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суббота, 26 февраля 2011 г.

"Soap" from Michael Barshchevsky

 Full degradation and the expansion of liberal democratic forces continues to be a different animators trying to pour new wine into ragged fur. Connected to the process and the well-known Russian official, a lawyer by education, Mikhail Barshchevsky, hoping that the liberal democratic ideals in its interpretation, will find new meaning. "We are still learning how to live in a democracy, learn to enjoy its benefits. (This, apparently, he meant those who was involved in the stripping of state property under the guise of building democracy). 17 years ago, the Russians have ceased to be cogs in a soulless system and started getting rid of graft in the Soviet era, the complex of social dependency. (People were dependent, and "smart" officials fed him, so is the latest interpretation of the political economy of Barshchevsky. Well, here we can say: A lawyer!) It's time to citizens - those who are willing to do himself, and not to trust a stranger. Citizenship in this - in every non-indifference, and so indifferent to all. It was so realized the power of civil society. " Vivid example of how pathetic, chatter and nonsense can be embedded in four sentences. He took over the case, as we see, famously. Immediately zaimel position of chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party "Civil Force". Well, went to walk the village. A Barshevsky like a machine gun, began to give out the bourgeois, worn to the ground truth, but with a look like he just found them. "We have not left and not right," - says this figure, showing his utter lack of understanding of social processes and their true face careerist. If you translate it back on track from routine, then Barshevsky said that we are not women and not men, we have something vaguely, as in the current structure of class conflict is not policy neutral. Barshevsky, being in the camp of the bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy, trying to convince citizens that it was not with them that he and the people and for development, ie, once again deceived. We glance at seven in the ideological principles of the party and see: "We will create a powerful and numerous class of wealthy people - free and successful citizens of the new Russia," "Freedom and equality of opportunity," "The inviolability of private property," "alternative, the market does not exist", and so etc.
Maybe Barshevsky and does not understand what all this right-wing bourgeois slogans that help keep people in check and to carry out the bourgeois dictatorship, but rather, cunning, but it is.
Further, in an interview with the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, Barshevsky even more confusing readers: "We are normal. That is, do not follow some pre-defined ideologies. Yes, we - the Liberal Party, but a patriot and want Russia to be a strong state, "- gives nagora clerk got excited, imagining himself a great politician. Indeed, such figures do not have a coherent ideology, no firm convictions, they are social climbers, but because for them the most important is not the solution to some social problems, the victory of one class or another, but to preserve their privileged position and proximity to the propertied class. Prettify exploitation, lawlessness, the bourgeoisie and to exhort the people of flowery phrases, keeping him from the protest - and therein lies the essence of liberalism. What makes Barshevsky. This statement Barshevsky reaffirmed allegiance F. Dostoeskogo thoughts expressed by them in the "Notes from Underground", which any normal person is stupid. And every modern positive person is a cowardly slave. Normal, in the understanding of careerist Barshchevsky, which can be a cheap trick to fool and moth-eaten liberal ideas.
Apparently sensing this Barshevsky and strive to prove that they are the party of smart people. "We are the party of smart and intelligent. The party professional elite - the intelligentsia and business. That is, doctors, teachers, journalists, university professors, scientists, managers, artistic intellectuals. Those who used to work for his head, is able to distinguish between populist promises of what can realistically be done. We will not do anything special to attract votes. This election year I need to have a platform to communicate with the people - to offer the public a set of purified against the politicization of ideas. " Intelligent person does not need to prove their abilities to think, as well as the parties clearly understand your problem and its class nature, as it is in itself stupid. Primitive looks and self Barshevsky, who opposes the populism and then erecting a lot of empty and populist statements. And where are the ideas themselves?
Should follow in his remarks, Mr. Liberal Barshchevsky, or at least understand what you say. And we ought to respect the history and not try to distort it, to serve their ideological purposes, stating that "... only in a time when the Soviet system has weakened, broke intellectuals: Likhachev, sugars, Sobchak, Yegor Yakovlev, Alexander Afanasiev. And where were Yakovlev before? And who in the USSR was at the helm of all this time? Maybe Barshevsky and does not know? And that was after the so-called breakthrough intellectuals to power? An unprecedented orgy of fraud, embezzlement, betrayal of the people, the collapse of the economy and prosperity lies and violence in society. That, for this too should praise and give orders? In fact, when the dictatorship of monopoly capital has diminished, and it was necessary to carry out reforms for the sake of power and property, then were brought to the forefront of the Democrats talkers who helped the bureaucracy and take away state property, and themselves had to participate. Now you have to keep stolen property in their hands, and therefore the party Barshchevsky and stands for the inviolability of private property. Their property, as well as a huge mass of our citizens and does not have anything except his labor. And they have no need to rush to the barricades to various Barshevsky and others like them had retained the means of production and power, continuing to fool and exploit people. As we see, "soap" from Barshchevsky - a cheap compilation of the bourgeois democratic ideas that do not contain, a single fresh idea, but pretending to mind, honor and conscience. Have some money to them is not enough?
Ivan Tevrizsky
14.06.2007, the

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