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среда, 25 июля 2012 г.

In the pursuit of truth

  Russia was lost in a lieThe country is experiencing the era of total hypocrisy 20/07/12 12:52
Moscow, July 20 (New Region, Andrew Latynin) - Russia is undergoing a period of total hypocrisy. Recent events show that the country is sinking deeper into a lie, or rather we are immersed in this same lie. Frank lies authorities broadcasted through "zomboyaschik" was touching all spheres of life of ordinary citizens.This writes a newspaper column for RIA "New Region" political analyst Andrei Latynin.NR2.ru: http://www.nr2.ru/moskow/395813.htmlThe current archiveWhite lie stomach
Tender truth in beautiful clothes went,Dressed up for the orphans blessed cripplesRough lie the truth to themselves lured,Like, stay a minute, you, me for the night.And the gullible Truth fell asleep peacefully,Drooling and let razulybalas in a dream,Sly Lie on a blanket pulled,In truth dug and was satisfied completely.
Vladimir Vysotsky (Ballad of the Truth and Lodges)

Who would argue and say that the illusion is not harmful. Most likely, these are not there. But while the media in the public mind is cultivated many illusions that contribute to the understanding of the existing perverse relationship, past and present of our country.One of the biggest illusions persistently cultivated - it is an illusion of universality of power. The government, the presidential administration, deputies of the Duma, senators, and after him and the media are trying to convince citizens that they are the spokesmen for the interests of all society, all citizens, that they seek in their activities, take into account the interests of all segments of the population that they are strictly follow the Constitution, which says that we have a social state that they act in accordance with scientifically designed programs, and if there are some drawbacks, they are always ready to correct them. And also, that the officials act for the benefit of all citizens, and do not use public office for personal gain, that we are the only right government, that corruption and abuse can be eradicated by law, that the shortcomings in the management of casual and fixable, and that we correctly consistently developing and we are waiting for a bright future that all the transformations of the state apparatus aimed only at improving its work, which cost us to comply strictly with the requirements and wishes of the authorities and we will be assured a comfortable and well-fed lives, that the government has a strategy of industrial development that the existing unions protect their members' interests that the state has no money to increase pensions, the money from taxes and from sales of oil on the world market - a different money, that in our society, only lazy people are poor, that we have every right and opportunity freely express his opinion that the utilities for the citizens constitute the bare minimum, that the oligarchs acquired their wealth through work and talent, not because of predatory looting of state property, with the complicity of government officials, etc. etc.Cultivation of these illusions is convenient and profitable bureaucracy and representatives of big business who do not have such illusions, and to fully use their power to increase their capital, to increase revenues from the operation of the whole society, to strengthen his power. Therefore, a lie is always and everywhere - it was such a slogan, today holds power. And The servers politicians and journalists without being moral discomfort, does try to fulfill the desire of owners. And it seems that not even try to explain yourself - and why are they lying? So it is necessary - they say. But we must understand the causes of this widespread deception. The reasons for this phenomenon is likely to lie in an effort to earn some tangible benefits. If Lebedev known character from a novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky "The Idiot", justified his low origin lies, the modern Lebedev lie, one must understand the salvation of the stomach. And the moral qualms of the stomach and does not require a constant food. That's lying. In this case lie in different ways, each according to his abilities.Some lie subtly, and the other directly and shamelessly, for example, the decision of the Constitutional Court, on the abolition of gubernatorial elections. Citizens were denied the right choice of governors, and Constitutional Court judges declare that the decision "does not violate the constitutional rights of citizens to participate in managing state affairs, to elect and be elected." But it is encouraging that did found two judges who did not wish to participate in this performance, and openly expressed disagreement. "There are so clear that all unconstitutional, and it is not even clear to the lawyer that specific arguments put forward do not need", - said Anatoly Kononov.The decision of the COP immediately rushed to defend the deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Regional Policy, Valery Kadohov that, in order to justify the decision of the Constitutional Court judges, had to resort to even more lies. "The verdict of the COP once again shows that the country is on the right path. (What is this the right way, when citizens denied the right to choose their leaders, Kadohov not speak, and therefore citizens must guess for yourself) If you put on the scales are very smooth word "democracy" and a very important word "security", then, by all accounts, outweigh safety. " Kadohov, far-fetched in opposition to democracy and security, as if the election of governors citizens threatens their security, and the appointment of the center of it provides. And in this case, the conversation is not about words, as it tries to present the defender of the interests of the central bureaucracy, and the rights and freedoms of citizens.But, realizing that such primitive arguments, very few people can be persuaded, the defenders of the existing state of things, attract more sophisticated commentators of lying. And it shall become "great." "In Russia, people only think about Russia. About its people, its fate. But most of all did they think about power. Sometimes it seems that nothing else they can not conceive "- declares the newspaper" Izvestia ", Yuri Bogomolov. Like, what are you clung to power, leave it alone, get their everyday problems, trying to convince the citizens of Bogomolov. "There is, finally, the problems are not confined to the Kremlin. Now, no matter how many free men or cursed KGB anti-people regime, they have something to do in your spare time, Spell: You can send him to hell, you can write books, film, or watch movies, make music, make money, to know itself. "Yes, we would be happy to send that power to the devil, but now she does not go away - could answer Bogomolov citizens. But it can not answer because they do not provide all the pages of central newspapers. You can certainly write a book that no one will print, film, if you give money, but they give only a law-abiding, make money, if you have a good relationship with the government, to know itself, if you have a stock of money, because eating like always. Well, better, as suggested by the author, a close eye on all the beastliness, created by authority, and violation of your rights, forget about the honor and conscience, and enjoy a happy position of a slave.What is in vain to beat my head against the wall. It is best to do as advised pragmatic Americans: If you were abused, and it does not have the opportunity to confront this violence, then relax and enjoy. And then run around in "this narrow corridor back and forth, like running around, colliding foreheads, and Prokhanov Novodvorskaya, Limonov and Nemtsov, Hakamada and Dorenko ..." - continues to impress readers, Bogomolov. The author here does not run, but true peace is to it, and therefore can afford to read books, write articles, watch movies and get to know itself. Although, what's to know? And so everything is clear. Bogomolov continues to preach the position of the Soviet intelligentsia to work on this power, but wearing a fig in my pocket, and be content with this, for it themselves and be respected. And he was absolutely not interested, and whether it respects others.In the same issue of the newspaper "Izvestia", the other self-respecting intellectual and academician Andrei Yurevich tries to answer the question: why people do not believe? And according to a statement of Academician people do not trust the authorities, because the society is not ready. "The total lack of confidence in the society testifies not to maturity, but instead of immaturity (for mature society is characterized by an atmosphere of trust)." That's it! No more and no less. People, it turns out, does not trust the government not because it deals with the power of appreciation of the interests of a narrow group of people, not because he is constantly trying to deceive the citizens, not because it cost money to disappear into her pockets, like a black hole, not because it is mired in corruption, but because the people have not yet matured. Until then, I ask, should mature people? Prior to not believe your eyes? This, apparently, and try to convince people "deserved" the academician Yurevich.Even more sophisticated flourishes lies in matters relating to finance, taxes, deductions, that is all that directly affects the interests of the ruling class that provides them with huge profits, and in this area is willing to countless prisluzhit powerful people.Citizens also entangled in nets that lie and think that if the government suggest that they can change their point of view, may abandon their profits from their privileged position, expressing a lot of good suggestions for the organization of production, the use of the budget, to reform government, education and community unit. And, thus, do not want to see that officials are continuing to do so, as a benefit to them. Do not want to admit to myself that no matter what brilliant economic projects have been proposed, they will find application only to the extent that it will be interesting to government officials and businessmen approximate and not to the people as a whole.Ivan Tevrizsky27.12.2005

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