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понедельник, 31 декабря 2012 г.

JOINT STOCK schizophrenia

 Contemporary Archive 1992

The basic simplicity of our "democrats" and "communists" in the fact that if, in their opinion, to change the "socialism" to "market", the economy will be radically different. Comes competent uncle wrote the Constitution, introduce private ownership, the system sorts of acts and decrees - and will only have to execute them. Put on a tie plate change - and apathetic, drunkenness, criminal content simply have nowhere to go. You will be taken to a civilized society - in the old terms "to welfare." And we give them, of course, we believe, should be the same something to believe in Lenin, Keynes, Stalin, the Buddha, the International Monetary Fund, or Santa Claus.

 This understanding of politics sickens anyone who sick of loud slogans on this side and on the other side of the fence. To be exact - from Moscow. Indeed, the geographical (geopoliticheskoe!) unity seemingly opposing parties - the preference capital - dictates of views. Under the slogans that for a and I have tons to be opposite. What is unity? With respect to those who produce. In this regard, "com" and "dem" is equally anti-labor: the state activity, economic management, they reserve, and provide passive workers vote for competent. Hence, the party and the unions are based on the current state of the working class people concentrated on the payroll, family and fear of dismissal. What kind of public education, then, can there be if, in both cases as a political organization s p e n t l I hereby state workers for their practice?
Not so long ago the newspapers informed us that the law of value can not be undone, and therefore, the system of socialism should be used to replace the system of civilized capitalism. Here comes system, the system will judge us. However, this change - and her - work remains passive performer, a cog in a machine.
In fact, not the law of value determines the behavior of the worker as a "factor of production", and social activity generates the law of value. Value of the goods is not enclosed in the product, the mass in the apple, it is - in the minds of people, including those who produce the goods.Consequently, the political organization strategy must be working, but not the scope of production sharing their goods. This is clearly demonstrated by Marx. However Democratic Russia d e k l a p and p y e t the strategy, and the EIF, VKPb etc. n a s a s a u t themselves Marxists.
Scientific and Industrial Union, the production manager in the fight with the banking system of two evils choose the add pokonservativnee. Those at the top to decide on in and problems. Is it a bow made out "in favor of incorporation of labor collectives" (lieutenant), vouchers, etc.
What does the introduction of checks? 1) Inflation, as this throw new money into circulation that are not provided goods. 2) Polvyshenie prices in Group A, as demand grows. Then - in group B (consumer goods). Can I work collective, collecting checks, buy a decent deal? No. Because the check is deposited with a p e a n i i price of means of production, obtained by adding the prices of the means of production of profitable and unprofitable companies.
What does the corporatization? Reduction of wages. If in the beginning of the century reduced the share price made it possible to work to buy it, and then receive dividends, for a short time was reduced social tension: working longer strike against "their" company, being ill for the future dividends. Today, employers have learned to deduct income from shares of no return. And the price of labor. In developed countries, working almost forced to b e p l a t n o buy shares, you still do not take ...
Privatization - as another sham. In the West, for example, first entrepreneurs, organized in the state, a company is, the state receives from this money. Prices are rising, and then, at the request of the perturbed workers, the same company for robbery and unprofitable deprivatiziruyut again get money for it (for example, rail transport in Argentina).
Privatization - is extra suitcase of documents, which is not changing relations between groups of directors and their owners - agencies, government.
What is the reason of easy withdrawal of money from the manufacturer? The fact that the administration hides the technical and economic information. The workers did not know any of the cost of production, or even a range of products.
Secondly, the lack of organization. Ie powerlessness of the workers. When directors and united disparate departments and all forms of farm workers, whether the plan or the market with shares, enrich strong and suppress social passivity.Not long ago, at the Perm factory "Motorostroitel" held meeting of the staff. "We do not know what will happen as a result of incorporation, - said Augusta Brohina, predtsehkoma shop № 45. - Previously had no incentive to work, and it is unknown whether they will be in the future. No one knows what the corporatization. "
Our extremely competent government defined as 51% of the controlling stake, which is able to secure a labor collective. This doubted even deputy. Cherkashina Director of Economic Affairs Igor Korovin.
Indeed, in order to own the company, cohesive enough administration and fewer shares. For example, Ford hosts, having the entire 10% stake. Unorganized workers, to avoid being crushed completely, to the number, far exceeding 51%.
But what about the enterprise?Even if the camp had called joint-work in it will not be free. This is one side of the case. Another - that profit orientation destroy economic ties, costs rise dramatically. Even if the union of a Scientific-Industrial Union will try to hold violent syndication on the Japanese example since World War II, and it will not restore economic ties. Because they are destroyed, which can no longer function in the old way - through the agency and the Politburo, and their subjects - hungry for profits officials - do not want.
B.Ihlov August 1992.

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