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понедельник, 21 марта 2011 г.

Tavistock psychological warfare against the person

 At the beginning of World War II, Tavistock leaders have developed a secret linguistic project within the British Government's directive to prepare a psychological war against enemies. However, the object of the project were not enemies, but the English language and the peoples of the world, speaking in English. The project was based on the works of the English linguist C. Ogden, who created a simplified version of English based on 850 basic words (650 nouns and 200 verbs), which uses simplified rules for their use. Where the Bolsheviks with their abbreviations and excluded from the alphabet of three letters to Ogden! Received "basic English" or the abbreviation "Basic", adopted by a bayonet charge by British intellectuals. The fact that the authors claim to a new language translation of all the great English literature in that language, which is the same way as if we were to translate the legacy of classical Russian literature into the language of drawing comics, or digests, which, however, not so long ago an American "connoisseurs "Russian literature.
Simplified English limited the possibility of freedom of expression, thus creating a concentration camp of the mind, but the basic paradigm of meaning expressed through metaphor. As a result, created a new language is a reality that was easy to translate to the masses and appeal to their senses through metaphor-intonational structure of the language. There is a possibility not just of the global ideological diversion, but evolved universal straitjacket for consciousness. The British Ministry of Information, which during the war, fully controlled and censored information dissemination and circulation of news in the country and abroad through active experiments with BASIC on the BBC network. British Broadcasting Corporation received an order for a number of programs in BASIC in the first place by the Department of India. One of the most active operators and creators of these programs was D. George Orwell, author of "1984", which, together with his close friend H. Byurnessom was involved in a grand post-war spy scandal. Some researchers have directly linked dystopia of Orwell and his work for the BBC, noting that his "newspeak» («Newspeak») is a parody of BASIC. But this is wrong, because Orwell himself was a strong advocate of simplifying the language by BASIC. He was attracted by the simplicity of the new language, refinement of the conceptual design and the ability to cancel any slang means a new language. It turned out that everything is not fixed by BASIC, simply does not exist and vice versa: all expressed in BASIC is a complete reality! However, he expressed concern about the omnipotence of the Information Ministry (Ministry of Information in the book), controlling each and every news. That is what bothered the writer, but not as degraded himself BASIC language, and it is this aspect of language use was parodied Orwell in "1984" as an image of the Ministry of Truth («Minitrue»). BASIC was a powerful instrument for broadcasting and the formation of a simplified version of events in which the fact of censorship is simply not notice and has been viewed. Something like we saw on NTV and ORT, especially in the interpretation of odious speakers of various political events, when N. Svanidze, EA Kiselev, SV Sorokin, and AM Ponomarev, and other militant Russophobe just used some common Newspeak to describe left-wing opposition and Russian culture . Position in opposition are always losing in advance! Similarly, it is now all written in the anti-globalization chohom hooligans - in advance a losing position. Orwell's only mistake in the image of "Big Brother". Not "Big Brother is watching you", but today we are watching "Big Brother" themselves, striving after work to get their portion of the electronic drug. Project on the use of BASIC had the highest priority Cabinet Britain during the war and personally supervised by Prime Minister W. Churchill. It was supposed to transfer the work to the United States, in order to more closely tied to the former British crown colony. September 6, 1943 Churchill's speech at Harvard immediately called for a "new Boston Tea Party, in order to reject the English language and go to BASIC. Addressing an audience inveterate Anglophile Prime Minister assured them that are on the rod of a powerful cultural process, leading to a change in the world for a health-improving effect by controlling the language and therefore over the people without violence and destruction. "The future will be empires of the empire of consciousness," said Churchill. At the time, Mr. Ford said that for most people that exists is the need to think of punishment. That is why people tend to rely on someone else's opinion rather than to seek an independent decision. With this general phenomenon of conformism is connected - to live simpler, easier to do go with the flow than to row against the tide to whom "all the more necessary." Recall that the novel's characters, dystopian Huxley swear words "It's Ford! Even before the Assumption of Our Lord Ford, thanks to Ford, Ford's day, in the name of Ford, with Ford! ". There is a clear allusion to the massive car model Ford as the ancestor of techniques of mass consumer society.
We also give evidence of the ideology of a new beautiful world: "Our Lord Ford - or Freud, as he was on some inscrutable reason, referred to himself, treating the psychological problems - our Lord, Freud opened the first fatal dangers of family life. The world swarmed with their fathers - and thus suffering; swarming mothers - and hence distortions of all sorts, from sadism to chastity, swarmed brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts - teemed with insanity and suicide. "[1] In light of this new world in lectures students led gipnopedicheskuyu adage "But each belongs to everyone else" to which "the students nodded in full agreement with the statement, which - from more than sixty-two thousand repetitions in the gloom of a bedroom - became not just fair, and became the undisputed truth, self-evident and does not require proof. " They say that a Dauphin of France could not understand the explanations of his math teacher, why the sum of the angles of a triangle equals two right angles - it's parallel lines! When the teacher lost patience and exclaimed: "I swear to you, Your Highness, it is them!" Satisfied Dauphin asked in bewilderment: "Why are you talking to me did not immediately explain so convincingly?". In Russia this phenomenon is expressed in words, AS Pushkin: "We are all lazy and incurious." Pushkin himself had an acute curiosity, for which he paid with his life. English positivism have long engaged in language games, inheriting in this respect the tradition of the Austrian School, and the British intelligence has long played a cryptogram. Suffice it to recall childhood experiences of dancing figures, invented by A. Conan Doyle to decrypt S. Holmes, and if we refer to linguistic perversions British mathematician L. Carroll, decades maddening children strange world of "Alice in Wonderland", it becomes clear interest British intelligence to mechanical encoder and decoder, the code which has not been decrypted Abwehr. In contrast, British intelligence deciphered the general code of the Abwehr and the SD, which were intercepted by the critical messages of Lats and time preparing for the bombing of British cities, but the Germans would not have guessed about the decryption carried out, Churchill's personal orders forbade doomed to inform the population of the cities destroyed, thus giving to sacrifice the common people of their own country. And it's Churchill, Earl of Marlborough, Mason 33 degrees of initiation, loved most in life personal comfort. It is said that all his life he took for a portable bath and beyond serving the best cigars daily vykushival bottle of Armenian cognac. Yeltsin was ahead of him on the brandy, but lost on the side of the bath. But back to math Carroll. In his tale of the White Queen asks Alice if she knows the arithmetic operation of division: "Divide a loaf of bread with a knife - what will happen? - In my opinion ... - the beginnings of Alice, but he stepped in the Red Queen. - Sandwiches, of course - she said. And here's another example of the subtraction. Take away the dog a bone - what's left? - Alice thought. - Bone, of course, there will be no - because I take it away. The dog also will not remain - it will run for me to bite me ... Well, I certainly do not stay too! - So, you think nothing would remain? - Asked the Red Queen. - There should be nothing ... " A person who has not been in a "madhouse" of British intelligence, the "sweet new style of thinking is a complete surprise, since the classical Greek culture is built on other grounds. Thus, in Aesop's fable about how the animals were divided prey and as Leo demanded his "lion's share" (as the head quarter of the beasts, a quarter of its unparalleled courage and a quarter for his wife and children, with regard to the last quarter, any of the animals may argue with the lion because of her). Here, all called by their proper names - sophistication and eclecticism, multiplied by the force. We'd call it a "logic of Chubais, Gaidar, because the greatest interest, both for the scientist, is" a riddle degree of resistance of the material, "ie, the Russian people. At least that's what he told the 10-year anniversary of his unparalleled and unprecedented in world history institute of problems in transition economies. Shokoterapevt Gaidar, Chubais simply more naive than his lion's logic, the Union of Right Forces. We give another striking example of illogical thinking, caused by the violation of the law of identity, when there is ambiguity and sudden rethinking of words. Of ambiguity - one step away from Orwell's doublethink. So kerollovskaya conversation Alice and the Duchess: - Quite right, - has agreed to the Duchess. - Flamingo bite no worse than mustard. And the moral here is: are birds of a flight! - Only mustard is not a bird, - said Alice ... - It seems mustard - a mineral - has continued to Alice thoughtfully. - Of course, a mineral - has confirmed ... The Duchess - Mineral enormous explosive force. From it makes mine and lay in undermining morale ... And here is this: good mine is a bad game - the most important thing! - Remember - suddenly said Alice ... - Mustard - a vegetable. However, on a vegetable she does not like - and still is a vegetable! - I totally agree with you, - said the Duchess. - And the moral here is: all manner of herbs your time! Or, if you want, I will formulate simpler: do not ever think you are different than would be otherwise than as a tezh in cases where otherwise it is impossible not to be. "
This is the apotheosis of absurdity - the Duchess finally gets confused and confusing conversation. Under this scheme operates television and our incomparable N. Svanidze with my curves "mirror". However, the situation with language games of the twentieth century. differs sharply from the analogous situation of fruitless and pointless disputes in H1H. In the past, it was clear that it is pointless and boring debates are long because people use words in different senses. But even worse were obtained by controversy when one of the opponents from the ranks of intellectuals connected with the concepts of meaning and belief, and the other did not commit nothing that is not attributed the sharp no concepts to the corresponding words, so that he was able to play with words as he pleases. Such a possibility in the twentieth century. opened in street advertising.
Clearly, if attributing to specialists in linguistic games of their own style of thinking and churning confusing, it should say: "They will remove EVERYTHING!". In our view, these local experts on the resistance of the material is too much at the tender age of 16 pages of reading your favorite intellectuals of the Literary Gazette. On the last page is very symptomatic of the "club 12 chairs, named in honor of Hunter chairs OI Bender, also a favorite hero of the Soviet intelligentsia. In the 70 years. there quite often placed in the discharge of ads phrases like "taking off his coat." If the Greek Fathers of sophistry as proof of payment for sophistry "Horned," "Covered," "Father of the puppies' take on 2-3 shells from the commoners, then our great-grandchildren they have taken the entire country. Recall that the out-of-school sophists of Socrates, his wife Xanthippe often hit with a stick because he forgot to take a bribe for his studies on the market. Socrates had the duty to take at least the fish have trained dealers. But even this learned man could do, and so was pleased to drink the cup of hemlock to leave the half. What are our "myshliteli" after all this noble Children of the Arbat "? In those years, was not Arbat shopping street, and is an area inhabited by national minorities.
Today's "grandchildren Arbat" continue to actively use the sly rhetoric. At the end of 70 years. all in the Soviet Union it was clear that the phrase "developed socialism" was recovered from the archival version of Lenin's speeches is not to explain reality but to hide it in new packaging. Developed socialism replaced promised to HH11 Party Congress communism by 1980, Muscovites then joked: "The Olympics, instead of communism" - in fact, instead of communism, the Soviet people had developed socialism. Yeltsin's entourage also actively masked the health of an expensive cartridge - poshedshie from the presidential press secretary Sergei Yastrzhembsky evasive phrase "handshake" and "work with documents in the country" hide poor health, "popularly elected", which, in his own confidence "may be withdrawn only God. "
Now the author of expressions, working assistant new head of state, acknowledged in his craftiness. However, a new era gives birth to new songs and we got a new euphemisms such as "power vertical," "dictatorship of law" and even "political technology." The latter refers to what used to be called a cynical bullying - cloning candidates namesakes, sending out letters on behalf of a woman candidate with an attachment in an envelope gaskets with wings. The new language obscures what is happening again and creates a new linguistic reality. At one time, the Bolsheviks offered at the first Congress of the Communist International to introduce compulsory study of all communist countries, Esperanto, so that the Communists were easier to communicate with each other and knock out of the hands of the bourgeoisie of its weapons of multilingualism. In postmodernity multilingualism and mnogosmyslie rolled on us like a snowball. The British invention of Newspeak was not supported by FD Roosevelt, who publicly declared the upstart project simply "stupid." However, the propaganda machine is already running at full speed - suggestions were becoming shorter, simpler vocabulary, news, structured on the intonation and metaphorical model. Exactly the same thing happened on the other side of the Channel, where German TV (!) Led the intense news and feature broadcasts in luxury villas and apartments bosses of the Third Reich. After the war, British television is fully inherited this "sweet new style" - used simple sentences, limited vocabulary, information emasculated, and sports programs programmed by the special truncated graph. In the middle of 70 years. such a degradation of language reached its peak. Beyond the scope of 850 words were used only geographical names and proper names, resulting in the average American's vocabulary does not go beyond 850 words (excluding proper names, specialized terms). At the end of the twentieth century. Americans were like the Laocoon entangled communication linkages and cables, but the information content was just miserable. The case came down to the picture and its verbal support. All were more common curiosities, when a man hit by a car, refused to go to the hospital, but instead on television from a nearby bar saw to it if he got in the evening news. The loser does not become a "wounded the news, asked:" What should I do to get into television, to be killed or what? "I remember O. Bender, came kicking all editions in the House of Peoples' order only to give a rebuttal of information that he was "Knocked down by a horse (that's was titled article about him and it was for her unfaithful husband, who had gone to a meeting of the Small People's Commissars, and catching the filter, computed thirsty Madame Gritsatsuyeva Bender). For Russia, the general importance of words, rather than figurative culture. Throughout the Soviet and post-Soviet space book popular cinema and television screens. It is hard to imagine that in our stores could be sold footage of the film, as is done in France, although Russia has a love for a certain type of cinematic images. Yet our people do not think the images, but intelligent verbal constructs. The report of the Club of Rome 1991 "First Global Revolution" Sir Alexander King, science adviser and the educational policy of the royal family and the person of Prince Philip, wrote that the new opportunities and communication technology greatly expand the power of the media. That the media have become the most powerful weapon and an agent of change in the struggle for the establishment of "odnomirnogo" neo-Malthusian order. Understanding the role of the media derives from the work Tavistock Institute. Tavistock Institute has been approved as a research center at the end of a World War II, under the patronage of George Duke of Kent (1902-1942) and the Tavistock Clinic guided Rolinzom D. Rice as a center of psychological warfare, coordinated Intelligence Service and the royal family. Result of the work in the interwar period was the creation of the theory of mass brainwashing (breynvoshing ") in order to change individual values ​​and hidden dominant social values ​​that govern social development. In the 30 years. Tavistock Centre has developed a close and symbiotic relationship with the Frankfurt School, created in turn the European oligarchy to develop a critical analysis of culture with neofreydistskih positions. Even after moving to the leaders of schools in the United States from Germany in the second half of the 30 years., The school received its first order and execute it on the basis of Princeton as a "Research Project Radio. During the war, leaders of school and center to coordinate their efforts within the structures of American psychological warfare such as the Committee for National Morale and the strategic bomber Services.
"How to start a Homeland? With pictures in your primer "- singing our Soviet generation. And then it was "With the old paternal Budenovka that somewhere in the closet we found." Another option: "From the very young birches that in the field, the wind, bending increases. Maybe it starts with spring zapevki starling, with the very same dirt road, which is no end in sight. " But on the whole meaning of the song that does not begin with Homeland a picture, and with an oath that you carried in your heart. " Here it is - the Russian heart! West gives a different answer - it all starts with a picture in my head.
Experts on brainwashing dream move a picture in my head - the limit of dreams manipulator: the fact that you have created, once transplanted into someone else's head, from which it has ceased to be a stranger. An privatization of foreign heads like a primitive headhunters. Savages were good, but the head neighbors digging and dried to the size of a lemon, and then submit future wife as proof of their serious intentions to get married, because in the netherworld of the groom are present is a servant. Modern controllers also understand all too literally, as in the definition of Marx, where the ideal is material, the human mind and translated into it. " And this statement is vulgar materialists manipulators understood literally. During the First World War and later the British Psychological military services coordinate the project defeat the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in the form of shock therapy bomb. This project has been retained in detail the Japanese General Staff and played on Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese blitzkrieg idea was borrowed from the arsenal of psychological warfare. Already in 1922 W. Lippmann (1889-1974) in the cult for journalists book "Public Opinion" defined it as follows: images inside the heads of human beings, pictures of themselves and others, needs and goals, relationships. [2] These images and there is a Public Opinion with capital letters. Lippmann was terribly afraid of European totalitarianism, and feared the threat of another world war, he was convinced that the national plan - a straight road to serfdom, and therefore interested in manipulative practices by which you can change human nature. Lippmann was first translated Freudian writings into English, and the First World War he served in the British parts of psychological warfare and propaganda in the Wellington House in the group, which served as a nephew of Freud, A. Bernes. The latter created by "Madison Avenue" that specialize in handling the person. Lippman's book was published almost simultaneously with the work of Freud's psychology of the masses. " Tavistock Centre had already made a fundamental conclusion: the use of terror makes a person like a child who has a rational-critical function of thinking is off, and emotional responses to different situations very predictable and quite profitable for the manipulator. Therefore, monitoring of levels of anxiety, personality allows you to control large social groups. In this case, controllers are based on the Freudian view of man as the Beast, whose creativity can still be reduced to a neurotic and erotic impulses, filling the mind each time re-drawn pictures. Lippmann believed that people just dream reduce complex problems to simple solutions, in order to believe in what they think, believe around. This simplified image of the totemic human extrapolated to modern humans. Is not modern primitive state! Lippman insists that the addition of so-called "human interest", sports or crime stories to more serious stories about international relations can reduce attention to the serious stuff. Such a method should be used for educational purposes illiterate population and lowering the general level of culture so that people believed that what they think others believe. In general, everything happens as in the popular not so long song: "I looked around to see if she has not looked to see if I did not look back." This is the mechanism for the formation of public opinion. According to Lippman opinion leaders a powerful and successful urban elite, which receives international influence on the Western Hemisphere, with London in the middle. Lippmann himself came from a community of English Fabian socialist movement, from which he moved to the U.S. Department of Tavistock Institute. In this department, he strongly opposed the spirit and content of the anti-imperialist and antioligarhicheskoy policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Lippman worked as a team with the services of public opinion polls by Gallup and Roper, created on the basis of Tavistock and development programs. Until now, Roper and Gallup polls are functioning in the interests of oligarchic structures and the media cartel. [3] Polls clearly show that the victim of manipulation can not speculate about what their environment is completely controlled manipulators, as expected plurality, and even an abundance of sources of information, which is only slightly different in focus, in order to disguise the meaning and significance of an external hard control. Victims remains to choose the details and responses to external stimuli, ultimately, they are allowed to decide "in what time and how to use the machine for podstrizhki lawn. But this latest appearance of freedom and then subtracted in a thriller, where (as in "Lawnmower Man") machine out of control people and begin to destroy their hosts. W. Lippmann comes from the fact that ordinary people do not learn, but believe. They believe the "opinion leaders", those whose image has been created media as he established actors of movies that have great influence on the public rather than political figures. Modern public relations has successfully used this finding classic manipulation - in the cage all the lists of political parties include the actors as the first figure, however, despite the fact that "Mikhalkov's" simply not able to work in parliament, they elect a lush mustache, a hoarse voice "of the hero -lover "and a radiant smile, publicized on the calendar on the wall.
Weight is perceived as completely illiterate, idiot, completely neurotic, frustrated rich individuals, and therefore reminds children or barbarians, whose life is a chain of entertainment and amusements. Lippman has carefully examined the reading of newspapers students colleges. He noted that although each student insisted that he was well read, in fact, all students are small, they remember from your reading, in addition particularly memorable circumstances of the most important events. Students remembered the same details of the news, despite the fact that they had received information from various sources, and the more often remembered news stories, the less the students were able to recall anything about any particular news. All respondents were confident that they read a truthful description of events. [4] Even more powerful impact on the movie has brainwashing. Generally, in America a special role in shaping public opinion plays a Hollywood, for an American film as a process of viewing, describing and messages, and the imagination pictures in my head is carried out only on a personal level and "going for you." Lippman recalls a propaganda film D. Griffith of the Ku Klux Klan, after which no American can not imagine a clan without causing a memory image of the white hoodie. In 2001, the U.S. was filmed the first digital film "Final Fantasy" against people with aliens conquer Earth. But the crux of the matter is not in it, and that the movie does not play live actors - it lifted with the help of computer graphics "digital actors". These actors are not visible expression of the eyes - a mirror of the soul ", but they have excellent body, did not get sick and takes 24 hours a day. Live actors do not need. Now, enough to burn the image of the actor in the computer memory and can be shot underground film, for which the actor does not need to pay, and the audience will imagine that he is dealing not with a full fiction, but reality. Public opinion is formed on behalf of the elite and for the elite. London is at the heart of the elite of the Western Hemisphere, says Lippman. The composition of the elite consists of the most influential people of the world, the diplomatic corps, senior financial officers, senior management of the army and navy, the church hierarchy, the owners of major newspapers and their wives and families. That they are able to create a "Great Society" One World, in which specific "intelligence bureau" will be commissioned to paint pictures in people's minds. However, not movies, but radio is an essential tool for Lippman media technologies. Radio is in every house without permission and consumed individualized. In 1937, the 32 million American households, 27.5 million had a radio, which exceeded the percentage of owners of cars, telephones and even electricity! In the same year he started a research project on radio propaganda, by the Frankfurt School was in charge of his VP Lazersfeld, he was assisted by Cantril and Allport, together with F. Stanton, who later became president of the Rand-Corporation. Theoretical understanding of the project was carried out by Benjamin B. and T. Adorno, proving that the media can be used for guidance of mental illness and regressive states, atomized individuals. Individuals are not children, but fall into the children's regression. Researcher radiodram (soap operas), Mr. Herzog has found that their popularity can be attributed to the social-professional characteristics of the audience, but the format of plays, which is a habit. Brainwashed force serialization was found in films and television movies: "soap" look more than 70% of American women over the age of 18, contemplating two or more shows a day. Other well-known radio project associated with radipostanovkoy O. Welles "War of the Worlds" DG Wells in 1938, more than 25% of the participants perceived the statement as an informational message about the invasion from Mars that led to a national panic, as a result it was decided to continuously repeat the announcer reported that the play is fantastic and artistic nature. Most listeners did not believe the Martians, but they are expected to stress the German invasion in the light of the Munich Agreement, which was reported in the news right before broadcasting play. Listeners responded to the format, not the content of the program! It was found that radio listeners are so brainwashed that they are fragmented and no longer something to think, but because mere repetition of a given size is the key to success and popularity. PhD, prof. Nekrasov, SN

[1] E. Zamyatin, Huxley, A., D. We Orwell. O brave new world. 1984. Sverdlovsk, 1991. with. 188 [2] See Diggins J.P. Walt Lippman / / A companion to american thought. Mass. 1995. P.406 [3] See Beville H.M. Audience ratings - Radio, TV and cable. N.J. 1988. [4] Emery M., Emery E. The press and America. An interpretive history of the mass media. N.J. 1992. 7 ed.

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