirement age, which experts say is an estimate of the level of the health system.
SourceThe average life expectancy of Russians - 67 years
Russian life expectancy is the 142 th in the world with the index 67.66 years. The average life expectancy of Russian women - 72 years, men - 58 years.
In the European Union by 2050, the highest life expectancy will be the residents of France. According to the forecast, made public by the European statistical office Eurostat, the French women, life expectancy reached 89.1 years, the French - 82.7 years.
Following in the European rankings of life expectancy, according to experts, will be the Italians and Belgians: respectively the women in these countries would live 88.8 and 88.3 years, men - 83.6 and 82.3 years.
Thus, life expectancy has increased significantly: by comparison, in Belgium in 2005, the average life expectancy for women was 81.9 years for men - 75.8 years, and at the end of XIX century, this ratio was only 47 years old and in '44 respectively.
Estimated to Eurostat, the main male centenarians in Europe by 2050, in addition to the Italians will Austrians - 83.6 years, the Swedes - 83.3 years, and the British - 82.9 years.
By the way, the Italians had already stated that in the Apennines, the highest life expectancy in the world. According to the local Institute of Statistics, in Italy the average life expectancy for men is 77.2 years and for women - 82.8. From 1974 to 2003, life expectancy for males increased by 7 years, and for women - almost 8. And this despite the fact that Italy is one of the most smokers in Europe.
According to latest statistics, the highest life expectancy in Europe at the moment - more than 79 years - is celebrated in Switzerland. Followed by Sweden, Italy and France.
In non-European countries, a large percentage of centenarians recorded in Cuba. The average life expectancy there is one of the highest in the world - it is equal to 76 years. Despite the fact that the country has not the easy times.
Longest in the world live Japanese. Thus, according to the World Health Organization, the life expectancy resident of Japan - 82 years: men - 79, and for women - 86 years. And if the palm of life Japanese men shared with representatives of Iceland and San Marino, the Japanese women - the undisputed leader in the world.
But Japan - record and other parameters: the population of this country is the elderly in the world (25.6% of the population have moved 60-year mark). However, experts say that it expects the world's population in the near future.
United Nations predicts that by 2025, one in six Earthling will be over 60 years old. At the same time, Japan will remain in the lead - The UN estimates that in Japan in the year 2050 people will live out an average of 88 years, and, for example, in Sweden - 85, according to the business newspaper "The View."

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