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понедельник, 21 марта 2011 г.

What is the "New Violence"

The term "New Violence" was developed by the Committee L. LaRouche for a new Bretton Wood. It means the introduction of new methods (such as Nintendo games, and others) in order to transform children and adolescents, as well as law enforcement officers in programmable assassins "samurai-type". This is confirmed by the introduction of New York Mayor Giuliano "Police Nintendo.
The origins of the phenomenon under study should be seen as a utopian programs GD Wells "Open Conspiracy", utopian programs rasselovskogo designer society Aldous Huxley "Brave New World", in your own projects Russell 1931 and 1951., In "A Clockwork Orange" as an intellectual reference point of the mentioned projects. What is new here is the use of myths samurai warrior to Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" and the creation mythology of death of child pornography and computer games. Definitive description of these phenomena is possible only with an understanding of their origins, rooted in the interests of the financial oligarchy. The latter offers the masses in his manipulative aspirations "bread and circuses", imposing as they were in ancient Rome population in the pathological mental states, corresponding to sectarian plans of "New Age".
Creators of a new reality can be listed: Nintendo of America (Pokemon and equipment for the satanic video games), Electronic Arts (Glad Rash: shoot and run away, the criminal attack on the police), Sony Computer Entertainment (equipment for the satanic video games), Midvey Home Entertainment (Mortal Battalion Commander, Doom, Quake), THKu (satanic monsters) Ekkleym Entertainment (Cruiserweight wrestling - the nails in the head, strangulation, cephalotrypesis) Studios (Everest: the followers of the god Cusick Thule cause violence, torture, sacrifice), Aktivizhn ( Soldier of Fortune: murder, race war), Namco Limited (Inferno), Hasbi Interactive (Pokemon, Dragons).
This business with a turnover of 9 billion dollars a year is one of the parties to attack the intellectual culture of the world in general and America in particular. Distance from Cybernetics to Littleton is short - the path goes through technology controlling consciousness. The first blow is applied to children and it is aimed at the fabric of family life. Bertrand Russell in 1951, Pavlov and Freud believed "the two great men" of the scientific management of the masses. Russell talks about the need to establish a 'scientific dictatorship. " Social psychologists of the future will prove to students that the snow - black! As a result, the influence of the atmosphere will be destroyed house on the children, and indoctrination will begin at age 10. In working with psychologists will use simple poetry and rhythmic repetitive music. In general, scientists can calculate how much will it cost to persuade a student's head (literally - how much for a head?) That the snow - black and how much cheaper would argue that the snow - Ser. Russia already had the opportunity to see the ability of psychologists and experts in the "black PR." In early 1996, President Yeltsin had a 2% popularity among the people and for some months a very sick man triumphantly won the election! Russell, however, believed that the perfected technique of persuasion, the government can control people without armiii and police, as will be provided with complete control over the state of mind.
In 1931, Russell wrote a chapter about the scientific dictatorship in the book "The Scientific Outlook". Chapter is symptomatic: "Education in the scientific community." Oligarchic and totalitarian view of the scientist Russell combines the experience of an ideologue of the Jesuit order. He believes that you need two types of education: for ordinary people and for those who will support the scientific authorities. Ordinary individuals can be understood as the executive and unthinking, and for the formation of these qualities should be used all the possibilities of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and biochemistry. Boys and girls from childhood to be a "cooperation" that is, they should be able to repeat to do what everyone else does. The initiative should be eradicated, and subordination should be to indoctrinate scientific methods. Opposite qualities should be nurtured for future managers - members of the ruling class must be full of initiative and seek to hold in subjection simple hard workers. In case of violation of the social status of the child, the administrator shall send him to a special "lethal chamber" (a deadly, I mean), before this suspicious individual raise a rebellion. Russell's ideas continued American Association for best (!) - Science in the last Congress of the Association proposed a project to "read the mind" [1].
Expressed by the projects were complemented by the ideas of Huxley's 1961 "pharmacologically manipulated slaves" living in "concentration camp of the mind", organized propaganda and psychotropic drugs. These slaves have to love the hosts - this is the "final revolution", concludes the history of mankind. Let us recall the Soviet "blockbuster" - "Dead Season", where scout Saushkin performed Rolan Bykov identified the Nazi criminals in modern medical research center. Not so far was the Soviet propaganda of the sample in 1965 from the reality of the pharmacological concentration camp!
Huxley insisted painless concentration camp, where people like the owners and turns into a beast. Predpalagalos brainwashing (breynvoshin) pharmacological and without pain Devoted freedom is a boon for the people of the new society. Dr. T. Leary at this time experimented with drugs and believed that the main obstacle to spreading the ideas of Huxley is the Bible. He believed that one should destroy the Judeo-Christian commitment to one God and one religion. Drugs open mind to a lot of realities that will inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. Must be a new religion based on pluralism and scientific paganism (literally, "paganizme). These monstrous projects of social engineering of the masses represented a humanistic alternative to the World War II during the danger of atomic and hydrogen bombs, and led us to the terrible world of the "New Violence", emerged from games Doom, Quake and other forms of home entertainment pampered scions of civilization "golden billion".
The project studies the authoritarian personality was implemented in January 1943, a group of social psychologists from the University of California at Berkeley. The team of performers included Elsa Frenkel-Brunswick (founder of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, known as the "Frankfurt School"), R. Nevitt Sanform and Daniel J. Levinson. Everything began with the use of a tiny 500 dollar grant from a study of the roots of anti-Semitism, which grew into the most ambitious project control mass consciousness. Of the hitherto implemented in the United States and Western Europe. Background of this project is not described in Soviet literature: specialists in the Frankfurt School (Yuri Davydov, AV Gaida) remain completely silent on the question of the social roots so they are interested in school. In May 1944, the American Jewish Committee has formed the Department of Social Research, who headed the school director Max Horkheimer. First, he approved the project, titled "Investigation of prejudice", the obligation to finance the implementation of which took the above Committee and the Rockefeller Foundation.
This project enabled the participation of those members of the school, which for various reasons did not participate in the implementation of military orders. It is known that H. Marcuse and F. Neumann, had previously been involved in the work of research and analysis of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which became the forerunner of modern reconnaissance of the Central Office (CIA). The origin of the CIA from the OSS at the time was described in detail in his famous book, historian NN Yakovlev, "the CIA against the Soviet Union" (p. 1984). Hedda Massing, Mary Berry, Morris Yanovich and Theodor W. Adorno started later under the patronage of Horkheimer, resulting in a complete restoration of the International Institute for Social Research, in which the reincarnated Frankfurt School for Social Research in Weimar Germany.
The most significant of spent issledrovany was formalized as the study of Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper & Row, 1950), in which Adorno, Frenkel-Bryunsvig, Sanford Levinson and summarized material public opinion research at Berkeley, and identified the underlying tendency of Americans to totalitarianism, prejudice and anti-Semitism. The study included Dr. William Morrow, a protege of Levin, who became executive director of "The Authoritarian Personality" and functioned as a mediating link between the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute.
The essence of the project was to establish a "self-performing prophecy concerning the decay of American culture, which offered to expedite Freida Marxist methods. Long before making the first questionnaire for the interviews, Adorno and Horkheimer argued inspired authoritarian character of the American "nuclear family" but asserted the same belief about the American people in a transcendent monotheistic God, as well as deeply fascist nature of all forms of American patriotism. In support of these preconceived conclusions used by the group of scales to measure the trend of the U.S. population to anti-Semitism, ethnocentric, anti-democratic ideology, and most importantly - to fascism.

As a result, America has been accused of latent fascism, the people has been imposed in absentia conviction, it emerged that the transformation of America's Fourth Reich will become inevitable if you do not produce significant changes in popular culture. In other words, the American establishment is terrified inevitability of an American Hitler and called to destroy traditional America. Destruction must be subjected to a neurosis, nationalism, and delinquency of the American people, who were understood as products of a total organization of society and could only be resolved with a change in this society. Curiously, the study of the authoritarian personality of Frankfurt in 30 years. showed opposite results. That's really really, white is black and vice versa. Thus, the study of the German population in 30 years. showed that anti-Semitism is not a fundamental characteristic of the Germans and that Germany is not anti-Semitic nation, indeed anti-Semitism is not a fundamental feature of National Socialism! It remains only to shrug before so vysokouchenymi researches of Frankfurt ...
In the United States was placed in front of Frankfurt practical task of changing society, and she was faced by all social scientists. Psychologists can not change the structure of a biased person, full of prejudices: the fascist potential eradicated only when people learn to be themselves and see themselves - when they will be a difficult path for themselves and will live for yourself. All this can be achieved by manipulative practices of psychologists. Techniques to overcome the resistance developed in the field of individual psychotherapy, should be elevated to the level of management techniques masses. If fear and destructiveness are the prerequisites of fascism, a prerequisite for democratic development is Eros. Here reanimated speculative scheme of Freud, for which there are two impulses of man: Eros and Thanatos.
Eros was the weapon the Frankfurt School for half a century, during which the cultural shift from an authoritarian matrix of man as a living image of God (imago viva Dei), the sanctity of family ties, the rule of republican principles and forms of national state of erotic perverse cultural matrix with a politically correct dictatorship tolerance in relation to drugs, sexual perversion and the cult of violence. Erotica was the final means of Freida Marxist revolutionaries to destroy the hated their Judeo-Christian civilization. There was generation of necrophilia, which was called by analogy with the baby boomers, Baby-Doumer.

In 1948, in The Philosophy of Modern Music, "Adorno insisted that music should be free man, as modern society - a place of evil and wickedness, authoritarianism and the fascist potential, and consequently, the release is possible only through the destruction of this society through cultural perversion and cultural pessimism. According to Adorno, the music does not embody the schizophrenia, but it is consonant with mental illness and the music man discovers his own disintegration, he turns to the magical tools and dreams, as a result of schizophrenic traits are manifested in the aesthetic consciousness of madness and becomes a true health. Therefore, necrophilia is the expression of the present health of the individual in a sick society. Let us remember the song Yegor Letov "Necrophilia" performed by his group's "Civil Defence". Letov howls and tears voice, but he performs it in a sick society, the late Brezhnev socialism - the song dates back to 1982. In the 90 years. Letov was on the left side of the opposition and his protest was fully understood, but it was too late: the mass of the former Soviet youth has acquired and interiorized roknarkosekskontrkulturu West.
Lawyers for the parents of children killed in Littleton reacted to his work with the brightest civil sense. One of them, D. Thompson, said: "We need a nuclear war against these people" (literally: "We need a nuclear war against these people"). This same lawyer also works with teachers, students and parents at the school in Flint, which develops programs for the eradication satanistkih video games. But behind these games is satanistkaya oligarchy and that she deserves this destruction and war! Today increase in Internet connections and expanding fleet of computers in schools without changing the educational system and national ideology would lead to an increase in the number of killers-the monsters: little-Pokemon monsters. In the 60 years. in Italy and then in the western world have been popular cartoon series of the vampire: the vampire-dad, mom and Vampiress-vampiretto-child relationship. Today, American children were monsters, becoming more monsters. In the 60 years. adventures of vampires held against the backdrop of classical music. Children frightened, but thanks to the presence of classical harmony and good parents, they were not scared. Now the kids scared and they are the inquisitors in video games - games against the backdrop of heavy and destructive consciousness music.

More Confucius said: "To understand the meaning of governance, we must look into the music. In well-managed society music is peaceful, and so gives people pleasure, and control there in harmony, in a disordered society, musical sounds vicious and so raised the ire of people and management there is a perverse, in crumbling state of musical sounds so sad and lonesome, its people are in trouble position. Modern researchers have noted the feedback function in the musical and general cultural communication - for the destruction of society, should send a disturbing, vulgar, heavy, metal, and syncopated music. West loses all of its younger generation - entirely in accordance with the inquisitorial principle of medieval Catholicism: kill them all, the Lord will separate its own. In other words, deprive svseh soul, treat them like human cattle in need of entertainment and murder.
We are dealing with the visual imaginary violence. It is known that the written and printed word is only through rational sphere of reason. But this is only possible at the age of eight years and older. Proznesennoe word is not perceived to four years through the censorship of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain - through the censors it goes into the emotional centers of the brain. But visual perception is more dangerous - at the age of 18 months a child has the ability to repeat all of what he saw. At this age, any scenes of violence and any violent images from television, movies, video games, go directly to the emotional centers - right through your eyes.
It is obvious that the global culture of violence is based on media nasilii.1 Last imported from America, just as imported cocaine from Colombia, and from the Golden Triangle and Golden Crescent opium was exported to the fact that the proceeds were in the pockets of the oligarchy . Of course, the media mogul assure the safety of their products, as well as manufacturers and exporters of tobacco strenuously deny the relationship of smoking and cancer. However, if the number of tobacco corporations default pay huge sums to victims of smoking (including its famous advertising agent with the courageous individuals depicted on the billboards' real America "). Do not accept blame the media - today is the same as denying to the B'nai B'rith that the Holocaust / 2 In 1999, the American Psychological Association stated: to claim that violence in media causes no actual violence - the same as rejecting earthly prityazhenie.3 Magazine Economist gives a table from which it follows that in the U.S. approaches the number of victims of automobile accidents and deaths by firearms: in 1996-1998. these figures had one number in the 40,000 victims a year, however, in 1999, following a campaign against "Novgorod violence" there was a decrease in firearms killed 32 000 people and victims of traffic accidents increased to 42 000.
During the Second World War, the Pentagon found that most well-trained American soldiers are unable to kill in real combat conditions. As a result, the main problem was the training of military personnel. Under stress, fear and other factors, the results of training of fire had no effect. It was necessary to create a stimulant for the murder, so instead of targets were set resulting silhouettes of people. Such stimulants are descriptions of people and killing people it becomes the target of hostilities. In the game "Doom," Pentagon officials have replaced the silhouettes of ducks on the screen for human silhouettes. As a result, develop a habit and a desire to kill. But why all these children? This should be bodyguards. Security agents, police officers, who are taught on a simulator Fats (Firing coaching simulator).

Adult students shoot if and only if the fire is necessary and legally protected by law. If he falls, the aim is falling, if misses, kills himself. But this is the situation in the children's game of "crunch time" where children get the skills and desire to kill. Children are killed every living thing in front of him on screen - they shoot so far. still have goals, or until there are cartridges in the holder, they choose the weapon and ammunition find. These games are equivalent to the M-16 rifle or a Colt in the hands of every child of America. If the H1H in. Colt was the universal leveler - he calls strong and weak, defending the offended - then in HH1. weapons becomes a social fighter.
The worst thing in the described global situation of violence, which the West is sowing across the globe, is the death of freedom. Globalization is a trap for the freedom of mankind. If we remember Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs, we can see that the two values ​​- liberty and security - people are always victims of the freedoms in the name of security. The foundation of civilization is at safety. Recall Marx: people always start with, did not stand in regard to theory to reality for the production of ideas and release them to have food, shelter, safety. If the threat of children's lives will be overwhelming, civilization begins to systematic violence and cancel any civil liberties, which happens from time to time in one or another state when the governor or the president impose emergency rule. And the only opposition to the civil police with their armed forces will be able to soprotivlyaetsya such shamelessly choice in favor of dictatorship. Generally, when the bourgeoisie in danger of losing power, it goes without sentimentality towards civil war as an extreme form of class struggle.
You can learn to like killing - this is the paradoxical conclusion of the practice of media violence in the late twentieth century. During World War II Japanese military have used classical conditioning to associate pleasure and contemplation of the destruction of human flesh, pleasure and pictures of human suffering. Here, we used Pavlovian conditioning circuit: young neobstrelyannye soldiers became spectators horrific murders of innocent and helpless, Chinese, Korean and American prisoners of war. The soldier was forced to laugh and make merry at the sight of the suffering of the prisoners. The same night the soldiers got the best lunch for all the services, sake and martial brothel (which is not the only way out of the famous novel by the Colombian Mario Vargos Llosa, "Roth's good offices of Captain Pantaleone"), as a result, like the "Pavlov's Dog" , the Japanese warriors received a steady connection between pleasure and death, the spectacle of suffering and carnal satisfaction.
In the 90 years. School suburbs of Los Angeles students showed the film "Schindler's List, but the demonstration was necessary to minimize the film, because kids just laughed and scoffed at what they saw on the screen. And this second wave of baby boomers - even more terrible than the first. Steven Spielberg when he went to the scene of these schools and attempted to talk with the audience, above him began to laugh and ululyukat! The most terrible dream come true Soviet lecturer society "Knowledge" - the audience openly made fun of him, with students unable to enter into human contact.
Perhaps this is the situation in California. But in Arkansas, where Governor Bill Clinton was, at the news brought by the teacher about the massacres in high school, situated next to the Graduate School, adult students heard the shots and watched the windows of many coaches "first aid" only openly laughed and scoffed at response to the speech teacher. Even after the message to speakerphone radio broadcast about the murders in a nearby high school students the joy was so great that she heard in adjacent offices. Something similar happened only once in the history of the disintegrating Soviet Union when, in Baku, received an official message about the terrible earthquake in Armenia and the death of Spitak. Baku openly rejoiced and applauded, what it led, we now know. A year later (in Baku included paratroopers of General Lebed and the post-Soviet Azerbaijan is plunged into civil war and coups). American children learn to draw pleasure from the death of people and their suffering and that children under the age of six! Their consciousness is formed without the participation of the rational censorship.
We remember early childhood experiences that continue to continue to shape the adult mind. Remember behavior patterns and lessons of moral and social thinking his father, since we live by the precepts of social rights. Today's video games give bonus (win the game) to children who are well able to hit in the head. First came into the hands of 12-14 year olds gun does not fluff - all hit in the head. Such a high effect in no training, "Green Berets", nor in the California highway patrol, or in competitions reynzherov Texas. After the training, video games naturally fall on the principle: one bullet - one goal. The victims are all - at Karnelia first bullet hit between the eyes of his girlfriend, the other seven are also hitting the target. Offender himself said that he was overcome by delusion, and it all happened when he closed his eyes for a minute. On the same say police reports - he shot with his eyes closed. But witnesses report that mass murderers are killed with wide eyes and pale face. That is the devil's video game industry: the eyes are open but they can not see. The situation here is worse than that of Oedipus, who blinded himself and preferred to see the world in mind. Children's eyes are open, but did not see or identitsiruyut, they lose the ability to see human meaning in a person - they see only the silhouette as a target.
The man in the man sees everything. In the story R. Bradbury people see in a Martian all their unsold and lost opportunities: widow sees her husband, she departed the groom's brother - my brother died as a result of the Martian turns into a puddle of fluid on the asphalt. Today the old woman at the door looking at the grandchildren of neighbors and friends of his youth, trying to guess who and whose, Don Juans see women worry their shape, the policeman sees a man a citizen or a potential criminal, a victim of videogame sees in a man his victim.
Protection of the defenseless, protecting children - that is the imperative of a civilized society. If Western society does not protect its future, its youth and dooms it to a mass mental debilitation - is not a civilized society, this is not civilization. We give an analogy. Middle position between a wolf and a sheep is a dog herding sheep. It is stronger than a wolf, but can not inflict the slightest harm to the sheep - if it hurts, it kills the shepherd. Where is the shepherd, and how it differs from the wolf in Western society?
A shepherd tells us: people buy video games and are interested in violence, we all sell. The reason is that Americans want violence, and they get it in different ways - that the market demands and rules of management. But such is the logic of drug dealers. As a result, the world comes an avalanche of unmotivated murders - a sacrifice to drive the 16 bullets and the interrogation by the police to question why the patrol fired 16 times, the officer-offender said: "I thought he had an automatic rifle, and I only have 16 rounds."

Therefore, culture can not evolve spontaneously - it turns into an avalanche. A culture that develops spontaneously, leaving behind a desert. Society must step in and start regulating, it must manage the socio-cultural dynamics in terms of the uncontrolled proliferation of pornography and video games. In essence, should be established having a public commission's emergency powers to deal with the "New Violence."
However, the victory over the "new violence" is only possible by means of conceptual weapons. As soon as the global financial casino collapses like the house of R. Escher in his famous novel, EA On, the virus spreads computer simulation games, mass psychology is the focus of management of post-modern society with "modern methods of propaganda" (Bertrand Russell). The most powerful way is education. Postmodern education is reduced to testing, in which teachers act as tutors, which leads to a rejection of the mind of educational practices. The child is quite obvious that by testing the society does not value his original mind, and in contrast to the classical education there is persistent hatred of the training. Programmed learning can not resist the means of thinking, which is already captured by products of popular culture, games and television since childhood.
Obviously, the world's developed countries are obliged to establish national commissions against the "new violence" resulting from the secret military experiments 50 years. like MK-Ultra, held a totalitarian and Nazi-minded intelligence and razvedsoobschestvmi, Nazi doctors such as experimenting with drugs (like Prozac and mescaline) on patients. Today it is primarily an experimental control the masses has become a strong line of business, turned many billions of dollars. "New Violence" was formed in ruzultate postmodern cultural shift - he was summoned to baby boomers as the infernal generation drug-rock counterculture of sex, destruction of the so-called traditional "authoritarian personality". Study of "authoritarian personality" in 50 years. concluded that fear and destructiveness are the emotional roots of fascism, and democracy is the root of eros and personal fulfillment.
Cultural matrix out of which turned out auto-da-fe "authoritarian personality" comes from the basic work of Herbert Marcuse Eros and Civilization ", the rating of Prometheus and the archetype of the principle of self-realization, in which Pandora is a women's sexuality and the pleasure principle leads to razrusheniyu.4 Therefore, the" New Violence " builds a culture of necrophilia - sex and death. " In her witless and unthinking fan took the Citizen, the consumer replaces the creator. It is in this sense, one should speak about America as the "unfinished nation", this incompleteness of the German people during the Weimar respubliki.5 More love Germany was Hitler!
Nekrasov, SN

[1] Reading minds / / The Economist. 24 febr. 2001.
1 Perry L. Intellectual life in America. Chicago. 1989.
2 Minefields in their hearts. The mental health of children in war and communal violence. Ed. Apfel R.J., Simon B. Yale. 1996
3 Do guns mean crime? / / The Economist. Jan. 13. 2001. P. 76., Hfnds up! / / The Economist, Feb. 10
4 See Rosen M. On voluntary servitude. False consciousness and the theory of ideology .. Mass. 1996
5 Sm.Brinkley A. The unfinished nation. A concise hystory of the american people. N.Y. 1997


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