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понедельник, 21 марта 2011 г.


 Prof. Nekrasov, SN The neo-liberal idea of ​​standing on a triad of action for liberalization, privatization and stabilization. The former means the elimination of state regulation of economy, the second - the refusal of the state from any regulatory activity, the third - the stabilization of the price level by reducing the expenses of the state for public needs (health, science, culture, etc.). The neo-liberal model of society, are being introduced in Russia in 90 years. the last century, repeating exactly the "predatory form of capitalism", for example, in the U.S. at the end of H1H. In this form of financial fraud were laid, the export of capital abroad, impoverishment and other nightmares of a free economy.
By the term privatization in the spirit of Proudhon ("Property - is theft") expressly applies the concept of "theft". In Germany, the privatization of the company means stealing from this company. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. England privatirovanie meant exactly stealing, but in England were granted the first legal license to privatirovanie. If the robber has been without a license, it was called a pirate. If there was a government license, so robbery was carried out privateers. It is obvious that the Russian privatizers are essentially pirates. However, if the pirates robbed her Majesty's enemies in Britain, the privateers had a right to plunder their country, their banks, their subjects. Not by accident is the most famous pirate Francis Drake was promoted by Sir, and said proudly, "I am an honest pirate!".
Then too, there was no clarity to the rights of property and the rule of law prevailed in the form of law, "Mr. Colt" (9-inch Colt "equated all" at the cemetery), hired by the capitalists of private armies fought each other, the bourgeois were stealing from the state and each other paying bribes to judges, politicians and journalists. In America, operated for a long time tough protectionist measures that reduce the foreign competition, and government funded the so-called "physical economy" - the production of commodities - for the development of a real internal market.
Peoples Republic of China today is an example of antiliberalistskoy model of development: increasing government spending and investment in the domestic market, the regulation of its own economy and international trade, as well as financial flows (as a result - growth of 10% per year for two decades). It is evident that active government policy is absolutely necessary to ensure the quality of life of citizens and development of countries with strong foreign competition and foreign cultural aggression.
Instead of a new Marshall Plan for Eastern Europe and Russia, aimed at restructuring and modernizing the former socialist world system, a whole army of advisers and consultants who, through their councils ravaged country. In 1993, the press has the expression "agent of influence", which describes the role of those who promoted the idea of ​​external advisers. Group of reformers in Russia and has become such a collective agent of influence, which have arisen as a direct result of U.S. intervention in Russia's affairs with a view to forcible transfer of a command economy to market economy regime. Western leaders knew full well what awaits Russia in the transition to a market economy, or rather the arrival on the world market. Back in the late 80's. "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher said: "In the USSR economically justified the existence of 15 million people." The Russian Privatization Center, created by presidential decree in November 1992, funded by Harvard ($ 45 million), the World Bank (100 million), the British government as a whole, the Center received more than 4 billion dollars!
Despite such financial and ideological support for the introduction of capitalism and Western civilization code neoliberals facing serious difficulties are literally everywhere: in the Russian Orthodox civilization in the Iberian civilization in South and Latin America. "The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and fails everywhere?" - This is called a book by E. De Soto, whom President George Bush Sr. called the best economist in the Third World and even the guru of neoliberalism M. Friedman believes that de Soto offers excellent combination of free trade and strengthening the country's wealth. Career Peruvian economist, was organized by the famous Peruvian writer MV Llosa, who wrote the foreword to his first book, "Another Way". It proposes the legalization of underground or informal economy as a whole. Street vendors should integrate into the functioning of the national economy. This idea was in the Romanian party of "small farmers" in 1945, and there it failed. In the 90th years. De Soto was an adviser to the Government A. Fujimori (later Fujimori is wanted for economic crimes). At that time, Peru imported 250,000 small buses used to solve the transport problem. For the acquisition of so many "junk-Transport" (trash-transportation) was paid 2.5 billion dollars. This amount would be quite enough for the construction of the Moscow metro. But thanks to the economic genius of De Soto, the capital is still buried in the automotive smog, and the streets of Lima and other cities are filled with broken machines.
De Soto offers a model of creation of capital in 9,3 billion dollars in financial securities due to the informal sector of the Third World and former communist countries. They offered "junk paper" for people who are 25 years of domination of neo-liberalism became informal business people, inhabiting the "poverty belt" around every Latin American city. The only problem - the refusal of the state in an official recognition of paper 80 years. Who were arrested for illegal activities of their respective owners. Therefore, for the triumph of capitalism in non-Western countries need to legalize the ownership of non-formals and an efficient registration system. Like a magician with a wand de Soto creates capital in those countries where it is, by definition, no. But for the liberal monetarist de Soto capital - the money, just money. Money itself will not make money, and because the author suggests the old recipe lenders "to lend money." For him, a formal property system is the place where born capital.
Everything returns to normal. De Soto provides "adequate social contract" in the spirit J.-J. Rousseau and Hobbes. The social contract is a way to assign things, and to create a national social contract is necessary to understand the psychological and social processes of formation of beliefs, habits and rules that exist in the local social contracts. Must, therefore, to use the mechanisms of professional rights for the information of all of this together into a national social contract, that is to do something that Western countries have long managed to do. Better not to say - we face the argument of Kant. For Kant, the representative of Romanticism, the French Enlightenment and founder of the German classics, the title comes from the social recognition of the legitimacy of the approval. At the same construction and the work of F. Fukuyama, "Trust» («Trust») - both of De Soto, Francis Fukuyama published in 2000
De Soto proclaims "legalist revolution led by lawyers, under the slogan of the social contract, providing the property for all and everyone. Such a return to the model fiziokratichesko-liberal dogma F. Koehne, in which the land is a source of wealth of nations. De Soto borrows from Marx's idea of ​​capitalist development. Marx speaks of the primitive accumulation of capital as the accumulation of money from slavery, land rent, imperial trade, bank interest, vulgar deceit. Today, such an accumulation is in the area of ​​drug trafficking through the territories of the Third World countries. Not by chance, most theorists of the informal economy and deregulation right insist on legalizing drugs. For examples of a long walk is not necessary: ​​De Soto himself, George Soros and Friedman. The magnificent holy trinity of free market! These three projects on the model of Marx's experience of British capitalism in the real history of American capitalism. For them, England - classic country of capitalist development.
De Soto insists that the U.S. carried out the primitive accumulation of capital at the expense of land-grabbing neighbors and expanding in all directions. From 1784 to 1850. U.S. gained more than 900 million acres by the capture: Louisiana (1803) from 500 million acres, Florida (1819) from 43 million acres, Gadsen (1853) from 19 million acres, and the war with Mexico gave 334 million acres. Indicates that during the same period U.S. Congress has allocated two million acres of land for the soldiers of the Revolution, 5 million acres for war veterans in 1812 and 13 million for fighting with Mexico.
These facts are exactly the FACTS of the old Soviet propaganda against the United States, and from them made the same conclusion: American social contract was based on the Jeffersonian model of transfer of ownership in the hands of citizens, which made it possible to establish a registration system of property that became the basis for a new generation of capital, consisting of financial securities. This version is a simplified view of history of British capitalism. She hides the truth that the U.S. was the first victorious antioligarhicheskoy republic in the world, the political form of government, not based on how parasitic extraction income, whether it be slavery, land rent or speculation. There was no russoistskogo social contract, but rather leybnitsevskaya tradition of finding the common good and general welfare. Starobritanskaya version of the story extols President E. Jackson, for his love of Economic illegals, conducts attacks against H. Cary as an economic adviser to Lincoln on the economy.
The American economic system as opposed to the British system of free trade and free enterprise was not based on extensive exploitation of resources, it used the development of science and technology as key to economic and sociocultural development. Fiziokraticheskaya and Marxist models of development are directly opposite to the Christian conception, which asserts that human cognitive abilities, skills and diligence are the source of welfare. For industrial capitalism American-style, as rightly regarded Lenin, the ability to discover new laws and universal principles of nature, to create new technologies and more sophisticated forms of production are a source of progress and the rule of man over nature. That's a better way of producing is responsible for changing the socio-economic formations.
In contrast, for De Soto cause of the failure everywhere except the West is a strange area unprovable ideas, referred to as culture. So to what a new revolution calls neoliberal de Soto, and charmed his job, Bush and Thatcher? They call for a revolution against the culture. Speak directly and without equivocation, that the cause of the crisis of capitalism is its lack of globalization and therefore the country, freed from communism, should implement globalization in its territories!
What is the type of capitalism exists in the U.S.? The answer can be only one: this is not new and efficient system, but the old, degenerate capitalism. Classical capitalism is long-term savings and responsibility to future generations. New (neoamerikanskaya, more precisely, neo-liberal) model of capitalism lies in corporate management fast and easy profits in the stock market through the opportunities of speculative financial system. Responsibility of managers ends when the share price fluctuations. Every educated person in horror from such a system overaccumulation expense of future generations that are not included in the financial market. These generations will inherit only debts.

The new information revolution was proclaimed to investors as a wonderful technology productivity, income and wealth more than the industrial revolution could have promise. And information technology work. But only in the financial market. The general concept was that new technology will provide unlimited growth, as it requires a small investment and material resources. Silica sand is all around us in unlimited quantities, but what else is needed for the chips? Indeed, new information technology requires less investment than industry. Never before has the power not to build up so quickly. It seemed that the time savings over and opened a "horn of plenty" for America and the world. But it soon became clear that this technology does not create prosperity and not increase revenue. Turned out as the gold poslekolumbovoy in the history of Europe: America has not brought the gold enriched Europe and destroy it by raising the price of the commodity mass. Then a dispute arose about the sources of wealth among the mercantilists and Physiocrats, monetarists and supporters of the labor theory of value. It turned out that the superiority of production over consumption is the sole source of wealth for society as a whole, and the construction of factories and production machinery creates jobs and provides income, and therefore capital formation is crucial welfare.
The latest hope for the successful development of the western economy proved illusory. Everybody saw a huge financial bubble - the biggest in the history of mankind. New Economy financial bubble has led to the fact that 50% of the world's population have no electricity and not use the phone, and a master plan for the planet is not even designed. Average life expectancy in the world fell in 1998-2000 was as a result of damage of globalization and post-industrial real physical economy of nations. Although a small decline (0.2 per year for men and 0.1 for women). This is the first drop since the statistics being life expectancy - for 600 years, since the final collapse of the Roman Empire and the beginning of globalization in the thirteenth century. It is true, then the imperial financial center was not London or New York, but Venice, controls the flow of currency and the production of basic goods across Europe until Mongolia.

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