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четверг, 28 января 2010 г.


The history of the struggle for Uralmash(Current archive)
Philosophical concerns.
Engine of restructuring began "driving force" of stagnation.
Sober people and honest citizens understood this long ago. Even when, instead of living prohindeev contemporary newspapers began to kick the dead Stalin ...
But who are they, these driving forces of stagnation?
This force - our old friend the master of life, are all familiar with the bureaucracy (not to be confused with employees and employees of state administrative apparatus!). She, like all pervasive evil demon, changing appearance, discards the old, served as her political skin, napyalivaya over another.
Here are her seven-year "wardrobe": first it was "Communist" on the grounds of anti-democrat, and unpatriotic in the USSR. Then - "Democrat" on the basis of anti-communism and unpatriotic in its collapse. Now, the bureaucracy has become suddenly "patriot" with an admixture of democratic rhetoric and fierce anti-communism in the new framework of "sovereign states".

As aptly put writer Boris Oleinik, such people - is "commutants. That is, not people, but a species ...
The people, however, if he does not "ohlos", be sure to respect the state, without which people will inevitably turn into monkeys.
Since the beginning of the announced restructuring of people expected the state ownership, which is literally "stuck" bureaucracy, recruited from the ranks of the "Soviet intelligentsia" will actually be transferred to its legal owner. Who is he? Yes, a farmer who has raised corn on the fields of the Motherland, a worker who does not make marriage, and an intellectual, who is not lying, and thinking together with the workers and peasants.
For a monopoly on thinking - no one else has!
Question: What, to justify these expectations people had to be done? We will understand.
From personal experience, everyone knows: all too often in the workplace people are penalized for the fact that it does not work, namely that it is working (or passionate desire to work) is good. When disposing of a good employee for the fact that he very fact of its existence, lays bare the actual idleness of his superiors, the bureaucrats are straightened with it by the state. This - labor laws, job descriptions, the Party Committee and the Union Committee. Servile "public opinion" of the collective is often subsumed under this administrative hooliganism, so to speak, "the moral basis": for pugnaciousness in principle to expel!
What was supposed to make our society more in 1985?
First, the "revive" and a sharp increase is still dead * Article 139 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (prosecution for criticism). This would help significantly and reliably equalize chances of winning the fight against fundamental employee (= member of society! "), Generally an honest man with" administrative bullying "his chief-bureaucrat. Honest Government - against the "disgraceful state", simply put ...
And, secondly, it was necessary to "flip" the main industrial and legal attitudes in the work collective, ie in public property. Namely: instead of hiring workers (they do - the citizens of the State) to move the administration to hire administration - labor collective, ie direct labor employees.
And such persistent efforts of workers, prosabotirovannye, however, Party committees of the CPSU, were.
Ah! They wanted to deprive me of private property in the state? Here are all of you! - Bureaucracy and promised ... the state of the USSR destroyed, dooming us all to turn into monkeys.
- Ape on "Western style" - advised its ideologues, local and foreign - and you will enter into a civilized space.
As if to "civilized space" does not include a psychiatric hospital, a public toilet, suburban landfill or ... prison.
The Council, however, was adopted. And now - VOUCHERS.
What do they mean? This - the symbols of property instead of the property itself.
Voucher - a receipt, which the bureaucracy and the commutator should give people that they have been destroyed over the state, its people will not judge.
Took the voucher - and bribes smooth!
And no claims to present no more of word ...
Kazakov, a member of the working philosophy of the club
them. Joseph Dietzgen.

"RITM», № 108 (11751), Saturday, Oct. 3, 1992. Circulation 5460.
"PUBLICITY», № 6 (132), 11 - 17 February 1993 Circulation: 132,000.
"URAL GAZETTE», № 30, October 1993 Circulation: 13.000.

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