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суббота, 12 января 2013 г.

Shine and poverty Kurginyan

  From Luzhkov to Mlechin step
"The Other Russia", together with its demonstrations - just a show. It is not representative. She even the Duma has passed. The liberal Union of Right Forces, now a "just cause", are not representative. Protests, which organize the Liberals who have not passed in the Duma - not representative. They did nothing. If we are home in the Duma, "United Russia", for which no vote is 5%, not 10% of all voters, not representative, because liberals like Kasyanov, Nemtsov, Kasparov, etc. - are not at all representative. Do you know why?Light of the sociology, gathered in the studio, "the Court of time," say 200000th rally on Manezh Square in support of Yeltsin, and all dissidents crowd is also not representative. In general, all meetings, strikes, including a protest in Pikalevo, and even revolution - is not representative. Again, absolutely do not mean anything. It's just a show. This is how you can logically continue the position of representatives polls, the Levada Center, major magazines, Mr. Khazanov and others over 90% of television voting Kurginyan Stalinist position on the television show "The court time." It was even seriously told that if in 1917 the Russians were asked on the street if they want to massacre the royal family, the workers, peasants and soldiers allegedly twisted a finger to his temple, and no fear of the revolution would not have happened. And even all the people - is not representational, sometimes fool people, so what is his opinion in times of mass clouding the truth to take? Representative can only opponent Kurginyan Mlechin and host Svanidze.

Now let us remember the newspaper "Pravda" Brezhnev era, "Of course, there are some flaws, but overall, then ... Some members of our society unfairly believe ... Some here have decided to act on behalf of the people, when the name of the people can only be the party ... We should not dangerous to generalize! "Leonid Mlechin, branding shame Soviet past, we see, not far away from the newspaper "Pravda" pre-perestroika times.It is not surprising that power, and with it, the owners of Channel 5, when the population has expressed its negative opinion about the liberal idea, decided, still pay attention to the people. And improve his opinion of himself. For power was so unexpectedly popular opinion about power and about what is happening on the street, that picked up the unbearable, it urgently needs to explain how this view is wrong. Like, for one stariche Kurginyan vote, which proved unsuccessful, as the was unable to fit into the system. Like, more educated young people are not watching TV. Like, a hundred people in the audience, who sometimes vote for Mlechin - smarter, better, more enlightened than the tens of thousands that for Kurginyan. Like, 25% of the votes for reform, it is very much, it is more than 75% of votes cast against. Like, on the phone sitting bullies who many times call for Kurginyan. That is why the percentage of votes for Kurginyan stable, does not change.Mlechin sang an ode of praise modern history and academics that represent it. History, he was explaining, it is science, it is not a liberal, not a communist. He Mlechin, just in awe of the heights to reach modern Russian history. She opened such that breathtaking. She is represented by academics, which he called the studio, and the ownership of the story - only he and academics, but not at Kurginyan.
Instances which attracts Mlechin as experts - both on selection. Fat, fleshy, fat, hand out, dripping with fat cheeks, and the last - well, just exactly like Abazh. They with their advantages could say whatever you want, but it is clear exactly how people will react. And the "experts" in the voice asserted that "the totalitarian system, the system creepy, dead-end system, the system is not reformable." How not reformable, if China has reformed its success? But if it was something that was in the Soviet Union, not the reforms, so the hell Mlechin began to reform?And what a primitive "experts" were carrying on labor standards. Hard workers across the country were choking with laughter.One boar looked at someone's face from the team Kurginyan narrowed eye-slits, her mouth distorted small smile and said, "This person - the trouble is." Authority is satisfied, it is in force, all with her, over the population it can pohohatyvat. Then he came to his senses boar, turned serious and said that 90% bonus to vote against the reforms mean that people badly.
And it is true: because the percentage of votes cast Kurginyanu stable that it represents the ratio of the haves and have-nots in Russia. And the other side is true: people do not even vote for Kurginyan and against the authorities, against the reforms. See what questions put Svanidze: "The Board of Andropov - is tightening the screws or a policy with a double bottom?" Tightening the nut no one denied even Kurginyan. Double bottom - no one showed in the first place, Kurginyan. And the population voted in favor of clear-fog double bottom, ie against Mlechin.Mlechintsy constantly trying to distance themselves from the power of, say that everything is bad, not because liberalism, but because liberalism, present, vsamdelishny as gold weights in the "Golden Calf" - no. Because today Mlechin beats his chest, "My heart bleeds when I think of the Bolsheviks destroyed Russian villages." That is why the said Barrow spoke about the people. Strange that is not flooded with Mlechin at heart, the liberal reformers when hundreds of thousands began to lay off workers from the factories, when because of the death rate exceeded the birth rate, as every year - a million unnecessary deaths.And the population of class instinct understands that no difference between the liberalism of the "United Russia" and liberalism Nemtsov, Kasyanov Mlechin exists. Indeed: "United Russia" independently implements those "reforms." which offers a "just cause", so that "just cause" in the Duma to make do without him in the Duma are no available spaces.
And people could b to vote for Kurginyan. After all, here he and Kant and Hegel, and Jacques Attali, and Huntington, and Wallerstein. Oh, Wallerstein! True, the last three of them do not belong to the category of scientists, it is stuffed with many teachings and myths of the liberal-democratic agitators, propagandists, but that ordinary citizens do not have to know. Not required, but must be filled, and when Sergei sported "narrative" or "comparative" yes "mathematical theory of turbulence" at bay.After Kurginyan offers viewers the facts that are completely opposite to official mythology, drummed into their heads for two decades in the media and the education system. And life in the two decades to refute these myths.After Kurginyan spoke for Lenin, and for the revolutionaries, and for the working class, "who created it all around."
But Svanidze alert: "Not two, not two, but only one decade!" What do you mean - school. As ordered all the blame on Yeltsin, on 90, so not Svanidze oscillates about the party line, varies along the line. Although criminal lawlessness 90s just moved to the criminal bourgeois-bureaucratic chaos of the new millennium.
Notwithstanding Svanidze, and people in the 40 to 50 years old and retired, and internetova young crowd did not even vote against de-Stalinization, not for Brezhnev, Khrushchev, not against, but for Stalin. One mlechintsev said quite the right idea: the liberals after the victory resting on their laurels, and those who are lost, all the while forging weapons.Here there are some inaccuracies. First, in terms of the Stalinists, they are no weapons or, in terms Kurginyan "other stories", not forged. Second, who is a loser? Laid-off workers, doctors, scientists? The elite of the CPSU, its second echelon or children of the first echelon of the government - to win. Who lost? Staggered "red" director? Politburo members Aliyev, Shevardnadze? The top of the CPSU - Kravchuk, Voronin?Speaking of the Marxist workers' organizations - yes, they lost. Only their theoretical weapons that forged in the 80's and implicitly against the Liberal Party, and against open, obvious liberalism still really has not been seen: for the lack of these groups of materials, few read. But it is not related to the Armed Forces of the defeated or the Communist Party or UCP-CPSU people slowly began - not forge weapons and meticulously checked liberal propaganda fabrications. It turned out that Pavlik never betrayed his father. That neither Lenin nor the Bolshevik Party no German money had been received. That the Poles were shot in Katyn not NKVD, and the Nazis. That the Soviet Union was not "sitting on the oil needle". Russia has never fed bread halfway around the world. Black Hundreds that Nicholas II - really bloody murderer. That over the years a number of reforms unnecessary deaths has exceeded 23 million Etc.Liberals, including Mlechin, not that it opened some new historical height, they were captive to bourgeois propaganda stamps, and who came from Western intelligence services long before restructuring and combined, for the most part, from the anti-Bolshevik propaganda during the October Revolution.
But the "product" of one of the "communist" parties: the repression under Stalin was not at all. That's it. And the public, on their skin felt that such privatization, corporatization, voucher, monetization, etc. - Believe! That's what made the Liberals and their practice, and their agitation - revival of Stalinism.The representative of the Levada Center, complained that public attitudes are far from tolerance. No! Just a club called "tolerance" was unsuitable, ineffective, now being replaced with a club called "xenophobia". In the late 80's used batons "extremism."Another mlechinets cry that for 20 years the head of the population were killed by the Soviet TV. True, Kurginyan jeered at him that, Ksenia Sobchak, "Dom-2" anti-Bolshevik program and Mlechin Svanidze - a Soviet TV? And nothing ridiculed. The idea is absolutely true. Population 20 years compared the Soviet films about the Second World War with the post-reform, "Slave of Love" - ​​from "The Barber of Siberia". "Quiet Don" 1957 is so different from the present case, which is not at risk last show. Modern comedy fresh and primitive, new productions based on the novels of Dostoevsky frankly mediocre. From modern serials nose sick. That there is one only mediocre "Moscow Saga". Even the Soviet literature, but read mainly Marinin Akunin, etc., easily won the competition. Their TV so clearly lost bits and pieces of Soviet television, which perepal channels.It did not help and brainwashing by xenophobia. And not the "PS" Propagation to blame. Mlechin openly pro-American position, his pro-American type of liberalism makes people more squeamish rejection.
And then, when it was quite a victory, Serge Kurginyan betrayed those who voted for him. It turns out that he too liberal! Only in the sense of John Locke, who was convinced that if the power goes to the people to compromise, "turns its face to the people", the revolution can always be avoided.Locke can understand his life comes when all around revolution, the young bourgeoisie wants to eat fish, and ... the king will not need it, but without the radical grassroots not get away. Locke and wrote to his father that he wanted to take part in military operations, but do not know which side. Fluctuations of John Locke, as the flower in the hole, reflect fluctuations in the hole British bourgeoisie. Well "reflect" throwing Kurginyan?
All saber Kant and Hegel came down to a standard social partnership, which was trying to break into the 30's of last century liberal Ortega y Gasset. AKM population craves, and it offers improved Kurginyan the art of negotiations with the employer.Note: Adherence to Stalin Kurginyane combined with liberalism. Very interesting. Is very significant.Significant: the Liberals in the 30 just not paying attention. Those who are in pre-revolutionary Russia was trying to mediate between the government and the people, pack off, according to Lenin, "the soldier kicked his boot." Anyone anywhere in the world, even in a global forum, not paying attention to the concept of social partnership. There is no such world. As to the behavior Kurginyan - it is quite common. As he poured out in a friendly at the 5th channel! Allegedly "could so twist that no one would not have understood, and twist, play one of the gates did not." Although the 5-th channel previously furnished a war of words, putting anti-Soviet Svanidze judge and assigning ridiculous discussion topics, which are themselves preferred Mlechin.TV hosts just did not expect the reaction, if they were expecting such a vote, they either turned "project", or take the "twist" that no one understood. But mlechintsy lost even in the discussion when they were closer to the truth than Kurginyan.
Here Kurginyanu award for being praised 5th channel. When discussing the publicity mlechintsy choir sang an aria of publicity and praise yourself loved. Publicity, sang Mlechin is an integral (!) The right to know that the village Kushchevskaya crime merged with the Ministry of Interior, which led to the killing, someone stole so much ...How can that be said Kurginyan, because I "Moskovsky Komsomolets" brought an article condemning the new course, rejected it ... Editor "Moskovsky Komsomolets Pavel Gusev," I was a fighter for the new ... MNE ... as those revolutionaries, it was a breath of air, if navonyal someone, would have turned away from us ... We had to win ... "Indeed, just as Lenin, in order to win, you had to strangle the bourgeois press. And what Lenin's article "Party Organization and Party Literature" as our liberals condemn?Well, that is clearly a nasty Kurginyan restructuring side. But when I came into an "advanced" "Moscow News" and asked for help (I was then dismissed for a policy on the instructions of the Polytechnic University of ideology Perm Secretary of Party Committee Kopysova) - glotnuvshie air journalists me arrogantly refused.And who settled Samolis exposing the Communist Party in an article in 1988 "purification"? The press service of the FSB!Even dissidents then quoted Mandelstam: what is permitted freedom of speech - it's urine Gornfeld ...Reality: liberalism has deprived society of freedom of speech. If the Soviet Union could work collectives cursed boss at meetings of the personnel, but now their shares does not reach even in order to be a voice for the rights of minority shareholders. In a society where the ball right of private property, freedom of speech is also privatized. And Mlechin proved it.When Kurginyan, rightly arguing that the so-called any publicity was not winning, and information war, began to speak of Goebbels's propaganda on Katyn case, which will add, was set in motion by Gorbachev, Jaruzelski, Kryuchkov, Mlechin jumped up and began to cry, saying, protest, Gos. Council decided on the Katyn case, it is unethical ... Kurginyan: "Where is the freedom of speech?" What Svanidze snapped: "I immediately decide. The protest passed. To talk about it forbid it. "Ie, freedom of speech there is private property owners of the 5th channel with a hired Svanidze and Mlechin. By the way, what has changed in the country from what they say about the corrupt officials and criminals?
Well, well. Known as Lenin meaning very typical behavior masters Kurginyan. First boast Luzhkov today praise "vsamdelishny" liberalism, but tomorrow, when plugged throat, and sometimes differently corrected elders - in the service of his opponents in the "court time", which is properly called the "Court of the favorites."
Boris Ikhlov, Perm, 20/11/10

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