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суббота, 26 февраля 2011 г.

Who does an image damage "United Russia"?

 Image is nothing - a thirst for money all. The slogan of the modern party member. Sept. 22 workers UAZ-SUAL, the city of Kamensk-Uralsk, came to the rally, demanding higher wages, causing, thus, the extreme displeasure of the authorities and the Board of the plant. Everything was good! Worked for a pittance and not resented. Listened to what they were told the factory owners, managers involved in the division of profits, and executives pocket unions, and meekly obeyed. And suddenly, the rally! Yes, even without permission, that have tried to note all the journalists, those to whom, and making demands! So they apparently want to shout and - how dare YOU to speak out against the owners of life! Immediately joined the media, wanting to please the authorities. "Organizers of unsanctioned protest report that participation in the event they attract employees Kamensk-Ural Steel (KUMZ as part of a group SUAL). The rally is held without the permission of the city administration (at time of publication of the material no permission from the organizers yet been received), so the organizers of the campaign believe the police to disperse them. In the city administration have suggested that the campaign is custom in nature and aimed at disrupting the elections of deputies of the regional legislature, or at least the application of image damage before the voting day - tells Expert channel Arthur Maltsev. Whew! No more and no less! Workers demand higher wages, according to industry metering agreement, payments processed hours, no separation of graphs to pay for hazardous working conditions, job expertise, guarantees provided by the Labor Code, the increase in payroll due to dropouts and acronyms, that is for the intensification of work, and their "respectable" journalists who rush to blame partisanship in an effort to disrupt the elections of deputies of the Regional Duma, causing "loss of image" United Russia ". Surprising ability to distort everything. The fact that the board works and the mayor of Kamensk-Uralsky Viktor Yakimov, signed an agreement not to raise the wages of workers (explicit collusion, subject to the law prosecution) as reported by Ivan Tabatchikov, metallurgists and 5 categories receive a salary at least metallurgist lowest (1) the discharge is does not cause "damage to a fashion" United Russia ". And the fact that the workers legally required to pay in accordance with industry-metering agreement is undermined. According to their logic, it turns out that the blame is not the one who hunger Morita, but he who needs bread. And after these statements, they are also accused of working in the engagement! Workers are demanding their own, created by their labor. After all, it is no secret that Russian companies the share of wages in the newly created value just over 10% of that mark and Russian economists, whereas in developed countries it is 50-60%, and they attributed the hell knows what. Pull some anonymous observer, giving distorted assessment of the action. "Observers believe that the protest is the only resource for black electoral technologies. The city and the plant spreads information that discredits Boris Smolyanitsky (CEO UAZ), which is the trustee CPO in Kamensk-Uralsk. What, one wonders, working it up to the elections to the regional Duma, which for all its existence, and not lift a finger to somehow improve the situation of working? No! And there is nothing they attribute to their fabrications. But Arthur Maltsev, wanting to work out the full program, he decided, to the best of their abilities, not only to introduce the speakers working as individuals seeking to meet their needs, but also publicly squeal on them. This gentleman, "spokesman", apparently just from the cohort of those who are most afraid of the people of Stalinist repression, and are engaged in informing the public when it is convenient and profitable. "With regard to allegations of Protestants regarding wages, then the group SUAL, call them unreasonable. - Convey the views of management of the plant Maltsev. - Wages of skilled workers exceeds the Oise sredneoblastnoy and industry average. In addition, the plant implemented a variety of social programs to support young workers, rest and treatment plant workers and their families. Wages are indexed every six months, and indexed more than inflation. In the first half of 2006 the index was 14% ", - told in Sual. In this case, the agency interlocutor noted that the actions of the so-called initiative group did not reflect and may not reflect the interests of the working group, and designed to meet the needs of several individuals. With this provocation must understand law enforcement agencies. " Firstly, it would be surprising to hear from the leadership of the factory that the workers' demands are legitimate, and secondly, the wages of the metallurgist should not be determined sredneoblastnoy in calculus which includes salary (2500 -3000 rubles) pushed the agricultural sector. Nobody is, Mr. Maltsev not pay based on how much cleaner gets in the UralPolit.Ru, and Mayor Viktor Yakimov, in accordance with the salary cloakroom. And thirdly, the workers, as well as any other citizens are not prohibited strive to meet their needs. They then today, just, and were those from whom their needs satisfied by many others. In particular, and writing under dictation by journalists. But, Maltsev, apparently regards himself as excluded, to the elite of society, which should receive no labor, but on merit and status. Workers, in the opinion of this journalist, and the fact that they pay enough. And there is nothing they require. The public denunciation of Arthur Maltsev caught another "master" the pen, someone Michael Vyugin. "The strike of workers turned out to be blackmail. - Informs readers Vyugin, and adds, - still anonymous. He decided not to stand on ceremony and immediately involve law enforcement. "Whoever brought workers safe on a street - to find out the law enforcement agencies." But, why anonymous? When Vyugin, the same results publicly read out the requirements of the general director of the company, one of the founders, Sergey Kogan.
Yes, because all these gentlemen, can not believe that the workers themselves could think of and organized to demand higher wages and better working conditions. Hence the search for unknown organizers of the rally. This and all the divination of various analysts and experts. "Official trade unions blame the elections and hinted at by several opposition parties. Analysts see a strike in the machinations of enemies merger with SUAL and Rusal - said Vyugin. And have no desire to see that workers simply require human working conditions and decent pay. And even the story of Sergey Kogan, that each employee every month UAZ recycles an average of more than 20 hours, and it will not be paid, that the administration simply does not notice the violation of the Labor Code; that metallurgists are tied to the plant, as the largest employers of the city entered into a tacit agreement keep all the salaries on average, a level not persuaded amateur public denunciations. He, like his colleague, began to praise the administration and the owners of the plant. "The Director of the Information and analytical work" SUAL-Holding-Ural "Roman Lukichev describes the incident calmly:" Relations with enterprise managers and staff have always been built and are built on the principles of dialogue. All items and conditions of the Collective Agreement, as well as other agreements in the social sphere, carried out strictly. Significant positive role in this dialogue is union. The so-called initiative group did not reflect and may not reflect the collective interests, and address the needs of multiple individuals, evaluation of provocative actions which will give the relevant authorities. " As we see, Vyugin was not enough once to call the police to act, and he quotes the Roman Lukicheva, with an estimate of action job as "provocative" and appeal to the "appropriate authorities". And then, to confirm their speculations, cites deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Sverdlovsk region, Andrew Vetluzhskaya: "By raising wages between union members and management of plants is a normal negotiating process. (Real wages are not rising, and the negotiation process is still going and going, and during this time, someone comes up to retirement.) It is done regularly and planning. For this action as unions do not stand "- he says, and advises to look for the root cause of conflict in the forthcoming elections in Obldumu Oct. 8. And this gentleman there too. I feel like saying, and I think that the workers and say: yes, leave you alone, these elections Obldumu that trouble just wanting to get there, but the journalistic fraternity. Which is confirmed by the Communist Party members, Liberal Democratic Party, the Party of Life and the Pensioners Party. The very same Vyugin these data and the results: "... in these parties claim that no relation to the protests have not. And political analysts agree: regional party members, even belong to different camps, too loyal to the regional authorities to create problems on one of the main production ground elsewhere - SUAL-Holding.
Not finding the rebels among party leaders that really make it difficult, Vyugin began to seek them from the competition: "The strike occurred at UAZ is also not the easiest to SUAL moment: Holding prepares for merger with Rusal. This procedure is uneasy: the parties that agree to work together, you begin to confuse the market statements about the possibility of other alliances. In this situation, the aggravation of the situation at the plant just does not play into the hands of its shareholders. True, anyone can hold such shares of discontent for the game against the union, can not assume even the analysts. " As we see the sad result. In general, the arguments of these sharks ruble reduced to one - is an urgent need to involve law enforcement, that's just against whom, is unknown, but the order must necessarily deal with the workers. Apparently, following this logic, the police and detained Sergei Kogan, who refused to produce documents to police.

Vitaly Glukhov 27.09.2006, the

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