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вторник, 29 ноября 2011 г.

hirst for Russian statehood

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Citizen President, we, the citizens of the state, members of the independent non-profit organization "Committee for the Protection of the rights of owners of premises of apartment buildings in Ekaterinburg" is need to address to you, as a guarantor of the Constitution, as established in the city and the country as a whole, the situation is very worrying us. And we think that it can not bother you, too, as President.
The basis for concern stems from the fact that we, citizens of the Russian Federation, pushed for the legal field, and deprived the opportunity to defend their constitutional rights, while there is widespread violation of constitutional rights of citizens in all spheres of social life. Growing social tensions that can lead to unrest and lead to the collapse of the entire state.
We as an organization that protects the rights of citizens, were created because of what was passed, with a lot of deficiencies and violations of civil rights, the new Housing Code, and the activities of the city administration and law enforcement caused a lot of complaints from citizens.

In further work we have repeatedly encountered and confronted with violations of the Constitution, federal laws and the rights of citizens not only in the sphere of private relations, but also by government agencies, such as tax service (not the legitimate property tax accruals to the letter the deputy. Minister Finance Shatalin. proved in court), the City Administration, (judgments challenged by many heads of administration of the city) courts (Employees of the regional court exceeds its authority violating the current laws of the affairs of № 2-214/211 11.03.2011g; № 33-573/211 from 20.01.2011g.; № 33-15608/2010 on 12/21/2010 i, that is disrespect for the law and undermines the credibility of the justice system) and the police.
Therefore, we, instead, in his spare time, engage in family, parenting, creativity, cultural or leisure activities have knocked at doors of government and to assert their constitutional rights.
Currently, our organization, initiated by the Ministry of Justice, who fell into a bureaucratic rage, to address the District Court of the Kirov District of Yekaterinburg, which ruled in favor of the plaintiff's violation of 61. of Art. Civil Code, to be on the stage of liquidation, as ministry officials found violations in reporting. And this despite the fact that we provide substantial reporting and can not because of lack of funding, business contracts, facilities, and generally any property.
But we do not ask for so that you influenced the course of litigation in our relationship with the Ministry of Justice, and to protect the constitutional rights of citizens, saving the country itself, for your sake, for the sake of our children's future.
To do this you must have the will and wisdom, and to restore Russia's statehood, putting at the center of public interest, the interests of the citizen, not a handful of financial speculators and commodity tycoons and bureaucrats to serve them. Clear the state of various parasitic growths, such as the Ministry of Justice, which strangles any civic initiative and stifle and civil society itself.
To date we have seen a lot of bodies under the guise of the state, but not the state itself, there is no justice, no protection of civil rights, no security. The current Russian government, mired in bureaucracy and corruption, has become a body of violence, instead of being a boon to the citizens.
We think that you, as a lawyer known statement of Aristotle, who in his famous "political" wrote: "The purpose of the state is the good life, and everything mentioned is created for this purpose, the very same state is communication delivery and villages in order to achieve the perfect self-sufficient existence which, as we argue, is a happy and wonderful life, "and that" only those forms of political system, who have in mind the common good, are, according to the principle of absolute justice, right, and those forms in which we have in mind only personal benefit of the rulers, are all wrong and the deviation from the right, they are based on the principle of a despotic, and the state is communication free people. " "Political." (Greek philosopher, 384-322. BC)
What kind of common good of the state for citizens may speak in modern Russia, seeing the widespread disregard for the Constitution, law and rights of the citizen, by the very people who should be behind this, and keep track of the incredibly overgrown state apparatus?
We fully support you in the desire to reduce the number of government officials sitting on the neck of the people agree with your statement that the existing state apparatus is archaic and not able to respond to global challenges, and therefore propose to make the first and small step in this direction, reducing the Department of Justice.
This step to showing the public concern for citizens, show that in fact, think about the development of civil society, but also greatly facilitate the budget, freeing him from the burdensome and inefficient spending.
The more so that this body, in its activity violates the Russian Constitution and duplicates an existing executive machinery of state, represented by the government and tax authorities.
Ministry of Justice in the Russian central organ of federal executive authorities, solves the following main tasks: ensuring participation in the legal standard-setting activities of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, organizational and legal support for judicial reform, ensuring the necessary conditions for the functioning of courts and military courts, state registration of normative acts of central the federal executive authorities, registration of the statutes of public and religious associations, the organization and development of legal services, staffing agencies, institutions and organizations of Justice, skills development, participation in the international legal protection of rights and lawful interests of citizens.
What kind of independence of the courts can say when the executive branch, represented by the Ministry of Justice is engaged in providing the necessary conditions for the courts and deals with judicial reform? The court must be independent! So make it independent, show an example of respect for the Constitution. Release him from the tutelage of executive positions, represented by the Ministry of Justice.
In addition, the Ministry of Justice is a permanent body, the basis of which the supposed 'organizational and legal support for judicial reform! " In this case, society doomed to permanent judicial reform, in which the justice system there is never a time, and matter, to arrive at fair judgments as to think about reform, about how to avoid the roller cuts and reforms.
How and what staff provides the Department of Justice agencies and institutions, to you, we think we know better, and people felt it on his back, facing the unskilled court decisions that violate the Constitution and the rights of citizens.
Organization and development of legal services since the establishment of the Ministry of Justice, has only worsened, and legal protection for citizens has become more available, including by reason of payment, and the general increase in the cost of these services. This fact, deterioration of legal protection of Russian citizens, and recorded in the international research reports.

Mr President, make this small step towards the true state, it is possible that this step will be the starting point of the revival of Russian statehood.

Adopted unanimously at the next meeting of the AIE Committee for Protection of the owners of residential apartment buildings in Ekaterinburg.

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