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среда, 23 марта 2011 г.

Human Rights in voodoo economics

 In the poem, VV Mayakovsky figuratively speaking, that in the beginning of capitalism was a "personal, business, kid. Not afraid that the work of greasy dickey, and then flabby and lay on the path of humanity, the only way - to explode! In this poetic form of the poet to show the dynamics of establishing a new social order. Exactly the same applies to socialism: the socialist revolution triumphed and established the first 70 days of the first form of the dictatorship of the proletariat - the Paris Commune. Next, was installed a second form of proletarian dictatorship - the Soviet government has a 70-odd years. So that nothing was promised in Cheering Song: "Will people happiness, happiness for the ages - from Soviet power strength is great!". Perhaps humanity is waiting for the third coming of the new system, but not forever - for 700 years or more? Neoliberalistskoe direction of society means curtailing the achievements of the West - the rejection of the world's population in the fourteenth century. Such an involution involves rolling back the West itself to the mechanism of Newton and to the most archaic speculative capitalism, based on the achievements of the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. and the Protestant Reformation. Watches have become a way of this world and the most ideal car - a metaphor for the mechanical world view. Later, the general metaphor of industrialism was heat engine whose image was inspired by thermodynamics as the doctrine of the movement of energy. Under the conditions of the industrial revolution together form the world's factory made - a set of machines, and the entire universe was not a temple, but a kind of factory constructed by the Demiurge to a human employee. Society was seen as a collection of atomized individuals, amenable to precise description and prediction tools of positivist sociology and political economy, just as the motion of ideal gas is calculated in classical thermodynamics. In the labor market, really, it was possible to calculate the human resources, and it was not an illusion costing and actual costing. This calculation did not yield only community-based and traditional social structures with elements of self-organization - a kind of Russian and eastern practical synergy. The phenomenon of alienation, and perceived social fetishism in a mechanistic picture of the social world as a necessary effect of industrial civilization - something like a social "Gallo", accompanied by demonism equipment (Karl Jaspers and M. Heidegger), automatic behavior of individuals and artificial affects of sensuous life: all this forgiven for the sake of religious ideas in the form of progress. This idea is paradoxically combined with the ethics of social nihilism: the ethics of love and metaphysics, self-will of JN Davydova assumes a pessimistic cultural background of the society of consumption and supply-side economics. Post-industrial society has been able only to declare a change in priorities of development - to change the purposes of production, development criteria Technosphere, social intervention in production - in order to immediately offer antiindustrialnuyu model of life by returning to doindustrializmu, that is to the economy in the fullest sense of the word. Aristotle in "Politics" distinguished between the economy and hrematistiku. The first term refers to "keeping house" Domostroy, logistic support at home, not connected with the movement of money and pricing. Entirely different mode of production and commerce is associated with hrematistikoy - the accumulation of wealth as the ultimate goal, in contrast to the economy as in meeting the needs. After Smith and Ricardo, ie, after the Reformation, the political economy created as hrematistika, the science of creating value in industrial production. All this was based on the notion of inexhaustible nature - in the machine model of classical political economy is not firing, and pipes, the law of value. All this industrial axiomatization does not correspond postindustrializmu, but it can work in doindustrializme.
In the post-industrial model uses a different machine - laser, ie the thermal energy, the use of the laws of thermodynamics. Modernity needs superindustrializme! The current political economy of neoliberalism in the form of management the scope of economics ignores any non-market factors, not to worry about future generations because they were not yet born, and with no market equivalent exchange, but which can be exchanged with our great-grandchildren, besides, cultural? This is the end of neoliberalism in its post-industrial form. Here, the invisible hand of the market "is powerless to return the economy and people in the state of natural balance. The myth of "economic man" has created a market economy, which originated on the basis of the destruction of traditional society and the transformation of each person in the merchant. By D. Locke formulated the concept of civil (or civilized) society: with the workforce and using his body as a system of living in a natural state, others have capital gain property in the labor force and form a "republic of the owners" for the defense of all nonowners leading a war of all against all against the rules of civil society. In other words, people, the proprietor is a social contract, and from that moment begins the story. God's place, watchmaker replace natural 'invisible hand of the market. " However, the balance in this system can be ensured only for the kernel - a small portion of the population, a sort of "golden billion". Hence, social Darwinism and Malthusianism: in society and the economy strongest survive. In order not to slip into pre-industrial era of post-industrial West needs a new social contract. The current situation can be compared with the advice of most of the world: turn off house lights, refrigerator, do not wait for the doctor, do not send a child to college, take out the wallet and wait for the coming bill for all that you can not pay. Most of the world's population can not agree with this way of life that builds up a voodoo-culture of the new primitive ("modern primitive"!) As a result of voodoo economics. In mid-August 1971 President Richard Nixon took action, which meant the destruction of the Bretton Woods system. The result is a system of "floating". This system is the greatest social injustice, by which national currencies artificially downplayed, and the debts of poor countries sharply. All of this we will soon realize it is only in Russia will come to the U.S. jobless with dollars to buy land for the mere pittance for them, but good money for the "dear Russians" (it seems so preferred to call citizens - citizens of their country its first popularly elected president). Initially, the system of floating exchange rate has destroyed not only African countries but also the sovereign States of the Caribbean. Then began to suffer severely the country and the nations of Western Europe and the USA. In the U.S., incomes of the richest 20% families finally compared with the income of the lower 80% of families already in 1999 Prosperity first world is observed only in the financial dimension - their internal economy and infrastructure destroyed. For example, in England over the last decade were a debate on whether poverty is the country any industry or not. With the fall of the Soviet Union from 1989 to 1991. group of political manipulators around Thatcher, Mitterrand and Bush announced the creation of a new world order. This meant that as the disappearance of the influence of the Soviet superpower is intensified Anglo-American influence, and Wall Street and the City establish a virtual military dictatorship over the planet on the model of the Roman Empire since its heyday. From 1989 - 1992 years. begin an intensive process of globalization, meaning a new word to name the new global empire oligarchic (ie nerespublikanskogo) type. This process led by people 35 - 55 years of age, is clearly inferior, morally and intellectually to his predecessors from the previous generation. These people are unable to understand the positive experience of predecessors, and are unable to draw conclusions from their mistakes. In the period since 1996, established a global management system is in the final stage of self-destruction. Turbulent processes within the system lead to its disintegration and stay each time a new state of sustainable equilibrium. Creating a new system requires the concept of a stable financial institution with fixed exchange processes, which were established in the postwar period of 50 years. Need to make that step, which insisted on the need for Stalin and Roosevelt, but the death of Roosevelt crossed out the plan. Necessary to conduct a one-time waiver of the imperial heritage of the former colonial powers (British, French, Portuguese, Dutch) and install it under the auspices of the victorious Commonwealth, providing not only national sovereignty of all peoples, but also their access to new technologies. As part of the postwar monetary system was supposed to ensure the flow of long-term state-guaranteed loans to low borrowing rates to all nations to restore their national economies. This new world order has already been on the planet short post-war period - this assumes a world order and national sovereignty. The system of free trade, by contrast, causes people to produce at low prices and with low-wage labor force (this is best time to receive from the countries - the Tigers, where the average annual temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, workers treated a cup of rice a day, shorts, shales and canopy over the jobs). Production in this case took place at prices set in the world market, where people are treated like animals (cattle fodder), in relation to which should be in every possible way to reduce the amount of the cost of stabling. Bombardment of 7 December 1941 Pearl Harbor made a shock to impress Americans. Before they did not believe in the possibility of being drawn into a war that was already in Europe, they hoped to geographical remoteness and the U.S. did not believe in the possibility of the U.S. stand in any war. On that day there was a transformation of the nation - began massive volunteer movement. And now the people of the world watched with hope and wait for rescue from the disaster of globalization. They need to get rid of the free market, the information age, from free trade. Here it is necessary to use force and political will - to return to the development of agriculture and industry, improving the quality of education and higher living standards. System of the new world order in agony, and the challenge is to gather strength and to survive under the rubble of her order. To build a global community of sovereign nation-states. This is a complete break with the colonial legacy in which centers are located in metropolitan areas on the outskirts of parasitic and absorb the rural poor for use in small shops and repair shops as unskilled labor intensively used. Such is the general mechanism for the transition of the former colonies from pre-industrial stage of development to a post, bypassing the industrial stage. In the course of scientific communism, it has been called a new form of neocolonialism, and contrasted with the accelerated transition of people from pre-capitalist stage of development through non-capitalist to a socialist orientation. However, the transition to postindustrializmu in 70-90. began practice in relation to the first industrialized nations of Europe and North America, especially during the energy crisis of 1973 - 1974 years. Hyperinflation is also a consequence of severe illness zapadnizma globalization - a kind of high temperature is accompanied by terminal illness. But it remains only to ask, like Chekhov's doctor, "whether the person was sweating before he died?" And receiving an affirmative answer, said: "Very good!". Hyperinflation is coming as the ninth shaft on capitalist management - its formidable forerunners - the Russian default in August 1998 a similar drop in Weimar Germany in 1923, in the U.S. prices are soaring at a height inaccessible to citizens. Thus, in the five most expensive areas of America for the year prices rose by 12% in 2001, the average price for housing in California jumped from 269,000 to 302,000 dollars in the big cities the cost of housing increased by 36%. Led by the IMF system of freely floating exchange rates is on the verge of slipping into a hyperinflationary explosion, or a deflationary collapse. This system is nothing he can not save. Only restructuring of debt and long-term capital investments in industry and high technology on a global scale could save humanity from a new barbarism. The official representative of the World Bank, E. Rotberg argued in April 2001 that the current collapse was impossible to predict with any existing methods. However Rotberg either lying or mistaken. In July 1994, L. LaRouche predicted the Asian crisis is global in 1997 and Russia's Echo in August 1998, Rotberg argues that LaRouche over the past 35 years, quarterly predicts global catastrophe. This is also incorrect, since the predictions were carried out during the record time - 40 years. The UN Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said that the problems of the world crisis is the failure of attempts to establish a stable system modeled on the Bretton Woods agreements. 1 September 1998 the Malaysian government announced a package of measures to protect national economies from international financial speculators and the isolation of their own people from the collapse of world financial and cultural system. Measures include monitoring of the currency exchange operations in the country in order to support the national currency - the time she made convertible on the open market. For us it is about the same as that to make the ruble again "wooden". The move to Russia would mean freedom from drug flows and financial speculation. The Government of Malaysia, thus creating a precedent and model the behavior of sovereign nations in the global crisis and the onset of the globalization of neo-colonialism. In Russia, a similar step would mean a complete break with the legacy of destructive programs, free market shock therapy, the victory of supporters of the protection and restoration of national prosperity and spirituality, recovery of the Russian people. Decline and death of the Bretton Woods system in 1971 led to the inflating of the global financial bubble and the development of a speculative economy. Create a new Bretton Woods system of means in these circumstances, an agreement between sovereign nations to control international financial flows, foreign exchange quotas, moving to central bank policy. However, the financial reregulirovanie covers only one aspect of establishing a new fair world order - is required reindustrialization economy and particularly those industries that are particularly affected by decades of dominance of monetarist-liberals. Formation of a new global system of a just peace is possible only through the destruction of the existing international financial institutions and monetary systems, resulting in a denial of any application fritreyderskih principles to international relations. Should renounce all worship the free market and the associated instrumental worship of human rights. The question is only this: a civilization or a free trade and globalization! Otherwise, the world ensured a terrible death, the death of their children and grandchildren of each of us and all because of the ideological consciousness of new debris Bacon ▓ "idols of the market," the idols of the area "," idols of the theater, which took place idols of free trade, globalization, the Reformed policy.
The ideology of the new global system is most fully developed in the concept of physical economy L. LaRouche. This concept is based on the principles of American political economy, formulated in the course of the American way. It is the American management company paid attention to VI Lenin immediately after the October Revolution. It is obvious that the U.S. industrial capacity could be built with the help of the British measures planting a free market. American power was the product of protectionist measures that were carried out A. Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin. These measures were developed in the paper by Carey, Abraham Lincoln, and of course, FD Roosevelt. Carey's position is almost identical to the views of the graph SY Witte, which means a profound influence of the American system for the whole world throughout the short history of the United States. This influence continues today. At the end of H1H - early twentieth century. American system of a developed economy and socio-cultural infrastructure has been the most successful in the world. This system was simulated and repeated on a national basis, most developing countries. The model itself was implemented in the U.S. in 1861-1876 years. and was perceived as American methods and American efficiency, as the American swing and the American enterprise in the industrialization of the USSR, especially after the Fourteenth Congress of the CPSU (b), and was highly appreciated VI Lenin and the subsequent Soviet leaders of the Party and government. Applied by the U.S. methods of economic management of the society have been reproduced in the period of mobilization of Economics I and World War II. In the American system inherited leybnitsevskie concepts in the form of the term "labor productivity" (A. Hamilton), which means the processing performance of basic economic infrastructure, all the material and social standards of life, cultural life in the family and other factors, technological and cultural plan. Growth should be defined as an increase in physical-economic output volume of all products on the costs necessary to ensure appropriate level of productive labor. It should leave aside factors like the surface of the sphere of communication of socio-economic process - to be distracted by money, securities and derivatives, pricing and finance.
Attention should be paid to production and creating the highest at this level of productive forces of labor productivity. It is obvious that the new global system based on the best features of world experience and uses the American model of development - the American system of Hamilton, Liszt, and Carey, the experience of economic mobilization period of World Wars, the advantages zolotorezervnoy of the Bretton Woods Agreement of 40-50 years. - Able to save the planet from the nightmare of globalization. The collapse of the global social and financial system would be under control and threatens a catastrophe would be manageable only if the practical application of the principles of physical economy L. LaRouche.
After the Cathedral 1437-1439 years. opponents of an ecumenical project of Nicholas of Cusa and of the Renaissance carried the concept a conspiracy against the teachings of Plato, Cusa promoted. New Aristotelianism, arising from the Scholastics, is perfectly suited for this purpose. Its ideologues were P. Pomponazzi and student Pomponazzi - G. Contarini. War Kambreyskoy league put Venice in the years 1509-1517. on the brink of death, as a global method of self-defense Venetian ideologues have created the Protestant Reformation of Luther and Calvin, as well as the Counter-Reformation Catholicism, by the time the Jesuits Contarini canonized teachings of Aristotle as the basis of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. The result of this division of Europe began a half century of religious wars and the crisis in the HV11. Initially, however, have been banned book Dante and Piccolomini. In 1509 after the defeat of the international forces of the sacred league Venice was doomed. However, the intervention of papal authority, boyavsheysya invasion of foreign troops on the territory of Italy, destroyed not Italy, but antivenetsiansky Union: Venice once again stand on the mountain peoples and future generations. Venice in XV. together with Turkey has created a stronghold of the slave trade and usury, of course, that the ideas of the Renaissance were deadly for the traffickers. Renaissance in the face of Nicholas of Cusa, and Pope Pius II has rejected the old pagan idea of ​​"Man is a beast" and created the idea of ​​man as imago Dei (the image and likeness of God), and having capax Dei (with the ability of God): New light on an individual can not be subject to Slave! In fact, there was a clash of Venetians and Christians, in philosophy it was a struggle supporters of Aristotle and the Western Christian culture. Aristotle's ideas were at that time the Venetian basis of ideology, that is, they were an apology for the oligarchic structure of society. In Politics, Aristotle insists that the aim of all political activity is to maintain inequality, because the relationship slave and master declared natural and natural. Literally: one is by nature free, others - slaves. The Republic of Plato, by contrast, is built on the idea of ​​justice, goodness. It is known that Aristotle was not able to completely reject the model of Plato's universals - universals placed them within the scope of the contemplative life (vita contemplativa), they can not be accepted and seen. There is nothing in common in the real world, all one and the person can be compared with the worm, because he is unable to cleanse itself of desire and hard to justify. Such a concept was acceptable to the oligarchic slave Venetsiiyu. Radical Protestantism and Catholicism are only expressed in Venice Aristotelian division of the contemplative life as the realm of faith and active life - of Deeds. Ardent supporter of Aristotle Contarini infiltrated the church and the Reformation, resulting in Venice began to manipulate the Reformation and the Renaissance, and then the Counter-Reformation. All this results in a chain of wars that eventually destroyed the "Golden Renaissance", the peak of the degradation of Europe's Thirty Years' War began, then Venetian aggression fell on England.
Prof. Nekrasov, SN

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