Contemporary Archive 1991
What happened, prompting why it is necessary to issue this decree concerning the committees in enterprises, not some other?Tell how long one pilgrim crossing the desert. The day came when the desire clouded his mind, and he began to look for copulation with a camel. But the camel would not sin, and each time was running away from the stranger. Finally, cried the stranger. Then came to him a beautiful girl and promised to fulfill any of its request. A stranger asked her to hold the camel.So much noise about the April price increase - and no polslovechka their increased after the class presidency. While criticism of the first (Pavlovsk-ryzhkovskogo) increase was the most important point on the road to independence government.
Can be assumed that it will be those companies departizatsiya golden key, which is designed to open the iron curtain fresh wind of market economy and universal happiness (if not boring Nizam? Boyars shave their beards!) Or undertaking with the Party committees should entertain driven officials to handle up to evil apathy emerging middle class? Maybe Boris too literally understood neologism Gorbachev's "new thinking"?Let's try to think at all. Much as we can. Referring to the image hazanovskomu "wolves and sheep." And those and others - animals, they want to live, and the quality of his last public, so to speak, obschezhivotnaya value. But instead of respecting individual rights sheep, wolf pulls the blanket over himself and, lacking political culture, eating sheep. That is, from the existence of the total value of absolutely nothing is impossible to obtain, but the sheep will be invited to take pity wolves, go out to meet them, have a biological partnership - in the name of integrity, in the name of common values. Thus pushing "obschezhivotnyh values" will be used class against class wolves sheep. Messrs. democrats available this level of thinking?Have you noticed how quiet tone. It's tired. No call fideists, sycophants imperialist apologists, the Pharisees, the embryo of progress, intellectual impotent ... once on TV "actress" Vertinskaya evaluates manhood President of the RSFSR - actually uses TV to boost demand - and in front of this piece show of her new film ("Triumph of the actor!"), where she and her frenzied thrust face several times excellent hunting knife in a mattress stuffed with some blood and muck under depicting a male opponent to start a lesbian aunt, lying under my mattress and at this time in the person of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet deputy Permian Zalewski already revived in a very literal form of political prostitution ...
We spoke with reporters Permian "Trade Union Courier." "You GCO" workers "should support the president's policy in respect of the party committees in enterprises ... at work to work, not to engage in intrigue ... if monarchists, cadets and ten parties want their party committees in the factories, oh, what will be ..." and so . on touching concern for the working man, touching loyalty. Touching that before Yeltsin was also loyal, though, and with the tacit approval of the same political activity in the factories.Well, sat quietly, took pen, opened the notebook. Topic: A critique of Hegel's philosophy of law ... Given: the Decree on departizatsii enterprises. Prove decree aims, first of all, against the workers, strengthens the position of the Communist Party elite and weaken the development of workers' organizations ... Shakhrai not shawls, stop poking a pen in the back Khasbulatov. I ask to the microphone.
This is not a decree departizatsii. - Excellent! - He did not prohibit membership in parties. On the contrary, the guarantee of the constitutional norm is introduced (Article 49 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), in accordance with which the citizen can not be fired or prosecuted for what he does in politics ... The decree does not contradict the Constitution of the USSR, the RSFSR and the USSR Law on Public Associations. Was performed flawless its international legal expertise. Decree increases the equality of citizens. ("Democratic Russia», № 19, 1991).
Children! Set aside the pen aside. You confused, it's not exercise, think, think, we learn.Assume that a decree went out that wolves have no right to eat the sheep right in the herd. Who will use the decree? Wolf. It will be protected from encroachment by the dog outside the herd, while dragging a sheep into the woods.Who is by far the most organized? Elite Party. In the Russian Federation Communist Party members only a little over 10 million Therefore, the organized force (together with other parties) will fill a decree that empty abstraction, content beneficial to her. Powerless, unorganized workers machinery can not stop her.To Gorbachev and Yeltsin existed great Constitution, according to which the power belongs to the workers and peasants. Who have used this piece of paper for a history of the Union, did the workers and peasants?Since 1983, though waning effect, yet the law - Andropov - the workplace. Who used it in the first place? Director. An opportunity to blame all the ills of pocket STK.Decree can not raise the level of citizens' equality. It can only increase the citizens themselves. And so it is then secured in the law.Next. Who cared factory Party committee, who's the boss in the factory? Director. It defines the life of the workers, grants or apartment fires, increases, humiliates, and more. Every worker knows that the activity is punishable deferred apartment, a reminder of the meeting with the police, prison bonuses etc. A party committee - an appendage, like the trade union. The only thing that worries the director - is, on the one hand, to retain power, and on the other - to save over a ministry to less responsibility.March of this year. The Conference of the plant. Sverdlov to adopt collective agreement. Party secretary Ivkin not admitted to the Council of Administration of the company.We talk with the workers aggregate KB Plant. Kalinin fan of social democracy and a member of it. It's about making a point about the collective agreement departizatsii. Shrug. But I suggest experimenting. The bottom line: the administration was pleased to accept this point.Must be stunningly modern man to consider departizatsiyu "undermine the foundations of the Communist Party." This decree - only the external gesture, another oath of allegiance to the new ideal, or rather, the signboard. The ideals of little concern to Boris, because it was necessary to create the next "Communist" party on his own chair. And it is not in opposition to anti-communist Travkin, and in opposition to anti-communist skid with "scientists" Sergeyev. Ie, the oath own chair ...There is some relationship between the Politburo, the ministries, the Association of Directors of the Union, the trade unions. All this - the structure of the higher echelons of the Communist Party. As departizatsiya may affect their interaction? Very weak ... For example, the ideology of the Permian deputy Party Committee Kopysova unimportant city committee of the CPSU, and she refuses his staff in the room, offering during his vacation to work in her office. And territorial organization of the Communist Party prejudice, and without any decree.You can even organize a negative response to the Decree - the best way to show that rumors of its death are greatly exaggerated the Communist Party, is not found. Interested tradesman will be sure that this is where the fate of Russia, and he himself, choosing between several groups of bourgeois - who is better? - Takes part in the life of the village to the best of their own idiocy. (Sorry, that use of the term "class", "bourgeoisie" is now not accepted, but, as the French structuralist Roland Barthes, the bourgeoisie can be defined as a social class that does not want to be named). Worst of all - a negative response arose spontaneously in the light of the fact that the most flexible party nomenklatura happily supports Ordinance.
My insane journalists, they claim that they were bored of our plot - work to do! Well, I am too tired of your plot. Contents of the labor movement is not, and those who found the chair, the situation suits. For them, now you need to work responsibly worked. Five years ago, talking about democracy dempressa the same thing, instead of every work in the workplace, people rally. You'd think that the members of regional committees not come off of a shovel.The enterprise workers easier than elsewhere, organize and participate in political life. Socialism, he said, - is when everyone after working eight-hour lesson deals with state activities. Decree suffer from in the first place, emerging labor organizations.Our Social Democrats, for example, the class approach seems out of date, they prefer to talk about the rights of the individual. At the same time, some may be involved in politics, but someone should not ... Because of political self-organization of workers is clearly hindered - starting conditions for them are much worse. That is, the policy SDPR is no different from the previous practice of the Communist Party, through which about any state of the working is not out of the question.A year ago, after the multi-party "Party committees - out with companies!" Administration 3rd motor company Perm banned group "Voice of working" posting information stand. Working committees Kuzbass experience today - due to the Decree - the pressure from the administration. The Working Committee of the company has the right to register as a political organization, so in the property relations within the company working committee will have only advisory.Links in the chain: the persecution of the industrial constituencies - the elimination of elected directors - the elimination of STC - restriction of the labor movement trade unions - legal abolition of Soviet power, the transition to city administrations - and, finally, the decree departizatsii.In the 20 years of the party structure in Germany, formed from the "bosses" and "gray ranks." Past did not understand - they have recruited, only to vote for the bosses. And such was the practice of the CPSU. This is the practice today DWP SDPR etc. Today, when the power is translated into money, and the level of ownership is reduced by up to orders of possession, the Communist Party elite, it became clear that pull the ballast gray ranks pointless. One fifth of the members left the Communist Party, is now eliminated partkomovskie extra mouths. Those at the top of the CPSU up joint ventures, flowing in the defense industry (in the Perm region - Kadyrov, the first secretary of the city committee Nytvensky, then third secretary of the regional committee, became director Nytvensky Steel, left in a similar structure and Demin, second secretary of the regional committee), in mining, etc. . Upstairs there is a change of signboards and shuffle music, and Russia - "Russia - all the same drowsiness, Petersburg and longitudinal", all the same social prematurity.
Wilt sheet is summers. Sprinkle all our poor garden. We talk to "trade union courier", they are democrats and I can not afford to express dissatisfaction with the owner. Feeling as if talking to newspaper clippings from the capital, instead of talking - newspaper cliche, the value of any argument - no more than the noise of street traffic. I hang up, that there is international practice, and it is, they say, confirms the validity of the Decree, the practice has proved injustice de Marx's theory.Imagine that we are in a row to fix the TV. Suppose the tester is broken, and we use it in practice. Or, for example, wind deflects the arrow on the scale of the device, and our bad experience shows that TV is not defective. And if you really fix, it will show that broken. It is therefore worth asking even more questions.If the "market", who it is meant to be the main force, workers or employers? If privatization, then for whom? If you practice, then whose? Say Guderian argued similarly, that is, made a logical error, substituted the name of judgment, abstract passed off concrete. Humanity - told Guderian - most stories carried in the wars. Consequently, the war - the natural state of mankind. Although the war - the natural state of mankind is not, and part of it - the bourgeoisie, which implements the economic interests at the expense of wars. This interest of humanity is issued for the interest of mankind as a whole. Even easier: most natural does not mean, on the contrary, affectation.During elections to the USSR Supreme Soviet Chairman Motovilikha Perm District Council Yuri Antipov promoted in association "Malachite" Bulaeva, plant director Lenin. Antipov advertised that the director was in favor of private ownership. Hall clapped approvingly. And no one asked the question, whose private property has in mind Bulaev - because clearly the same as his. Values common to all mankind, but the property is private. More precisely, private property - human value. More precisely, the property has a value of those few who do not have property rights. That's it.Our director, spoke out against Article 6 of the Constitution. Well, the article was removed. What has changed for the worker? Anything at all changed?Of course, neither Yeltsin nor the factory managers are not satisfied with the working of the organization as an independent political force. Working Committee on Uralmash depressed chairman dismissed. On a three-week strike Permian furniture factory Yeltsin ignored, although he was asked for help workers. The strike committee casters Permian Research Mechanical fired and working again during the strike turned to Yeltsin. The same thing - on the second motor transport enterprise Perm. The Working Committee of the plant im.Sverdlova Perm administration also suppressed Cherkashina director and his deputy Mayanova.Now let's see how overwhelming political labor organizations in other countries, which he referred to the example of our journalists. For example, in India. "Vishvand Karnik, the agency" Press Trust of India ":" Political parties are not allowed to organize their cells or in private enterprises or in institutions. Moreover, government officials, and officers of the army and police are not allowed to be members of any political party. " About the same in Albania, Hungary. Sweden: "According to our correspondent for Swedish Television in Moscow Hedborg Elizabeth, in her country, the cells of political parties are not allowed to operate in businesses and government offices. Party influence is only indirectly through the trade unions. They are often under the influence of a political party, but in this case we are talking about the protection of social and economic rights of workers and employees "(" Digest Chimes », № 2, August 1991).However, the newspaper does not lead to an example of, say, France, where union General Conference of Labour (the influence of the Communist Party of Socialists) is engaged not only protected, but also political challenges on technology policy. However, for 10 years prior to our reorganization of the French company has stopped the persecution of politgruppy. They stopped to notice - the Japanese example, and this type of exposure - more powerful ...Bad bind faster. French porter will bring Russian children just because he's a foreigner. Press remarkably selective, it appeals to the opinion of the philistine, bypassing the normal view of a man whose head is not clogged newspaper information. Should I feel sorry for the freedom of this print?
Boris Ikhlov, a member of the Council of Representatives
politobedineniya "Worker"
What happened, prompting why it is necessary to issue this decree concerning the committees in enterprises, not some other?Tell how long one pilgrim crossing the desert. The day came when the desire clouded his mind, and he began to look for copulation with a camel. But the camel would not sin, and each time was running away from the stranger. Finally, cried the stranger. Then came to him a beautiful girl and promised to fulfill any of its request. A stranger asked her to hold the camel.So much noise about the April price increase - and no polslovechka their increased after the class presidency. While criticism of the first (Pavlovsk-ryzhkovskogo) increase was the most important point on the road to independence government.
Can be assumed that it will be those companies departizatsiya golden key, which is designed to open the iron curtain fresh wind of market economy and universal happiness (if not boring Nizam? Boyars shave their beards!) Or undertaking with the Party committees should entertain driven officials to handle up to evil apathy emerging middle class? Maybe Boris too literally understood neologism Gorbachev's "new thinking"?Let's try to think at all. Much as we can. Referring to the image hazanovskomu "wolves and sheep." And those and others - animals, they want to live, and the quality of his last public, so to speak, obschezhivotnaya value. But instead of respecting individual rights sheep, wolf pulls the blanket over himself and, lacking political culture, eating sheep. That is, from the existence of the total value of absolutely nothing is impossible to obtain, but the sheep will be invited to take pity wolves, go out to meet them, have a biological partnership - in the name of integrity, in the name of common values. Thus pushing "obschezhivotnyh values" will be used class against class wolves sheep. Messrs. democrats available this level of thinking?Have you noticed how quiet tone. It's tired. No call fideists, sycophants imperialist apologists, the Pharisees, the embryo of progress, intellectual impotent ... once on TV "actress" Vertinskaya evaluates manhood President of the RSFSR - actually uses TV to boost demand - and in front of this piece show of her new film ("Triumph of the actor!"), where she and her frenzied thrust face several times excellent hunting knife in a mattress stuffed with some blood and muck under depicting a male opponent to start a lesbian aunt, lying under my mattress and at this time in the person of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet deputy Permian Zalewski already revived in a very literal form of political prostitution ...
We spoke with reporters Permian "Trade Union Courier." "You GCO" workers "should support the president's policy in respect of the party committees in enterprises ... at work to work, not to engage in intrigue ... if monarchists, cadets and ten parties want their party committees in the factories, oh, what will be ..." and so . on touching concern for the working man, touching loyalty. Touching that before Yeltsin was also loyal, though, and with the tacit approval of the same political activity in the factories.Well, sat quietly, took pen, opened the notebook. Topic: A critique of Hegel's philosophy of law ... Given: the Decree on departizatsii enterprises. Prove decree aims, first of all, against the workers, strengthens the position of the Communist Party elite and weaken the development of workers' organizations ... Shakhrai not shawls, stop poking a pen in the back Khasbulatov. I ask to the microphone.
This is not a decree departizatsii. - Excellent! - He did not prohibit membership in parties. On the contrary, the guarantee of the constitutional norm is introduced (Article 49 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), in accordance with which the citizen can not be fired or prosecuted for what he does in politics ... The decree does not contradict the Constitution of the USSR, the RSFSR and the USSR Law on Public Associations. Was performed flawless its international legal expertise. Decree increases the equality of citizens. ("Democratic Russia», № 19, 1991).
Children! Set aside the pen aside. You confused, it's not exercise, think, think, we learn.Assume that a decree went out that wolves have no right to eat the sheep right in the herd. Who will use the decree? Wolf. It will be protected from encroachment by the dog outside the herd, while dragging a sheep into the woods.Who is by far the most organized? Elite Party. In the Russian Federation Communist Party members only a little over 10 million Therefore, the organized force (together with other parties) will fill a decree that empty abstraction, content beneficial to her. Powerless, unorganized workers machinery can not stop her.To Gorbachev and Yeltsin existed great Constitution, according to which the power belongs to the workers and peasants. Who have used this piece of paper for a history of the Union, did the workers and peasants?Since 1983, though waning effect, yet the law - Andropov - the workplace. Who used it in the first place? Director. An opportunity to blame all the ills of pocket STK.Decree can not raise the level of citizens' equality. It can only increase the citizens themselves. And so it is then secured in the law.Next. Who cared factory Party committee, who's the boss in the factory? Director. It defines the life of the workers, grants or apartment fires, increases, humiliates, and more. Every worker knows that the activity is punishable deferred apartment, a reminder of the meeting with the police, prison bonuses etc. A party committee - an appendage, like the trade union. The only thing that worries the director - is, on the one hand, to retain power, and on the other - to save over a ministry to less responsibility.March of this year. The Conference of the plant. Sverdlov to adopt collective agreement. Party secretary Ivkin not admitted to the Council of Administration of the company.We talk with the workers aggregate KB Plant. Kalinin fan of social democracy and a member of it. It's about making a point about the collective agreement departizatsii. Shrug. But I suggest experimenting. The bottom line: the administration was pleased to accept this point.Must be stunningly modern man to consider departizatsiyu "undermine the foundations of the Communist Party." This decree - only the external gesture, another oath of allegiance to the new ideal, or rather, the signboard. The ideals of little concern to Boris, because it was necessary to create the next "Communist" party on his own chair. And it is not in opposition to anti-communist Travkin, and in opposition to anti-communist skid with "scientists" Sergeyev. Ie, the oath own chair ...There is some relationship between the Politburo, the ministries, the Association of Directors of the Union, the trade unions. All this - the structure of the higher echelons of the Communist Party. As departizatsiya may affect their interaction? Very weak ... For example, the ideology of the Permian deputy Party Committee Kopysova unimportant city committee of the CPSU, and she refuses his staff in the room, offering during his vacation to work in her office. And territorial organization of the Communist Party prejudice, and without any decree.You can even organize a negative response to the Decree - the best way to show that rumors of its death are greatly exaggerated the Communist Party, is not found. Interested tradesman will be sure that this is where the fate of Russia, and he himself, choosing between several groups of bourgeois - who is better? - Takes part in the life of the village to the best of their own idiocy. (Sorry, that use of the term "class", "bourgeoisie" is now not accepted, but, as the French structuralist Roland Barthes, the bourgeoisie can be defined as a social class that does not want to be named). Worst of all - a negative response arose spontaneously in the light of the fact that the most flexible party nomenklatura happily supports Ordinance.
My insane journalists, they claim that they were bored of our plot - work to do! Well, I am too tired of your plot. Contents of the labor movement is not, and those who found the chair, the situation suits. For them, now you need to work responsibly worked. Five years ago, talking about democracy dempressa the same thing, instead of every work in the workplace, people rally. You'd think that the members of regional committees not come off of a shovel.The enterprise workers easier than elsewhere, organize and participate in political life. Socialism, he said, - is when everyone after working eight-hour lesson deals with state activities. Decree suffer from in the first place, emerging labor organizations.Our Social Democrats, for example, the class approach seems out of date, they prefer to talk about the rights of the individual. At the same time, some may be involved in politics, but someone should not ... Because of political self-organization of workers is clearly hindered - starting conditions for them are much worse. That is, the policy SDPR is no different from the previous practice of the Communist Party, through which about any state of the working is not out of the question.A year ago, after the multi-party "Party committees - out with companies!" Administration 3rd motor company Perm banned group "Voice of working" posting information stand. Working committees Kuzbass experience today - due to the Decree - the pressure from the administration. The Working Committee of the company has the right to register as a political organization, so in the property relations within the company working committee will have only advisory.Links in the chain: the persecution of the industrial constituencies - the elimination of elected directors - the elimination of STC - restriction of the labor movement trade unions - legal abolition of Soviet power, the transition to city administrations - and, finally, the decree departizatsii.In the 20 years of the party structure in Germany, formed from the "bosses" and "gray ranks." Past did not understand - they have recruited, only to vote for the bosses. And such was the practice of the CPSU. This is the practice today DWP SDPR etc. Today, when the power is translated into money, and the level of ownership is reduced by up to orders of possession, the Communist Party elite, it became clear that pull the ballast gray ranks pointless. One fifth of the members left the Communist Party, is now eliminated partkomovskie extra mouths. Those at the top of the CPSU up joint ventures, flowing in the defense industry (in the Perm region - Kadyrov, the first secretary of the city committee Nytvensky, then third secretary of the regional committee, became director Nytvensky Steel, left in a similar structure and Demin, second secretary of the regional committee), in mining, etc. . Upstairs there is a change of signboards and shuffle music, and Russia - "Russia - all the same drowsiness, Petersburg and longitudinal", all the same social prematurity.
Wilt sheet is summers. Sprinkle all our poor garden. We talk to "trade union courier", they are democrats and I can not afford to express dissatisfaction with the owner. Feeling as if talking to newspaper clippings from the capital, instead of talking - newspaper cliche, the value of any argument - no more than the noise of street traffic. I hang up, that there is international practice, and it is, they say, confirms the validity of the Decree, the practice has proved injustice de Marx's theory.Imagine that we are in a row to fix the TV. Suppose the tester is broken, and we use it in practice. Or, for example, wind deflects the arrow on the scale of the device, and our bad experience shows that TV is not defective. And if you really fix, it will show that broken. It is therefore worth asking even more questions.If the "market", who it is meant to be the main force, workers or employers? If privatization, then for whom? If you practice, then whose? Say Guderian argued similarly, that is, made a logical error, substituted the name of judgment, abstract passed off concrete. Humanity - told Guderian - most stories carried in the wars. Consequently, the war - the natural state of mankind. Although the war - the natural state of mankind is not, and part of it - the bourgeoisie, which implements the economic interests at the expense of wars. This interest of humanity is issued for the interest of mankind as a whole. Even easier: most natural does not mean, on the contrary, affectation.During elections to the USSR Supreme Soviet Chairman Motovilikha Perm District Council Yuri Antipov promoted in association "Malachite" Bulaeva, plant director Lenin. Antipov advertised that the director was in favor of private ownership. Hall clapped approvingly. And no one asked the question, whose private property has in mind Bulaev - because clearly the same as his. Values common to all mankind, but the property is private. More precisely, private property - human value. More precisely, the property has a value of those few who do not have property rights. That's it.Our director, spoke out against Article 6 of the Constitution. Well, the article was removed. What has changed for the worker? Anything at all changed?Of course, neither Yeltsin nor the factory managers are not satisfied with the working of the organization as an independent political force. Working Committee on Uralmash depressed chairman dismissed. On a three-week strike Permian furniture factory Yeltsin ignored, although he was asked for help workers. The strike committee casters Permian Research Mechanical fired and working again during the strike turned to Yeltsin. The same thing - on the second motor transport enterprise Perm. The Working Committee of the plant im.Sverdlova Perm administration also suppressed Cherkashina director and his deputy Mayanova.Now let's see how overwhelming political labor organizations in other countries, which he referred to the example of our journalists. For example, in India. "Vishvand Karnik, the agency" Press Trust of India ":" Political parties are not allowed to organize their cells or in private enterprises or in institutions. Moreover, government officials, and officers of the army and police are not allowed to be members of any political party. " About the same in Albania, Hungary. Sweden: "According to our correspondent for Swedish Television in Moscow Hedborg Elizabeth, in her country, the cells of political parties are not allowed to operate in businesses and government offices. Party influence is only indirectly through the trade unions. They are often under the influence of a political party, but in this case we are talking about the protection of social and economic rights of workers and employees "(" Digest Chimes », № 2, August 1991).However, the newspaper does not lead to an example of, say, France, where union General Conference of Labour (the influence of the Communist Party of Socialists) is engaged not only protected, but also political challenges on technology policy. However, for 10 years prior to our reorganization of the French company has stopped the persecution of politgruppy. They stopped to notice - the Japanese example, and this type of exposure - more powerful ...Bad bind faster. French porter will bring Russian children just because he's a foreigner. Press remarkably selective, it appeals to the opinion of the philistine, bypassing the normal view of a man whose head is not clogged newspaper information. Should I feel sorry for the freedom of this print?
Boris Ikhlov, a member of the Council of Representatives
politobedineniya "Worker"
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