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среда, 2 марта 2011 г.

Imperialism and democracy

 In the modern system of definitions and concepts of society, no not maintained as often and as shamelessly as the concept of democracy. In the twentieth century under the banner of democracy has started an aggressive war, bombed the city, robbing people, killing people, by the territorial and economic annexation States. U.S. troops invaded Iraq in order to capture the sources of raw materials, a clear confirmation.
The concept of democracy has long been turned into a stamp that imperialism has successfully used to implement the most sophisticated and unprecedented crimes against the person.
Today it is difficult to find a politician who would not speak about democracy, but, as difficult to find and those who have exposed the causes of the violation of democratic procedures, would show a perverse relationship of capital and power. For some reason, everyone is talking about some abstract democratic, sovereign democracy, or democracy in an uncertain place. Nobody wants to talk and seek real democratic control procedures in practice. And Russian politicians, in this case is no exception.
Despite the fact that in modern Russia, no state institution could not be considered democratic, because of numerous irregularities in the observance of democratic principles. And they are not being violated because officials do not understand why they do it, but because it is profitable to the ruling bureaucracy involving thousands of threads to monopoly capital. Profitable for them to be regulated market system, coupled with controlled democracy.
Over the past century, we are not just once or twice observed a bourgeois democracy, namely the kind of democracy exists in most developed countries, has been transformed into a dictatorship of big capital. And the higher the concentration of capital and its influence on power, the less democratic society. Imperialism has finally turned from democracy to dictatorship and began its triumphal march around the world. While in capitalist society, democracy is always limited by the framework of capitalist exploitation and is always a democracy for the minority, only for the propertied classes, only for the rich, yet, during the formation of capital, during his childhood, pre-monopoly, the bourgeoisie was trying to comply with the formal democratic norms. Now we see how brazenly violated the rights of peoples and nations, as increased militarism, as a monopoly, marching for peace, and destroy any stirrings of democracy. Bourgeois democracy for an insignificant minority, democracy for the rich, with a concentration of capital and establishment of control over the global market, completely exhausted, turned into an imperialist dictatorship of a handful of rich capitalists.
Modern picture of the distribution of wealth in the world gives a report of International Institute of UNU-Wider. It turns out that today only 2% of the adult population controls more than half the world's wealth. Moreover, by 1% from these two accounts for 40% of global assets. And 10% of the richest people own - 85% of the wealth. On the other hand, 50% of the world's poor just typed 1% of its wealth.
These reports show that 90% of the world's wealth is concentrated in North America, Europe, and a few rich countries in Asia. In this case, large amounts of the states of their citizens contrasts with the relatively small share of these countries, in general, the world's population. For example, in North America lives only 6% of the population but it accounts for 34% of global wealth.
Moreover, as noted by one of the authors of the report, James Davis: "Over the past 20-25 years, increasing inequality of incomes between rich and poor grew and grew."
Today the capital, has long developed into imperialism, the pursuit of profit, has penetrated all corners of the world, bringing with them, but new technologies, environmental issues, the problems of survival of peoples and all muck of capitalist exploitation. Transnational corporations that control the world market, have penetrated into all countries of the world and dispose of most of the material resources of the planet. They determine the policy direction of movement of capital, alternate modes and the government. Imperialism, was born in the early twentieth century, developed in full.
Not the best things in Russia, which hosted several major monopolies, and their masters hold parliamentary seats. In the State Duma of the fourth convocation is not working at the bench, and the peasants "from the plow." Especially not find any of those, or others in the Federation Council. But here and there sits a large fraction of billionaires in the country where 0,001% of the population. But in the Duma, their share exceeded 5%. The Federation Council, they are even a tenth of its composition.
State of 20 deputies of the State Duma and Federation Council of 14 members of the octets are estimated numbers. The Federation Council of dollar billionaires than in the State Duma, while the lower house in its numerical composition of 2.5 times the upper that characterizes even less democratic nature of the formation of SF than the State Duma. If the mandate of the State Duma for all elective manipulations and machinations of hands after all the voter, the members of the Federation Council gives to the supreme authority bureaucracy and the financial oligarchy. Therefore, in SF sit billionaires associated with the fuel and energy complex, banks and steel industry, ie representatives of export and speculative capital. Among the billionaires from the Federal Council also appear, and banker and oil kings and gas barons. Next to them sit dealers controlling high-tech industry, agriculture, engineering and metalworking.
In accordance with the social composition of parliament, one in five billion-dollar legislation in the Federal Assembly. The interests of monopolists and tycoons, is defined and the law. All this contributed to the fact that only a year the state MPs billionaires grew by more than half.
Unity of interests of capital and power gives them not only the adoption of favorable laws, but also provides excess profits. Such a parliament would inevitably block the legislation that would cut their appetites. Therefore, the Duma members strongly resist, including the introduction and the progressive income tax, proposed by deputies from the Communist Party.
This bill has caused strong dissatisfaction "United Russia", which came to the State Duma, immediately took the offensive on the rights of the poor and the poorest citizens of Russia. All received "United Russia" laws of the incredible coincidence, a very rich benefit and the prohibitive overhead for the poor. For example, the "United Russia" since 2001, introduced a reduced rate on income from stocks and other property. At first it was quite funny - 6%, and only under pressure from the opposition in 2005 raised the tax to 9%. That does not surprise, if you know that for the interests of parliamentarians billionaire was, above all, the "United Russia". More than three-fourths of the State Duma deputies, billionaire, was elected to her as "United Russia".
In the same vein acts and the government, claiming the basic parameters of a three-year economic forecast. In this forecast, but rather in terms of collecting revenue, said that in 2006, electricity tariffs will rise by 7.5%, tariffs on railway transport - 8%, gas - 11% in 2007 for electricity - 6.5%, at railway transport - 7% for gas - 8% in 2008 for electricity - 5.5%, at railway transport - 5.5% -7% for gas.
That develops the Ministry of Economic Development, the government and presidential administration, establishing a tariff increase? Naturally, the clear answer no one bothered to give, but muddled statements gas industry, about the logic of production.
Government to take care of the income of these companies, is engaged in the purest demagogy, for which there are explicit plans for enrichment of some and the further deterioration of living standards. Deterioration, reflected in the cost of living, the growth in prices, high inflation, reduced purchasing power of wages and pensions, as monopolies to and penetrate into the power to increase their profits at the expense of the people, due to monopoly prices.
What marketeers pursuing our ministers and lay this growth rate? Naturally, the answer to this question lies in the material interests and the interests of so-called natural monopolies, can be traced very clearly. It is they, the owners of monopoly profit from the growth rates. Without spending a single ruble to increase productivity, nor on the conversion of production or to improve work methods, nor to reduce the managerial staff, they receive a significant increase in profits.
 And all this is only a small part as a monopoly to subordinate their interests society, put under control the activities of parliament and government, condemning the masses to poverty and stagnation. But even this is enough to say: we are in the stage of monopoly domination in the imperialist era. Imperialism, which in the early twentieth century emerged in America and Europe and began its march around the world, the beginning of XXI manifested itself in its entirety, but divided the world into their sphere of influence. Manufacturing has become so large and merged with the banking capital, that talk about freedom of competition and a return to pre-imperialist period is simply not appropriate.
 Monopoly and domination of finance capital is manifested in all spheres of life, and talk about democracy under their rule, so as not to see the obvious facts. Monopolies tend to dominate, to the capture of markets and sources of raw materials, to control society, the political reactions to militarism and not democracy. They need a dictatorship, not competition. Need to firmly grasp what has long been a change of free competition that existed during the formation of capitalist production, to a monopoly, the domination of the financial oligarchy. Therefore, all our attempts of the bourgeois democrats and the government to develop the market and competition, under the domination of monopolies, no more than a deception of the people. Deception, because you can not move from the era of imperialism in the epoch of formation of capital. It is impossible, since the monopoly will not disappear. Financial capital only enhances their dominance by subordinating all kinds of production. Concentration of capital increases and the monopoly continue to pursue their interests, carrying out all kinds of bribery, eliminating competitors, export of capital, forming a layer of rentiers at the expense of the existing "clipping coupons".
Such a course of development of capitalism was inevitable and predictable, and the genius of Lenin's remark that evaluates the formation of imperialism, came naturally to her death from a dying, decaying monopoly capitalism to socialism. "Imperialism is capitalism dying, the transition to socialism: the monopoly that grows out of capitalism, is already dying of capitalism, the beginning of its transition to socialism."
 But, as history has shown the USSR, it is necessary not just to make a monopoly of state, take all the means of production into state property, but also to alter this monopoly of the capitalist into a socialist. Need to put a monopoly on the service of people and not use it for profit, to exploit human labor.
Only under such conditions can result from the decaying state, can be a democracy, and not in words but in deeds. Democracy is not for a small handful of wealthy, but for the entire mass of the proletariat.
 Saving is the capitalist nature of production, capitalist relations in society will inevitably lead to a revival of the basis of capitalist exploitation. A State which becomes a universal monopoly, acting as a single capitalist, not just tends to decay and rot immediately. And in his rotting inhibits the development of any society, forced to hold reactionary politics, both domestically and abroad. Not the proletariat, the Soviet period, were necessary repression, and the owners of the state monopoly, pursuing their narrow group interests.
 As you can see, the existence of monopolies is not simply to decay production, and leads to the cancellation of any democracy, transforming it into a smokescreen to cover their arbitrariness, to conceal the violence of a handful of owners of monopoly over the people. And how much would not talk about the market, democracy and human rights, we are no closer to freedom and true democracy, if the capitalist monopolies retain its dominance.
 Even the prohibition and complete elimination of the capitalist monopolies in the country, which is unlikely, but what have repeatedly said such figures as Gaidar, Gref, Kudrin, Chubais and others, does not alleviate the plight of the people. Likely to change domestic monopolists come transnational monopolies, which will also act boldly and unscrupulously, extorting profits from the country.
Only the transition from monopoly capitalism, of imperialism, the domination of the financial oligarchy, to the socialist production, the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat, will become a new milestone in the development of society. Of capitalist decay, from the exploitation of the peoples of the international financial oligarchy will save us, the dictatorship of the proletariat as the agent and the socialist organization of production as a goal.
 Vitaly Glukhov

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