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суббота, 17 августа 2013 г.

About the State Duma deputies, offshore and oligarchs

  The deputies of the State Duma in the service of the bourgeoisie offshore?
News Newsland: Deputies of the State Duma in the service of the bourgeoisie offshore? Events in the banking sector, the offshore island of Cyprus once again demonstrated the simple and obvious truth: our oligarchs in the global financial system assigned the role of "suckers of last resort."Global finance arranged on a "food chain": the higher the oligarchs "eat" those who are below. At the top of the global financial vertical owners are "printing press" of the Federal Reserve System - "beneficiaries of last resort." It is in the hands of their focus wealth around the world that they are buying a product with a "printing press". Bank of Cyprus in the vertical were the penultimate (viewed from below). And at the very bottom were clients (depositors) of these banks of Russia, the money which was subjected to "confiscation." It was they who were once again "suckers of last resort." After the event was followed by Cyprus, codenamed Offshore leaks. We are talking about the leak of information on about 130 thousand people who used the services of offshore companies.

First of all, such a famous offshore, as the British Virgin Islands. Even the most stupid Russian oligarchs and corrupt officials, it became clear that they hunted. The process of global seizures. "Expropriators are expropriated," as "classic."What our Russian "expropriators"? Get your money back in Russia, and to revive the domestic economy? To go to war in Cyprus or the European Union? Create a sense of urgency in their own offshore companies in the Far East (as suggested by our Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev) and overtake there all the money from other offshore jurisdictions? But our clever oligarchs and serving the interests of their "people's representatives" have come up with a much more original "response to Chamberlain." They decided to find more suckers of last resort. And as such, they have chosen us to you, dear readers. I do not exaggerate. Once they already have "expropriated" in the 1990s (privatization and the so-called "loans for shares"). Now they want to "expropriate" us for the second time.We are talking about the bill, which was introduced in the State Duma deputies last month by Michael Starshinov and Irshat Fahritdinovym and a member of the Federation Council of Constantine Tsybko. The law has a fairly neutral and mundane title: "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On compensation for the violation of the right to trial within a reasonable time or the right to execute judgment within a reasonable time. " The explanatory note to the bill reveals the essence of the proposed initiative: "Federal law is to protect the constitutional rights of Russian citizens affected by the unjust decisions of foreign courts, as well as to protect the property of the Russian Federation, located in a foreign territory, which can be forcibly seized by the decision of a foreign court . "I will not retell the bill a few pages. Its essence lies in the fact that "in cases of imposition of foreign courts decisions on compulsory seizure of the property of Russian citizens or organizations, provides for the payment of compensation to them" in terms of money from the federal budget. Losses will reimburse the expense of being in the RF property of the person at whose request the foreign judgment has been entered, and at its failure - due to the property of a foreign state in the Russian Federation (recourse), and even one for which, according to international agreements, extends immunity this state. Apparently, this law is perfect for the situation that has now arisen in Cyprus. And tomorrow, like the confiscation of deposits Russian oligarchs and officials may begin in other offshore.Now let's get down to earth and try to imagine how, in practice, this can be done by law. Let us turn to the most authoritative source of statistical information on offshore - an international organization Tax Justice Network. According to her, for the period 1990-2010 years. from Russia to the offshore was taken out $ 800 billion Today, the yard is 2013. So figure can be increased to $ 900 billion if we assume that half will go under the confiscation of assets offshore, you get a sum equal to $ 450 billion But there is still the property and in countries that are not classified as offshore. In general, the amount of seizures may exceed (and significantly) the size of Russia's annual budget. Hope that such amounts can be offset by a foreign confiscation of property in the territory of the Russian Federation, is not necessary. In the West, there is no idiots who would be stockpiled in quantities their property in Russia. Arrive here only for a short time, "hot" capital, something to grab and run. And if our government (God forbid!) Will come up with the idea to confiscate the property of foreign embassies or something like that, then we risk sanctions first, and then the war.In an accompanying note to the bill states that the implementation of the proposed supplementary budget law does not require. And I am sure that this law could create in our budget for such holes, from which the ship named "Russia" will go to the bottom. No compensation and refunds (due to the implementation of recourse) or a month or a year or 10 years we do not get. Above all, the proposed scheme does not cover damages not weaken the problem of capital flight from Russia abroad, but on the contrary, it will be even more encouraged. Analogs such mechanisms exist in the world.In general, the bill made me extremely depressing. First of all, the absence of the above-mentioned "servants of the people" a basic understanding of how the laws are written at all. And secondly, the arrogance with which they operate. The three policies have clearly demonstrated that they are really servants, not the people, and our offshore bourgeoisie and corrupt bureaucracy.Valentin Y. Katasonov, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Russian Economic Society them. SF SharapovaValentin KatasonovSource: ruskline.ru
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------The State Duma in the service of gosoligarhii
Actual Archive 2005Spring Session 2005 of the State Duma of the fourth convocation, and deputies had left on vacation. Some of the members have gone off to the overseas resorts, as did Georgy Boos, someone is going to lead to political work in the districts, but the majority of the deputies are going to rest and relax patriotic - in Russia. That we all just ordinary people, and we choose to stay in their capabilities, and does not think about that, looks like our patriotic holiday or not, and even the rest deputies patriotic. For them it is important, in fact, even in something they should look like Russian patriots. And, at first glance, seems to be right, as a human. Worked and now have every right to nicely relax or go to the voters and to account for the work done in good faith.Only many MPs, it seems, and there is no need to go to the voters for the report, since they were not working in the interests of ordinary citizens, and waited for those who really helped them get into the State Duma. Otherwise, for whatever reasons, they have to pass such laws as the abolition of gubernatorial elections, the abolition of privileges, draconian housing code? Who would have forced them to block such bills, as the increase in child benefits, the abolition of privacy information on the income of officials, granting the right to a second pension for the dead children, the introduction of a progressive income tax, increase benefits for newborns, support for victims of radiation preservation of increased pensions to northerners, the inclusion of in the length of time spent caring for a child?Well, what on earth was worth the "United Russia" to support a bill to increase child benefits from 70 to 300 rubles? After all, in essence, is not such a big amount of expenses for the budget, especially since the money is, and the finance minister does not know what to do with that money. So no, it is better to invest in U.S. securities, under the scanty interest at half the rate of inflation. Apparently the owner did not order. Of course, in terms of our democracy can be curtailed and block the much needed people the law, and then, in some cleverly deceptive television show to talk about the development of society and morality. Is it a headache at the deputy, not controlled by the voter who receives a salary of two thousand dollars, plus medical, plus holiday pay, free housing and even has many different benefits for the poor pensioners of the hungry and homeless children? Of course not. It is time to recognize the obvious truth, and not illusions. Who pays who remove and appoint to the post, he also makes its own rules.So what and whom is concerned, most of the State Duma today, so taking anti-people laws, is not a mystery to the people who know what laws were adopted, and which are blocked. Take, for example, a bill establishing a progressive scale of tax on personal income, which provides for the reduction of the tax rate from 13 percent to 6 percent for the categories of people whose income does not exceed 60,000 rubles a year, and a tax increase on the citizens receive significant revenues to 30 percent. Progressive income taxation is effective in most foreign countries, in particular - the United States, where tax rates vary from 10 to 36 percent. In some Western countries, the amount of income tax for the rich up to 50 percent.The adoption of this law, would contribute an equal redistribution of the tax burden, improving the financial situation of the majority of citizens, the replenishment of the revenue side of the budget. But it seems that many MPs are more concerned with not filling the state budget, and filling the pockets of oligarchs. And the right to MPs care about the development of industrial production, on capitalization, the creation of new jobs, but in this case it is not, and this happens senseless hoarding, a demonstration of wealth and the export of capital from the country.No less vividly describes the position of the majority of deputies of the State Duma and the precocity of the adoption of the law on the abolition of inheritance tax. How many saliva and fine words of this law in the media. What finally deputies thought of the poor citizens. But, in fact, the "United Russia" and their supporters have taken care of themselves and about the oligarchs who seek to hide the ends of the privatization process, as very scared revolutionary movements in neighboring countries, and the review of the results of privatization in Ukraine. If the deputies took the law in the interests of ordinary citizens, the law provided for a threshold property, as provided for in the world, when take the tax, since only a certain amount of inherited. In the U.S., the threshold is 675 thousand dollars, in England - 480 thousand dollars, in Italy - 180 thousand dollars, and in Russia today just took deputies and abolished inheritance tax at all. After all, our state does not need the money. Our teachers and doctors get a "decent" wages, while students and senior citizens, according to deputies, just do not know what to do with money.True citizens will not have long to rejoice, as the tax is reinstated. Once privatized fraudulently property will raspihali oligarchs by relatives or transferred to the ownership of foreign firms, and law of inheritance will be reviewed.What on earth is thinking leadership of "United Russia", taking such anti-people laws and supporting unpopular reforms? After all, in democratic elections, they doom themselves to failure. And in the next elections to the State Duma, the party could remain in the minority. But it was not there. In order to keep themselves and their position in the State Duma and adopted amendments to the election law that infringes on the rights of citizens and will significantly reduce the unwanted passage in parliament for the government deputies. This introduction of e-voting, which allows to rig the elections, as the control of the electronic system are special services that are in the pay of the state, and increase the amount of collateral to 60 million rubles for the party wishing to register for the elections, and a decrease of up to 5% are rejected signatures and the removal from the ballot boxes "against all" and raise entry barriers from 5 to 7%, and the removal of journalists from the count, and the resolution of election commissions to be re-protocol, and change the status of an observer, and the prohibition of electoral blocs. In general, members of the "United Russia" and their supporters have done everything to Russia ceased to exist in free and fair elections, and the State Duma continued to serve the interests of gosoligarhii. That's just us, ordinary citizens, why such a State Duma?It seems that the story really is not anything anyone and does not teach. After all, we've been through this, and in the history of Russia there were times when the tsarist monarchy parliament relegated to small acolyte, when the nation was deprived of the opportunity to express and defend their interests through Parliament, and as a result - the revolution and civil war. So who on earth is in our society today is the extremist in encouraging society to radical action - those who demand the democratization of society, or those who strongly hinders the development of democracy?
Vitaly Gluhov18.10. 2005

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