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пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Not long music was playing not long fraer dancing

   Cash earnings Russian fell by 5,5%
02/25/1911 1:27 Learn to discuss in forum to discuss printable version of the Pocket Russian citizens have a presentiment of a new crisis / Russian Incomes fell by 5,5%
Moscow, February 25 (New Region, Olga Radko) - Sociology of the Russian Center for Public Opinion Studies (VTsIOM) announced today that the current level of concern indicates premonitions of a new crisis. In February, about 80% of Russians said they believe the observed price increase is very significant. The February estimate of Russians for most positions close to the pre-crisis sensations in November 2008. The consequences of high inflation records and dispassionate statistics. Real incomes fell in January, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, by 5,5%. The growth of the same real wages over the past 12 months is likely to be zero. Talk about economic recovery in such circumstances is not necessary, the experts concluded, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
The February estimate of Russians in inflation appeared to be more negative than in 2009-2010, and partly close to the sensations that were recorded in anticipation of the crisis - in November 2008. Such a result experts VTsIOM got polled last week 1600 people from 138 localities in 46 regions and republics of Russia. "If in November last year the share of respondents evaluating the rate of price increases as" very high ", was on average 65% in December - an average of 70% in January and February 2011 it increased up to 75 and 80% respectively - said in a statement VTsIOM. Hardest hit of Russians can afford housing prices and food prices and petrol.
The tendency of devouring income inflation also indicate statistical summaries. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, inflation in January 2011 amounted to 2,4%. Moreover, as clarified a few weeks ago, Minister of Economic Development (MED) Nabiullina by up to February, inflation in Russia will be 1.3%. True, after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has achieved some reduction of oil prices on gasoline and diesel fuel, appeared more optimistic forecasts. Earlier this week, Deputy MAYOR Klepach said: "There is a chance that inflation in February will be closer to 1%.
However, in February this year, current inflation in annual terms may exceed the threshold of 10%.
Not encouraging, and recent data Rosstat revenue and salaries of the population. In January 2011, real disposable money incomes fell by 5.5% compared with January 2010. Nominal wages of Russians grew in January relative to last year's January to 10,2%, while real - only 0,6%. In this case, specify: income statistics is fundamentally different from the statistics of wages. After all, the income taken into account including pension, which the government periodically indexes, ie, increases with inflation. The dynamics of wages reflects precisely the economic processes that directive, and manually by the authorities no longer regulated.

© 2011, NR2.Ru, «New Region", 2.0
Advanced capitalism in 2020. Author: Administrator Date: 22.02.2008 11:11:32 Student Registered: 07.04.2007 Posts: 26 Post Posted: Mon June 11, 2007 5:31 pm Post subject: developed capitalism in 2020. Reply with quote Theme of St. Petersburg Economic Forum: "Looking at 20 years ahead," most fully characterizes our guide. Rejecting the communist project-mongering, although there is nothing communist and was not, they continue to cram people Project for many years without seeing that they have to happen under their noses. Or rather not wanting to see anything. To sum up everything said at the last forum, we can conclude: by 2020 Russia will produce two or even three times the GDP and per capita income and even more, but that's only a shower will be much less, and showers will be mostly foreign. This situation is well expresses the slogan of the modern Russian reality: construct in Russia the development of capitalism for the Chinese, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc.
Klark Registered: 06.04.2007 Posts: 168 Location: Russia Post Posted: Mon June 25, 2007 2:15 pm Post subject: Reply with quote According to Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Naryshkin, speaking at the annual investor conference in Moscow, the Russian government has carefully developed long-term vision for the country until 2020, and thus assured the bureaucracy and oligarchy that they and their heirs will be provided freely and comfortable life . With joy Naryshkin told the audience, and the growth of international reserves. Now they make up more than $ 400 billion. Yes! Pumped a lot of "honey". Yes, that's the trouble, the "bee" and "Beekeepers" different views on this "honey." Thus, the "Bees" special and should not rejoice in the presence of "honey" in the bins and hope that by the year 2020 for them to change anything.
Student Registered: 07.04.2007 Posts: 26 Post Posted: Tue June 26, 2007 4:48 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Incidentally, the bee family is divided into bees and drones ... WHO IS WHO IN THIS CASE? (Almost biologist)
Publicist Registered: 18.04.2007 Posts: 74 Post Posted: Wed June 27, 2007 12:54 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Vedomosti got hold of the concept of development of Russia until 2020, written by the ministry and have pleased readers excellent prospects for the future of the country. "The share of high-tech industries in GDP for this period will be twice the share of oil and gas sector, and Russia will become the innovative power, where will all - from the safety of nuclear reactors to nanomedicine." In connection with these grefovskimi Project I recall the anecdote about Professor udyaschego fish. Invited the learned doctor, after a doctorate in angling the fish on a fishing trip of his graduate students. Based on the principle that practice is the criterion of truth. Threw a rod and let the doctor explain his concept of post-graduate fishing. - First, we bait and throws her into the water. Catch small fish and make it a bait. Next, we catch fish already large, and then more and more. Scientists fishermen sit one hour, two, three, and bite all no and no. - Strange! - Wonders the professor. - In my scientific work is all logical, but the fish was not caught. - Apparently, the fish did not read your doctor - explains graduate student, trying to somehow appease the professor. There is really little difference here. If the doctor on angling fish have been caught more and bigger fish, then our projectors, projects are becoming more and more smaller scale. Khrushchev promised to build communism in 1980, Gorbachev - to provide comfortable housing for all citizens, and Gref promised in 2020 to make the country the innovation power, where will all - from the safety of nuclear reactors to nanomedicine. Who's next?
Klark Registered: 06.04.2007 Posts: 168 Location: Russia Post Posted: Thu June 28, 2007 2:15 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Following the German Gref projectors do not have to wait long. They were Academician, which drew more Bole brighter prospects. Academician Ivanter country promises a bright future, where people will live rich and happy. According to the Academic Project by 2030 Russia will overtake most European countries in terms of household consumption and GDP per capita at purchasing power parity. Quote: "If the Ministry of Economic Development expects growth in per capita GDP up to 30 thousand dollars, according to our calculations, this figure could increase to 35,000," - said Academician Ivanter. Quote: According to the calculations of academics, Russian oil production reached 485 million tons, with exports of 275 million Accordingly, production of gas - 800 billion cubic meters for export of 242 billion Electricity production in 2020 was 2075 billion kWh. In the optimistic version of MERT for the year 2020 recorded very different figures: the extraction of oil - 530 million tons, with exports of 270 million Gas 900 billion cubic meters for export 332 billion Meanwhile, the guarantees of their scenarios, mindful of the economic outlook in 1987, neither academics nor the Government give. Who would then be able to say that by 2010 Russia will reach the level of 1990. No! But the way it is. Twenty years of living, labor of millions of citizens were thrown out of history. A distinctive feature of academic Project was a statement of academician Ivanter, the need to overcome the foreign control over the finances of the country. "While the refinancing of our economy goes through Russian banks, and in foreign countries where the government takes out money, but again, their business brings in, but in the form of foreign bank loans," - says academician Ivanter. This statement is much spoiled the mood of government officials, from the bright prospects of development. In the ointment was fly in the ointment.
Publicist Registered: 18.04.2007 Posts: 74 Post Posted: Wed December 26, 2007 4:16 pm Post subject: Reality beats all forecasts projectors Reply with quote Small business is dying, slowly but surely
With the New Year in Russia will come into force a new federal law on small business. Its main objectives - improving the situation of already operating businesses and attract new market. However, experts are confident that this will not affect the situation in Russia, "Novye Izvestia".
The whole point is that in our country every year becomes less and less citizens, even hypothetically, ready to private enterprise. In addition, only 2% of those who could theoretically build your business, do it in practice.
In Russia, has long been said that small and medium business should be the foundation of our economy. But in fact nothing to do so and has not been done. That's because very few people thinking about how to engage in private business. This year in this regard has not improved, but worsened the situation.
The latest survey by Levada-Center "showed: only 18% of Russians would like to start their own business. In this case, today categorically not allow such an opportunity 69% of respondents. It is worth noting that five years ago, potential entrepreneurs were ready to be nearly 25% of the population.
Looks like this is that rare case when the Russians are learning a foreign experience. Senior Fellow, Institute of Sociology Nikovskaya Larissa says: "Recent studies have shown that 80% of Russian businessmen are dissatisfied with their legal status, 88% are afraid to lose the property at any time, while two thirds complained of corruption. High hopes pinned on a package of amendments to legislative acts that significantly limit the right of Interior to the many checks, but these amendments have not yet been adopted. "
Many experts believe that one of the major problems - it is bribery. "Most of the ills of domestic business are derived from the corruption - is confident the executive director of Small and Medium Business Support of Russia" Dina Krylova. - Not only have to pay an inspection of the various agencies and officials for the necessary paperwork. It's no secret that corruption is a long time penetrated into the courts, and bailiffs, and other structures. "
It is not necessary and forget about such an integral part of Russian business, as criminal organizations. Director, Center for Post-Industrial Studies, Vladislav Inozemtsev sure that this is one of the biggest challenges to date. "Entrepreneurs are simply afraid because they feel insecure, not only to administrators, but also to the crime. If we take the purely economic aspects, they also now do not contribute to the top of the business. Price-to-market has risen sharply, expensive and Market Analysis also increased costs for accounting, payment of wage labor "- told Inozemtsev. According to experts, all goes to the fact that some time in the domestic market mostly remain only those enterprises which are controlled by state agencies or related to them.
Leonid Polozov, December 26, 12:40 Utro.ru
Klark Registered: 06.04.2007 Posts: 168 Location: Russia Post Posted: Thu December 27, 2007 2:00 pm Post subject: Anaesthetists in action Reply with quote Previously promised to every apartment in 2000 and now in 2010, only every third. Every third dwelling By 2010, 30% of Russian citizens will be able to buy a home - one built up, and the majority - with the help of various credit facilities. And in 2020 it will be able to 60% of Russians. These are the official projections. Ironically, the reason for this - the rise in prices, pushing the industry's development. The pace of housing construction in Russia are ahead of all expectations: in the past year it was introduced almost 60 million square meters of housing. The results of the national project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing - to Russian citizens," he enjoys the performers. Summing up the results of its first phase, the deputy minister of regional development Sergey Kruglik admitted that they have surpassed the most optimistic expectations. "The next year, realtors predict a rise in property prices by 30%, while incomes - no more than 15%" "The growth of the introduction of new housing in Russia was predicted at 20%, real annual growth of close to 30%. Thus, there will be 60 million square meters of new housing ", - said Kruglik. In 2006, the plan 50.8 million square meters of housing were introduced 50.6 million square meters, which is 16% more than in 2005. Plan for 2007 was 56.3 million square feet, but from January to November was introduced already 44,300,000 square meters of housing - an increase of 129.5% over the same period in 2006. Initially it was planned that the program "Housing construction growth will be gradual, from 9% to 13% by 2013. But such a rate as now, said Sergei Kruglik, as early as 2010 in Russia will build 80 million square meters of housing annually. With regard to the development of the mortgage, then in 2007 was planned to conclude deals worth 250 billion rubles, but for the year, despite the problems of this sector, total investment in it amounted to 400 billion rubles. According Kruglik, with mortgage lending 14% of real estate transactions, and in 7 regions, this percentage was 25%. Despite the increase in supply, housing becomes more expensive. During the first 9 months of 2007, prices in Russia in the primary and secondary market totaled 22.8%. "The construction boom occurred after the last year to raise the price of real estate. Cement went up by 250% in the summer and now ready for implementation as many factories that by 2010 the volume of its production increase from the current 60 million tonnes to 100 million tons. Now the land has risen, and this year work began on unused agricultural land and the Defense Ministry ", - he explained his idea. Moreover, despite the rising cost of housing data Economic Development said that Russians' purchasing power also increases. In 2005 the free market to buy a home 9% of the population today - 17%. By 2010, 30% of Russians will come to the housing market. By 2020, 60% of citizens will be able to buy a home, both independently and with the help of mortgage and other mechanisms. However, with such allegations, not all agree. Chairman of Advisory Board of the Federation Council Commission on legislative efforts to develop affordable housing market, Ivan Grachev said that the Russians will soon not be able to both actively buying real estate. According to him, the availability of housing for the duration of the project has fallen in half. "This can be proved by calculation, taken around the world: the ratio of the average wage to the average cost of housing. Since the end of 2004 to the present time housing prices grew three times, and salaries - in two. Moreover, housing affordability will decline further. The following year, realtors predict a rise in property prices by 30%, while incomes - no more than 15% ", - he said.
December 26, 2007, 19:58 Olga Lopatnikova
Klark Registered: 06.04.2007 Posts: 168 Location: Russia
SoobschenieDobavleno: Wed January 30, 2008 10:12 pm Post subject: Reply with quote IN RUSSIA Global crisis threatens to increase taxes
The global financial crisis has given new arguments Ministry of Finance to maintain or even increase the tax burden in Russia in 2009-2011. This became clear during the last press conference yesterday Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov. The greatest impact may come in "Gazprom" and the owners of expensive real estate ... "We do not see opportunities to reduce taxes in the current situation, when the Russian economy more sensitive to shocks on world markets", - said Sergei Shatalov. According to him, during the annual tax cut of 1% of GDP in Russia is completed and the next three years the load on some taxpayers actually increased. More in taxes, according to Shatalov, will have to pay Gazprom and other gas companies, as well as owners of expensive properties. Expect the taxpayers and other changes ... In general, the Finance Ministry does not plan to at least the next three years, significantly reducing the tax burden on the economy. Deputy Alexei Kudrin said that the last three years the tax burden was reduced by about 1% of GDP a year. "But in the near future such radical solutions to reduce the tax burden we have no plans" - Shatalov said ...
In the U.S.
Proposals by President Bush Bush assesses the prospects for U.S. optimistic. "In the long run, Americans can be confident in our economic growth - he said. - But in the short term, we all see that growth is slowing. " In this regard, the president said, led them to the administration reached an agreement with leaders of the House of Representatives "effective package of measures to stimulate economic growth." They include the provision of tax rebates to individuals and businesses a range of benefits ... Bush called on Congress to immediately approve the proposed bill, without taking in this case any further attempts to "load" it with other financial costs ... So, according to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the overall "package" is estimated at about $ 150 billion when this tax relief for individuals - individual and family - would amount to 100 billion dollars, and benefits for business - 50 billion ...
Publicist Registered: 18.04.2007 Posts: 74 SoobschenieDobavleno: Thu January 31, 2008 10:32 am Post subject: U.S. Congress votes for Bush's plan Reply with quote "Spend - and this you will save America" Tax refund totaling $ 146 billion dollar share among 111 million Americans, Allan Davidov (Washington)
30.01.08 On Tuesday, members of the U.S. House of Representatives to expeditiously approve an unprecedented package of economic measures to stimulate the economy and stave off a recession. It is about the allocation of the federal budget 146 billion dollars in tax refunds to citizens and providing tax breaks for businesses. However, this document can be blocked in the Senate, observers say. Under the bill, a tax return must get 111 million Americans. Individuals who earn from 3 to 75 thousand dollars a year or married couples with earnings up to 150 thousand dollars per year, respectively, will receive up to 600 or up to $ 1200. Parents of minor children will receive an additional $ 300 for each child. Passage of the bill is vital to mitigate the difficulties faced by American families, said House Speaker, Democrat Nancy Pelosi: "Many Americans, belonging to the middle class, live from paycheck to paycheck. And they have to contend with rising prices at grocery stores, gas stations and hospitals. Adopted today, we bill directly affect their lives. " Among the critics of the bill in the lower house - a member of the Committee on Financial Regulation, a Republican from California, John Campbell: "This bill will not be challenging. Look at the cause of the problem, before which we find ourselves. This is a problem loan, the problem of capital. People borrow and spend too much money. We're going to send them cash checks with the words: "Let's spend. Buy their own flat TVs - and that you will save America". Before we proceed to the signing of the President, the bill must be approved in the Senate, the Democratic majority is eager to heavily modify the document. On Wednesday, the Senate Finance Committee is going to vote for their version. Head of the Committee Democrat Max Bacus offers the following alignment - $ 500 per person or $ 1000 for each married couple, plus $ 300 for each child, the extension of entitlement to those who remain jobless, as well as the inclusion among the beneficiaries an additional 20 millions of older Americans, which the draft of the lower chamber is not a word. The cost of this kontrvarianta - 156 billion dollars. Bacus plan may not meet the expectations of the authors of the first version of the bill - George W. Bush and his administration quickly to document through Congress and signed him to execution. Republican leader Mitch McConnell, the Senate on Tuesday urged his colleagues to adopt Option House of Representatives without amendment in order as soon as possible to stimulate the revival of the American economy and prevent a confrontation between the Senate and House of Representatives.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ As we see, U.S. senators urge Americans to spend more to save America, and allocate funds for this purpose, and Russian leaders are calling on their fellow citizens have less to spend, probably, too, to save America. RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 16.03.2008 16:36:16 Student Registered: 07.04.2007 Posts: 26 Added: January 31, 2008 10:24 pm Post subject: NOODLES FROM Kudrin and Companions -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Alexey Kudrin - the successes of Russia: "Ahead of the UK and Germany, but behind France and Italy" Quote: Alexey Kudrin, Anatoly Chubais and Yevgeny Primakov on Wednesday at an economic forum in Moscow, telling foreigners about the successes of Russia. Strong economic growth, a doubling of investment, the first in the ratings and the willingness to share responsibility for the recovery of a diseased world economy - all this was to persuade businessmen that Russia be trusted with their money. Foreigners do not mind, though an attentive participant of the forum could easily be seen: there is no unity among the speakers. And the evaluation of their sharply divergent. Speech by Vice Premier, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin was a nail the whole forum. Convincing figures and indicators, which has made our economy, from the mouth of the Minister of foreigners - and in the hall were mostly foreign investors - had heard enough. Figures and really impressive. In terms of production last year, Russia ranked 10 th in the world with GDP of $ 1.27 trillion. - However, at purchasing power parity Russian economy in 2007 entered the 7-th place in the world, ahead of Italy and Brazil. Bypassed France even earlier than expected - with pride Kudrin said. Note that if the size of GDP success of our country can be proud of, then the second indicator - the issue ambiguous. It is the strong ruble has caused a sharp rise in imports last year. It is worth recalling about China, which deliberately keeps its yuan too cheap, stimulating its own production. Theodore Gull Izvestia We have even surpassed the income of Americans top managers, and came in second place in the world in dollar billionaires, as Kudrin has decided not to apply, but for salaries, pensions, scholarships, health services are in the area of Honduras and Nigeria. Retirement in Italy 24,500, in terms of U.S. Dollars, and 2 450rubley - in Russia! Anyone caught? (Interim rate of the yuan against the U.S. dollar crossed the line 7.19 yuan per U.S. dollar According to the China Center for foreign exchange transactions, an intermediate rate of Chinese currency against the U.S. dollar crossed the line 7.19 on Jan. 31 and reached 7.1853 yuan per dollar, an increase of 145 basis points from the previous trading session, which was another record with began reforming the mechanism of formation of the RMB exchange rate in July 2005. January 31 at the interbank foreign exchange market, the interim rate was RMB: 10.6612 yuan per euro, 6.7560 yuan per 100 yen for the Hongkong dollar and pound sterling - 0.92102 and 14.2707 yuan respectively. According to experts, the current appreciation of the yuan against the dollar due to another reduction in interest rates USA.-o- Source: Xinhua) For a cheap yuan gives more than 3 expensive rate. Klark Registered: 06.04.2007 Posts: 168 Location: Russia Posted: 02 Feb 2008 03:10 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Awakened economists On the background of happy reports of government members and officials of various levels of the economy came a common voice awakened economists who finally plucked up the courage to say what they think, not what you want power. Nezavisimaya Gazeta published an article in which leading economists blame the government for creating conditions for new hazards. Home crisis worse than foreign Quote: Leading economists have accused the government in creating conditions for new hazards Leonid Grigoriev, sees no reason to be proud of overaccumulation of gold reserves. Risk of global financial crisis in Russia is too exaggerated, the inefficiency of the government threatens the country is much more serious dangers. With such a warning on Thursday by leading independent Russian economists of the group "Sigma". According to them, in an exceptionally favorable external economic situation, the Russian government has already sparked four mini-crisis. And inadequate measures to control inflation proved that man-made crises certainly be repeated in coming years. "The current flight of capital from emerging markets may be the end of the year, replaced by a new influx, and this factor by itself does not threaten Russia's economy, problems which are more pervasive," - said yesterday, head of the Economic Expert Group "Yevsei Gurvich. In particular, rising inflation due to overheating of the Russian economy, which, according to Gurvich's probably not aware of the government. "Judging from the list of lightweight anti-inflationary measures, the authorities do not understand what policies are needed slowdown in GDP growth by restricting credit and budget, but these measures are not even discussed in the government - said Gurvich. Dangerous signs of overheating of the Russian economy is its inability to meet the growing domestic demand, labor shortages, rise in loans and limit capacity utilization. Failure to meet the domestic demand will continue for a long time due to lack of investment. This is evidenced, in particular, abnormally low rate of savings in Russia, recent years does not exceed 18% of GDP, whereas in developing countries it exceeds 25%, while in China or Azerbaijan is at a level of 40-45% of GDP. "Because of the underdeveloped financial system, our domestic savings are not invested in the development and stored in the accounts of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank who do not know what to do with them", - said President of the Institute for Energy and Finance Leonid Grigoriev. According to him, every dollar reserves that are proud of the government - this is not done capital investments in the economy, which canned its immaturity. "The declared government stability - is a myth, but a real policy of leading the country to rot and the crisis" - the head of the Center for Social Policy Institute of Economics Eugene Gontmakher. According to him, inefficient state press down under all the relevant sectors of the economy, which reduces its competitiveness. "The proof of the absurdity of this policy are plans to build a pharmaceutical corporation, which should push the business from this lucrative industry", - said Gontmakher. Simultaneously, the government has virtually frozen the cost of education and health, which closes the possibility of modernizing the country. "The state remains the weakest link in the economy, which constantly provokes the man-made crises," - said president of the Institute of the National Project "Social Contract" Alexander Auzan. According to him, Fradkov's cabinet during its existence has managed to provoke a crisis of four, for which there was no objective reason: the bank in June 2004, the crisis of monetization in January 2005, as well as two crises in the alcohol market in 2006 and 2007. The magnitude of the current financial crisis and the consequences for Russia economists describe failed. "Prior to April - that is until the American statistics for the first quarter - the nervousness of the financial system persist, and the credit markets will likely remain closed for the Russian companies", - says Leonid Grigoriev. Current statistics, he said, does not allow an unambiguous conclusion about the beginning of a recession. Anxiety, panic investors in the stock markets, the decline in consumer spending, as well as the crisis in the U.S. housing market. At the same time, there are optimistic data - rising exports and industrial investment, as well as the positive growth in the IV quarter of 2007 at 0.6% of GDP. "Emerging markets may be affected to a lesser extent than the U.S. itself, and lower interest rates in the U.S. could potentially reopen the market for foreign capital to Russia", - considers Yevsei Gurvich. 01.02.2008 | Economy Mikhail Sergeev To summarize, of what the economists: 1. The accumulation of gold reserves is not achievement, and the rate of robbery of the Russian economy; 2. Blame internal problems on the global crisis, there is no any reason; 3. The Government does not solve the pressing problems of the people, and measures to combat inflation inadequate; 4. The financial system is undeveloped and domestic savings are not invested in the development and stored in the accounts of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank who do not know what to do with them; 5. Declared by the authorities of stability - it is a myth, but a real policy of leading the country to rot and crises; 6. The state remains the weakest link in the economy.
In this connection I would like to ask, according to economists, only one question, in the words of the song: you have before was kissing whom?
Nikolai Baibakov Registered: 21.05.2007 Posts: 59 Posted: 02 Feb 2008 08:43 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Klark, you hastened with the findings and attributed them to unusual ideas. Wake up, they woke up, but seen very zatselovany, just do not see the obvious. Or do not wish to see. Do not see that the state then we have a very strong, even otherwise than I could a few oligarchs and tycoons to drive into the poverty of millions of citizens. And in fact driven and keep continuing to pump billions of dollars from the people. And even more so as I could not help noticing Klark, that Gontmakher calls not to increase the role of government and control over finances and a reduction, a narrowing of the state's role as a supervisory and regulatory authority. And what is the expression - "inadequate measures to control inflation? Expressed as the institute ladies. Any real and meaningful measures to combat inflation Ministry of Finance and Central Bank does not accept and not accept, since it yourself and unwind. Financial system is undeveloped, and is fit for pillage, and think it should learn from the Americans or the French, to conduct financial affairs, as all at once and get better, not just wrong but dangerous. I hope that awakened gentlemen, finally senses, and will not repeat all the nonsense that they maintained previously. Although it's hard to believe. Democrat Registered: 08.02.2008 Posts: 8 Location: Ekaterinburg Added: February 15, 2008 12:49 am Post subject: Business went on the offensive -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Business requires to reduce the VAT to 10% February 13, government officials and businessmen on the raised voices arguing how to reduce the Value Added Tax (VAT). Organization of businessmen in the face of RSPP, "Business Russia" and "SUPPORT" insist that the tax should be reduced to 10%. Alexei Kudrin promised to think about ... As soon as the news (Putin's statement about the need to reduce taxes) has flown the business community, entrepreneurs understand: The time had come. The most influential Russian businessmen gathered on Tuesday to outline a plan of attack. A February 13 meeting of the Working Group on taxes when the government's Council on Competitiveness, they tried to take revenge. For the first time all three of the business organization - the RSPP, "Business Russia" and "Support of Russia" - a united front. Previously, they had different proposals on tax cuts, but yesterday they agreed on the fact that VAT should be reduced from 18% to 10%. It is a sensation, because previously it was only about 13%. According to one of the participants, the meeting was "a very sharp tone." Persuaded Kudrin Aras Agalarov (Crocus International), Vladimir Lisin (NLMK), Sergei Nedoroslev (Kaskol), Sergei Dubinin (RAO UES) and many others. The main thought of all the speeches was that the pull from the tax cuts can no longer, otherwise no plans for innovative development in our country is impossible. "I said that we must decide: either we go ahead and change something, or marking time, and then you should not talk about innovation, not talk at all about anything" - told Izvestia, one of the above businesses. Kudrin, as always, the answer talking about falling revenues. The estimates of losses of Treasury differ significantly. That's why Kudrin yesterday said nothing. Said only that it is in principle a tax cut, but he needs time to calculate. - If you lost income and will, it will be a while - to share with Izvestia's chapter on "Business Russia" Boris Titov. - Very soon, the flow of additional tax revenue compensates for all. The money will come from the shadow economy. Today, only the "cashing" 10% of the costs, if VAT will be the same, why someone would be with this contact? Further tightening is impossible, otherwise we will really find ourselves in a crisis. Source Izvestia _____________________________________________________ Without the tax cuts of advanced capitalism will not explain the representatives of business, but are silent about the fact that no high paying him just will not. Klark Registered: 06.04.2007 Posts: 168 Location: Russia Added: February 16, 2008 10:45 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ "Independent" became readers of his true face, performing under the guise of expert opinion, against the VAT reduction. "Experts believe that the authorities' intention to drastically reduce the VAT rate is already out of time", - said Igor Naumov at the beginning of his material. And further: "However, experts now in doubt refer to the advisability of a sharp decline of this tax." Experts doubt, but with tips climbing, while Igor Naumov these doubts replicates. It would be good to explain to readers what other doubts oburevayut data experts, or just on the tax cuts? But the author seems to have concerned only the question of taxation and in particular VAT, Kudrin said, among other things, promises to reduce in 2020. It is possible that by the time Kudrin, will become president and if he does, and this moment can not be zero. Impossible, as revenues will fall, says Kudrin said the author, as much as 800 billion rubles. True head of Business Russia "Boris Titov believes that figure is 800 billion rubles. decreased income, which warns Kudrin, was taken "from the ceiling." "According to our estimates, the lost income would amount to no more than 350 billion rubles," - he stressed. According to Titov, loss of budget revenue will not be long term. Because in addition to increased tax revenues from economic growth to be expected and higher tax payments to the budget due to the mass exit of business from the shadows, which, according to Titov, we can expect perhaps in the next quarter after a decline in the VAT rate. And here Naumov lets out the big guns. Quote: "Doing" tax haven "at the level of tax administration, which we have now is meaningless. Tax cuts will cause great harm. In general, the problem is not high taxes, business and so active, the economy shows up to 8% growth per year, "- says the scientific director of the Higher School of Economics, Yevgeny Yasin. Of course, we agree with Yasin, a tax cut will cause great harm, but here's who? Say that not enough money in public sector wages have no reason, as the doctor's salary, teachers and military on the completeness of our budget depends little, as the practice. Will be less opportunities have stuck to the budget, take away the money. So it is for the better. Both of whom also take care of Yassin and Naumov, together with the "Independent"? RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 10.04.2008 15:04:48 Russia's economic development is delayed / / The adoption of his concept postponed from May to autumn
Contrary to the wishes of Vladimir Putin, the Russian government under his leadership in May 2008 will not be able to start work with the approval of the concept of socio-economic development of Russia until 2020. As the head MERT Elvira Nabiullina, the document will be ready no earlier than June. On the eve of President-elect Dmitry Medvedev approved the deferral of the concept for the summer and intends to deploy their appendix, who presented at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June. The inclusion of the initiatives on the tax and social spheres can delay the development of the main document Vladimir Putin's government to fall. In May 2008, after the official inauguration of President Dmitry Medvedev, acting president Vladimir Putin is scheduled to join the post of prime minister. The main document of the new government should be the economic development strategy of Russia until 2020. Task to develop by May 2008, the concept of socio-economic development of the country's president Vladimir Putin has set the government at the enlarged meeting of the State Council on Feb. 8, 2008. Yesterday it became known that the government of Vladimir Putin, at least a month, and likely to fall to work without this plan. As stated yesterday, Gref Nabiullina, which is responsible for developing the concept, its adoption of "transferred in May to a later date." "At the XII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (it will take place June 6-9 .-" b ") is really to discuss the draft concept of a very high degree of readiness. The concept will be approved later," - she said. Mrs. Nabiullina stated that the concept will be included detailed descriptions of future tax reform, pension reform and health care reform, so that the concept did not wear a "declarative". Note we are talking about initiatives undertaken in February-May, and Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin himself. In addition, to fill the concept of specific monetary estimates and proposals for tax and social reforms by May Gref prevent workers at odds with the Finance Minister, Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin. Between the two ministers is not the first month is a bitter dispute that has priority for the Russian economy - stable and high growth rates (see "Kommersant" on April 2). To the main innovative scenario of Russia's economy has been translated into reality, according to the MERT, against the tax cuts need to increase budget spending on education, healthcare and government investment. The ministry also claimed that such policies will lead to imbalances in the economy and accelerate the growth of consumer prices. On Tuesday, speaking on the expanded board of the Ministry of Finance, Mr Kudrin said that "in 2009-2011, the Russian Federation for the first time would limit himself to spending." According to him, in 2005, spending grew by 30% in 2006 - up 21% in 2007 (taking into account the filling of the capital of development institutions) - 39%. "More so would not - declared Deputy Prime Minister .- We have to move to the increase in budget expenditures in real terms by 10.9% per annum in the future - by 4-5%. All of the projects, however necessary they may be, will pass more rigorous selection in terms of priorities. " At this Mrs. Nabiullina demanded "free space" for new spending. The Finance Ministry decided to prepare a financial plan to 2023, which seems to be justified unrealistic intentions MERT. The growth in government spending at a minimum in 2009-2010, announced Mr Medvedev. At the same time still unknown exactly what the initiative will nominate a new president in St. Petersburg in early June, but it is clear that their inclusion in the concept also takes time. Postponement of the adoption of the concept in fact they are ok. On Tuesday at a meeting with representatives of the RSPP, Mr Medvedev said: "I agree that there should be a situation where long-term vision has been adopted, and decisions on taxes not. If the decision on taxes can not be taken within a specified period, therefore, and conceptual document to be adopted by a little later. " In this case, Mr Medvedev said that rather postpone adoption of a concept than a solution to accelerate the reduction of VAT. Note, the calculations on the VAT Treasury expects to produce only by August.
Thus, the government of Vladimir Putin have inadvertently future prime minister to work without long-term plan until the fall of 2008. Meanwhile, formally complied with MEDT commission incumbent: the project concept was introduced by the government in March 2008. However, already on March 6 at a government meeting, Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov had to demand from the MERT quit after March 8 "and send a draft concept for consideration in the ministries and departments, as Vladimir Putin has demanded" a broad discussion in Russian society, with the participation of all its institutions. " Extensive discussion of the project appears poised to intercept Dmitry Medvedev: the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, his speech will be devoted to this document.
Alex Z-Shapovalov
Kommersant »№ 60 (3877) RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: literator Date: 05.06.2008 23:20:32 Crematorium on behalf of the budget Ministry of Finance admitted that three-quarters of the priority programs almost funded. Today at a meeting of government finance minister, Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Kudrin, who will present the results of budget execution in the first quarter. He will have to recognize that government spending on many items have been abnormally low or even zero. Pride of the government - the Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund - do not bring the country use. Money from these funds have lain dormant since officials anywhere they are not invested. This financial stupor experts explain the disorganization of the departments due to the change of government. However, in the White House consider stuffing a disproportionate cost to the economy of the usual practice, that does not change for many years. With a uniform funding quarterly budget figures should be around 25% of annual appointments. But in Russia, other rules of financial life. Most of the year the Ministry of Finance holds public funds in the accounts of the Treasury, but in the last days of December, spending units drops almost the entire amount of their annual funding. For example, the low cost of the project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing" in the first quarter made less than 4%: in total about 3.1 billion rubles., While the planned level of annual funding for this project amounts to 80.4 billion rubles . The priority project "Health" in the first quarter spent less than 11% of annual volume: 11.9 billion from 109.9 billion rubles. annual budget. According to the project "Education" funds disbursed in the amount of 8,1 billion rubles. And the annual funding amounts to 45.5 billion rubles. A total of four priority national projects ("Housing", "Health", "Education" and "Development of the agricultural sector) in the first quarter expenses were 23.1 billion rubles. - Is only 9.7% of annual volume. In this case, the agricultural national project, which falls on the principal amount of subsidies for young families in rural areas for housing, do not funded. A government source suggested that this situation is explained by the possible elimination of the national project in the event of his association with the profile of the federal target program (FTP). True, the funding situation looks like FTP is even more depressing. Expenditure to 27 of the 47 federal programs in the first quarter is almost to be implemented. Total cash execution of FTP was in the first quarter of 44.3 billion rubles., Or 6.3% of the annual plan. However, the costs for 16 FTPs were equal to zero, while in 11 programs - less than 1%. Another 13 programs have spent between 1 and 10% of the annual plan. And only seven federal program expenses were up 10% of annual volume. The reasons for such low-budget spending on federal program, according to a source in the government, coincide with the common causes of poor box office performance of the overall budget. Earlier this year, as a rule, delayed preparation of the rules of financing costs, tightened and tender procedures and registration of contracts. According to the government, in the first quarter totally financed spending on such programs as "Social development of the village before 2012", "Dealing with the consequences of radiation accidents until 2010," Socio-economic development of Transbaikalia until 2013, "Socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands from 2007 to 2015 "," South of Russia "and others. Officials of the White House was informed that the operation of the contingency fund and NWF in the first quarter were not made. The loss of funds due to the strengthening of the ruble, the so-called exchange difference during the period from 31 January to 31 March was a negative value - minus 29.2 billion. for the Reserve Fund and minus 9.2 billion. for NWF. As you know, in late January, the Stabilization Fund was split into the Reserve Fund and National Wealth Fund (NWF). On January 31, the reserve amounted to 3.069 trillion. rub. and FNB - 782.2 billion rubles. In the first quarter of the Reserve Fund have been credited revenues from the placement of the Stabilization Fund for the period from December 15, 2007 to January 30, 2008 of $ 28.6 billion. Thus, on April 1, the reserve amounted to 3.068 trillion. rub., the amount of NWF - 773.6 billion rubles. "Many countries have incinerators, and in Russia there are still a large plant to burn money. Real money in taxes initially withdrawn from the economy in the budget, and then virtually disappear because of high inflation and poorly worked Procedures ", - said the head of the Institute of Globalization Problems, Mikhail Delyagin. According to him, in the apparatus of the new government in recent years due to tougher sanctions created a high performance discipline. "But at the beginning of the year, many officials of ministries, agencies and the White House almost did not work in anticipation of the reform and the inauguration of new president - explains Delyagin. Abnormally low funding of many of the budget, he said, even forcing Treasury to limit the regular publication of the current funding for major expenditures. According to the Ministry of Finance, the cash surplus in the federal budget in the first quarter of 2008, according to updated data, amounted to 600 billion rubles., Or 6.8% of GDP. Federal revenues in the first quarter totaled $ 1 trillion. 932.7 billion rubles., Or 22% of the preliminary estimate of GDP for the first quarter of 2008. Expenditure on cash execution amounted to 1 trillion. 332.7 billion rubles., Or 15,2% of GDP. The costs are executed on 18.3% of the corrected budget painting in 2008. According to government source, the volume of revenues of the federal budget was higher than forecast in the first quarter to 6.4%, or 115.4 billion rubles. The major sources of income are as follows: export customs duties (33.5% of total revenues), VAT (16,4%), MET (19.1%) and income tax (8,7%). 05.06.2008 | Source: "NG" RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 06.08.2008 00:50:23 Tomorrow, you will learn tomorrow you'll feel, tomorrow you will start to live a new life, tomorrow Russia will become a center of excellence, but only tomorrow. Concept-2020 continues to improve In Russia, as warned by Catherine II, one must live long. Those who would find in 2021, will see a fundamentally new regime - an innovative, and most importantly - socially-oriented. It is this fixed in the latest version of the draft concept-2020, tabled yesterday in the Economic Development unit of government. Already in January, in Putin's Plan - 2020 innovation was the only scenario. But now decided to expose innovatsionirovaniyu all: not only the knowledge economy and high technology industries, but the rest - both in industry and in the social sphere. In addition, the acceleration will be created for five - seven breakthrough "centers of excellence" or "national laboratories". One of them is actually already there - it's Kurchatov Institute, headed by Mikhail Kovalchuk (pictured), the elder brother heads the St. Petersburg bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk. So-called centers of excellence should help Russia to take a leading position in the global economy. The authors of the concept does not indicate in what areas will be large-scale innovative work. In addition to modern developments in the field of space and nuclear industries, the Russian economy to provide virtually nothing. In fact, centers of excellence will only points of growth, capable of assisting the domestic economy to catch up the economies of developed countries. Build an innovative concept of the future authors offer no in three stages (including two five-year plans), as in the March version of the concept-2020, and in two: the first will last until 2012, the second - from 2013 till the 2020-th. In other words, the 2020 harvest of innovations fail. And before it was assumed that the first fruits ripen as early as 2018. Have to wait for 2021. And not in vain (see table). In addition to rising incomes and better living conditions should happen radical change in the structure of the Russian economy. To replace the dominant raw material will (probably) a knowledge economy and high technology. As stated in March 2008, by 2020 Russia should enter the top five by size of GDP. Innovative breakthrough will require large-scale fiscal expenditures. But while their size Economic Development can not agree with the Finance Ministry. Like yesterday, said Deputy Prime Minister - Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, the concept is not consistent with the financial authorities. "The concept has been included in the government, but is now focused on additional coordination with ministries and departments. Including the Ministry of Finance", - Kudrin acknowledged. In other words, the current version of the concept did not last. Received a document that will introduce the government in September, will adjust in the light of the financial plan until 2023, forthcoming in the walls of the Ministry of Finance. Finplan promises to be extremely conservative. According to Kudrin, the needs of all ministries in the financing of the supervised areas will not work. "The government is the problem to choose priorities and determine the balance between revenues and expenditures," - said Kudrin. Spores Finance and Economic Development on the priorities of economic development continues. The point in dispute that the most important - the fight against inflation by limiting the investment opportunities of growth or replenishment of the economy and Innovations and the record growth of GDP, will deliver Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on September 22 at a government meeting. Source: Ministry of Economic Development, Federal State Statistics Service Material published in the Gazette "№ 146 dated 06.08.2008g. RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 06.08.2008 00:56:53 What about today? In Russia - the catastrophe In 2005, the Russians became at least 736,000. In total, over the past 11 years, decline of our population was 5.8 million. Half of the farmland out of production and overgrown with forest. To raise a hectare of land abandoned, it is necessary to invest not less than 300 thousand rubles. The volume of the area under potatoes fell by 15 times. Grain harvests in Russia declined from 130 million tons to 80 million number of cows decreased threefold. Russia came in suicides in the first place in the world. Each year from homicide and suicide in the country are killed around 100,000 people, of which 3,5 thousand young people aged 14-17. Once Hitler came to the chief gynecologist in Germany and anxiously told: the overwhelming majority of prisoners, Russian girls - virgins. So Russia can not win! For comparison: in today's Russia in the 11th grade experience intimate relationships have 35,6% of girls and 55.4% of boys. Vladimir Kulakov - chief obstetrician of Russia, vice-president of RAMS, Director of Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (2005) rightly outraged: "Is it normal that every tenth Russian girl starts having sex with 14 years? Every fifth abortion done teens to 18 years. At the same time from 10 to 15% of abortions given the complications of 7-8 percent of women after they become bezplodnymi. According to the most severe estimates a 6 million women. " At the 1000 marriages in Russia is 800 divorces. Over the past 10 years in Russia were born out of wedlock 3,991,570 children. Born out of wedlock nearly 30% of children. Today in Russia, 700,851 orphans, that is greater than after World War II - 678,000 children. From the number of orphaned children become suicide bombers - 10%, alcoholics and drug addicts - 40%, criminals - 40%. Number of children of drug addicts - 600.000. In one Moscow school on Halloween, high school students tied to the grid upside down the first-grader who died of a brain hemorrhage. In another school after Halloween, high school students hung in the entrance pupil of grade 4. When in Chechnya, killing 2.5 thousand Russian soldiers - Russian women killed in her womb 2, 5 million children! In the midst of the war in Afghanistan, we lost about 4 people a day. - In 2002 alone, Prioksky district of Nizhny Novgorod on the day were dying from drugs 2-3 people! From interviews with residents of Sarov: 75-85% - said: "With Russian culture - a trouble." "All Russian ousted. "Planting the Western way of life - the end of Russia." Media did not condemn only 5% ...
http://www.rusk.ru/st.php?idar=111346 RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 06.08.2008 1:12:25 Feeding the "Breakfast" - is an anesthetic to the public, it was easier to rob and exploit. If such power is, indeed, sought to improve the situation of the Russian people, measures could be taken immediately, ie, in one day, and all the basic necessary changes could happen within a month. But this, as we see, does not occur. Life is expensive, but salaries and pensions are not keeping pace with inflation. Why does not feel the tick bite? Yes, because before sucking blood, he applies the anesthetic. The main gain time, and then from society, who are already barely breathing in Russia, will remain only memories. And the actors will switch that, in extreme cases, find new decoy, new promises, and will also parasitize on the body of the people. RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 08.08.2008 23:54:47 The concept of economic development of Russia until 2020, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development, is a "raw" document, whose provisions are unlikely to be realized. Such an opinion in an interview with "New Region" stated co-chair of the Council for National Strategy Valery Hamsters. According to him, the so-called "Concept 2020" looks like a great project of Soviet times, which may well remain on paper ...
Source: "HP" RE: developed capitalism in 2020. Author: Klark Date: 24.08.2008 13:24:56 Was smooth on paper and forget about the oligarchs A doubling of revenues in 2020
Incomes of Russians will grow in 2,5 times to $ 30 thousand per year, productivity - a factor of 3-4, life expectancy - 75 years, all this provides concept-2020, which develops the government. But, as the ministers are going to solve the problem is unclear. Russia fulfilled the plan and achieved the goals set for 2010, says Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. "And it gives us an opportunity to look at the more distant horizon, to look ten years ahead - from 2010 to 2020" - the prime minister said, opening Friday in a meeting on the development of the Concept-2020. But at an enlarged meeting of the State Council, the then Russian President Vladimir Putin added Concept-2020 more clear targets: at least 60-70% of the population should relate to the middle class, income differentials - decline, death - reduced 1.5 times and the average life expectancy - grow up to 75 years. Now, the figures were made for income population. "Over the decade, real incomes should increase by 2-2,5 times", - Putin said, apparently referring to the interval from 2010 to 2020. In this case, "the growth of labor productivity should be increased by 3-4 times.

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