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среда, 25 апреля 2012 г.

The greatest men of the twentieth century

 Victor Kozhemyako. 80 years since the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ... In the old days the date marked Lenin's country, we can say unequivocally: to render a tribute of gratitude, gratitude, love, creator of the world's first socialist state. Now this is not the state, and the official attitude toward Lenin was just the opposite. And your attitude?
Alexander Zinoviev. I speak not as a follower of Marxism-Leninism, as well as a scientist, researcher, guided by the principle: the truth at any cost - the truth!
My assessment of Lenin, which I have repeatedly expressed, is this: it is one of the greatest men in history and the greatest man of the twentieth century. When I was asked to name the greatest men of the past century, and today I called again: Lenin and Stalin. The twentieth century - a century of Lenin and Stalin. Although from an early age I was anti-Stalinist, he was arrested, sat in the Lubyanka, and so on, my conclusion for today is this. And if I say so, then it is enough to have a good reason like a scientist.
VK Here, Alexander, the question arises, which many anti-communists in his own play, as if even acknowledging the greatness of Lenin. They say a great man can be a plus sign and minus sign. Sometimes, they say, and a genius, but genius of evil.

AZ I would not call Lenin and Stalin, the greatest men of the twentieth century, though they were great with a minus sign. Despite any shortcomings, which mark all sorts of criticism, if we take an overall assessment of the role played by Lenin in history, then this role is more than positive. I doubt you can even call some other figures that are comparable with it. Well, in the XIX century, Lenin, Marx somasshtaben. They somasshtabny its significance for the history.
XIX century was marked by the appearance of the greatest in human history, the Marxist ideology. It has played an enormous role already in the century, and in the twentieth century has become one of the most important factors determining the evolution of the world. The great historical merit of Lenin is that he developed the Marxist ideology in the light of the changes that have taken place in humanity to the beginning of the twentieth century, created a doctrine that can be called Leninism, and which was compared with Marxism a significant step forward.
Next. Using this theory, Lenin created the Bolshevik Party - an organization of revolutionaries, focused on a revolutionary change. And as soon as a historical event, it was used. In the story, I do not know of another example of the same magnitude as the role of the individual personality was so big. Would not it be Lenin's October Revolution and later the Soviet Union, there would be no history of an entire evolutionary line somasshtabnaya the one presented of capitalist Western world. It is this new evolutionary line, had a tremendous influence on the subsequent development of mankind. If at this point to consider, Lenin, of course, people's number one.
VK But now pose the question: Do we need a revolution, given the turmoil that occurred in connection with her? And second, it is very badly placed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when we have going on, if I may say so, a return to business as usual, that is to continue to the private property order: why were all these Soviet years - so it was all in vain and it was not necessary?
AZ I think this kind of questions and the corresponding assertions are absolutely meaningless. They are, in my opinion, indicate some intellectual squalor and some animal hatred for everything that brought Marxism, Leninism and communism. What futility? The revolution took place, then, from scratch, it would not have occurred. It has been prepared for centuries, the struggle of the best representatives of the human race.
VK You assume the motives of the reasons?
AZ I analyze the evolution of humanity as a sociologist, the revolution and post-revolutionary period. And say, If the October Revolution took place, if not the Soviet Union was formed and if the communist movement in the world did not play a role that it played in the twentieth century, humanity has long been on the road to degradation and now would be in terribly miserable condition. Due to the communist revolution and all that, it was due, then the human race was saved from a terrible setback, from the fall. And that struck a blow to the Soviet Union and destroyed it, destroyed Soviet Communism - is a great loss to humanity. As a result of evolution began declining. Mankind has entered the descending branch of evolution.
Considering what is happening in Russia, we see that after the anticommunist revolution started a pogrom, just mayhem all the great achievements of the Soviet period. And especially there is an impression that everything in the Soviet era was like nothing. However, the achievement of the era of Soviet communism, initiated by Lenin, were included in the body and blood of humanity. The influence of our revolution and the fact that we have done for all of humanity was so powerful that the whole world, including the West, in spite of everything, I went in this direction. Many achievements that can be seen in the West, there would not be the Soviet Union, had it not been this competition between the two systems. Analyzing the Western world, I can show you how the West has borrowed and what made under the influence of the successes of the communist movement in the twentieth century.
VK In terms of social, do you mean?
AZ In terms of social, and in all respects. And the scientific and technical progress, and much more.
As a sociologist, I would argue that the outbreak is now private property trends - it's agony, it does not ever come, it last a long time still can not. Humanity can not exist if it is brutality associated with the revival of the past, will go on.
So do not talk about Lenin and our revolution, they say, it was not worth venturing. As soon! Not only was worth venturing, and had to defend. And it happened - surrendered without a fight, you might say. Of course, there is the factor of the top leaders of treason.
VK And factor in promoting the unprecedented scope, including the anti-Leninist. Fooled the people.
AZ Of course. It was an element of anti-communist propaganda. Anti-communism was the most important element of Western ideology, but a necessary component of anti-communism - to discredit the leaders.
VK First, Stalin, Lenin and later.
AZ They were both discredited, but to a greater or lesser degree. Now dig out some alleged documents. I despise these people. This jackals, looters, some prehistoric scum.
His works have been demanded by the time
VK And against this background - the question of Lenin's personality. As compared to these little people look at Lenin human qualities?
AZ You know, Esenin was right: "A large seen from a distance." You can take any great man, say, Napoleon, and write: it was heartburn, he suffered from stomach and small in stature he was, and my belly grew. But Napoleon would still be Napoleon. Still, he won this battle, he struck a blow to feudalism such as no.I remember a few years ago, someone from the Institute of the brain appeared on television to say: They say that Lenin - a genius, and we watched his brain, and there is nothing brilliant to be seen. This man is not just a fool, he is a bastard. And if he was given the brain of Kant, who, as you know, the little head was? But he's a genius! The biggest head, probably from some idiot-downs. No person should be judged by what he did. And if so look at Lenin, he deserves it, including personal qualities, a great admiration. Here I fully subscribe to Mayakovsky in his poem. Do you remember? "I brush my Lenin himself under ..."
VK In recent times, repeating the cruelty of the revolution, talk and write about almost pathological brutality of Lenin as personal as his. What, alas, have convinced many.
AZ What nonsense! After all, was really a great revolution. And what, her enemies were like a good boy, and the villains of Lenin and Stalin went with revolvers and shoot any innocent people? There was a struggle, and struggle of colossal. Do not shoot the white and the interventionists?
In his youth, through ignorance, I am also fond of criticizing. And then, pomudrev, began to resort to this trick: well, Zinoviev, you are dissatisfied with, say, the actions of Lenin or Stalin, but he himself, then you are in their place, as it did? And came to the conclusion that to do otherwise would be unable to. So no need to speculate on the "violence", "repression", etc. To avoid this, historically, it was impossible. All that was done - done out of necessity.
Moreover, if it is on this topic in some way blame Stalin and Lenin, I would say not finish. How much filth left and crept now! And what harm this has caused our country is scum! The injury is unrelated to any errors of Lenin and Stalin - in the dozens, hundreds of times more.
For the first time in the history of death was, we get over the number of Russian birth and the beginning of such rapid decline. We kill in the full sense of the word! And against this backdrop that continues to denounce Lenin and Stalin, forcing people to forget what their country was founded.
VK Indeed, the younger generation no longer knows what it was free education, free health care, almost free housing, and much, much more about what young people today do not have dreamed of. And what was science and culture! Want to and it was forgotten ...
AZ I have repeatedly stressed and ready to again and again: the Soviet period was the apex of Russian history. I have long said that if the Soviet system destroyed, the system which will replace it will be several orders of magnitude lower, it will fall. And it can lead to the death of the Russian people. In essence, we have sent, and on this path.
Saved Russia
VK Hence, we can say that Lenin, who was now called almost Russophobe, at one time saved the Russian people and Russia. Is that right?
AZ Absolutely. To this we add one more thing. What happened and is happening on the planet can not be reduced to the struggle of social systems. Indeed, for the West, which led and continues to wage war against our country, communism was, in a sense only a pretext. And if not there was the October Revolution, the Soviet system had not been formed in Russia, the West defeated and taken to be the region long ago.
VK That is the struggle of Lenin for the Soviet system was a struggle for Russia.
AZ It can be said that the Soviet system was formed as a means of survival of the peoples of the former Russian Empire and the Russian people above all. In the situation that evolved in the world. If it had not happened we have of what happened under Lenin's leadership, Russia has long been a colony, and was pillaged in pieces.
VK How, in fact, it was launched in 1991. He who has eyes and see!
AZ And now, after the defeat of the Soviet system, this trend is continuing.
Once again I note that the social discoveries that have been made, they were borrowed and the West. I wrote an impression that the West was offended that the Russian at least fifty years ahead of its evolutionary standpoint.
Defeated the Russian, and currently assigned discoveries have been made in our country.
You say, to pay tribute to Lenin. Do not pay homage! All we have done, now stolen, appropriated. And we strike out from history. Not because Lenin was scanty. On the contrary, because he was great!
Lenin and Stalin, strike out, and every small fry, like Gorbachev, Yeltsin and their followers - inflate. I remember (long ago was it?), As Yeltsin as the secretary of the Regional Committee, speaking at the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, said: I swear to the mother of Lenin's Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev personally ... Do not have time to look like the same man rushes in the U.S. Congress and the states, I swear to you that we will not allow the revival of the monster of communism.
What is it? Who are these people? Gorbachev now shows that he had from the beginning to the destruction of the Soviet system. Can you imagine that this gray Komsomol careerist, who fumed and raged and, just to move up the ladder, then thought to destroy the Soviet Union? Even if he had already been recruited by Western agents. After all, do its owners at the time thought of less. Getting started "cold war"? What was the purpose? Limit the influence of the Soviet Union in Europe. Limit! And that, to eliminate, talk later, when Gorbachev had already been on the top of the climb ...
From Lenin and Stalin - to Yeltsin and Putin
VK Sad to see the results of the drift of the country from the Leninist path.
AZ The worst thing is that, due to the defeat of the socially system, which was established in our country thanks to the efforts of such giants of humanity, as Lenin and Stalin, Russia has lost its ability to survive under current conditions on the planet, protect themselves and defend their historic dignity. By the West and sought. Always, but especially - from the earliest days of the Soviet system-established under the leadership of Lenin.
Committed a great crime against the best people in our country. It continues, led by the highest authority, supported by the so-called intellectual and cultural elite.
VK That is taken in a sense, a systematic, purposeful.
AZ There is a real orgy of possessiveness private orgy of counter-revolution. It's not just a reaction to the Soviet period, but I would say to all that the world was the result of the Renaissance. The world are trying to plunge into the dark Middle Ages. Violence carried out on all lines. And what is now the established world empire led by the United States, - a terrible thing. The Soviet Union was a counterbalance to this. With him were considered. And now no one to be considered.
Do not list all that lost, lost the country of Lenin in the last few years. Part of this we are touched. I want to say only one thing more. In the Soviet period - and this is started with Lenin, and then powerfully was continued under Stalin - in the life of our country was included in a future aspiration. Have been made extraordinary dynamism of particular historical tension.
As hard as we may be financially, no matter what happens, we all felt like huge parties of the case.
VK Historical case.
AZ Landmark! Now it is destroyed. Such an aspiration, a sense of belonging to history - eliminated. And yet it was a great mobilizing and organizing factor that determined the life of the country, ranging from the highest circles and ending with the lowest, the smallest cell of society. Country, if I may say so, was magnetized!
Now it is gone - and what was the result? Complete the ideological and moral decay of the population. Degradation. After all, if you look now, most people live, there is a sense of their protracted quagmire. For what do they live? Do they think about the future of the country? No matter how they were released from this worry.
And what they become? Dramatically reduced the degree of productivity of the population (I put in my time such a thing - the coefficient of social usefulness, or performance). The structure of the population in Soviet times: at least 80 per cent were socially useful people - workers, farmers, engineers, mechanics, technicians, doctors, teachers, scientists, military officers and so on. 80 percent! And only about 20 percent were not that parasitic, and less socially useful.
And what now? Value for just the opposite. Look who is now the main components of the Russian population. Bureaucracy has doubled compared with the whole Soviet Union! More than one million young and very healthy - in the private protection. They do not need no education, no culture. Why? Increased many times over the number of restaurants, shops and boutiques, tents and booths, casinos and other entertainment venues. It is believed that it was good. But there is busy most of the blooming youth, and they hang around all day doing nothing. Their moral and intellectual level is close to zero! And how many people took to the bandits? Drug addiction, alcoholism got horrendous proportions. That's what happened.
VK And the production is largely destroyed.
AZ Manufacturing, Science and Culture of the real ... As a result, a university professor with dozens of discoveries and hundreds of scientific publications repeatedly receives less than the uneducated guard in any private firm. That is, there was a complete perversion of values!
VK That we have after the destruction of the country of Lenin.
AZ Of course, the community, located in this state, Lenin did not want. It is still a landmark of the highest height! And today, politicians thrive quite insignificant, that the media exaggerate, like soap bubbles. They are from morning till night on television, and created some semblance of something.
I introduce such a concept - a simulation, the theatrical quality of life. Or say, a virtual one. He pushed the fundamental, the essential aspect - and became the chief. All of these shows, all this telebalagan, the whole show. That's been criticized for showing off during the Soviet period, but now it is a thousand times more!
Social and civic irresponsibility inherent in the present chiefs of the country, pervades all of society. That spit of the great figures of the Soviet past. Lenin - in the first place.
Titanium and Pygmies
VK In fact, disgusting to see and hear how the current policy, the leaders are using every opportunity to maznut mud, kick, belittle, Lenin must submit it in a bad form, in black, without stopping, and before going to distort or falsify any- his statements, taken out of historical context. Thus, Putin recently, his "dialogue with the people" on television did not fail to casually announce that Lenin saw the Russian people a bad employee. Polufraza wrested from "the immediate tasks of Soviet power," where it was a radical improvement in the organization of labor. But others, those sorts Gryzlov, Sliska and other Volodin, there is none among them, simply compete with each other in a defamation denigration, belittling both Stalin and Lenin.
AZ Diminish more and to exalt himself! Lenin - titanium, and they - the Pygmies. All they are doing - in fact destroyed. And to somehow glorify yourself, go for what you say.
There are two ways: doing something is better than doing predecessors, or underestimate its predecessors. If you represent the precursors of poor and small, that do seem to look almost great. They went that way.
But, I think, from the judgment of history once they do not go away. A value of Lenin, the grand scale of his personality, outstanding service not only to Russia but the whole of humanity, are beyond property is no libel.
Zinoviev, A.

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