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воскресенье, 27 февраля 2011 г.

Nanovorovstvo: money for science in the left pocket to the officials

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527 million rubles simply disappeared in the depths of Rosnauka Nanovorovstvo: money for science in the left pocket to the officials / 527 million rubles simply disappeared in the depths of Rosnauka Moscow, August 11 (New Region, Maxim Demirov) - On the eve of the Russian Audit Chamber said that the country has paid for research into nanotechnology is twice more than he should, while the Federal Agency for Science has spent half a billion rubles. Apparently, the officials of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (FASI) skillfully master budget. But this is not about the benefits of science, and not about the effectiveness of spending of budget funds. Just officials skillfully supplement their own pockets, with little concern about the state of our science and the development of nanotechnology.
To build the infrastructure for the development of nanotechnology has been spent over 17 million dollars was spent nanotechnology. However, it appears, in many cases the projects were not needed: sometimes they repeat the already existing projects. For example, the agency to bring in artists to perform work that was supposed to do by itself. 527 million rubles simply vanished in the bowels of the agency and settled in the pockets of interested parties, stated in the Chamber of the Russian Federation. These big money has been spent to pay for unnecessary and duplicative contracts. Find out about it by checking the targeted and efficient use of federal budgetary and extra budgetary resources to implement the activities of the Federal target program "Development of infrastructure for nanotechnology in the Russian Federation for 2008-2010". So, according to the controlling agency, in 2008-2009 31.8 million rubles, mastered FASI of the total budget went to pay for works to be performed by the officials of this department for the appropriate remuneration. In particular, FASI has attracted contractors, research and information provision and monitoring of the implementation of that program. By and large, the point is that officials have decided to transfer some of the work that had to do for yourself, contractors, and thus themselves remain under the old salary, and gave the others to earn. In the loser was the budget, as well as the Russian science. But that's not all. Another scam officials from the science related to the contracting parties to ensure access of the national nanotechnology network to electronic sources of scientific and technical information. In this project the artist listed funds totaling 193.3 million rubles. According to the Accounting Chamber auditors need to conduct this kind of work did not exist in a situation where, and so there are existing scientific electronic library and database of the Russian Science Citation Index. Thus, these works simply duplicated each other, writes KM.RU. In connection with the emerging scandal of the Ministry of Education has already pledged to investigate the situation, passed New York Times. Situation with the budget spending on science expert said the All-Russian Foundation for Education, Oleg Sergeyev: - I would not be surprised if it turns out that the articulated above, the amount of expenditure needed to add a few zeros. Under our system of governance such corrupt schemes are elementary. To science and scientists of money, in fact, do not reach. They dissolve in the organizational structure. The problem is that our science has competent management. Its administration is not involved in those people who do science, and managers who do not have a clue about science. So, unfortunately, a phenomenon that has opened The Chamber can be considered "normal." The regulations of the Ministry of Education says that it deals with science policy. What policies can be in the field of science? In addition to doing something one - or science, or education. As a result, we received an administrative monster that was inflated, having absorbed and FASI, and the Federal Education Agency. The result was a completely unmanaged system. And there are no steps aimed at optimizing the structure. So it is no surprise that the monster as a sponge absorbs a whopping cash. Level of management education and research in Russia - it's stone age. The whole world has long moved on to the project approach. Developed a specific project - for example, in science - which is chosen by a team of people who are specialists in their field. And in such structures as Rosnano, you can pour any amount of money, but to specific artists - scientists and developers - they will never reach. We in the government, Sergei Ivanov often repeats that "we pay for the signs." But in reality, things are going in FASI, which just choked on the money. Because I do not know how to invest this money into science. Hence the crisis of science, caused by the crisis in its management.
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