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среда, 13 января 2010 г.

Whose interests protected Alexei Kudrin?

 The newspaper Izvestia on 11 May 2005 published a detailed interview with Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, where he expounded his own, and maybe not only your own position with regard to financial policy. That's just me, as a simple citizen of Russia, receiving a salary in rubles, and not how his side are not involved in the sale of natural resources, as well as millions of Russian citizens, this policy can not be satisfied.
In his interview, the Minister outlined the two main points. The first - a policy regarding the use of public funds, the so-called target program, and the second - is the abandonment of the ruble.
"Previously, most of the expenditures of federal agencies were considered" baseline ", each year they are indexed and very rarely someone returning to the revision of this, and what we index, what do we have in this database. Now, all expenses must be itemized on the departmental target program ", - said the Minister. He assures his readers that now it will be cleaned up use of budgetary funds. But the program drawn up by officials of various departments, as financed from the budget and will be funded, government officials, like sitting in their seats and sit. So what, one wonders, will change? And Mr. Kudrin says: "The costs that were always, ministries and departments will draw up a departmental target programs. But the next one stage they would have to be accountable for the results of planned! "That is, everything will remain as before, only to be called for another, but more will be reporting securities, which will redirect officials to each other. This Kudrin acknowledges that: "Often, this squandering of public funds for projects that officials are lobbying. Today, the nature of the investment costs are presented qualitatively new requirements. In no case does it have to be commercial projects. Commercial projects should deal with private business.
Bravo, Mr. Kudrin! Recognizing that many landing program - to squander public funds, the minister openly admits that he can not stop this process and have to justify this by saying that it would be more strictly controlled. And the overseers, as it can be assumed to be not corruptible public servants.
But, as we see more from the interview Kudrin, and our ministers, something to hit upon some important things. "In no case does it have to be commercial projects. Commercial projects should deal with private business.
Of course, officials should not engage in commercial projects that we see everywhere. Being engaged in commercial projects, officials have in the business as a competitor to private business, but as it stands for the state, they use it successfully and, strangling rivals. This is one of the reasons holding back the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. I'm not talking about that more often, all of these State programs, and create your own makeup.
The only thing not clear, and the Minister did not explain - what do you do then? After all, should not, and do? However, officials involved in these projects not directly and through nominees, their wives, brothers, children, trustees, but this situation does not change.
On the second question with regard to the strengthening of the ruble, and the use of the stabilization fund, the minister also spoke quite frankly, not hiding his interest. "Before the 1998 default dollar could be bought for 6 rubles. After the crisis - more than 30 rubles. But the wages of people remained the same. They do not grow as fast as the dollar. This meant that the goods at a price of 10 dollars before the crisis cost 60 rubles, and after the crisis has cost 300 rubles. A man salary is the same. And this, in the opinion, the Minister, was a way to stimulate our economy.
It would be understandable if such a statement was made from the lips of a private businessman, has received additional revenue due to depreciation of labor. But it sounds from the mouth of the Minister of Finance. Kudrin openly said that his interest lies not in maintaining our standard of living. His interest coincides with the interests of oligarchs. That's why he was in favor of a stable cut-off price, the sale of oil and gas. "The price cut should be one, and permanent, more government already does not change anything.
Rather than defend the ruble, as a measure of value, equal for all citizens, Kudrin proposes to use double standards. What, in his view, contributes to economic development.
The question is, what would happen if the citizens stated that the meter will now not one hundred centimeters, and eighty. Nothing. They began to measure the new meter. But when, in one case, the meter is used, implying that there one hundred centimeters, and in another - and eighty, and with permission of the head of the Institute for Standardization, it's just cheating. The same is done by and with the ruble.
Arguments Kudrin comparable with the arguments seller employs sawn-off weight. Each of the buyers, he will deceive a hundred grams, giving weight to nine gram per kilogram, while he, on the development of its trade, added a decent amount. And he does it without any fear and remorse, because it makes with the approval of regulatory authorities. He also explained to them that accumulates on the development of the enterprise, and not for personal consumption. A supervisory authorities, in turn, care about the overall development of trade. So everyone is happy. In the losers can only deceived the buyer, at the expense of which base their development, similar figures. But he was not upset, because they do not know that it inflated.
But, as we know, our oligarchs did not develop the domestic economy, and more foreign. Therefore, all these statements about the development, really nothing but wishful thinking.
And then the Minister to justify his position, adds: "A strengthening of the ruble again hamper our economy."
At first glance one might think that the Minister is concerned about the development of our economy, but it is only at first. Because inflation and flow of the majority of financial resources in the hands of the oligarchs, as time and hamper the development of production of goods and services. Expensive loans, thanks to inflation, depriving a large part of business investment, which have lacked them. What recognizes and Kudrin. "And here in our private sector does not lack experience, lack of investment funds. He regrets it and the fact that our economy is a bad learner money, not realizing that the scope of application of money can be increased significantly. Our economy is a bad learner money, because they are expensive, that is a very high percentage of the loan. Plus constantly reduces the purchasing power of the population due to declining real wages, pensions, allowances, does not stimulate production.
It is time the Minister of Finance for eight years, then, to decide what he wants. Cheap credit, the susceptibility of our economy to finance and sustainable development, or high inflation and the enrichment of the oligarchs. And yet we see that rather than worry about the development of the economy as a whole rather than individual oligarchs, and raising living standards Kudrin invites us: "First, all the same to shoot down the pace of appreciation of the ruble (ie unscrew the inflation) secondly, to develop the infrastructure institutions, thirdly, the state control costs, make them more efficient. "
I would like to ask Mr. Kudrin: What would the Americans, the examples of the financial system, which he leads with his finance minister, if he implemented the Kudrinskaya "theory" of development? I think that at best, would be sent in his resignation. There, again, tend to have cheap credit and a stable monetary unit, in order to have a high entrepreneurial activity, rather than high inflation. And in our reality, brake the economy is not hard ruble, in what is trying to convince us Kudrin, and inflation and the domination of the interests of the oligarchs, in alliance with the bureaucracy.
Kudrin's statement is about the Stabilization Fund: "So I'll bet both for nerastratu Stabilization Fund. Money spent from the Stabilization Fund, strengthen the ruble, making our economy even less competitive, "says only that Kudrin beats for personal possession Stabilization Fund. After all, the fund can be used as a way of strengthening the ruble, and the promotion side of inflation, for which he serves minister. If buying in the currency received ruble will strengthen the ruble, and if received by the currency to make an additional issue, the depreciation of the ruble will.
Actually, Mr. Minister, would have to adhere to a certain position, so as not to confuse readers. And at the beginning of the article: "Spending want, but fearful, because there is inflation, but in the end:" Money spent from the Stabilization Fund, strengthen the ruble, making our economy even less competitive. " Since inflation is, from the use of the Stabilization Fund, or the strengthening of the ruble? Even journalist borrowers confused and gave an interview: "Money spent from the Stabilization Fund, strengthen the ruble, raise inflation and make our economy even less competitive." Could add that spoil the mood of the people.
As we see, and Kudrin has not escaped our vice bureaucracy, the constant desire to sit on two chairs, and wishful thinking. Well, that's when the Minister himself can not decide where to sit and whose interests are protected, you should try to help him.
Vitaly Glukhov

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