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среда, 2 марта 2011 г.

NEW INDUSTRIAL AD: Voodoo Economics of post-industrialism

   In the 60 years. "The Gulag Archipelago", AI Solzhenitsyn opened the eyes of the West and the prison camp system of forced labor in the USSR Stalin era. Thirty years later, the U.S. created its own Gulag, in which more than 6 million people (one in 50 people). In 1998, Russia with 1, 8 millions of prisoners was 685 prisoners per 100 000 people in the United States - 668 to 100 000. Caught up! America created its own prison-industrial complex - the first in a postindustrial society. Figures show that the U.S. put more people than any other country in the world - half a million more than China, where there are no official statistics on prisoners. But even if we take the most inflated data on Red China in the 6-8 million prisoners, by the share of prisoners in the general population of America again, "ahead of the rest." Of course, we are not talking about the White Sea Canal, named by President Reagan, but by 1998 one in 150 U.S. residents was in prison or detention. One out of every 14 black men - in prison, which is higher than the proportion for white men by 8 times! What to say about the unemployed and homeless, whom the place in prison, because as he said the hero of the Soviet blockbuster movie "Gentlemen of Fortune": "A prison is now pasta give!" Remember we are and the stories of O. Henry on the homeless, running the rock in the mirror mart only to find a night at the police.
Nearly 1 in 3 (32%) of black men in the age group 20-29 years is under way or another kind of corrective control, while under such control are 1 in 15 white males and 1 in 8 Hispanic men. In some areas, particularly the criminal United States (Los Angeles) More than 70% of young African-Americans are drawn into the criminal system of youth gangs. Over the past 20 years, approximately a thousand new prisons were built in the U.S.. The principle is simple - "to close them all and throw away the key." Today, a crime wave is reduced, the prison-industrial complex requires frames. Require them, and private prison company, which also need all the new prisons - they do not like the old institutions like the famous New York prison, Shin-Shin (Sin-sin). Arose prison-industrial complex, acting as a kind of subekonomika and subculture. Fall in living standards is directly related to the growth of the prison population. In the 90 years. 4, 5 million children and women have lost the opportunity to live on welfare programs. It is obvious that increasing the number of the poor and the "new poor" result, that the prison economy is the fastest growing sector of the economy. Moreover, there was the phenomenon of post-industrial crime. Transition to a postindustrial state caused an increase in crime in the dissemination of criminal drug culture, pornography, video games. The illusion of a global casino Soros led to jail children of former industrial workers.
Cheap labor in post-industrial gulag America spends on the creation of the gulag 33.4 billion a year. What is the impact of this hidden economy? It is known that the states with the average spend at the prison on 30% higher and university education to 18% less in 1995 than in 1987, a result of the dismissal of teachers and raising pay "for the correction officers' leads to drop in educational attainment at least those who end up in prison. So, since 1984 California has built 21 prison and only 1 state university, the correction is spending more money than on higher education. In Florida, the state spends more on 56,000 prisoners than 203,000 university students and 300,000 college students. In this state of higher education with an overall increase in budget revenues the state received 602 million, while, as the prison received 1, 05 billion dollars. Curious dynamics of private prisons on U.S. states: Texas - 43 prisons in California - 24 in Florida - 10 in Georgia - 7. The use of cheap labor in a prison gulag unusually profitable because the labor cost per hour ranges from 12 cents to its lowest level in the country. Employees do not take vacations, they are not paid sick leave, no paid overtime. UNICOR company with a turnover of 495 million dollars a year has 18 thousand employees, prisoners, released 150 names of products from furniture parts to fragments of Patriot missiles. Inmates earn between 12 cents and 1 and 12 dollars per hour. Exploiting the huge amount of cheap prison labor, the American economy has to bear the hidden costs of reducing wages, since the competition sectors of the economy is not in favor of free labor, and prison labor is becoming more primitive and degrading. As a result, a number of prominent companies return their production from overseas - to his home in American prisons. Products of these companies (for example, sports shoes, "Nike") has the stamp "Made in USA" and at the same time cheaper than similar products made elsewhere in the Third World. The secret is simple - slippers "Kolya" made in U.S. prisons! Meanwhile, the prison population of America is seriously ill. Labor intensive activities wears a sick organism and destroys them. These sick people are out on the streets. In 1995, were released on 463,284 people in 2000 - 660 000, and in 2005 will be exempted 887,000 people and about 1, 2 million people in 2010, over 10 years will be released for the first time about 3, 5 million people and they all bring with them their diseases - AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis. While all this we see in many feature films about American prisons, even the plot of a prison-free "popularity with Hollywood. In the Soviet cinema observed different trajectory: stole, drank, sat down, stole, drank, and sat down. In U.S. prisons run 1, 8 million people, they all constitute the army of unskilled labor. However, officially they are all unemployed. Therefore, the major damage to the brilliant image of America is the country's loss of reputation - the defender of human rights. In October 1998 Amnesty International published a report on human rights violations in the U.S. under the title: "The world leader in high-tech repression" (literally, "Hi-Tech"). The American system of criminal punishment is replete with horrific human rights violations: the death penalty, the use of vysotehnologicheskih tools of repression, including stun devices, chemical sprays, and restricting the movement of the device, an emphasis on prisoners rather than on education and training in prisons, the constant police brutality, physical, and endemic sexual violence against prisoners. " To this list should be added to the new phenomenon of American Gulag: the use of shackles and handcuffs to the county jail, which return to the days of slavery, prisoners in the sun without water or shower, prison-type supermaks "in which prisoners are held in punishment cells in a completely sterile conditions in 23 hours a day without any human interaction, religious services or educational activities. Finally, the American prisoners are systematically used for medical and psychological experiments with drugs than regularly engaged in the American army, despite the condemnation of such practices the Nuremberg Tribunal. Obviously, if America seeks to become a leader in human rights, she should give up their own system of gulags. Otherwise, any U.S. criticism of other nations will be perceived by a principle - see the straw in the eye and in his logs did not notice!
Postindustrial racism in the context of the revival of "South Strategy What are the origins of slavery and the prison where such a passion for prison? The fact is that after the victory of the North ideology Southerners did not die - the case of the Confederation continued to live not only in the memory of her supporters and in films like "Gone With the Wind." For movies and worship the flag of the Confederation (the flag honored and worshiped him to President George Bush Sr. - 41, U.S. President) hidden "Southern strategy" destroy the American republic. This strategy involves the revival under the auspices of the London and brokers on Wall Street Confederate resistance of the American republic. Such resistance originally came from three sources. The first - the Confederation of plantation owners and slaveholders, that source we know from history books and "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Confronting him was simple and clear - Abolitionist movement, speech D. Brown. The second source - Boston merchants made their fortunes in the transportation of opium clipper, and trade potion. The third source - the supporters of A. Barry on Wall Street. In the 60 years. Southern Strategy was adopted by Nixon in his preparations for the elections of 1968 D.1 Program of the Southern paleokonservatizma as a product of the global oligarchy centered in a new form of two theses - the genocide in the form of "control the population" and unlimited spekulyatsiya.2 first thesis was carried out Henry Kissinger in 1974 in a Memorandum 200, and read about what a threat to national U.S. security is the population growth and dark-skinned people in third world countries. The same thesis was the basis of Brzezinski, national security adviser of President J. Carter. Brzezinski gave a statement that it is impossible to prevent the emergence of "new Japan" in the Arab world or the south of the U.S. border in Latin America. As you can see, if not afraid of communism (CUBA decrypted Soviet party apparatchiks like Communism the coast of America "), Wall Street feared the development of the productive forces of the newly industrialized countries. Solutions Nixon August 15, 1971 paved the free flow of capital into offshore areas, and thus undermine the foundations of the Bretton Woods Agreement. Attack started neokonfederatov to win the civil war of the American republican system of the device - apparently this attack in 60 years. looked like a bunch of Balakhonov KKK. However, in reality it was a deregulation of the economy, tax reduction, exemption of capital and the formation of the derivatives market. At the beginning of 70 years. finally ended the era of a new democratic course Kennedy inherited from the Minister FD Roosevelt. After elections in 1968 there was a decline in the industrial North, its cities were deserted and the population along with the corporations started moving to the "Sun Belt" in search of cheap labor. The Nixon administration turned down all programs to rebuild cities after the race riots beginning of 60 years. Culture and Governance in the Southern strategy is based on the doctrine of post-industrial society, where industrial and intellectual production of "blue collar" has been replaced by service sector and the work of government officials. Roosevelt's program for the construction of railways and improvement of cities, hospitals, dams were completely collapsed. As a result, in 1969, had completed the program for the deployment of space systems "Apollo." In the political sphere southern states, along with Oklahoma and Kentucky have received an additional 17 seats in Congress (in comparison with 1960) and New York and Massachusetts lost all representation in Congress. Thereby restore the configuration of the political influence of the Confederate States of America under President Confederation D. Davis. Nixon was heavily influenced by Henry Kissinger (protege neshvillskih farmers) and because after the elimination of the gold standard for the dollar and the destruction of Roosevelt the financial system as a condition for the development of nations, a new form of racism - so to say, racism is exported. When Nixon's racist attitude towards African countries has become a fact. Nixon's impeachment in 1974, is not eradicated his adviser from oligarchy - the Nixon administration is gone, but its Southern strategy has remained the policy of the Democratic Party and the person at the J. Carter. Senator J. McGovern, the Democratic candidate for election in 1972 believed that the Southern Strategy is a situation where the poor are getting poorer, public medicine is destroyed, but officials resisted the common good and work for the benefit of a few.
New South Confederation: "Make money, not steel!"
Southern strategy of Nixon and Carter turned the White House and Congress into a bastion of Southern Strategy, the result was the transformation of the United States from the great scientific and industrial state, one nation in the post-industrial nation of white-collar workers, brokers, computer programmers, clerks and messengers of pizza. The transformation has happened in 30 years. The result was a decline in the industrial and cultural centers in the North (Detroit, Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, New York) and the emergence of "new South" as the basis of post-industrial American society. In this society, dominated by southern cities - Dallas, Atlanta, Houston (there is a link a single set of Houston-Atlanta-Charlotte). The shift was made Wall Street under the direct influence of financial groups Harriman, Morgan and Rockefeller. Election in 2000, the Texas team Bush-Cheney and moving it to Washington, will only hasten the described shift in America's south.
If George Bush Sr. was Anglophile (he had said back in 1979 that the British de best friends of America, and therefore should create an alliance of all the English-speaking peoples), his son - an Anglophile in the square, came to power to implement a post-industrial South strategy. America should transform from a powerful industrial nation in the post-industrial rentier financial empire. Literally, the "industrial belt" become a "Rust Belt, Houston, grew up on oil, becomes the fourth city in the country, the old Atlanta will be the" new Atlanta and Charlotte will be sleeping most important international financial center. And over all these feudal imperial splendor will shine lights Mirage in Las Vegas. Southern cities are packed towers, skyscrapers, crowded programmers and clerks - all of them produce a blank money pumped into the financial bubble unproductive economy. A disenfranchised citizens at this time sew in prison slippers! If Mayakovsky in 20 years. wrote: "In America, the noise and uproar in America people are dumb in the din only stop chewing chuingam to throw" Makey mani, then today in HH1. all ordinary citizens, not just clerks, make money on speculation and a new slogan, "make money, not steel!". This slogan is the reverse side of the thesis "Guns instead of butter, and as we know, this statement was an expression of technology to bring to power of Hitler. It is known that those involved in the grandfather of U.S. President 1943 - Prescott Bush. As a result, America today is increasingly taking shape, "Fourth Reich" in which a glowing showcase for the "Global Casino" and the corresponding voodoo-economics of financial manipulators, there is a real physical economy of slave labor in the new prisons and reformatory Gulag preparing the "new barbarians "Third Millennium. This is the real picture is quite in line with expectations have moved to the U.S. in 40 years. philosophers and intellectuals of the Frankfurt School, which, however, wanted to cure American xenophobia and authoritarian character of the people using drugs, rock music and the sexual revolution. The result of such treatment is available. Prof. Nekrasov, SN

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