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воскресенье, 1 апреля 2012 г.

FNS prefers to collect taxes from the poor

In the FTS refused to introduce a separate luxury taxMarch 14, 2012The Federal Tax Service (FTS) has criticized plans to introduce a separate luxury tax, and proposed instead to improve the transportation tax, and enter the anticipated property taxes. According to the newspaper "Izvestia", stated in a letter to the Federal Tax Service, sent to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).Additional tax on wealthy Russians are discussed in the government for many years, this idea was maintained in the Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party and the "Fair Russia", but criticized the "United Russia". However, the February 7, 2012, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (who also heads the "United Russia"), said at the Congress of Entrepreneurs, which introduce a tax on luxuries is still necessary. According to him, the new fee should raise a huge house and land, supercars and other vehicles.

Immediately thereafter, the ministry said that under the luxury tax if it will still be introduced, will get only the property of 1000 square meters. According to FNS, for there is no need to invent a new tax on luxury, you can simply enter the higher tax rate on large-area real estate. In this tax argue that the bar can be reduced from 1,000 to 500 square meters.According to the "News", the ministry supported the idea of ​​tax. In any case, the Ministry believes that a new chapter in the tax code should not be entered.Meanwhile, his idea of ​​luxury in the middle of March and presented to the RSPP. According to a survey of this union, "luxury" apartments can be considered more 30 million rubles, the country houses more expensive than 50 million rubles and more expensive cars of three million rubles. In business organizations, as the newspaper "Kommersant", believe that the tax can be flat, if they have more than 150 square meters per person, for a similar strip of country houses - 500 "squares".Real estate tax in 2012 demanded to enter the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, but in the beginning, it was reported that he will be inducted into the "pilot" not earlier than 10 regions in 2013. Around the same time, and is intended to introduce a tax on luxury.More: http://gold.ru/articles/economics/v-fns-otkazalis-vvodit-otdelnyj-nalog-na-roskosh.html
The current archive 2007Populism of the Ministry of Finance
While Vladimir Putin last week warned senators against populism, though, that to convince them of what they are not affected, since the opinion of the people on their position has no effect, the Finance Ministry showed the people the worst kind of populism, and its dependence on large capital by offering a tax on real estate. Officials of the Ministry of Finance has once again figured out how to increase taxes on the poor, and thus boost their ratings by giving it as a tax on the rich.In proposing a tax on real estate, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov says that thus allowed an acute problem of social justice. That the owners of houses on the ruble can pay taxes, and more.
Of course they can! And this is absolutely no need to impose a tax on real estate the entire population, but still based on the market price of the property. You can simply enter a progressive scale of taxation on income tax. But this is precisely, the Finance Ministry does not want to hard and do inventing all sorts of excuses.
"We do not intend to change a flat tax rate on personal income taxation and the issue of differentiation and alignment of justice must be solved in another way," - said Deputy Finance Minister Shatalov. And further explained that a fair assessment can be achieved by introducing a property tax levy, and depending on its market value."Polls show that in Russia there are many supporters of the introduction of a progressive scale of taxation on income tax. (This is spurring them to invent different ways around) We say no, do not change the income tax rate, and an element of social justice can be administered as a once through taxation of luxury goods and real estate. Therefore, if we solve the problem of introducing this tax, it will be largely resolved, and this acute social problem. Our idea is to go to the tax based on value, close to the market "- said in an interview with the newspaper" Izvestia "Sergei Shatalov.In fact, Treasury wants to levy a tax on public property, but still plans to collect it at market prices.
If you do not take into account the official rhetoric about social justice, it becomes clear on whose shoulders lie the tax. The owners of, say, 100 houses, which have millions of dollars, will pay an additional 3 - 5 thousand rubles, which is unimportant to them, and millions of citizens who receive salaries of up to 10 000, will lay out an additional 500 - 1000 rubles, which is very sensitive to them and will bring billions of dollars in taxes to the treasury. That's all arithmetic.In this case, social justice, which is distributed as a Finance Ministry official, just not installed, and trampled upon the most brazen manner. Citizens offer to pay the tax on real estate at its market price, which are inflated by the same officials.
It's no secret that the cost of housing is included bureaucratic rents, the housing market totally controlled by government officials, and citizens are now offering to pay a tax based on that inflated prices, claiming that this is the highest justice."It is unfair to pay taxes based on the assessment of BTI - outraged fighter for justice Sergei Shatalov. - This assessment is focused both on outdated figures that have their origins in 1937 with different coefficients, and on market transactions, which are reflected in the acquisition of an apartment. "It is true, according to Shatalov, the tax take from the people on the basis of market prices of real estate, in the absence of the market. And, for those who are on a "higher justice" would not be able to make ends meet, Shatalov proposes a relief."At the federal level will be set maximum rates, and municipalities will be given the right to self within the allowed to choose the bid that they consider reasonable. (It turns out that our taxes are established on the basis of reason, and this "mind", is inclined, for some reason, you can create a more favorable it is for the rich.) Local authorities can also provide various benefits for seniors, military, disabled and other categories of citizens. Here is a system for non-taxable minimum. Well, for example, 15 meters per person are not taxable, and all that is in excess of this amount is taxed. But this, again, must be within the competence of local authorities. "Simply put, Shatalov explains to the people that the poor should be ready to move into poor neighborhoods and small-sized apartments, no more than 15 meters per person to have a benefit. Hence it becomes clear how to understand the validity of our officials: the poor pensioners, military, disabled, etc., ought not to live in larger apartments and central areas. This, in their opinion, not fair!That's right: the slaves and their owners do not have to stay in one place.Ivan Tevrizsky
19.03. 2007

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