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вторник, 29 ноября 2011 г.

The dictatorship of the people

On the forum site "Derbent Wall" branch "Freedom of Speech"
Dear Student! Your questions about the dictatorship of the proletariat and the dictatorship of the people are of direct relevance to the issue of a national leader in modern Russia. Their free-flowing discussion can help anyone make the right choice in the upcoming presidential elections, strengthen the communication of the President to the people and the rebirth of Russia. There are many definitions of the "dictatorship of the proletariat," the data as Marxists and their opponents. But there is no meaning to their lead, since such a phenomenon actually never existed. Actually, this is only an ideal design inflamed imagination of Marx and his followers. By mastering the minds and hearts of people, this virtual design really worked as an instrument of spiritual first, and then the material domination of a handful of politicians and adventurers over the conquered and enslaved the people. In its pure form is a dictatorship manifested in Cambodia during Pol Pot, was destroyed when half the population of this Asian country.
Speaking of time, the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia, historians today almost in one voice say that it was not a dictatorship of the proletariat and the dictatorship of the Marxist party. But to be more precise, we call this phenomenon should be a dictatorship of the party political oligarchy, which was entirely occupied not in productive labor, and redistributive activity, or pirated "work" robbery that was produced by a productive, creative activity of people or nation. In its social nature and functions of the political oligarchy is not much different from the financial oligarchy. Almost all of the secret of such a quick and easy conversion of the 1991 Marxist Party nomenklatura in the financial oligarchy lies in the relationship of their functions and in the vicinity of their spiritual and material aspirations of the warehouse. Those and others, like Gogol's Chichikov, live off the dead souls. The party oligarchy lives off interest from a dead ideological capital, and financial - through interest in the dead of money capital. Both are essentially a different species of usury - the most insidious and inhumane way of squeezing juice and blood of the working people and all the productive part of humanity. Information and financial lender always existed side by side, parasitizing on the ignorance and naivety of the people and supporting each other.In 1991, power passed from the dictatorship of information and political oligarchy to liberal information and financial dictatorship. But it brought no relief, and strengthening of all forms of oppression of enslaved peoples of Russia. And when all the external differences between the two dictatorships they have the same base, which has nothing to do with the dictatorship of the proletariat. The two protagonists of both the Jewish moneylender are dictatorships and Jewish informokrat. Establish such a dictatorship in Russia was relatively easy because in the hands of the Jews throughout the XX century. were most of the media. Therefore, in its origins this dictatorship could be described as information, but after 1991 this added to the dictates of Jewish financial oligarchy. And thus, today it rightfully be called the dictatorship of the Jewish financial information oligarchy. Usurping the media, and privatizing the freedom of speech, the Jewish money-lenders and informokraty were able to give their financial information and the crime of crimes of the Russian people and Russian oppose all the other peoples of Russia. In this home the tragedy of the lack of nationwide leader of Russia in XXI century.You write that Klark criticize me for misunderstanding of the Marxist doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat. But he looks at Klark dictatorship of the proletariat through the eyes of the enemies of Russia, which under the guise of proletarian dictatorship to hide their own dictatorship over the Russian people. This political trick enemies already well understood Stalin. Comparing his political opponents with textualists and Talmudists, he very clearly hinted at their spiritual kinship with the Jewish religious and political practice. Klark, apparently unable to distinguish between theoretical ideas expressed by Lenin from reality, which is forcibly fitted to the ideas of Marxist political oligarchy. It is therefore not betrayed his master "secret": where he saw that actually the proletarian dictatorship, which 150 years interpreted by Marxists. And if he thinks the dictatorship of the people, established by Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping advanced in China, "marasmus," it seems that "democracy" of the Marxists and Zionists in the same person as Yeltsin and Berezovsky, must be regarded as the top political art, as last has already boast in his three volumes "The Art of the impossible", published in Russia 10000th edition. But you have to be naive fan of the dead Marxist dogma, not to see that "democracy" Abramovich and Berezovsky - it's only just another person of the same "dictatorship of the proletariat", but under a different name. Yeltsinites simply replace the dictatorship of Marxist political oligarchy, a dictatorship Zionist oligarchy. But the essence remains the same and the dictatorship of the people - all the same. Unconsciously waiting on his enemies, Klark betraying the interests of those who are going to defend the Marxist "revolutionary."Discuss the issue with Mr. Klarkom psevdodiktatury proletariat and other Marxist myths would not make sense if these myths are still not held captive a certain part of Russian and other peoples of modern Russia. Provoking violence among people under the pretext of defending the noble proletariat, Klark and his foreign masters expect to receive in full possession of his only Russia ... no Russian, but with oil and gas. The main political result of the propaganda of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" in today's Russia is more than a crime. This is a mistake that leads to the destabilization of social and national relations, the final destruction of the state and the extermination of the Russian people in the class and national struggles.From this financial oligarchs have grown psevdodiktatury Chechen war. June 11 under the heading "Freedom of speech" was posted message Petka of the events in Stavropol in late May. Here are the key words of this message: "brawl Chechens to the Russian people ',' son was killed reputable bearded Chechen", "three Chechens brought to the emergency room," "Chechens said that for every dead black would be cut by 20 Russian", "our government just found the "Russian guilty," "Russian genocide began," "stabbed son of the director of my college," "killed by a Russian girl," "killed three Russian guys," "stabbed two Russian", "Kandopogu tried to shut up. Now ignore us. " But who and why remains silent? He who created the problem of Chechnya and continues to throw wood on the fire of ethnic hatred. The main culprits of this hostility is not the Chechens and Russian, and the people who robbed them and incited one another. And now, sitting in London, subsidize any extremist organizations in Russia, including Marxist, organized genocide of Russian people and the dream of a Russia without Russian. To see where the wind blows this extremism, enough to remember how the media behaved Gusinsky during the first Chechen war, calling the Chechen fighters freedom fighters and Russian soldiers - rapists and looters. This shows how under the cover of the myth of the dictatorship of the proletariat dictatorship grew bloody money bag, which pushes their heads of Russian and Chechen, warming their hands on it.Marxist myth of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" 70 years in Russia replaced the myth of the resurrection of Christ. Forcibly injected into the consciousness and feelings of the people, the myth is quite possible to work. But just as real, he meant not a dictatorship of the proletariat and the dictatorship of Marxist political oligarchy, then called the nomenclature, which was free from the productive and creative work led life of bourgeois rentiers. What the Russian people received as a result of such a dictatorship? Civil War 1918 - 1922's. That killed more than ten million people. Hunger 1921 Hunger 1932 - 1933. Pyrrhic victory in 1945 Hunger 1946 - 1947. Reforms of 1991 - 1997's. When a political oligarchy disguised in financial and reduced the number of Russian for 20 million. A total of XX century. country has missed 350 million, as projected by the scientific demographic Mendeleev in Russia today, was living 500 million Russian, but there are no more than 150 million Mendeleev believed that by the end of the twentieth century. Russia beats on a population with China, but actually it was ten times less than in China. This is the price Russia paid for the myths of the dictatorship of the proletariat and Marxist communism. We are still preserved 150 million, and then only because the country had a positive force, to counter the bloody bloodletting fans Marxist myth. Russia has suffered less than Cambodia during the reign of Pol Pot, because the Stalinists in 1934 - 1953's. managed to limit the power of Marxist political oligarchy, to push her to the margins of public administration. Actually carried out under Stalin, not the "dictatorship of the proletariat" and the dictatorship of the people or the people's monarchy (See: Dorofeev, VE Stalinism: the people's monarchy. M., 2006. 400.; Bushkov A. Stalin: The red king. M. 2007. 640 sec.). In 1953 she returned to replace the party oligarchy. In alliance with the Jewish, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Chechen and other "businessmen" of the shadow economy in 1991, this political oligarchy traded power for money and established a dictatorship in the country of the financial oligarchy, in mockery of calling it a "democracy." But this democracy is not dictatorship banker and moneylender, and the dictatorship of the people - the creators of a productive economy, material and spiritual values.For political weather in Russia today in the yard in 1934: once again at full length there is a problem in peaceful political revolution - first, to limit, and then remove the new conquerors of the Russian people from the government. And here arises the question of forming a national leader of Russia that could lead to establish the dictatorship of the working people of the alien to the spirit of the country by the oligarchs and usurers, billionaires and millionaires, financial schemers and thieves of Abramovich and Berezovsky. Apparently, a dictatorship of the people and the fear Klark. Such a socialist in spirit, the leader of today can not be generated in any of the existing political parties that represent the interests of various political clans or individual groups. It can only create desperate people on the verge of death, or his political revival. This can be understood simply in the name of vniknuv some two hundred books about the new leader of Russia (Vladimir Putin Pechenev - the last chance in Russia? Notes Political Counselor of the three secretaries-general and a president. 2001; Tarakanov, ND Hope of Russia. 2004; Fartyshev In . I. The last chance to Putin: Russia's destiny in the XXI century. 2004; R. Sakwa Putin: Russia's choice. Trans. from English. Moscow, 2006). It suffices to compare these names with the words of many songs about Stalin in the 1930s - 40s. To see the similarities with today's political climate of those times the national spirit, "Stalin - our military glory," "Stalin - our pride and fly," "When We will send into battle, Comrade Stalin. " In one embodiment of the national anthem in 1944 were the lines: "Stalin brought us up - the elect people to work and exploits inspired us." But who Stalin was in those years? Formally, the power of Stalin in 1934 - 1940's. was lower than that of Molotov. Both were the secretaries of the Central Committee Politburo. However, Molotov, in addition to this was Chairman of the Government (SNK). By formal indicators, Stalin conceded even Kalinin and Kaganovich. True in 1922 and 1934, Stalin was the General Secretary of the CPSU (b). But at the XVII Party Congress in March 1934, during the elections to the Central Committee against Stalin of 1225 delegates voted about three hundred people, nearly a third of the voters, and against Kirov - three people. The congress was intended for the post of General Secretary of Kirov, but he refused. Chairman of the Audit Commission Kaganovich, before announcing the voting results, reported to Stalin. After that, the counting commission equalized the number of votes against Stalin and the Kirov (3 votes), while the remaining ballots to vote anti-Stalinist destroyed. And Stalin was no longer elected to the post of Secretary-General. Post remained vacant. And Stalin had signed documents only as secretary of the Central Committee. As Secretary-General was abolished at the XIX Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev has not been elected Secretary-General and First Secretary of the Central Committee. About democracy in the era of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" folklore has preserved a curious an introduction, which rumor attributed to Stalin: "No matter how the vote is important, how to count." Saying this is true for modern dictatorship of the financial oligarchy, which is buying votes even before they are filed.The XVII Congress of the CPSU (B), Stalin and Kaganovich committed a serious crime the party, which entailed many criminal and crimes against the state with important political implications for the state, society and the fate of all the peoples of Russia. Speaking of the first steps of the deployment of a broad policy of repression within the party in 1930., The late Col. Gen. D. Volkogonov writes: "Even Stalin's love of the Kirov (the facts are told that it was) did not stop him before ... in order to eliminate popular man, a potential adversary. Kirov's murder was a good pretext for tightening of domestic policy in the country. He could not forget that a quarter of the delegates XVII Congress voted against it ... From the 1225 delegates in 1108 will soon be arrested and most of them die in the cellars of the NKVD and the camps. Of the 139 members and alternate members of the Party Central Committee elected at the congress, 97 people will be arrested and shot ... It was a conscious elimination of the Leninist old guard "(DA Volkogonov, Stalin - a political portrait. Book 1.. M., 1998. C. 371.).Historians call the XVII Congress as the Congress of the winners, because in 1934 began to give the first positive results of industrialization and collectivization. Hunger and repression against the Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian peasants were behind. They have taken millions of lives. At this congress, according to DA Volkogonov, Stalin usurped power, and gave final approval to a personal dictatorship. His report read at the Congress, was fully accepted as a guide to action, instead of the usual practice of decisions or resolutions on the report. If before 1934 the country's dictatorship of the Party dictatorship substitute for the people, the dictatorship of the Party now stands for the dictatorship of one person and begin dismantling inside the winning team. But if you look at these events is not as biased as it does DA Volkogonov, we can see that in the 1934 - 1937's. in the country instead of the dictatorship of the Marxist party oligarchy that replaced the dictatorship of the proletariat, the dictatorship of the people was established, in which the "marginalized" by Dmitri Volkogonov, son arrested parents (her father was executed as "enemies" and his mother died in prison), managed to become a doctor of philosophy and doctor of historical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Colonel-General and to write more than 30 books on philosophy, history and politics.Volkogonov Stalin accused of political repression against the party cadres. But he forgot to add these charges only one very important detail: the repression were directed primarily against those who were responsible for the spiritual, economic and physical reprisals against the Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia. "Alexander Twardowski said. In 1937, one of the leaders asked Stalin- Is it too cool, we are repression?Stalin said suddenly:- Now you're talking about repression. And what are you silent when we ran collectivization, in which were repressed and killed two million people! "No one can fully justify the illegal political repressions of Stalin and his political clan. But to understand them as people and politicians is quite possible. They fought for their lives and for the life of the country, for the preservation of the Eurasian civilization and all the peoples of multinational Russia. But in the years of collectivization, Stalin did not yet have the fullness of political power to bear primary responsibility for the repression of those years. The main culprit of all the repression of the 1920s. and the period of collectivization is a Marxist political oligarchy that historians today rightly defined as the dictatorship of the party. Win this oligarchy, it is just as illegal would destroy the Stalinist political clan.In 1934, Stalin's political clan has turned his face to the people of Russian history and culture. Treatment was published three secretaries of the CC - Stalin, Kirov, Zhdanov - the revival of Russian historical science and history teaching in all schools in the country. Prior to that taught in schools contrived Trotskyists cosmopolitan social science and the dominant method of teaching Americanized disciplines. In 1934, Stalin and the Stalinists began to act not only as party leaders, but especially as Statists. Stalin already had authority not only to the party, but also public grounds. He became, in his time, Lenin, leader of the people, the national leader of Soviet Russia. If the economic field, the turning point was 1929, the political - 1934-th.Following Trotsky and the Trotskyites accused Stalin Volkogonov in the murder of Kirov, but a bulging outward facts of Eastern cruelty he could not see all of the circumstances of this tragedy, it is Russian. It is not excluded that the December 1, 1934, Stalin sacrificed the political interests of Russia the life of his best friend, Sergei Kirov, although in science, this question is still not resolved completely. Prepared and committed the murder, of course, not Stalin. This made him enemies. Stalin did not only prevent the crime of his enemies in order to not only eliminate the proxy of his future rival, but also to use this fact to defeat the very real and has united political opposition left and right. It is in the Eastern insidious crime had been committed not only in the interests of Stalin and his political clan, but also for the people. It was used as an excuse for the defeat of Trotsky and the salvation of the Russian and other peoples of Russia is quite possible the dictatorship of Trotsky and his political clan. Kirov could be (as expected and the enemies of Russia, outlining its position on the Secretary General) transitional figure, a puppet in the hands of the Marxist party oligarchy. The real power passed into the hands of the "leader of October" Trotsky. As a result, Russia could fall under the yoke of the Zionist-American global power seekers not in 1991, and in 1941, why this victim of Stalin, apparently, had a certain historical justification. But when after the war Stalin for the sake of his ambition sacrificed Zhdanov, Voznesensky, Kuznetsov, and a whole cohort of Russian patriots of the Leningrad party organization, fate turned against him, and Russia. He himself was killed ambitious initiators and counterfeiters "Leningrad Affair" and Russia was given into the hand and the political pygmies chuzhebesov. They led the country to counter-revolutionary coup d'etat in 1991 Came in 1964 to power a Marxist party-political oligarchy is not much different in spirit from the pro-Western Nicholas early twentieth century bureaucracy. It also undermined from within the Russian state that existed in the form of Soviet power. And a great power, as in February 1917, collapsed suddenly. The famous Russian socialist Alexander Herzen used to say: "The first teeth do not slip and fall should be." But sooner or later in their place new ones grow more strong and durable. And these "new teeth" in modern Russia have already appeared.The forum site "Politucheba" July 7, 2007 economist Vitaly Glukhov in the original and socially significant message, "The Political Economy of Marx," criticizing the monopoly existing in Russia, financial and banking system and its destructive role in the development of the productive economy of the country, says: "Banks from one year to reap huge profits, industrial production is becoming less profitable, not to mention agriculture ... We are dealing with a high degree of monopoly in the banking sphere. ... This sphere of activity is tightly controlled, and there is no free movement of capital ... government has entered into an agreement with the bankers ... the ordinary maintenance of capital movements, banking operations became a dominion over the production and consumption, to rule over the whole of society. The very same banking degenerated into banal usury ... That, in turn, allows billionaires to multiply like mushrooms after the rain ... the number of dollar millionaires in Russia over the last year increased by 15.5% to 119 thousand people. "Recently, the Russian State Duma adopted a law against parasitism. But the unemployed homeless person is different from the Moscow Moscow lender-billionaire? In fact, he and the other lives, albeit at different levels on the labor productivity of workers, ie, is a parasite. Today's lenders are not better rossiyanskie Russian serf XIX century. Those and others, as the parasites in fact, stand in the way of social progress and national prosperity. Why in the XIX century. Alexander was found, the Liberator, the feudal yoke skinuvshy, and in the XXI century. can not appear Vladimir-Liberator, which will save the people of Russia from the tribute to domestic and overseas lenders? Speaking of monopoly finance capital in Russia, VI Glukhov just tells the modern Russian rulers: nationalize all the banks in Russia and give the bank interest in the disposal of the national state, not private individuals who pay money to foreign banks, thus robbing the people of Russia, forced to pay tribute to America and other countries in the Western world. On the same path of Russia's revival shows and other Russian patriot, citing the example of the Soviet Union: "The strength of the Soviet system and a wonderful breakthrough in economic development were related to the fact that, to socialize the means of production, Soviet Russia was able to enter the" free "money to liquidate the loan percent, to tame monetarism "(Kara-Murza S. Soviet civilization. M., 2001. pp. 362 - 363.). Nationalizing the banking system, Russia may again be ahead of the rest. But for this it needs to form a socialist nation's elite, who do not live on the interest from money capital, and earning bread by his labor. Because these percentages - disguised tribute to the labor productivity of workers. Only the elite of producing the material and spiritual values ​​of society and the state is able to nominate a national leader, able to lead the people over the dictatorship of the parasites of all kinds. If Russia will create the country's only state-owned bank, and any interest earned on cash transactions, both domestically and in working with foreign clients will come into the state treasury, the welfare of the working population, including pensioners, the increase during the year at least two times. Such is the effectiveness of just one of tools to ensure the country's dictatorship of the people. The second is as an important lever for the revival of Russia is a national leader - the leader of the people. Liberate the people from the yoke of usury - a measure of well worthy the name of the socialist leader. As you know, in November 1917, head of the "Government Commission on the mastery of banks" was named Lenin, who in three weeks was all private banks to merge with State Bank. Today, such a move likely to support the socialist leader of the Orthodox Church for Orthodoxy - the world's only religion, which has consistently opposed the financial usury. It is no accident Koreans and Chinese patronize the spread of Orthodoxy in their respective countries.ABABII-DinAugust 15, 2007Yekaterinburghttp://rpr.ur.ru/forum/1/0/80/

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