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пятница, 16 марта 2012 г.


  Urban Seminar on Russian philosophy has been the fourth consecutive year working in our city.
The last routine, pre-Christmas session of the seminar was devoted to the issue under the title "Philosophical ADVENTURES OF GOD." This original issue was raised in the report of the candidate of philosophical sciences MOLCHANOVA Valery.
Usually ... believe that God and religion - is, as it were, one and the same. However, as it turns out, this is - things are different. On the one hand, it is possible without religion and ... God. This is when, with religious awe, the man is, for example, for any thing, to the Party, State and Market, your local authorities or ... to yourself. A typical "religion SAMOobozheniya" acts, such as the so-called godless atheism.
On the other hand, it is possible ... and God has no religion.
It is this aspect of the problem has caused the liveliest interest, and sometimes this intellectual upheaval. For example, it turns out that the so-called "ontological proof" of God's existence, (associated with the name of Anselm of Canterbury), human consciousness is faced with the same logical difficulty, no matter whether it deals with theology or as political economy. That is, the existence of God as a problem (or rather, as a problem), as well as being money ...

     That's why it turned out that the theological arguments of Anselm of Canterbury, in his famous "Capital" resorted even such well-known economist (= a materialist!) As Karl Marx. And he denied them, together with his teacher of philosophy, who are not somehow, well ... Immanuel Kant, who, recognizing the "religion within the limits of Reason Alone," was, is, of Mind, a view very, very low ...
God is beyond religion - means: God as truth, it was thought. That is, to go to them only true way, and not "any more," another (!) But, knowing God in His truth, we, thus, very something ... and get to know the truth. This is evidenced by the history of Western theology, the theology of the Eastern, or summarizing them, the history of world philosophy. (But only on condition that she does herself - took place).
It is no accident that this item of the report has caused the greatest questions and objections from the "traditional atheism." Here is the crown of them: "So where is he, God in heaven, or what?"
- Sky - it's not the whole world, and the guy on the cloud is not God - was the answer. - In fact, a cloud in the sky, the sky in space, and space - in the world, and the world is already in God. And where is God himself? Yes, it is currently located, and because he - The reason for Himself.
Thinking of God as "the uncle on a cloud," you think it untrue manner. That is, do not think at all. Reasoning as "the God" is not thinking - it means ... to fall into YADA!
Thus, you turn to him the worst of his party (because what good is an empty chatter!) And why, according to the law of justice, God turned unto you ..., respectively. How is this manifest? And that the people around you, too, will treat you ... "no-bozhno."
In other words, the question of respect you ... for God - it's just the attitude you have to ... "to himself."
Why not? Yes, because this is the law SPROVEDLIVOSTI. That is, L O G O C And he - the general law of gods and men, an open philosophy a long time ago ... - concluded the speaker.
However, "a-theistic perplexity" in the debate on this is not over. Another of them concerned the issue of "Faith" and "Knowledge."
- Yes, but what does "double nature"? If through the knowledge of God we go to the truth ... That is, if there is truth itself, then why did God want? - Was asked another question. The answer to this was:
- Do we add "life to God," Happiness? - It is certainly an open question. This is - "the question of Faith," and this is certainly true.
But, in fact, every adult person (whether he was "atheist" or a "believer"), that "life is godless" - is usually an unhappy life, bad. "Untrue" has to be ...
In short: we believe that life with God can be good, but we do know that "life is godless" - anyway, that "crazy head" - of course, is bad!
"Atheist era" in Russian history of the XX century has proved that "gnoseologizm" actually and completely. Because, as I said before, atheism - it's the same religion, but rather, quite tasteless. Denying the faith, she says Sue-verie, which, in fact, is permeated with the pathos of a personality cult! And that, in turn, leads to the establishment of the cult of personality immediate superiors. The result - a corruption of intellectual and social degradation of the society.
Ram blows this "bad religion" by its intellectuals, Russia has experienced twice already. Thus, in the XIX century established the principle: do not dare to defend the orthodoxy without the permission of his superiors! A hundred years later: only one boss only knows what is real socialism!
Bottom line: at the beginning - unbridled anti-Christianity, and then - rabid anti-communism. (Today they have the "honeymoon" ...). Understandably, because "command" the Bible is no better than the team as "Capital". For here and there, peeping impudently grinning mug of "self-deified" philistine.
And finally, on request, give a formula for the generalized philosophical problem of "God and Truth," "Faith and Knowledge", the speaker V.A.Molchanov said: since there is faith, then there is Sue-verie. Therefore, under the laws of dialectics, Vera - a knowledge that when a person truly believes in God, and God truly knows about it. So, God can certainly believe it. But we can know God and ...
Of course, the Truth, as a general knowledge of God and Man, is fraught with not a little paradoxical and metaphysical problems. A considerable number were considered at this, it is not usual, the workshop meeting of the City, which went straight over 4 hours. All participants are firmly convinced that the time was not lost in vain.
And his next meeting will be held according to plan, and is called "UNIQUE RUSSIAN SAGE". It then goes to the famous multi-volume "History of ancient aesthetics," Alexei Losev, its place in Russian and world culture of the XX century.

Kiselev, student seminar.
December - 1993

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