The classic image of capitalism has been described by Max Weber in his studies of Calvinism and the Protestant ethic. According to Weber there are two sources of Capitalism: asceticism (Weber and did focus on it) and concentration (the main thesis of W. Sombart). Sombart work for a long time concealed and rejected. The main work of Sombart came in three volumes "modern capitalism", of which the first three volumes were published in the years 1916-1917. And the third appeared in 1927 in an earlier work, "Bourgeois" (1913) have been published work on luxury and capitalism, the Jewish origin of capitalism, the connection between war and capitalism. The fate of the texts Sombart controversial because of his great sympathy for socialism. In 1896 published his first major work «Sozialismus und soziale Bewegung», which was translated into more than twenty languages. In 1904 he wrote a book about the United States, which provides an explanation for the failure of the socialist reconstruction of America «Warum gibt es kein Socialismus in die Vereingten Staaten». However, after World War Sombart had already turned away from Marxism in 1934, integrated the National Socialist ideology in the book "German Socialism, which was translated as" new social philosophy. " In the same sense of capitalism in Sombart more clarity - it puts a premium on a particular social group (the Jews and the Florentines) or one or another social fact (extraction of precious metals or changes in technology). In addition to the "bourgeois" none of the above works in Russian are not published, moreover, many works have been published in England during World War II.
The motto of the young Sombart was saying - «Je ne suppose rien, je n'impose rien, j'expose» (I did not invent, do not impose anything - I'm showing). Literally, as in Newton: "Belief does not invent." In general, Sombart highlights six types of capitalist entrepreneurs: the robbers (as well as sea pirates, who invaded England in the sixteenth century.) Lords (landlords, who occupied the mining and metallurgy in the early eighteenth century.) Government officials (the organizers of production like Colbert in France), speculators (the original owners of the Company of the Southern Seas), merchants, craftsmen (or manufacturers, who became the producers). Sombart are the main centers of capitalist enterprise is not in Protestant countries (Netherlands, UK, USA, as it was at Weber), but in Florence the world. It turns out that the maxim of the Protestant ethic Benjamin Franklin can be found several centuries earlier in the writings of LB Alberti (in the classical work «Del governo della famiglia»). These ideas of Alberti entered into the consciousness of generations of the bourgeois entrepreneurs and businessmen in France and Italy.
Whatever the sources of early capitalism, today it is clear that the interaction of asceticism and entrepreneurial spirit was sufficient for the genesis of capitalism. Otherwise, the problem of the genesis of a new social order receives a schizophrenic sound - the picture is clearly forked. Such sociological shizofrenizm can not integrate together the bourgeois spirit of calculation and the Faustian desire for limitless development of the world and complete alteration of nature. Self-interaction of these two impulses shaped the modern concept of rationality, or, if you will, all of modern rationality as a rationality of classical music. A non-classical rationality is based on the destruction of modernist rationalism of bourgeois type. Somewhat earlier, a serious disruption of asceticism was undertaken I. Bentham, insisted that the asceticism of raping a human nature, destroys some natural hedonism man prisoner in the search for pleasure and in avoiding pain. And only the principle of utility can serve as a regulator of ordering relations between the desire to meet the needs and despotism - the power over people, which leads to asceticism.
In pre-capitalist era of economic momentum was limited by the traditions and customs, as in Catholic countries by the idea of a fair price for the product, and in Protestantism, it was formed under the call of frugality. With the collapse of religious constraints and increasing technological advances change became the norm, have fallen outside the limits and all has been criticized. In the sphere of culture has been lost the concept of the sacred. Cultural sphere of values corresponding to the means of ritual and art to question the meaning of life and death, was to break away from religion - that ancient attempts to create a unified human culture in the early civilizations. Science began to create a unified picture of the natural world and sought to replace the unity of this painting culture. In the middle of H1H. there was a modernist movement that condemns all previous cultural forms for the decay and self-criticism.
Modernism from his birth insisted on separating the work from the aesthetic form of moral norms, on the appreciation of all the new and experimental in culture, in recognition of "I" of the creator as the cornerstone of the cultural and aesthetic judgments. As a result, the self-proclaimed avant-garde modernism itself as outlined in art. Its main objective was the destruction of the bourgeois world view and culture, as well as gain cultural hegemony in the former bourgeois world. D. Bell in the "cultural contradictions of capitalism" shows that it is very difficult to identify symptomatic of modernism can be summarized in three groups of different dimensions.
1. Thematically, modernism was directed against the order and the first against the bourgeois order. The emphasis of modernism did the endless search for an experienced and looking for new measurements of the human ego. If Terence once said, "Nothing human is alien to me," that modernism is based on the principle of "nothing inhuman is alien to me." Rationalism is understood in this perspective as devitalization and creativity goes a passion for the demonic. In the imagination there can be no moral standards, and aesthetic limits, but because in a modernist experience there is nothing sacred.
2. An effect of the eclipse (darkening and turbidity) in terms of the distance between the aesthetic attitude and the reality. Everything blends into everything and is everything! At the forefront of the culture beyond Freudian primary processes of dreams and hallucinations, instinct and impulse. In this regard modernism rejects rational cosmology, which was introduced to the art and codified by Alberti: There is neither the first nor the background, without beginning or end, or time sequence, nor distinguish the genre and type of product. In the literature, this eclipse syntax has led to a wave of "stream of consciousness", in painting - to eliminate the distance on the canvas, in music - to the destruction of the balance of melody and harmony in poetry - to the destruction of rhymed poetry. The result was that was blown mimesis as a principle of art. Incidentally, the famous poet and chairman of the Urals "Guild of Poets" J. Kopecky was surprised to describe the outcome of his visits to the West, where he serves as a unique all over the traditionalists, who still works with "rhymed versification!".
3. Culture borrow its existence. In the second half of the twentieth century. artists are not interested in content and form (style and genre), but the means of art in general: they occupy the structure and materials for painting, an abstract sound in music, breathing, poetry, abstract properties of language in literature. In the period from 1850 to 1930. in Western culture, literature, poetry, music, painting) was carried out more experiments than there were in all previous epochs of human development. Experiment for the sake of experiment, even by means of excrement!
4. Price experimentation was high: the loss of integrity in the culture, antinomian attitude to the cultural norms and the deep skepticism of the very ability of aesthetic judgments. However, not all modernist writers were set up anti-bourgeois - many were very conservative. Thus, TS Eliot was a devout parishioner of the Church of England, and William Faulkner, southern traditionalist farmers. But both were the experimenters in the poetry and literature. Despite their personal cultural and political beliefs, their modernist pastiche undermine rational cosmology of the bourgeois world of the ordered relationship of space and time. As a result of the modernist revolution against capitalism and its cultural and religious hegemony of the place of religion in the legitimation of social conduct took modernist culture.
Although the emergence of capitalism as a rapid and significant changes in the economic structure of society - peasants, fencing and attach to strollers factories, the new rhythm of life and discipline of work - in a modern society the most difficult to change is the economic structure and the most simple - the mental. In the cultural sphere fantasy unlimited, mass media is introduced, all new images and pictures of reality, undermining the traditional orthodoxy. The situation changed: capitalism has stabilized economically, and this stabilization corresponds to a mass cultural schizophrenia in the imagination.
As the stabilization of capitalism itself trivializirovalsya modernism, has become a common phenomenon existing in the interest of economic stabilization. In this movement, modernism repeats its historical achievements, he moves again and again through bursts of Futurism and Dada, a conceptual art and pop culture. Apocalyptic victory of modernism and post-modernity has created an eclipse, when in 60 years. counterculture arose. This "Children's Crusade" was designed to blurring between fantasy and reality under the banner of the liberation of individual pulsation.
Bell defines culture as follows: not to give "an anthropological definition of culture as the artifacts and exemplary ways in the lives of" little say in the spirit of M. Arnold that culture is the achievement of perfection of the individual. "I mean by culture, and here I follow E. Cassirer, the scope of symbolic forms, and more narrowly the arena of expressive symbolism - the effort in painting, poetry and fantasy, or religious forms of liturgy and ritual that are focused on the exploration and expression of human values existence of some imaginary form. Modality of culture are few and are based on the existential situation faced by all human beings all the history of mankind in the sphere of consciousness: how to meet death, the nature of tragedy and the nature of heroism, determination and loyalty to duty, the salvation of the soul, the meaning of love and donations, an understanding of compassion, a contradiction between animal and human nature, the call of instinct and limitations. Historically, therefore, culture is fused with religion. "
Modern culture is different complete freedom with respect to the classical topics listed. This freedom stems from the fact that the basic principle of modern culture is the expression and change their own "I" in the search for self-realization and self-realization. In such a finding rejected any limits and boundaries of the traditional human experience. The shift from industrialism to postindustrializmu mean shift from production of goods to services and the new role of theoretical knowledge in economic life, this shift corresponds to the countercultural paradigm.
Vision of man as homo pictor (animal produces symbols), homo faber (animal gun manufacturing industry) fully complies with the mentality of H1H. A person is considered in these images as being able to create in the minds that will subsequently be translated into reality. Recall Marx on what the worst architect differs from the best bee ...
In contrast, modern culture has become the most dynamic component of post-industrial civilization. V. Woolf once said: "Somewhere in the December 1910 human nature changed." Following that change society and its priorities - started in a general degradation. Movement started by the Protestant work ethic to the psychedelic bazaar.
Consumer society did not fall from the sky - it was originally exploded Protestant Ethic and Puritan morality as the two basic code of the traditional bourgeois society in America and Europe. Make this destruction was quite easy, since the very free market destroying traditional morality. That is leading a contradiction of the capitalist mode of production. The Protestant Ethic and Puritan morality outlook were farmers and the population of small towns of America - one-storey America. This worldview was on the twin pillars of the early American spirit - the Puritans relied on D. Edwards, and Protestants stood on the ideas of Benjamin Franklin. The basis of the Puritan worldview was hostile to civilization, the Puritans sought to do the initial simplicity of the early Christian church, which received impetus from God.
The attack on Puritanism as the ideology came from the so-called "new wave" of liberalism beginning of the twentieth century. In this wave, everything was new: A New Democracy, the New Nationalism, New Freedom, New Poetry, and even the "New Republic" (this edition was launched in 1914).
Another source of the collapse of Puritanism was the problem of sex. Thus, already in 1913 a nurse-midwife from Brooklyn M. Zander has issued concept of "birth control". From this term under the leadership of Zander arose a movement for birth control and condom distribution. In his lectures on homosexuality anarchist E. Goldman developed the idea of "intermediate field". F. Dell welcomed the free-love, as a result, many young intellectuals turned to neregistrovannym civil marriages monogamous type.
Finally, the third key area of criticism of Puritanism was the terminology and ideology of liberation. This wind came to America from European shores. In the art of liberalism put in Fauvism and Cubism in literature, this influence came in the form of influence of Shaw, Conrad and Lawrence. However, the greatest impact on America was a European philosophy of Bergson and Freud.
In the 20 years. The situation quickly changed: the movie and the cars restructure the youth community in America. The era of hedonism or, more precisely, "the pop hedonism." Traditional morality has been replaced by psychology. If psychoanalysis emerged on the eve of World War I in order to remove the repressive puritanism, hedonistic movement have poured into this stream of destruction of traditional morality in the form of a group sensory training, "joy therapy" groups V. Erhard, etc. The groups practiced the physical and psychic contact by opening the body, touch, games, manipulating the body, deep tissue massage ("Rolfing" Ida Rolf). Style hedonistic movement - pop. The iconography of pop-culture arises out of the encirclement of postmodernity: images of film and video products and packaging, clothing. It is from here come Batman and The Coca-Cola (invention pharmacist Pembertona).
Century was the prophet of hedonistic M. McLuhan. The author has shown that knowledge is encoded in the form of letters, formulas, slogans and binary distinctions. In this scheme, the ideas are secondary - important means of transmission. Formula McLuhan "The medium is the message», so some media "hot" (radio) and other "cold" (television) and print culture is linear, whereas the visual culture at the same time, and a mosaic pattern.
In the 60 years. , a new cultural identity - initially it was called psychedelic, and then called the counterculture. "New Capitalism" (the term arose in 20 years. XX.) Continues to appreciate the Protestant ethic in the field of production, thus stimulating demand for pleasure and self-realization in the sphere of consumption. This circumstance contributed to the spread of urban lifestyles, changes in sexual behavior of women, as a result of the expansion work in the offices and the liberalization of social contacts. Dr. M. Yelom of Stanford University not long ago argued that the bras on the women appeared when demand dropped by parachute. It has been said literally the following: the outcome of long-term scientific Study was that it is America that has put an end to European stiff corset, after covering the world is far less burdensome and easier underwear for women, which became a kind of revolution.
However, this is a fun techno-sociological description of the enslavement of women and their liberation forces of big business leads to a more important conclusion is that "modesty instilled in men the world", in other words, jealous men, as husbands and lovers, most of the history of Western civilization "controlled female breasts ", the same husbands and lovers dominated institutions such as the state and especially the church with its concept of carnal sins. The impression is that we have already passed - in the early twentieth century. appeals were "down with shame!" and the theory of sexual satisfaction as "a glass of water." And what it ended at the beginning of HH1.? Completed vulgarity - big business and show business, at one time in 60 years. successfully mastered the mini-skirts, and now the centerfold magazines are learning a difficult art show advances of plastic surgery as her breasts unnatural shapes and sizes. However, according to Yelom, breasts the size of a grapefruit, hard as a baseball, sticking up like a warhead in nature do not happen. " Submitting a standard Renaissance F. Petrarch believed that "they should be small, white, round like apples, resilient."
This kind of global research on the evolution of the openness of female breasts, as well as studying the history of cigars and the male takes only distract the audience from the real special programs management of people in peacetime. These programs should replace the functions of war on people management in wartime. The first program (peace) to be costly, they should work outside the normal system of supply-demand, ie people can not require the government to stop wasting money paid in taxes. To program other than demagogic projects free health care for all, universal education, mass public transport, huge program to study the cosmos, overcoming environmental pollution, a program of social welfare, fertility control through regulation of fertilization. It turns out that has not happened yet planning cycles of wars, governments are turning to alternatives to war - the peace program of the cost and manipulative nature. Sometimes researchers just say that in a postmodern American government squanders money on:
- The study of mating calls of frogs in Central America
- A study of blood groups of Polish pigs Zlotnik,
- The study of hearing-Prussian cockroach (it turns out their ears back, which is useful for catching insects, vacuuming ...)
- Analysis of purity of surface finish musical instruments,
- Studying the habits of seals during diving.
As a result, postmodern culture mutation Puritan ethic, which can be defined as a deferred-pay and limited consumption, gave way to unbridled pleasure. High standard of living has become a leading motive for social change. Old habits of respectable American families, embarrassingly cloth covering the legs even grand pianos, a thing of the past. In the 60 years. came a new fashion, and the eclipse of reason - the chest was opened first to waitresses in restaurants for the adults behind them moyschitsy machines, hairdresser, chistilschitsy shoes (we call attention to a series of films in 70 years. of detective Mike Hammer), and the student anti-war (!) meetings end of 60 years. publicly burning bras at the stake.
There was a kind antiinkvizitsiya - in the Middle Ages, witches were determined by a birthmark on his chest and cut them off before sending the victims to the stake, in the late twentieth century. All the ugliness has been on open display. What are the implications of these changes in the sphere of sensuality? Interest to small children - pedophilia and passion for same-sex love. By the year 2001 in Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, France has legislation on same-sex marriages. In Germany, between August 1, 2001 have to register such marriages - with the exception of three federal states, where, due to popular protest of the law is suspended. Temporarily!
Nekrasov, SN
The motto of the young Sombart was saying - «Je ne suppose rien, je n'impose rien, j'expose» (I did not invent, do not impose anything - I'm showing). Literally, as in Newton: "Belief does not invent." In general, Sombart highlights six types of capitalist entrepreneurs: the robbers (as well as sea pirates, who invaded England in the sixteenth century.) Lords (landlords, who occupied the mining and metallurgy in the early eighteenth century.) Government officials (the organizers of production like Colbert in France), speculators (the original owners of the Company of the Southern Seas), merchants, craftsmen (or manufacturers, who became the producers). Sombart are the main centers of capitalist enterprise is not in Protestant countries (Netherlands, UK, USA, as it was at Weber), but in Florence the world. It turns out that the maxim of the Protestant ethic Benjamin Franklin can be found several centuries earlier in the writings of LB Alberti (in the classical work «Del governo della famiglia»). These ideas of Alberti entered into the consciousness of generations of the bourgeois entrepreneurs and businessmen in France and Italy.
Whatever the sources of early capitalism, today it is clear that the interaction of asceticism and entrepreneurial spirit was sufficient for the genesis of capitalism. Otherwise, the problem of the genesis of a new social order receives a schizophrenic sound - the picture is clearly forked. Such sociological shizofrenizm can not integrate together the bourgeois spirit of calculation and the Faustian desire for limitless development of the world and complete alteration of nature. Self-interaction of these two impulses shaped the modern concept of rationality, or, if you will, all of modern rationality as a rationality of classical music. A non-classical rationality is based on the destruction of modernist rationalism of bourgeois type. Somewhat earlier, a serious disruption of asceticism was undertaken I. Bentham, insisted that the asceticism of raping a human nature, destroys some natural hedonism man prisoner in the search for pleasure and in avoiding pain. And only the principle of utility can serve as a regulator of ordering relations between the desire to meet the needs and despotism - the power over people, which leads to asceticism.
In pre-capitalist era of economic momentum was limited by the traditions and customs, as in Catholic countries by the idea of a fair price for the product, and in Protestantism, it was formed under the call of frugality. With the collapse of religious constraints and increasing technological advances change became the norm, have fallen outside the limits and all has been criticized. In the sphere of culture has been lost the concept of the sacred. Cultural sphere of values corresponding to the means of ritual and art to question the meaning of life and death, was to break away from religion - that ancient attempts to create a unified human culture in the early civilizations. Science began to create a unified picture of the natural world and sought to replace the unity of this painting culture. In the middle of H1H. there was a modernist movement that condemns all previous cultural forms for the decay and self-criticism.
Modernism from his birth insisted on separating the work from the aesthetic form of moral norms, on the appreciation of all the new and experimental in culture, in recognition of "I" of the creator as the cornerstone of the cultural and aesthetic judgments. As a result, the self-proclaimed avant-garde modernism itself as outlined in art. Its main objective was the destruction of the bourgeois world view and culture, as well as gain cultural hegemony in the former bourgeois world. D. Bell in the "cultural contradictions of capitalism" shows that it is very difficult to identify symptomatic of modernism can be summarized in three groups of different dimensions.
1. Thematically, modernism was directed against the order and the first against the bourgeois order. The emphasis of modernism did the endless search for an experienced and looking for new measurements of the human ego. If Terence once said, "Nothing human is alien to me," that modernism is based on the principle of "nothing inhuman is alien to me." Rationalism is understood in this perspective as devitalization and creativity goes a passion for the demonic. In the imagination there can be no moral standards, and aesthetic limits, but because in a modernist experience there is nothing sacred.
2. An effect of the eclipse (darkening and turbidity) in terms of the distance between the aesthetic attitude and the reality. Everything blends into everything and is everything! At the forefront of the culture beyond Freudian primary processes of dreams and hallucinations, instinct and impulse. In this regard modernism rejects rational cosmology, which was introduced to the art and codified by Alberti: There is neither the first nor the background, without beginning or end, or time sequence, nor distinguish the genre and type of product. In the literature, this eclipse syntax has led to a wave of "stream of consciousness", in painting - to eliminate the distance on the canvas, in music - to the destruction of the balance of melody and harmony in poetry - to the destruction of rhymed poetry. The result was that was blown mimesis as a principle of art. Incidentally, the famous poet and chairman of the Urals "Guild of Poets" J. Kopecky was surprised to describe the outcome of his visits to the West, where he serves as a unique all over the traditionalists, who still works with "rhymed versification!".
3. Culture borrow its existence. In the second half of the twentieth century. artists are not interested in content and form (style and genre), but the means of art in general: they occupy the structure and materials for painting, an abstract sound in music, breathing, poetry, abstract properties of language in literature. In the period from 1850 to 1930. in Western culture, literature, poetry, music, painting) was carried out more experiments than there were in all previous epochs of human development. Experiment for the sake of experiment, even by means of excrement!
4. Price experimentation was high: the loss of integrity in the culture, antinomian attitude to the cultural norms and the deep skepticism of the very ability of aesthetic judgments. However, not all modernist writers were set up anti-bourgeois - many were very conservative. Thus, TS Eliot was a devout parishioner of the Church of England, and William Faulkner, southern traditionalist farmers. But both were the experimenters in the poetry and literature. Despite their personal cultural and political beliefs, their modernist pastiche undermine rational cosmology of the bourgeois world of the ordered relationship of space and time. As a result of the modernist revolution against capitalism and its cultural and religious hegemony of the place of religion in the legitimation of social conduct took modernist culture.
Although the emergence of capitalism as a rapid and significant changes in the economic structure of society - peasants, fencing and attach to strollers factories, the new rhythm of life and discipline of work - in a modern society the most difficult to change is the economic structure and the most simple - the mental. In the cultural sphere fantasy unlimited, mass media is introduced, all new images and pictures of reality, undermining the traditional orthodoxy. The situation changed: capitalism has stabilized economically, and this stabilization corresponds to a mass cultural schizophrenia in the imagination.
As the stabilization of capitalism itself trivializirovalsya modernism, has become a common phenomenon existing in the interest of economic stabilization. In this movement, modernism repeats its historical achievements, he moves again and again through bursts of Futurism and Dada, a conceptual art and pop culture. Apocalyptic victory of modernism and post-modernity has created an eclipse, when in 60 years. counterculture arose. This "Children's Crusade" was designed to blurring between fantasy and reality under the banner of the liberation of individual pulsation.
Bell defines culture as follows: not to give "an anthropological definition of culture as the artifacts and exemplary ways in the lives of" little say in the spirit of M. Arnold that culture is the achievement of perfection of the individual. "I mean by culture, and here I follow E. Cassirer, the scope of symbolic forms, and more narrowly the arena of expressive symbolism - the effort in painting, poetry and fantasy, or religious forms of liturgy and ritual that are focused on the exploration and expression of human values existence of some imaginary form. Modality of culture are few and are based on the existential situation faced by all human beings all the history of mankind in the sphere of consciousness: how to meet death, the nature of tragedy and the nature of heroism, determination and loyalty to duty, the salvation of the soul, the meaning of love and donations, an understanding of compassion, a contradiction between animal and human nature, the call of instinct and limitations. Historically, therefore, culture is fused with religion. "
Modern culture is different complete freedom with respect to the classical topics listed. This freedom stems from the fact that the basic principle of modern culture is the expression and change their own "I" in the search for self-realization and self-realization. In such a finding rejected any limits and boundaries of the traditional human experience. The shift from industrialism to postindustrializmu mean shift from production of goods to services and the new role of theoretical knowledge in economic life, this shift corresponds to the countercultural paradigm.
Vision of man as homo pictor (animal produces symbols), homo faber (animal gun manufacturing industry) fully complies with the mentality of H1H. A person is considered in these images as being able to create in the minds that will subsequently be translated into reality. Recall Marx on what the worst architect differs from the best bee ...
In contrast, modern culture has become the most dynamic component of post-industrial civilization. V. Woolf once said: "Somewhere in the December 1910 human nature changed." Following that change society and its priorities - started in a general degradation. Movement started by the Protestant work ethic to the psychedelic bazaar.
Consumer society did not fall from the sky - it was originally exploded Protestant Ethic and Puritan morality as the two basic code of the traditional bourgeois society in America and Europe. Make this destruction was quite easy, since the very free market destroying traditional morality. That is leading a contradiction of the capitalist mode of production. The Protestant Ethic and Puritan morality outlook were farmers and the population of small towns of America - one-storey America. This worldview was on the twin pillars of the early American spirit - the Puritans relied on D. Edwards, and Protestants stood on the ideas of Benjamin Franklin. The basis of the Puritan worldview was hostile to civilization, the Puritans sought to do the initial simplicity of the early Christian church, which received impetus from God.
The attack on Puritanism as the ideology came from the so-called "new wave" of liberalism beginning of the twentieth century. In this wave, everything was new: A New Democracy, the New Nationalism, New Freedom, New Poetry, and even the "New Republic" (this edition was launched in 1914).
Another source of the collapse of Puritanism was the problem of sex. Thus, already in 1913 a nurse-midwife from Brooklyn M. Zander has issued concept of "birth control". From this term under the leadership of Zander arose a movement for birth control and condom distribution. In his lectures on homosexuality anarchist E. Goldman developed the idea of "intermediate field". F. Dell welcomed the free-love, as a result, many young intellectuals turned to neregistrovannym civil marriages monogamous type.
Finally, the third key area of criticism of Puritanism was the terminology and ideology of liberation. This wind came to America from European shores. In the art of liberalism put in Fauvism and Cubism in literature, this influence came in the form of influence of Shaw, Conrad and Lawrence. However, the greatest impact on America was a European philosophy of Bergson and Freud.
In the 20 years. The situation quickly changed: the movie and the cars restructure the youth community in America. The era of hedonism or, more precisely, "the pop hedonism." Traditional morality has been replaced by psychology. If psychoanalysis emerged on the eve of World War I in order to remove the repressive puritanism, hedonistic movement have poured into this stream of destruction of traditional morality in the form of a group sensory training, "joy therapy" groups V. Erhard, etc. The groups practiced the physical and psychic contact by opening the body, touch, games, manipulating the body, deep tissue massage ("Rolfing" Ida Rolf). Style hedonistic movement - pop. The iconography of pop-culture arises out of the encirclement of postmodernity: images of film and video products and packaging, clothing. It is from here come Batman and The Coca-Cola (invention pharmacist Pembertona).
Century was the prophet of hedonistic M. McLuhan. The author has shown that knowledge is encoded in the form of letters, formulas, slogans and binary distinctions. In this scheme, the ideas are secondary - important means of transmission. Formula McLuhan "The medium is the message», so some media "hot" (radio) and other "cold" (television) and print culture is linear, whereas the visual culture at the same time, and a mosaic pattern.
In the 60 years. , a new cultural identity - initially it was called psychedelic, and then called the counterculture. "New Capitalism" (the term arose in 20 years. XX.) Continues to appreciate the Protestant ethic in the field of production, thus stimulating demand for pleasure and self-realization in the sphere of consumption. This circumstance contributed to the spread of urban lifestyles, changes in sexual behavior of women, as a result of the expansion work in the offices and the liberalization of social contacts. Dr. M. Yelom of Stanford University not long ago argued that the bras on the women appeared when demand dropped by parachute. It has been said literally the following: the outcome of long-term scientific Study was that it is America that has put an end to European stiff corset, after covering the world is far less burdensome and easier underwear for women, which became a kind of revolution.
However, this is a fun techno-sociological description of the enslavement of women and their liberation forces of big business leads to a more important conclusion is that "modesty instilled in men the world", in other words, jealous men, as husbands and lovers, most of the history of Western civilization "controlled female breasts ", the same husbands and lovers dominated institutions such as the state and especially the church with its concept of carnal sins. The impression is that we have already passed - in the early twentieth century. appeals were "down with shame!" and the theory of sexual satisfaction as "a glass of water." And what it ended at the beginning of HH1.? Completed vulgarity - big business and show business, at one time in 60 years. successfully mastered the mini-skirts, and now the centerfold magazines are learning a difficult art show advances of plastic surgery as her breasts unnatural shapes and sizes. However, according to Yelom, breasts the size of a grapefruit, hard as a baseball, sticking up like a warhead in nature do not happen. " Submitting a standard Renaissance F. Petrarch believed that "they should be small, white, round like apples, resilient."
This kind of global research on the evolution of the openness of female breasts, as well as studying the history of cigars and the male takes only distract the audience from the real special programs management of people in peacetime. These programs should replace the functions of war on people management in wartime. The first program (peace) to be costly, they should work outside the normal system of supply-demand, ie people can not require the government to stop wasting money paid in taxes. To program other than demagogic projects free health care for all, universal education, mass public transport, huge program to study the cosmos, overcoming environmental pollution, a program of social welfare, fertility control through regulation of fertilization. It turns out that has not happened yet planning cycles of wars, governments are turning to alternatives to war - the peace program of the cost and manipulative nature. Sometimes researchers just say that in a postmodern American government squanders money on:
- The study of mating calls of frogs in Central America
- A study of blood groups of Polish pigs Zlotnik,
- The study of hearing-Prussian cockroach (it turns out their ears back, which is useful for catching insects, vacuuming ...)
- Analysis of purity of surface finish musical instruments,
- Studying the habits of seals during diving.
As a result, postmodern culture mutation Puritan ethic, which can be defined as a deferred-pay and limited consumption, gave way to unbridled pleasure. High standard of living has become a leading motive for social change. Old habits of respectable American families, embarrassingly cloth covering the legs even grand pianos, a thing of the past. In the 60 years. came a new fashion, and the eclipse of reason - the chest was opened first to waitresses in restaurants for the adults behind them moyschitsy machines, hairdresser, chistilschitsy shoes (we call attention to a series of films in 70 years. of detective Mike Hammer), and the student anti-war (!) meetings end of 60 years. publicly burning bras at the stake.
There was a kind antiinkvizitsiya - in the Middle Ages, witches were determined by a birthmark on his chest and cut them off before sending the victims to the stake, in the late twentieth century. All the ugliness has been on open display. What are the implications of these changes in the sphere of sensuality? Interest to small children - pedophilia and passion for same-sex love. By the year 2001 in Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, France has legislation on same-sex marriages. In Germany, between August 1, 2001 have to register such marriages - with the exception of three federal states, where, due to popular protest of the law is suspended. Temporarily!
Nekrasov, SN
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